On October 4, 2024 Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Department of Historical Demography and Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan within the framework of the AR19678056 project “Cities of Kazakhstan in 20-30 years of XX-th century as a socio-cultural phenomenon: ethno-demographic and socio-cultural development” holds an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Socio-demographic and cultural problems of Kazakhstan in the first half of the XXth century”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M.-A.H. Asylbekov.

In his article by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.-Zh.K. Tokayev “Lessons of a historical personality” (“Tarikh tulga tagylymy”), noted: “The path of history is never simple or straightforward. Ups and downs, sharp turns are possible, and there are also numerous “fans” to criticize the era. But there are always few individuals, who can make bold decisions and act. But it is such people who make history, lead them into a new era”. The place and role of the individual will always be important in society. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the scientific legacy of an outstanding scientist who made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakh science – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Malik-Aidar Khantemirovich Asylbekov. He devoted his entire adult life to the study of topical issues of the history of Kazakhstan, leaving behind a huge scientific legacy. The research of the scientist who laid the foundations of historical demography in Kazakhstan, educated a whole galaxy of students and founded a scientific school, will undoubtedly serve as the basis for future scientific research of the younger generation.

The main directions of the conference:

– Contribution of academician M.-A.H. Asylbekov to the formation and development of demographic science in Kazakhstan;

– New concepts and approaches in Russian historical science at the present stage: theoretical and methodological foundations, new sources and historiography;

– Research in the field of historical demography: achievements and development prospects;

– Ethnodemographic development of Kazakhstan in the 1st half of the twentieth century: research and relevance of the population census;

– Features of the socio-cultural development of cities in Kazakhstan in the 20-30s of the twentieth century.

Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English

The conference starts on October 04, 2024, at 14:00.

Format of work: offline and online connection to the conference via the Zoom program ( ID: 816 0190 4579, Code 530969)

Applications for participation in the conference and the texts of articles for inclusion in the collection of conference materials should be sent till September 15, 2024 in electronic form by e-mail,  marked “Conference”. It is planned to publish a collection of materials based on the results of the conference.

Requirements for the design of materials: the volume of the article is no more than 8-12 pages in the Microsoft Word editor; Times New Roman font, size 12; line spacing – 1; paragraph – 1 cm, paragraph is set automatically; upper and lower – 2, left – 3, right – 1.5; Full name of the author, place of work (name of the organization) – in the right corner; the name of the report in capital letters is located at the bottom in the center, city, country. References to sources should be placed in square brackets under the ordinal number (for example, [1, p. 65]) at the end of the text of the article, according to the list of references.

The Organizing Committee has the right to reject materials that do not correspond to the topic of the conference or the requirements.

Contacts of the organizing committee: 050010, Almaty, Shevchenko str., 28. Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, researcher Omarova G.A. (+77078949368), e-mail:

Application for participation in the conference:

1Full name 
2Place of study/work, position 
3Academic degree and title 
4Contact address and phone number, e-mail: 
5Topic of the report