On September 27, 2024, the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the CS MSHE of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of the Central Scientific Library of the RSE “Gylym Ordasy” held the International Jubilee Scientific Conference “V Argynbayev Readings” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the prominent Kazakh ethnologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Khalel Argynbayev. The conference was held at the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan.
Khalel Argynbayev (1924–1998) was a prominent academic ethnographer of the post-war period, a recognized leader of Kazakhstani ethnologists of the 1970s–early 1990s, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1977), Professor (1982); Head of the Department of Ethnography at the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1976–1989).
The main goal of the conference was to highlight the invaluable contribution of ethnographer Khalel Argynbayev to the development of academic science in Kazakhstan in the second half of the 20th century, to highlight the outstanding achievements of the “Kazakh ethnographic school”, one of the founders of which was the remarkable scholar, to discuss the current state and prospects for the development of domestic ethnology and related disciplines, and to exchange memories of colleagues and students about the scholar. Along with specialists from the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other scientific and cultural institutions of Kazakhstan; representatives of scientific institutions from France, Russia, Uzbekistan and others took part in the conference.
The conference participants discussed a number of issues in the following areas during their reports and speeches at the plenary and sectional sessions:
1. Ethnographer Khalel Argynbayev: life and work, scientific heritage.
2. History of ethnological science in Kazakhstan.
3. Fundamental works of Professor Kh. Argynbayev and issues of historical ethnography of the Kazakhs: issues of ethnogenesis, ethnic history and shezhire; economy; material culture and life support system; crafts and trades; spiritual culture, folk knowledge, family and marriage.
4. Current issues of modern ethnology of Kazakhstan. Ethnosociology. Ethnodemography. Kazakh diaspora studies.
5. Ethnology and related disciplines. Museology. Ethnoart studies. Ethnolinguistics.
6. Ethnoarchaeology and monument studies.
During the conference, two plenary sessions took place: the main and final, as well as two breakout sessions.
The work of the plenary sessions was chaired by Khalel Argynbayev’s student, a prominent ethnologist of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S.E. Azhigali. The following addressed the conference participants with welcoming speeches: Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.G. Balaeva, General Director of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology Z.E. Kabuldinov, Director of the Central State Museum R.E. Kharipova, Dean of the History Department of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University D.S. Baygunakov. Famous figures of science and culture shared their memories of Kh. Argynbayev: outstanding anthropologist, academician O.S. Smagulov, writer and public figure, daughter-in-law of the Hero of the Soviet Union B. Momyshuly Z. Akhmetova, Professor of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Doctor of Philology, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan S.N. Negimov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prominent archaeologist Zh.K. Taimagambetov, People’s Artist of Kazakhstan, director and playwright E.Zh. Toleubay, famous ethnologist and culturologist Sh.Zh. Toktabayeva. Kh.A. Argynbayev’s relatives – the widow of the scholar Argynbayeva Amina Aubakirovna, daughter Argynbayeva Makpal Khalelovna, who took an active part in organizing the conference, addressed the organizing committee of the conference and the students of the outstanding ethnologist of Kazakhstan with a welcoming speech and words of gratitude.
At the plenary session of the conference, the famous historians and ethnologists as Z.E. Kabuldinov, S.E. Azhigali, M.Kh. Abusseitova, A.B. Kalysh, M.Zh. Abdirov, A.U. Toktabay, R.M. Mustafina and others spoke with scientific reports dedicated to the creative heritage of Kh. Argynbayev and the current state of ethnology in Kazakhstan. In the afternoon, the work of sections took place, where reports of domestic and foreign researchers – ethnologists, cultural scientists, anthropologists, museum experts and historians were heard. The breakout sessions were lively: the conference participants asked the speakers many questions, made additions to the reports, expressed their evaluative opinions and recommendations. Upon completion of the sections, the final plenary session heard the reports of the moderators of two sections: Head of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of Economics A.T. Abdulina, Deputy Director of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific G.T. Temirton, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Astana) E.K. Rakhimov and Leading Researcher of the Ch. Ch. Valikhanov Institute of Histyory and Ethnology G.U. Orynbayeva. Then, at the final stage, those present discussed the results of the conference working day, assessed it, expressed their wishes, discussed and adopted a resolution.
The conference resolution included the following provisions:
1. To consider the work of the International scientific and practical conference: “V Argynbayev Readings”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Kh.A. Argynbayev, successfully completed. To publish an article about the results of the conference in the media.
2. To hold subsequent international conferences regularly, once every two years. Involve specialized research institutes, cultural institutions and scholars from other countries (including as co-organizers).
3. To prepare and publish the materials of this conference in electronic and printed formats (in 2 parts) to promote the scientific heritage of the ethnographer.
4. To apply to the Akimat of Astana for naming one of the Astana streets after Kh.A. Argynbayev.
5. To petition the Akimat of Almaty to place a memorial plaque on the house in Almaty where the scholar lived, to name one of the schools in Almaty after him.
6. To petition the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan to name the Zharkent Higher Pedagogical College after the outstanding ethnologist Kh. Argynbayev and to install a bust of the scholar in front of the college building on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War.
7. To petition the Akim of Pavlodar region to perpetuate the name of Kh. Argynbayev (to assign the name to one of the schools in Bayanaul district, to name one of the central streets of Pavlodar city and Bayanaul village, to repair the bust of Kh. Argynbayev in Lesozavod microdistrict).
8. To recommend that the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan include lists of the main works of the prominent Kazakh ethnographer Kh.A. Argynbayev in school textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan for grades 8–9.
9. To publish a collection of works by Kh.A. Argynbayev in 3 volumes (2024–2026) as a result of the implementation of a research project at the Ch. Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, and also recommend to the Ministry of Culture and Information to republish this collection in 3 volumes and his other works in mass circulation as asocially significant literature to popularize the legacy of the outstanding ethnographer and form a national identity among Kazakhstanis.
10. To consider it necessary for the family of Kh.A. Argynbayev to donate the personal archive of Kh.A. Argynbayev to the Central State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of personal funds and documentary collections or to the Archives of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as his personal belongings to the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11. To recommend that teachers of historical profile universities include special courses on the scientific legacy of Kh.A. Argynbayev in the catalogs of elective disciplines in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs.
12. To submit a proposal to the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the establishment of a departmental medal named after Kh.A. Argynbaev to reward young ethnographers who have made a special contribution to the development of ethnological science in our country.
During the conference there were presented the exhibition of works by Kh. Argynbayev and his students organized by the Central Scientific Library “Gylym Ordasy”, an exposition with personal documents and belongings of the scientist from the funds of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a video film about the life and work of Kh. Argynbayev, prepared by the descendants of Kh. Argynbayev. In addition there was held the donation of five monographs by Kazakhstani culturologists, doctors of philosophical sciences S.Sh. and S.A. Ayazbekovs to the institute, museum and library.