On December 28, 2022, at the initiative of the public fund “Altai bi”, the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov, together with the Akimat of the city of Almaty, the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov, Institute of Literature and Art named after M.O. Auezov held the International scientific-practical conference «HISTORICAL INFORMATION BASED ON FIELD DATA ABOUT ALTAI BIY NAIMANBAYULY, WHO STRENGTHENED THE UNITY OF THE PEOPLE».

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the history of life and the struggle against the Jungar invaders Altai bi Naimanbayuly in order to strengthen Kazakh patriotism on the example of his courage and moral deeds, which will serve to implement the concept of “New Kazakhstan”.
If we turn to the historical past, then in the Kazakh steppe, almost every tribe had many fair biys and famous batyrs. During the Kakzakh-Dzhungar wars, the glory of their exploits and their wise words spread through the mouths of the people, who preserved their eternal memory, inscribed their names in the annals of Kazakh history. Proof of this is Altai bi Naimanbayuly, the elder brother of the famous batyr Azhibai, who came from the Kyzylborik clan of the Alban tribe.
In addition to leading domestic scientists, scientists from Turkey and Kyrgyzstan took part in the conference. Public figures, historians, literary scholars, university professors, representatives of city and regional akimats, young scientists who gathered at the meeting made scientific reports on the life of Altai bi, a historical figure who did a great job of preserving the unity of the Kazakh people and defending its integrity from the Dzungarian invaders .

На конференции высказали свои научные взгляды на деятельность Алтай би Найманбайулы, исторической личности, оставившей неизгладимый след в истории Казахстана, академик НАН РК Д.К. Кишибеков, директор Института истории и этнологии им. Ч.Ч. Валиханова, член-корреспондент НАН РК, доктор исторических наук, профессор З.Е. Кабульдинов, депутат Парламента РК, сенатор Ж.А. Жоргенбаев, президент общественного фонда «Алтай би», доктор юридических наук Казыбекби Бойтекулы, начальник управления экологии Алматинской области, кандидат экономических наук К.Э. Байдильдаева. Жандарбек Ашимхан, депутат мажлиса Парламента Республики Казахстан, озвучил специальное поздравительное письмо научному и общественному сообществу, в котором дал оценку деятельности Алтай би в становлении казахстанской государственности и выразил благодарность организаторам конференции.
At the conference, they expressed their scientific views on the activities of Altai bi Naimanbayuly, a historical figure who left an indelible mark on the history of Kazakhstan: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan D.K. Kishibekov, Director of the Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Z.E. Kabuldinov, Member of Parliament RK, Senator Zh.A. Zhorgenbaev, President of the public fund “Altai Bi”, Doctor of Law Kazybekbi Boytekuly, Head of the Department of Ecology of the Almaty Region, Candidate of Economic Sciences K.E. Baidildaeva. Zhandarbek Ashimkhan, deputy of the Majlis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, voiced a special congratulatory letter to the scientific and public community, in which he assessed the activities of Altai bi in the development of Kazakhstani statehood and expressed gratitude to the organizers of the conference.

In order to popularize the national history and strengthen the culture of reading among the younger generation, the Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology donated 200 books from scientific works published by scientists of our Research Institute to the students of the A. Turkebayev secondary school in the village of Saty of the Kegensky district of Almaty region, where the descendants of Altai bi Naimanbayuly were brought up.
Three young scientists of the Institute, distinguished by their achievements in science, were awarded special scholarships of the Altai Bi Public Foundation.