Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology

September 19, 2024 the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan holds a republican scientific-theoretical conference on «Unknown aspects of state activity of khans Abylai, Uali and Bokey».
The aim of the conference – Identification and comprehensive study of archival and written materials, oral testimonies on the reconstruction of the life and state activity of Sultan (since 1771 – Khan) Abylai, Uali and Bokey on the basis of new Chinese and Russian sources. The conference aims to provide a platform for discussion of objective, evidence-based and accurate historical knowledge about the life and state activity of famous Kazakh rulers, as well as comprehension of their influence on the foreign and domestic policy of the Kazakh Khanate in the period of the last third of the XVIII – early XIX centuries.
Conference objectives:
– Research of rare archival and folklore sources concerning foreign policy activities, internal policy of the Kazakh khanate in relation to the Qing Empire, the Russian Empire and other peoples of Eurasia.
– Reconstruction of broad panoramas of life and political activity of khans Abylai, Uali and Bokey.
– Analysis of the common and special in the state and political activities of these rulers under the pressure of the two largest empires of Eurasia – Qing China and the Russian Empire.
– Formation of new historical knowledge about little-studied stages of state activity of Kazakh khans.
The work of the conference includes the directions:
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of life and state activity of Kazakh khans.
- Study of the legal framework of the Qing Empire and the Russian Empire in relation to the Kazakh Khanate.
- Historiographic analysis of scientific literature on the life and activity of khans Abylai, Uali and Bokey.
- New archival and folklore materials from archives of China and Russia.
- Foreign policy activities of Abylai, Uali and Bokey khans in the context of relations with the states and peoples of Central Asia and the East.
- Actual issues of historical science.
Registration form and materials of the report (article) are accepted not later than August 30, 2024, please send to the mail:, Sauyrkan Yeldos.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject applications that do not correspond to the theme of the conference.
Scientists, employees of research institutes, university teachers, doctoral students, master’s students are invited to the conference.
Working languages of the conference: kazakh, russian, english.
Start of the Conference: September 19, 2024, 14:00 h.
Format: offline / online conference on the basis of Zoom program.
Form of participation: in-person and online (conference ID: 835 4279 8723, password: 000023)
Organizing Committee: 050100 Almaty, Mukan Tulebaev Street, 185, Scientific and Cultural Center House of M.O. Auezov
Contact information of the organizing committee:
Oshan Zhanykhan – cell phone, whatsapp +7 701 439 3766, e-mail:
Kuanbai Olzhas Bekenuly – cell phone, whatsapp +7 775 626 2303, e-mail:
Surname, first name, patronymic | |
Co-authors (if any) | |
Place of work | |
Position | |
Academic degree, title | |
Contact phone numbers | |
Form of participation (online, offline) | |
Subject of the report | |
Planned presentation at the conference | Yes / No |
Requirements for the design of articles
The article of up to 10 pages should be designed in Word editor, font Times New Roman, 14 point, 1 spacing, paragraph indent – the same throughout the text – 1.25 cm, all margins of 2 cm. The article should contain the UDC index, initials and surname of the author, the author’s place of work (with indication of the city and country); the title of the article.
Lists of used sources and literature are drawn up according to the sample below. The list is arranged in the order of citation. The reference to the source mentioned in the list is placed in square brackets in the text of the article, for example [5, p. 264]. If it is necessary to refer to several sources simultaneously, the references are separated in square brackets by a semicolon.
An example of the design of material for publication:
UDC ****
E.M. Toraigyrov
Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology,
leading researcher, candidate of historical sciences
Text of the article. Text of the article [1, p. 300]. Text of the article [2, p. 249]. Text of the article [3, p. 147]. Text of the article [2, p. 76]. Text [4, p. 6].
List of used sources and literature
1 Архив Президента Республики Казахстан (АП РК). Ф. 141. Оп. 1. Д. 20. Л. 57–65.
2 Тынышпаев М. История казахского народа. Алма-Ата: Қазақ университеті, 1993. 224 с.
3 Казахская диаспора и репатриация (1991–2012): Монография / К.Н. Балтабаева, Т.А. Мамашев, Ж.А. Ермекбай, А.Ж. Баймагамбетова. Алматы: Изд-во «Елтаным», 2015. 568 с.
4 Абылхожин Ж.Б., Козыбаев М.К., Татимов М.Б. Казахстанская трагедия // Вопросы истории. 1989. № 7. С. 53–72.
5 Ганин А.В. Александр Ильич Дутов: к 80-летию убийства Атамана Оренбургского казачьего войска // URL:
Best regards,
Organizing Committee