On September 28, 2022 at 11.00 a.m. The Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of history and ethnology of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, is holding an international scientific and practical conference on «The Kazakh steppe under Russian vassalage: the history and fate of the steppe elite».
The steppe elite as a phenomenon in the history of the Great Steppe has repeatedly become the object of scientific knowledge, but these studies were of a discrete nature, hence the interest in the scientific understanding of this phenomenon. Steppe rulers have always been viewed through the prism of any ideologies, which complicated the perception of the historical reality of a particular era.
Khans, sultans, batyrs and other representatives of the steppe elite, who at different times determined the general course of historical processes, should be represented as widely as possible in the scientific literature. Their personalities, character, significance for a certain historical epoch need objective coverage.
Holding International scientific and practical conferences will help to reveal the main points of view of the participants, highlight previously unknown facts and materials, as well as form a unified idea and concept on this problem. The identification of problematic points of view will allow us to better understand and reconstruct the course of the most important historical events and processes, such as, for example, the entry of Kazakhstan into the Russian Empire, the general outline of national movements and uprisings, to rethink the significance of a number of famous personalities.
During the conference, it is planned to discuss problems in the following areas:
1. Conceptual and methodological approaches to the study of the role of personality in history.
2. Topical issues of the history of Kazakhstan of modern times.
3. Steppe elite in oral folk art.
4. External contours of the relationship of the rulers of the Junior Zhuz.
5. The role of the steppe elite in the socio-economic transformations (modernization) of the region.
Historians, scientists of research institutes, representatives of higher educational institutions, teaching staff, public authorities, doctoral students, young scientists, media representatives are invited to participate in the International scientific and practical conference “The Kazakh steppe under Russian vassalage: the history and fate of the steppe elite”.
Applications and articles are accepted by e-mail with a note: For the conference “The Kazakh steppe under Russian vassalage: the history and fate of the steppe elite” until September 10, 2022, Articles are issued strictly on demand.
Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Time: on September 28, 2022, 11.00 a.m.
Format of work: online conference based on the Zoom program (conference ID: 844 9666 0605; access code: 582696.
Link to the conference:
Organizing Committee:
Akhmet Akkali Kabizhanovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (Atyrau)
Izbasarova Gulbanu Bolatovna, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (Aktobe)
Dzhumagalieva Kulyash Valitkhanovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Nur-Sultan)
Uzhkenov Ernar Muratovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, LRF (Almaty)
Zhumadil Arman Kabdeshevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, LRF (Almaty)
Shotanova Galiya Aitzhanovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, LRF (Almaty)
Satenova Maral Rataevna, PhD student, SRF (Almaty)
Contacts of the organizing committee: 050010, Almaty, Shevchenko str., 28, Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov KN MSHE RK, Department of the History of Kazakhstan of modern times: +7 (702) 407 62 40 Shotanova Galiya Aitzhanovna.
1. Size 5-8 pages, Times New Roman font, size 14, left side – 3, right – 1.5 cm. 2 cm above and below, one gap between the rows. Free lane – 4 points, each lane – 1.25, in an intermediate position at the beginning of the free lane.
2. The name of the report should be highlighted in bold. There are two ways to distinguish the title from the text. In the upper right part of the title, the author’s name, place of work, position, academic degree and academic title are indicated.
3. The list of references is given in square brackets at the end of the article.
4. The Organizing Committee has the right to return low-quality and late articles. The author is responsible for the quality of the content of the article.
Full name (full) ______________________________________________________________
Academic degree (academic title): _______________________________________________
Position: ____________________________________________________________________
Full name of the organization:___________________________________________________
Contact phone number:_________________________________________________________
Author’s address:______________________________________________________________
Fax, e-mail:__________________________________________________________________
Summary of the report, abstract: __________________________________________________
The need for a hotel room (yes, no) ________________________________________________
Materials required for the report (projector screen, slides) ______________________________
Organizing Committee