A scientific trip to the research organizations of St. Petersburg (RF) took place in order to identify materials on the project “Reconstruction of the Golden Horde settlement of Aktobe Laeti: source and historiographical aspects” from July 16 to 25, 2023 – by a leading researcher, Ph.D. Shotanova G.A., researcher Moryakova M.T.
The project executors were faced with the task:
– to identify materials on the period of the Golden Horde, the material and sedentary culture of the Golden Horde period in Central Asia, adjacent territories (settlements /settlements) to the Atyrau region (the former Guryev region).;
– conducting a comparative analysis of the results of archaeological expeditions with identified settlements of the Golden Horde period on the territory of the Russian Federation (Sarai-Batu, Saltpetre, Tsarevo, etc.);
– consultation with leading scientists of the archive of the Kunskamera Museum – Irina Vadimovna Radets, head of the MAE scientific archive, Irina Vladimirovna Kulganek, senior researcher of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Sergey Vladimirovich Krasnienko and Andrei Viktorovich Subbotin, senior researchers of the Institute of Archeology and Material Culture.
During the implementation of the research work, the funds were examined and the available materials from the archive of the MAE, RSIA, rare manuscripts of the Scientific Library were identified.
Materials from the Russian National Library, St. Petersburg:
1. Map of the Caspian Sea
2. S.V. Ryazanov. Iron foundry production in the European part of the Golden Horde (the second half of the XIII – XIV centuries) // Abstract of dis. for the competition of the uch.art.Candidate of I.N. – Izhevsk, 2010. -22 P.
3. L.A. Bobrov Protective armament of the nomads of Central Asia of the XV-first half of the XVIII centuries. // Abstract of the dis. for the competition of the uch.art.Candidate of I.N. – Barnaul, 2005. -24 P.
4. Pigarev E.M. Pottery production of the Golden Horde city of Sarai (Saltpeter city) // Abstract of dis. for the competition of the academic art. Candidate of I.N. – Kazan, 2008. – 22 p.
5. Russian Archaeological Society. Inventory of the Fund No. 2. F.659. – St. Petersburg, 2011. – 54 p.
6. Materials for bibliography on the history of the peoples of the USSR. XVI – XVII centuries. – Leningrad, 1933. – 355 p.
7. Lyusilin M.G. Map The Kokand Khanate and adjacent parts of the Turkestan Region. – 1875
8. Map of Asian Russia with adjacent possessions. 1884
9. Russian geographical atlases. XVIII century. Consolidated catalog. – Leningrad, 1961. – 588 p.
10. Monuments of nomads of Siberia and Central Asia of the XIII – XIV centuries. // Steppes of Eurasia in the Middle Ages. Part II. Steppes in the era of the Developed Middle Ages. Ed. by S.A. Pletnev. – Moscow: Nauka, 1981. – pp. 194-207.
Materials collected from the Russian state historical archive of St. Petersburg:
1. F.1291. Op.82. d.12. Zemsky department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 1845 In relation to the Department of Agriculture about deputies from the Kyrgyz side at the commission established to inform the Kyrgyz lands. 22 l .
2. F.1291. Op. 81. d.106. Zemsky department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 1825 Khan ‘s report Jangira Bukeyev to the Orenburg military governor about the number of Kyrgyz families of Internal or Bukeevskaya Horde. 9 l .
3. F.1291. Op. 81. d.44 V. Zemsky department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 1811 On the division of the Smaller Kyrgyz Horde into two. Smaller and Internal, or Bukeevskaya, with the election of Sultan Shirgaza-Aichuvak-Hanon to the khans of the Smaller Horde, and the Sultan of the Inner Horde Buckeyes Nurali Khan and the khanate of the first. Part 3. 59 l.
4. F.1291. Op. 81. d.54. Zemsky department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 1815 About the death of the Kyrgyz Khan Buckeyes Nuralina in 1815 4 l .
5. F.593. Op. 18. d.725. About the loan of Sultan Shah-Giray Said Gireev to Bukeev.
6. F.18. Op.4. d.346. According to the note of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the state of trade among Kazakhs Bukeevskaya Hordes in the Astrakhan province.
7. F. 91. Op.3. d.217. Free Economic Society. Literacy Committee. Various statistical information, lists of national, city, rural and rural schools and correspondence on public education. 1) Astrakhan province, 2) Astrakhan Uyezd – Chernoyarsky Uyezd, 3) Bukeevskaya Horde, 4) Inner Kirghiz Horde, 5) Kalmyk steppe.
8. F.1589. Op.1. d.1207. The fifth department of Its Own E.I.V. Office. In relation to the chairman of the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee, on the delivery of the conclusion under article A. Evreinov.
9. F.561. Op.1. d.51. Special Office of the Minister of Finance for the secret part. Correspondence with local institutions and individuals about food supplies in Vitebsk and Smolensk provinces and for the Black Sea Fleet, about the food affairs of the Russian army in 1805-1806, 1813-1814 in the Austrian Military Department, about Turkish guns in the fortresses of the Danube district, about the state of affairs on Contracts in Kiev.
10. F.853. Op.2. d.43. Grigoriev V.V. Report “A look at the spread of Russian rule in the Volga region and the settlement of this region” (Introduction; Foreigners – a) The Inner Kyrgyz Horde).

Purchased books:
1. Spooler Berthold. The Golden Horde. Mongols in Russia. 1223-1502 / Translated from German by S.Yu. Chuprova. – M: ZAO Tsentrpoligraf, 2019. – 415 p.
2. The Imperial Archaeological Commission (1859-1917): the history of the first state institution of Russian archaeology from foundation to reform: A collective monograph: in 2t. Vol. 1 / Scientific ed.-comp. A.E. Musin, M.V. Medvedev. 2nd ed., reprint. and additional – St. Petersburg: IIMK RAS, 2019. – 888 (1616) p.
3. The Imperial Archaeological Commission (1859-1917): the history of the first state institution of Russian archaeology from foundation to reform: A collective monograph: in 2t. Vol. 2 / Scientific ed.-comp. A.E. Musin, M.V. Medvedev. 2nd ed., reprint. and additional – St. Petersburg: IIMK RAS, 2019. – 728 (1616) p.