Aktamberdy Saryuly (1675-1768/69) – a famous singer and a storyteller, a “batyr”, a statesman a public figure, a diplomat.
A bright representative of the school of storytellers in Kazakh history, a diplomat, popularly known as the fearless batyr, Аtamberdі “Zhyrau” (storyteller) was born in 1675 in today’s South Kazakhstan region, in the Karatau district, and he devoted his life to serving the people and the country. Conflicting data on the year of the death of Aktamberdy Zhyrau have been preserved, in one of the sources this is 1768, in some others – 1869. The storyteller and batyr Aktamberdy was one of those who, with their fiery legends, united the people to fight against the jungars. The years of his life passed during the government of Abylay khan, at that moment the work of Aktamberdy storyteller developed, the deeds the batyr were performed, the service of the diplomat was held.
The fame of Aktamberdy contributed to his ability and talent as a storyteller. With his sharp word and expressive syllable, he drew attention to himself in any environment, freely expressed the opinion of the people in front of the khans and sultans. The words of Aktamberdy, his talent as a storyteller became widely known at the general Kazakh meeting in Ordabasy after the notorious Aktaban shubyryndy – mass transhumance of the Kazakhs from their native lands due to raids by enemies. His legends about raids of the jungars and people’s suffering became an appeal for the Kazakh batyrs, raised the morale of the Kazakh army [1, 189 p.].
Speaking about the special role of the storyteller activity in Kazakh literature and history, it is necessary to mention the role of Аktamberdі, his activity as an integral part of the poetry of that time. During the Kazakh Khanate period, storytellers spoke in their monologues-tolgau not only about important political issues, but also raised issues of upbringing and morality, honour and conscience. In tolgau-tales, storytellers expressed their point of view about life and death, about the impermanence and deceitfulness of the world. The poetry of the storytellers is firmly entrenched in the national consciousness thanks to a special energy of influence. The legacy of Zhyrau includes the historical memory of the khans who ruled the state, the upbringing of children and many things of esthetic value.
Among them, the famous Aktamberdy Zhyrau was a commander, a prominent representative of the Zhyrau school, a mediator and peacemaker. “Starting his journey at twelve, he fastened the sword to the belt” – judging by these words, Аktamberdі from those soldiers who participated in the battles as almost children. He described in his tales the peculiarities of life, family, country, he talked about courage and issues of the earth. Aktamberdy Zhyrau is a master of a short, but voluminous and expressive word [2, 15-16.]. He expressed the accumulated things in his soul immediately, in the heat of thought, without losing a single thought, so his word is so sharp. Perhaps he owned epic large-scale works, but so far voluminous texts have not reached us. Aktamberdy Zhyrau is also a singer of the epic genre. In his legends, he solemnly screamed the outstanding courage of the batyrs.
The works of Aktamberdy are a vivid confirmation of how legends were separated in literature from oral creativity and stood out in a separate genre. Giving folk wisdom an artistic style, the Zhyrau genre raises the art of words to a higher level. During the war, not everyone can attract attention with a skilful word. As they say, “the batyr, who is going through difficult and calm times with the people, deserves the trust of many,” Aktamberdy and his words earned the trust and respect of the people. Zhyrau, who gave the people a sincere legend, has immense fame. Not every person could become an advanced thinker of his time. Zhyrau does not collect the whole experience of life, but only selects the most important, the most painful and spills it out to the people. This, perhaps, is the value of Zhyrau. For self-expression, Zhyrau needs an internal readiness for improvisation, he takes such sharpness of thought and word from literature, learns eloquence from the people. We observe such skills in poetry [3, 267 p.].
Aktamberdy skillfully weaves living art techniques into the legends of his life story. His works seem to be marked with the stigma of the highest standard. Until today, the unwritten tales of Aktamberdy, in all likelihood, are still on the lips of the people. A number of his poems and legends are published. His legend “Testament to my children” is, in our opinion, one of the last works of the storyteller. In the legend, Zhyrau calls on his descendants to unity, lofty aims and peaceful coexistence. He teaches youth to be both intelligent and masters of their craft. Cautions people from contention. The creativity of such Zhyrau as Aktamberdy describes the rulers and people living in the world without need.
The main motive of the creativity of Aktamberdy is a call for courage, for the struggle against enemies. He dreams of liberating the lands conquered by the enemy, so that the whole nation moves in a united front against the enemy and inflicts a crushing blow on the jungars. Zhirshy’s works such as “Balpan-balpan kim baspas” (Who doesn’t move in tandem), “Zhauga shaptym” (Assault on the enemy), “Ot basar orny otaudai” (Fire) call on the people to an uncompromising war with enemies. To die for the motherland is the fulfillment of a warrior’s dream. He is a recognized master of improvisation. The works arose instantly and were immediately distributed and thus preserved in the memory of the people to our times. His poems and songs about campaigns against the enemy were performed in the army, among the soldiers they served both as a call and a slogan [2, 16-17 pp.].
Aktamberdy Zhyrau called for a merciless battle with the invaders jungars, in his works he dreamed about a peaceful and free life of his people, about the restoration of social justice, about those times when the bright dreams and aspirations of people come true. The people recognized Аktamberdі Zhyrau as a courageous commander who participated in the war against the jungars as well as a storyteller who with his sincere and sharp word supported the spirit of the people and strengthened faith in victory. As mentioned above, Аktamberdі became famous not only for his fiery legends, but also as a batyr. Evidence of this is his participation in the 20s of the XVIII century in battles with the jungars and also in clashes that took place on the border. The reason that Аktamberdі Zhyrau became a commander was the geopolitical situation of that time.
Aktamberdy, Kaztukan, Shalgez, Dospambet and other akyns have never tried to stick themselves out in legends, but dedicated the works to the interests and aspirations of their people. According to historical data, akyns sang the inconspicuous sides and events of life through eloquence and the pearls of the word. They also mentioned the moral and aesthetic life gossips. Creativity of “akyns” and “Zhyrau” is revealed from different sides in any era. Each generation can study and accept their works in their own way. The depth of aphorisms can be understood in different ways, but the basic aesthetic value will never disappear. Therefore, these works are preserved in the memory of the people forever.
The first compositions of Zhyrau appeared, probably, when Aktamberdy was young, in poverty, experiencing difficulties and a crisis of personality formation. In those days, he suffered from helplessness, loneliness and poverty. The lyrical hero, all alone, defenseless, enduring many difficulties, felt lost. He was sad and dreamed of growing to the age when he could show his strength and cope with the hardships of fate. Nevertheless, he believed in goodness and waited for the moment of recognition. His subsequent works are imbued with the spirit of perseverance and courage. [4, 453 p.]. According to the great Zhyrau, a sign of courage is the desire to defend the homeland in difficult times, and if it becomes necessary to even die for it. For the poet, just such an image of a man is exemplary; he writes and glorifies such a hero.
Let’s dwell on some works from the spiritual heritage of the illustrious storyteller. “Kumbir-kumbir kisinetip” (muffled neighing horses in the manner of dombra), “Ua, kart Bogenbay” (Ua, old Bogenbay), “Menime, hanym, oinaspa” (Don’t joke with me my khan), “Zhauga shaptym tu bailap” (I’m attacking the enemy holding the banner high), “Zamanim menin tar boldy” (It was a difficult time) and other songs and tales are full of courage, humanism and love for the motherland. Currently, 26 works of Аktamberdі are known. In terms of topics, they are divided into three parts and correspond to three periods of the life of the akyn – warrior: youth, maturity, heyday of fame and old age [4, 554 p.]. In the legends of Аktamberdі, the main goal of the struggle for freedom is, first of all, the formation of the people, the peaceful life conquered by blood, a free nation, a happy and comfortable existence. He is worried about the idea that the peaceful life of the people should not be disturbed by internal conflicts, so that prosperity and unity are preserved forever.
The art of Aktamberdy gives extensive information about the political and social life of that time, about the moods of the Kazakhs, about the details of life, about the dreams and aspirations of people, about the standard of living and well-being in Kazakh villages. The legends of Zhyrau show the attitude of the Kazakhs during the period of the weakening of the Kazakh Khanate against enemies, about the dangers of external forces, about the attitude to the policy of colonization and hostile attacks. The legends of Zhyrau describe the characteristic features and way of life of the people, the worldview of people, their attitude to life and general philosophy at a certain time, in a certain space.
In the stories of Аktamberdі there is a special reverent attitude to the homeland, he respects courage and glorifies the independence of his motherland. This impulse is especially noticeable in the long legend “Kuldir-kuldir kisinetip” (muffled neighing horses in the manner of dombra). This legend is considered one of the longest, the legend shows the hospitality and peculiarities of the nomadic way of life [5, 23-32 pp.] .
The stories and verses of Aktamberdy give a characteristic of the genre features of the works, as well as a description of the heroes of the works. In his compositions, the storyteller shows the actions and deeds of role-playing heroes and expresses his thoughts through them. In such cases, the narrator describes the life of the people, the culture of life. To list, these are realistically described national beliefs, the Kazakh worldview, traditions, living conditions and culture. Why his tales quickly spread across the steppe, because they were sincere and truthful. The main value of the works of Aktamberdy is the availability of historical and informational material. The facts cited in the compositions of Аktamberdі are considered valuable oral material for studying the Kazakh history of that era, these data helped to reveal the essence of some events and restore many important facts.
In science, there are many ways to analyze data of a peculiar nature in different ways. In historical science, scholars use various methods for analysis of historical data and materials from storytellers and authors. First of all, you need to verify the authenticity of the material, its compliance with the original, as well as to clarify and understand how such material can be useful for a particular study. In order to carry out work with oral compositions you need to correctly read and understand it, identify the parts added or supplemented later, and reveal their relationship to the original text. If there is no original version, then work is being done to identify the history of the text and to tidy up the author’s version. In this way, the writings of Aktamberdy are studied, his poems and legends shed light on a lot of data, work on additions is always in progress.
Another important value of Аktamberdі Zhyrau compositions is a high level of artistry, aesthetics, cognition and philosophical thought. Describing the facts of his time in legends, Аktamberdі also shows the general picture of his time, depicts nature, conveys the concepts and worldview of people. Aktamberdy Zhyrau depicts his life in legends in a rather artistic manner, with a deep meaning, words that add up to a beautiful pattern. His works are marked with the stigma of a noble master. In all likelihood, his legends written in such a manner are still in the memory of the people, although they are not available in writing. Another feature of the creative work of Аktamberdі Zhyrau is that his legends and literary works are full of aphorisms. These aphorisms can cause controversy between society and the educational environment.
It is worth noting that Aktamberdy began to compose poetry from the age of 10 and expressed his opinion in verse form. In addition, realizing the wartime in which he was born, Aktamberdy starting from the age of 13 armed and took part in wars. Thus, the talent of Zhyrau and the talent of a warrior developed simultaneously in Аktamberdі. Regardless of his Zhyrau talent, Аktamberdі was distinguished by his courage and other qualities that are characteristic of batyrs. He never remained outside the fighting, acted as a commander, and also took an active part in the battles, for this he was nicknamed by the people as “Zhoryk Zhyrau” – “Marching Zhyrau”. Combining the talent of a batyr and a storyteller at the same time, he occupied a special place among storytellers [6, 15-18 pp.].
One of the proofs of his courage is an episode from the biography of Zhyrau when he was captured by the Turkmens at a young age. At that time, cases of cattle theft between Kazakhs and Turkmens led to undesirable consequences, the warring parties often attacked each other’s villages. Once, traveling across the steppe, Аktamberdі joins the caravan and accidentally gets captured by the Turkmens. A few more people from his environment also fall into a difficult situation. But Aktamberdy was confident in himself and in his abilities. He found a way to cheat and capture a bow and arrows, with the help of which he killed people who had captured him and broke loose. After this incident, the fame of courage and resourcefulness of Aktamberdy spreads throughout the steppe.
As we see, the work of Аtamberdі Zhyrau basically consists of a call to protect the homeland, people, land, family, homeland from enemies, not to spare yourself for the sake of the motherland. As a result, the praise of such qualities in legends contributed to the education of young people in love for their people, humanism and was recognized as an important citizen mission. In difficult times, when the Kazakh Khanate was experiencing a political crisis or danger from the outside, the works of storytellers about batyrs who fought for the independence of the state and its prosperity, the theme of courage and devotion to the people was most in demand and helped maintain the spirit of the people [7, 395 p.].
During the Jungar wars, Аktamberdі called for Kazakh “dzhigits” to fight for the liberation of their native lands with their poems and legends. In fiery legends, he was ready to participate in the war and become a batyr. This is one of the proofs that in his compositions Aktamberdy raises the people to war with the Jungars. In verses and tales, it is clear that the author realizes himself as a warrior-batyr. Knowing the bloody battles from childhood, which was at the center of hostilities, he skillfully wrote about the war, and therefore his work lives on among the people. Having defeated a large number of Kalmyks in the battles, Аktamberdі sang: “Who doesn’t move in tandem, who doesn’t prostrate, who doesn’t call himself a batyr”, the legend begins, calling for courage in the face of a dangerous enemy [8, 212 p.].
During the events of “Aktaban Shubyryndy” or the mass migration of Kazakhs from their native lands due to raids by enemies, the soldiers were always in the saddle, everyone in the steppe was ready, but people had to be inspired. For this reason, Аktamberdі was in the forefront in the war. Along with the development of the talent of the storyteller and poet, a war and a hardship also contributed to the development of the qualities of a fearless warrior and commander. Having survived the bloody events of “Aktaban Shubyryndy,” the storyteller, from an early time and for 70 years, remained in the saddle, defending his homeland and the earth, being a master of eloquence, a fair bi-judge, the famous Zhyrau. Thoughts of Kazakh warriors about freedom, the concept of slavery, life and daily routine of nomadic people, faith in the future, understanding of justice and meanness, violence and injustice, all these thoughts passed through the heart and soul of Aktamberdy and then spilled into songs and tales [9, 29 p.].
Summarizing the above, it can be argued that Аktamberdі Zhyrau expressed his hatred against the Jungars, who attacked and inflicted a lot of suffering on the Kazakh people, also through his creative work. It was as if he was gathering all his spiritual and physical forces to oppose the Kalmyks at any moment. He participated in all major and minor wars with the jungars from 1738 to 1752.
Аktamberdі participated in bloody battles with the jungars and border neighbors in the south, experienced many dangerous moments when it came to life and death. This is one of the most difficult periods of his life. More than once, unfortunate circumstances arose when Aktamberdy was in mortal danger.
It is impossible not to notice that the war with the Jungars had an impact both on his life and his activity. He quickly matured and gained the fame of Zhyrau, inspired the batyrs to a war of liberation. Аktamberdі also made a significant contribution to the restoration and strengthening of centralized Kazakh statehood, led by Abylay Khan. Many historians put the storyteller Bukhar Zhyrau next to Abylay Khan. This is true, since Baba Bukhar was the closest adviser to Abylay, and the khan shared his thoughts and plans with him. But nevertheless, not only Bukhar Zhyrau was near Abylai, but also many other Zhyrau and batyrs, among which there was Aktamberdy. The storytellers Аktamberdі, Tattikara, Zhankisi were contemporaries of Abylay Khan. They did not remain in the shadow of the khan and sultans, they also ruled the people. Thus, we can conclude that representatives of the literature of the 18th century, individuals who absorbed the qualities of a batyr and akyn, served the people and played a large role in the war of liberation [3, 190 p.].
One of the most important factors is the political collapse that took place at that time. After the death of Tauke Khan in 1715, his heirs were unable to rule the state. For example, the heir to Tauke Khan Kaiyp Khan was not able to restore the crumbling state to its former state. Watching the struggle for the throne between the heirs of the khan, groups of sultans expressed dissatisfaction with the authorities. The rulers of the three zhuzes began to reorganize power in their own way, independently separating from each other, which served as a problem for unification into one khanate. In the younger Zhuz, the struggle for power was undertaken by Abulkhair, who was considered the Khan’s heir, but met with confrontation from the heirs of the throne. In this regard, the struggle for supreme power has entered its highest phase. This led the Kazakh Khanate to negative consequences that lasted for centuries. The strong connection between zhuzes, tribes and clans broke and led to the separation and loss of unity of the people. The sultans, ruling the zhuzes, strengthened separatism and autocracy in their jurisdiction. Each zhuz had its own khan. Accordingly, the role of the center, a single khan, has weakened. In the senior zhuz – Zholbarys, Iman; in the middle – Bolat, Sameke, Kushіk; in the junior zhuz – Abulkhair established the power of the Sultans, unity was violated, strife began [10, 135 p.].
The above-mentioned internal political factors have shaken the independence of the Kazakh Khanate, and contributed to the actions of Russia in the interests of the colonization of Kazakh lands, on the one hand, and the attacks of theJungars, on the other. Aktamberdy Zhyrau observing these processes with his own eyes, has become one of those who cared about the future of the country and people. As a patriot of his country, he advocated the unification of the state under one flag. Aktamberdy Zhyrau immediately recognized a strong political leader in Abylai and wished him to become the head of the united Kazakh Khanate. As is known from history, the rule of Abylay led to large changes in the foreign and domestic policies of the khanate. Abylay Khan was able to establish friendly relations with the Russian Empire, Jungaria, China, and carried out beneficial geopolitics. The entire Kazakh elite supported Abylay Khan, among them was Aktamberdy.
The role of Abylay Khan in history is significant, since it was he who put an end to the Jungar wars, which lasted about 200 years and liberated the Kazakh territories. In the 50s of the 18th century, Abylay Sultan showed himself to be a significant figure in the foreign and domestic politics of the country. Then Abylay Sultan became the most authoritative figure in the Khanate, other countries recognized him. Relations with China improved, and Abylay Khan sent ambassadors Bogenbai Batyr and Kabanbai Batyr to establish trade relations. [11, 115 p.]. At that time, the fact that the heir of the Jungar Khanate Amirsan in search of shelter turned to Abylay Khan for help speaks of the influence of the Kazakh Khanate. Of course, such an authority of Abylay Khan was also promoted by his influential circle, the batyr generals: Karakerei Kabanbai, Kanzhykaly Bogenbai, Shapyrashty Nauryzbai and other Kazakh batyrs and bi-judges. Aktamberdy was also surrounded by the khan at that time and had an impact. Aktamberdy was next to Abylay khan, with the batyrs of the Jungar wars, with the biys and advisers of Abylay and was considered one of the close people of the ruler.
The merits of Аktamberdі not only as a storyteller and a batyr, but also a diplomat deserve special attention. In 1742 in Orenburg, he, under the leadership of Abylay Khan, took part in a meeting where representatives of the middle zhuz elite took the oath, he also participated in some diplomatic negotiations on relations with external neighbors, and achieved good results in resolving disputes. Among them are diplomatic disputes with China [12, 198 p.]. In particular, he found a solution to the big problem associated with the Kazakhs who crossed the border and were subjected to arrest and confiscation of livestock.
If you pay attention to the tale of Umbetei Zhyrau, a contemporary of Aktamberdy who lived in the 18th century, which begins with the words “Hey, Aktamberdy, Kabanbay!”, This appeal proves that Aktamberdy Zhyrau, along with the skill of a batyr and storyteller, was also involved in the role of a judge with various property disputes. There is a story in another poem of Umbetey Zhyrau, which begins with the words “Hey, Aktamberdy” and consists of thirteen lines. Regardless of the dispute, whether it be debt or property of a widow, disputes and questions follow. When Aktamberdy did not receive the necessary information to resolve the lawsuit, he tried to get to the truth and energetically took up the matter [3, 250 p.].
In the archives of China, materials have been preserved that demonstrate the impartial nature of Aktamberdy. In 1755, after the defeat of the Jungar Khanate, the Qing empire and Kazakh land were, as now, separated by one border. This fact has caused a lot of controversy. In 1769, Aktamberdy headed by biys more than once traveled to the Qing territory to come to an agreement and return 20 animals, and 40 animals of Kazakh livestock again. He also helped to rescue and return the Kazakhs who mistakenly crossed the border and were arrested. Such actions of Aktamberdy testify that he possessed not only the gift of akyn and batyr, but also a noble disposition and a diplomatic vein [12, 198 p.].
According to data from the Qing dynasty, in 1769, Aktamberdy held diplomatic negotiations with China. Our data indicate that Zhyrau died in 1768. Thus, contradictions arise. Although this figure may mean another year according to the traditional calendar in China. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the data on the year of birth of Aktamberdy. However, there is no doubt that the Chinese data refers to Aktamberdy, who took part in diplomatic meetings.
When the dreams of Аktamberdі Zhyrau about the destruction of the Jungar state came true, and the eastern territories of the country were freed from the enemy, he was actively engaged in the return to the land of the ancestors of the migrated Kazakhs. In his homeland, Аktamberdі taught the Kazakhs a sedentary lifestyle, digging irrigation ditches, organizing ponds and farming.
Thus, Aktamberdy Saryuly is a storyteller and a batyr who sang his time. In his creative work, Aktamberdy expressed himself as a true patriot, who cares for his homeland and people, the initiator of noble deeds, the owner of high morality and philosophical thinking, a worthy citizen. Aktamberdy remained in the memory of the people an eloquent Zhyrau, who managed to convey his wise thoughts artistically and artfully through legends and poems. In the works of the outstanding Zhyrau, the ideas of humanism and morality, service to the people, criticism of egoism are traced [5, 30 p.].
In conclusion, we can say that Aktamberdy is an outstanding figure of his time, since he fully participated in the public and political life of the country. Aktamberdy not only made a great contribution to the Kazakh culture and literature due to his work, but also became a chronicler of his time, and was honored to be called Zhyrau. Realizing his work in the form of advice, wise sayings and orders, Zhyrau left a great intellectual legacy. The main topics of his legends: love for the people, for the land, protection of the homeland, a call for unity, propaganda of spiritual human values. When reading and studying the spiritual heritage of Aktamberdy, we get acquainted with the art of words and compositions passing from mouth to grandfathers to grandchildren, and also, of course, we study history. The most important thing is that the legends of Aktamberdy, his oral and literary works give us the opportunity to look into the past era. At the same time, it should be noted that the courage and military valor of Aktamberd, the talent of the ambassador of peace and other qualities of the peacemaker, of course contributed to his fame and recognition among the people. Thanks to such qualities, Аktamberdі remained in history not only as a narrator, but also as a true diplomat and ambassador of the world. It must be admitted that combining such talents in one person is a rare case in those times and in those historical conditions.
The Kazakh people are proud of the merits of Аktamberdі and keeps in memory the works of Zhyrau and akyn, his exploits and achievements. Schools and streets are named after him. For example, in the East Kazakhstan region schools are named after him, in Almaty and other cities there are streets in honor of the storyteller. In the East Kazakhstan region, in the Ayagoz town, a bust was installed in honor of the great Aktamberdy.
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Apendiyev T.A., PhD