Results of a scientific trip to Orenburg 

From August 15 to September 08, 2022, under the project «Development of a Brief History of Kazakhstan for a Foreign Audience», junior researcher at the Department of Modern History of Kazakhstan of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after. Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Kunekeev Aman Dauletovich visited Orenburg.

During the scientific visit, inventories on the subject of the project were studied, photocopies of available materials were scanned and made in the Joint State Archive of the Orenburg Region (OGAOO). In particular, in the course of the work, the funds of the United State Archive of the Orenburg Region were familiarized with, mainly copies of documents of the pre-revolutionary period were examined and scanned (photo) for the 6th fund “Office of the Orenburg Governor-General” and the 222nd fund “Orenburg Border Commission”, and for the Soviet period -the 1st the foundation.

In the Orenburg Library named after N. Krupsky, he conducted research on electronic and traditional catalogs and ordered books and magazines in the chronological framework of 1920-1925.

During the visit, a meeting was held with a division of the Russian Historical Society in the Orenburg region, where a bilateral memorandum was signed on the study of historical, cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Russia.

Also during the scientific trip, meetings were held with public organizations: the board of the Orenburg Regional Kazakh National Cultural Center, employees of the «Baiterek» Foundation and the regional public organization «Orenburg Zemlyachestvo» (hereinafter referred to as the «Parties»), which made plans for further joint study of the history of the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region.

During each meeting, the books «From the history of the Great Steppe (the last quarter of the 18th century)» and «Great Names of the Great Steppe» were presented on behalf of the Institute of History and Ethnology after  Ch.Ch. Valikhanov.

List of books brought from the city of Orenburg:

1. Казахи Оренбуржья. Журнал Оренбурского областного благотворительного фонда «Байтерек», №1 (2), декабрь 2021. – Оренбург.: 000 «Рекламная компания «Союз», 2021. – 52 с.

2. Любичанковский  С.В. Оренбургский край – поликультурный и трансграничный регион Российской империи: сборник документов. К 250-летию со дня рождения выдающегося военного и государственного деятеля, оренбургского военного губернатора Петра Кирилловича Эссена (1772). – Оренбург: ИПК Университет, 2021. – 712 с.

3. Путеводителя по фондам Государственного архива Оренбургской области. Том 1. Дореволюционного периода (1649, 1734–1917 гг.). – Оренбург: Оренбургское книжное издательство имени Г.П. Донковцева, 2019. – 544 с.: цв. ил.

4. Оренбургский государственный архив социально-политической истории. Путеводитель – Оренбург: Оренбургское книжное издательство имени Г.П. Донковцева, 2018. – 832 с.