On September 15, 2022, the Project Office for Supporting the Activities of the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions and Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan hold the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific and methodological foundations for the full legal and political rehabilitation of victims of political repression in Kazakhstan: new categories of repression victims”. The conference is held as part of the implementation of the scientific program OR11465470 “Mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 1920-1950s and rehabilitation processes: creating a unified database».

As is known, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 456 dated November 24, 2020, the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Political Repression Victims (hereinafter referred to as the State Commission) was established. The main task of this commission is to complete the restoration of historical justice and develop proposals for the full political rehabilitation of political repression victims. In order to implement these important measures, work is underway to identify, collect and analyze new data from Kazakhstani and foreign archives, provide scientific and expert support, declassify closed archives, introduce them into scientific circulation, and form a single database of victims of political repression in Kazakhstan. During the conference, it is planned to discuss the main results of the work of the State Commission to identify new categories of political repression victims.

The conference will discuss issues in the following areas:

1. Specifics of political repressions in Kazakhstan and scientific and methodological issues of full legal and political rehabilitation of repression victims;

2. Repression against fighters for the independence and territorial integrity of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of academic, cultural and other spheres;

3. Elimination of kulaks, bays, semi-feudal lords (middle peasants) in Kazakhstan in the late 1920s – early 1930s.

4. Forced collectivization, procurement and other political campaigns of the Bolshevik-Stalinist government against the peasantry.

5. Stalinist deportations and special settlers;

6. GULAG camps on the territory of Kazakhstan;

7. Soviet repressive policy in Kazakhstan against religious figures;

8. Popular uprisings and protests in 1929-1931.

9. Forced refugees from Kazakhstan in 1916–1930s and memory policy.

To participate in the conference are invited: historians, scholars of research institutes, representatives of higher educational institutions, faculty members, government bodies, doctoral students, young scholars, media representatives.

Time: September 15, 2022, 11.00-14.00

Work format: the conference is held offline and online on the basis of Zoom:

identifier: 813 1820 9266

password: 300499

The working languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian, English.

The Organizing Committee plans to publish a conference proceedings. To be included in the conference program, please provide the organizing committee with a participant registration form (see Appendix). Carefully proofread and edited texts will be accepted for publication.

The registration form is accepted until August 20, 2022, the materials of the report (articles) – no later than September 10, 2022.

Article formatting guide:

For the publication of a report (articles, abstracts), the materials should be prepared in strict accordance with the following requirements: the text of the report (related to the subject of the conference and no more than 7 pages) in Kazakh, Russian (or English) languages, the registration form should be typed in MS Word; the file name and individual jpeg figure files should be named after the author’s last name.

1. Tables, diagrams, figures should have a name and be typed in the Windows environment.

2. Page format: A4.

3. Top margins – 2  cm, bottom margins – 2  cm, right margins – 1  cm, left margins – 3  cm.

4. Font: Times New Roman, KZ Times New Roman, font size – 12.

5. Line spacing – single.

6. Red line indent: 1.0 cm.

7. In the center, in lowercase letters (bold type), the author(s), full name, academic degree, academic rank (if any).

8. Below is the full name of the institution where the author works and his position.

9. Under the full name of the author, the title of the report is indicated in the center in CAPITAL LETTERS (BOLD).

10. One interval after the paragraph indentation, the material of the report (article) should be placed.

11. The list of references (and sources) is placed at the end of the article and is compiled in accordance with the order in which the works are mentioned. References in the text are placed in square brackets in the form of the corresponding number according to the References list with an indication (if necessary) of the source page, for example: [1, p. 2], [1, 2-b.] or [1, p. 2]. All bibliographic data should be checked carefully.

12. Tables, diagrams, figures should have a title and be typed in the Windows environment. All drawings and photographs should have good contrast and a resolution of at least 300 dpi. All illustrations should be consecutively numbered and captioned. The figure caption should be concise, but capacious in content. Tables should be visual, have a name, ordinal number. The table or figure is not numbered if they are the only ones in the text. All tables and figures should be referenced in the text. Figures and tables are inserted in the text in the right place.

13. Abbreviations of words are not allowed, except for generally accepted ones. Abbreviations are included in the text only after their first mention with a full transcript (for example, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – NAS RK).

14. Notes are drawn up in numbers in the form of a superscript and must be consecutively numbered. The texts of the notes are referred to the end of the article in the NOTES section and numbered with a superscript number. Footnotes in the text are not allowed.

If the article contains both NOTES and LIST OF REFERENCES (AND SOURCES), then the NOTES section comes first.

15. Unification of signs: quotes – «»; centuries in dates – denoted by Roman numerals, years – Arabic. A distinction must be made between the use of a hyphen (-) and a dash (–). The latter is indicated when denoting numerical, chronological limits, etc.: p. 89–92, 179–185-pp.; 1878–1879; XV–XVIt centuries (without a heading), or the end of the 15th – the beginning of the 16th centuries. (with a heading); 7–8 km; M.–L. etc.  

16. DO NOT tabulate, highlight words with spacing, use commands that run in automatic mode, use macros, save text as a template.

17. The name of the files is the author’s surname (for text files – Omarov_application.doc, Omarov_article.doc; for illustrations – Omarov_fig1.jpeg).

The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements for formatting (see sample below).

Please send reports to:

Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology CS MES RK, Shevchenko St., 28. Almaty, Kazakhstan.


 e-mail:, 87772412363 – Aupenova Aliya Ukuzhanovna.

Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology contact numbers: tel./fax 8 (727) 261-67-19.

Contact persons: (for solving academic and organizational issues)

Project Office (Nur-Sultan) – Kozybayeva Makhabbat Malikovna, PhD.

e-mail:, phone: +7 777 367 80 83.

Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology (Almaty) – Smagulova Anar Murzagalievna – Project Coordinator, Master’s in History, e-mail:, tel.: +7 777 145 50 69.


Abdulina А., Candidate of Historical Sciences Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Leading Researcher at the Ethnology and Anthropology Department   PERSON IN HISTORY: METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES OF RESEARCH   Article text, Article text, Article text     References: 1 Назарбаев Н.А. В потоке истории. – Алматы: Атамура, 1999. – 296 с. 2 Абусеитова М.Х. История Центральной Азии: концепции, методология и новые подходы // Материалы международной научно-теоретической конференции «К новым стандартам в развитии общественных наук в Центральной Азии». – Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2006. – С. 10–17. 3 Байтова А. Инновационно-технологическое развитие – ключевой фактор повышения конкурентоспособности // Казахстанская правда. – 2009. – № 269. – 28 июля.  

Регистрационная форма (на казахском или русском яз.)

муж.  □                          жен.  □

 Ученая степень, должность  
 Организация (наименование научного учреждения, вуза и т.п., его местонахождение) 
 Телефон/факс (с кодом международной связи) 
 Название доклада 
 Необходимые технические средства 
 Необходимость бронирования номера в гостинице (да/нет) 

Sincerely yours,

The Organizing Committee