September 27, 2024 the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Central State Museum, Al-Farabi KazNU, with the participation of the Central Scientific Library of the RSE “Gylym Ordasy”, is holding the International Anniversary Scientific Conference “V Argynbayev Readings”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the largest Kazakh ethnologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Khalel Argynbayevich Argynbayev.
The main goal of the conference is to highlight the extraordinary contribution of ethnographer Khalel Argynbayev to the development of academic science in Kazakhstan in the 2nd half of the 20th century, highlighting the outstanding achievements of the “Kazakh ethnographic school”, one of the founders of which was Kh.A. Argynbayev, discussing the current state and prospects for the development of domestic ethnology and related disciplines, sharing memories of the scholar with colleagues and students.
Khalel Argynbaev – a major academic ethnographer of the post-war period, a recognized leader of Kazakh ethnologists of the 1970s – early 1990s, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1977), professor (1982); Head of the Ethnography Department of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1976–1989).
The scholar was a prominent representative of the older generation of domestic ethnographers, a person of an interesting and complex fate. Kh. Argynbayev was born on September 21, 1924 in the Bayanaul district of the Pavlodar region in a sharua peasant family, which in the difficult 1930s was forced, in search of work, to make a difficult journey across Siberia and the Far East: Kuzbass, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky . Upon the family’s return (in 1935) to Zhetysu, young Khalel graduated from an eight-year school in 1939, and then from a pedagogical school in the Kapal region. Khalel Argynbaev belonged to that glorious generation of Soviet scholars who, in their early youth, had a severe test – to participate in the battles against fascism during World War II. From January 1943 to May 1945 he served as a radio communications operator in the active army and participated in the liberation of Ukraine, Moldova, and the countries of Eastern and Central Europe from German fascism; For military services he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War and medals. After demobilization from the ranks of the Soviet Army in 1947, he studied at the history department of the Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute and graduated with honors in 1951, and then for a number of years he worked in the outback as a head teacher and history teacher at the Panfilov Pedagogical College (now Zharkent).
Since 1954, the further fate of Khalel Argynbaev has been connected with the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, where he entered graduate studies in Ethnography. The formation of a talented scholar occurs under the influence of senior colleagues: orientalists N. Sabitov, A.Kh. Marghulan, ethnographer I.V. Zakharova; he was surrounded by the other young and creative researchers (V. Vostrov, E. Masanov, M. Mukanov, R. Khodzhaeva, G. Valikhanov, O. Ismagulov, etc.). The scholar completes work on his candidate’s dissertation “Historical and cultural ties of the Russian and Kazakh peoples and their influence on the material culture of the Kazakhs” and in 1960 he successfully defended it at the authoritative N.N. Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnography in Moscow. During these years, Kh. Argynbayev was actively engaged in the development of many key issues of the historical ethnography of the Kazakhs (livestock husbandry and folk veterinary medicine, family and marriage relations, crafts and applied arts, etc.), intensively carrying out field research in all regions of the republic (about 30 expeditions until the beginning of 1980s). At the same time, a characteristic feature of his research activity is the monographic focus of his research. In 1969, an interesting and informative study by the ethnographer, “Kazaktyn mal sharuashylygy zhaiynda ethnographic essay” (“Ethnographic sketch of the Kazakh cattle breeding economy”) was published.
In 1973, a major generalizing monograph by Kh. Argynbayev “Kazak halkyndagy family men neke” (“Family and marriage among the Kazakhs”) was published, which immediately acquired paramount scientific and practical significance and was highly praised as a major achievement of Kazakhstan ethnography. In 1976, the scholar defended his doctoral dissertation on this issue at the same Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and from that time until the end of the 1980s he headed the academic department of ethnography. Under Argynbayev, this unit becomes a major scientific center in specialized science, a new generation of ethnographers was forming, along with the direction of historical ethnography, the disciplines of ethnosociology, ethnoarchaeology, etc. were developing. The name of the scholar becomes widely known among Soviet ethnographers, close creative relationships were established with many of them: N.A. Kislyakov, S.M. Abramzon, T.A. Zhdanko, R.G. Kuzeyev, B.Kh. Karmysheva, V.P. Kurylev, K. Shaniyazov, A. Orazov, I. Mukhitdinov, Kh.A. Esbergenov, V.N. Basilov and others.
During this period Kh. Argynbayev published his generalizing articles in reputable scientific collections, journals of national importance, and foreign editions; participates in a number of international congresses and conferences, All-Union ethnographic sessions, one of which was held in Almaty in 1990. The scholar paid serious attention to scientific and organizational issues: conducting expeditionary research, coordinating work on the creation of collective works – including the landmark edition “Economy of Kazakhs” (1980). In the mid-1980s under the leadership of Kh. Argynbayev, a general study on the historical ethnography of the Kazakhs “Kazakhs: a historical and ethnographic study” was prepared, which was published later (Almaty, 1995). Until the end of the 1990s under his authorship a number of major works were published: the monograph “Kazakh halkynyn koloneri” (Almaty, 1987), “Kazakh otbasy” (Almaty, 1996); “Traditional life support culture of the Kazakhs. Essays on history and theory” (co-authored, Almaty, 1998); “Kazak shezhiresi hakynda” (co-authored, Almaty, 1999). In total, the scholar published eight separate monographic publications; the total number of publications by the ethnographer is about 250.
Of particular importance was the scientific and pedagogical activity of the scholar. 10 candidate and 5 doctoral dissertations were defended under his leadership. Professor Khalel Argynbayev played a fundamental role in the formation of the “second wave” of ethnographers in Kazakhstan, in the formation of prominent specialists – ethnologists, historians, doctors and candidates of science: N. Massanov, A. Toleubayev, U. Kydyralin, Sh. Tokhtabayeva, S. Azhigali, B Kamalashuly, A. Toktabay, N. Alimbay, A. Kalysh, Zh. Artykbayev and others. Many of his students and young researchers are successfully developing those areas of ethnology, the groundwork in which was created by Kh. Argynbayev in his time. The scholar’s contribution to the training of student personnel at Kazakh Pedagogiocal Institute and Kazakh State University is very significant. For many years he lectured there on general historical disciplines, general ethnography, and ethnography of the Kazakhs.
Professor Khalel Argynbayev made an outstanding contribution to the development of ethnography of Kazakhstan, which was important for a number of related sciences and disciplines, to the training of highly professional personnel, to the formation of a modern school of ethnologists, ethnosociologists, ethnoarchaeologists, museologists, etc., who are developing traditional and new areas of research, expanding, promoting and deepening further many of the developments and achievements of the “Kazakh ethnographic school” of the 2nd half of the 20th century.
A wide range of academic community, domestic and foreign specialists are invited to participate in the anniversary conference: ethnologists, historians, anthropologists, cultural experts, archaeologists, museologists, philologists, etc.; representatives of universities and scientific and educational institutions; specialized master’s and doctoral students, media.
The conference will be held according to the rules of the plenary session, the work of sections and the closing of the forum.
Working languages of the conference – Kazakh, Russian, English.
The work of the following sections is planned:
1. Ethnographer Khalel Argynbayev: life and work, scientific heritage;
2. History of ethnological science in Kazakhstan;
3. Fundamental works of Professor Kh. Argynbayev and problems of historical ethnography of the Kazakhs:
– questions of ethnogenesis, ethnic history and shezhire,
– farming,
– material culture and life support system,
– crafts and crafts,
spiritual culture, folk knowledge, family and marriage.
4. Current problems of modern ethnology of Kazakhstan. Ethnosociology. Ethnodemography. Kazakh diaspora.
5. Ethnology and related disciplines. Museum studies. Ethnoart history. Ethnolinguistics.
6. Ethnoarchaeology and monument studies.
Address: 050100 Almaty, Conference hall of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Samal-1, 44.
For nonresident authors, an absentee form of participation in the conference is provided. If necessary, the collection can be sent to an email address in PDF format.
The Organizing Committee plans to publish a Collection of Conference Proceedings. To be included in the conference program, please submit a participant registration form to the organizing committee (see Appendix). Carefully proofread and edited texts will be accepted for publication.
The terms of participation
To publish a report (article, abstract), please format the materials in strict accordance with the following requirements: the text of the report (related to the topic of the conference, max length is 10 pages) in Kazakh, Russian or English and the registration form should be typed in the MS Word text editor; The file name and individual image files in JPEG format should be named after the author’s last name.
1. Tables, diagrams, and pictures should have a title and be typed in Windows.
2. Page format: A4.
3. Top margins – 2 cm, bottom margins – 2 cm, right margins – 1 cm, left margins – 3 cm.
4. Font: Times New Roman, KZ Times New Roman, size – 12.
5. Line spacing is single.
6. Red line indent: 1.0 cm.
7. In the center in lowercase letters (bold): full name. author(s) and superscript in Arabic numerals.
8. Below: superscript in Arabic numerals, position, full name of the institution where the author works, academic degree, title (if any).
9. Under the full name, the author’s title is indicated in the center in CAPITAL LETTERS (BOLD FONT)
10. One space below the paragraph indentation directly contains the material of the report (article).
11. A list of references (and sources) is placed at the end of the article and is compiled in accordance with the order in which the works are mentioned. References in the text are presented in square brackets in the form of the corresponding number according to the List of References, indicating (if necessary) the page of the source, for example: [1, p. 2], [1, 2-b.] or [1, p. 2]. All bibliographic data should be carefully verified.
12. Tables, diagrams, and pictures should have a title and be typed in Windows. All drawings and photographs should have good contrast and a resolution of at least 300 dpi. All illustrations should have continuous numbering and a caption below the figure. The caption should be concise, but capacious in content. Tables should be clear, have a title and a serial number. A table or figure is not numbered if it is the only one in the text. All tables and figures should be referenced in the text. Figures and tables are inserted into the text in the right place.
13. Abbreviations of words are not allowed, except for generally accepted ones. Abbreviations are included in the text only after their first mention with a full explanation (for example, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – NAS RK).
14. Notes should be written in superscript numbers and numbered sequentially. The texts of the notes are placed at the end of the article in the NOTES section and numbered with a number in the form of a superscript. Footnotes in the text are not allowed.
If the article contains both NOTES and REFERENCES (AND SOURCES), then the NOTES section comes first.
15. Unification of characters: quotation – «»; centuries in dates are indicated by Roman numerals, years by Arabic numerals. It is necessary to distinguish between the use of a hyphen (-) and a middle dash (–). The latter is indicated when designating numerical, chronological limits, etc.: p. 89–92, 179–185-bb.; 1878–1879; XV–XVI centuries (without padding), or the end of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries (with a beat); 7–8 km; M.–L. and so on.
16. DO NOT tabulate, highlight words, use automatic commands, use macros, or save text as a template.
17. The name of the files is the author’s last name (for text files – Omarov_application.doc, Omarov_article.doc; for illustrations – Omarov_fig1.jpeg).
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the formatting requirements (see sample below).
Abdulina A.T.1 1leading researcher at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Candidate of Historical Sciences PERSONALITY IN HISTORY: METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO RESEARCH Text of the report, text of the report, text of the report List of used literature and sources: 1 Asylbekov M.Kh., Galiev A.B. Socio-demographic processes in Kazakhstan (1917–1980). – Alma-Ata: Gylym, 1990. – 192 p. 2 Abuseitova M.Kh. History of Central Asia: concepts, methodology and new approaches // Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference “Towards new standards in the development of social sciences in Central Asia”. – Almaty: Dyke-Press, 2006. – pp. 10–17. 3 Baitova A. Innovative and technological development is a key factor in increasing competitiveness // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. – 2009. – No. 269. – July 28. |
The registration form and materials of the report (article) are accepted no later than June 30, 2024, please send by email:
Form of participation: offline and online via Zoom.
Conference schedule: 10.00–13.00: Plenary session; 14.30–17.00: Section work; 17.00–18.00: 2nd plenary session, closing of the conference.
(All clarifications on the conference regulations will be communicated additionally)
Contact faces:
(to solve scientific and organizational issues)
Abdulina Aksunkar Tursunovna – head of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Candidate of Historical Sciences, e-mail:, mob.: +7 777 312 20 36; Dosymbetov Nurlybek Aidarbekovich – researcher at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, e-mail:, mobile: +7 747 056 22 59.
Registration form (in Kazakh or Russian)
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Name | ||
Surname | ||
Academic degree, position | ||
Organization (name of scientific institution, university, etc., its location) | ||
Telephone/fax (with international code) | ||
Title of the report |
Best regards,
Organizing Committee