A round table was held on the topic: “The life and work of D.A. Kunaev. The role of D.A. Kunaev in the socio-economic, scientific and cultural development of Kazakhstan”

On November 8, 2022, a round table was held at the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology on the topic: “The life and work of D.A. Kunaev. The role of D.A. Kunaev in the socio-economic, scientific and cultural development of Kazakhstan”. The round table was attended by prominent historians, heads of central republican archives and museum institutions, foundations, public figures, as well as close relatives of D.A. Kunaev.

The purpose of the round table: to reveal and highlight the features of the multilateral development of Kazakhstan during the leadership of D.A.Kunaev.

The round table featured reports on the well-known and little-publicized pages of the biography of the outstanding statesman of Kazakhstan D.A.Kunayev, his contribution to the socio-economic, political, administrative-territorial, urban–planning and cultural-scientific development of Kazakhstan during the 1960s-1980s, the relationship of D.A. Kunayev with the leaders of the Central Asian republics – in particular in particular, with the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Kyrgyz SSR Turdakun Usubaliev. Also during the event, the hobbies and hobbies of the first Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan during his leadership of the republic and after his resignation were touched upon.

The main directions of the round table:

  • Features of D.A. Kunaev’s life and state activity in the difficult and controversial Soviet period (in the 50-80 years of the XX century) in the context of the study of the Great Names of the Great Steppe;
  • Socio-economic and political development of Kazakhstan during the period of D.A. Kunaev’s leadership;
  • Historiography and epistolary genre about the life and work of D.A. Kunaev;
  • Memoirs of D.A. Kunaev’s associates and contemporaries, as well as materials of oral folk art of the Kazakh people related to his life and work;
  • D.A. Kunaev’s foreign policy, business and private contacts with the leaders of other republics of the USSR, the Union leadership, as well as with the leaders of foreign states;
  • Administrative, personnel and economic policy of D.A. Kunaev;
  • The relationship of the leader of the republic with ordinary citizens, representatives of different nationalities;
  • D.A. Kunaev’s activities in the field of agriculture, industry, urban planning, culture, art, sports, education and science;
  • D.A. Kunaev’s activities to ensure the territorial integrity of the republic, to protect the interests of individual citizens, the interests of the whole republic when attacked by representatives of the Union, central nomenclature and government;
  • The role of D.A. Kunaev in strengthening the security of the border areas and regions of Kazakhstan;
  • Contribution to the return and placement of ethnic Kazakhs from China on the territory of the republic, solving problems and conflict situations during the virgin epic;
  • D.A. Kunaev’s activity in strengthening the republican infrastructure;
  • Unexplored pages of D.A. Kunaev’s personal and family life, his hobbies and home studies;
  • The reasons and circumstances of his removal from the post of the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the implementation of criminal prosecution;
  • Foreign scientific literature, the epistolary genre of famous statesmen of foreign states;

In general, according to the results of the presented reports, the significant role of D.A.Kunaev in the positive changes and transformations that took place in Kazakhstan during the period of his multifaceted activities was noted. A presentation was demonstrated, where all the achievements of Kazakhstan of the “Kunaev era” are shown in numbers and in abstract form: the number of enterprises created, the volume of extracted natural resources, the pace of production, the scale of Kazakhstan in the economic system of the Soviet Union. The merit of D.A. Kunaev was noted. in the issue of preserving the territorial integrity of Kazakhstan, the creation of new regions of the republic (Zhezkazgan, Mangystau, Turgai). In addition, the influence of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan on population growth is shown twice as compared with the indicator of 1955. A significant increase of 2.7 times in Kazakhs should also be added here. The policy of repatriation of Kazakhs from the People’s Republic of China, which began to be carried out during the period of D.A.Kunayev’s stay in power, should be recognized as important.