The Sh. Sh. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology is implementing a targeted financing project named «Preparation and publication of a series of memoirs of witnesses of the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan and their descendants». The executor of the project, Master of History Bekenova A.A., was on a business trip to Almaty region, Karasai district, Kaskelen city from October 17 to 26, 2024. The purpose of the trip is to collect and systematize materials in libraries and archives, to collect the memories of eyewitnesses of the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan and their descendants.
From October 17 to October 26, 2024, according to the project “Preparation and publication of a series of memoirs of witnesses of the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan and their descendants”, in accordance with the instructions of the business trip to Karasai district, Kaskelen, Almaty region, the following works were performed:
1. During a business trip to the city of Kaskelen, to the villages of Ushterek, O. Zhandosov, Rayymbek, Koshmambet, Shengeldy and other villages of Karasai district, memoirs were collected from witnesses of the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan and their descendants. Questionnaires have been filled out, receipts with permits for publication of information have been received, their photos and parents have been received. Voice recordings of the survey have been sent to the project manager’s email address.
It should be particularly noted that: a witness to the mass famine in Kazakhstan in 1931-1933, a resident of the village of Koshmambet in Karasai district, 103-year-old Buralkieva Kulush apa, was interviewed. Duisenbayeva G.S., a 4 courses student, majoring in history, of the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, who is interning at our institute, took part in the survey and improved her experience.
A survey was conducted by Dzhumagulova Zholdykyz Kopbaevna from Kunaev, who participated in the meeting “Ana zhuregi” in the village of Zhambyl, Karasai district. According to a resident of Bereke village of Karasai district, local historian Orynbasar Basaruly, a survey was conducted with a resident of Almaty, local historian Burkutbaeva Umitken Suinshikyzy. Umitken Suinshikyzy presented our Institute with 4 books published under her authorship (U. Burkitbaeva. Otken kүnder – ralgan іzder. – Almaty: Nurly alem, 2012. – 224 p.+16 p.; Burkіtbaeva U., Қarabasov Zh. Abadan. – Almaty: TauPrint, 2023. – 224 p.; Burkіtbaeva U., Karabasov Zh. Ybyraiym Zhainarov zhane «Alashtyn» Zhetіsulyr kairatkerlerі. – Almaty: Taugүl-Print, 2020. – 192 p.+16 p.; Burkіtbaeva U., Karabasov Zh. Zhana omіr zharshysy – Zhainak bi. – Almaty: Taugүl-Print, 2022. – 168 p.), the books were transferred to the library of the Institute. Also, during the survey, a resident of the village of Shamalgan in Karasai district Dildabekov Bakbergen Azhibekuly presented his book “Shezhire” to our Institute (Dіldabekov B.Ә. Shezhіre. – Almaty: Elnur, 2007. – 134 p.), Abai Kydyraly-akhunuly Zhumaniyazov, a resident of the village of Zhibek Zholy in Karasai district, presented the book “Atadan mura adal zhol” (Zhumaniyazov A.K. Atadan mura adal zhol. – Almaty: Poligrafiya servis i Ko, 2023. – 226 p.), the books were transferred to the library of the Institute.
2. On October 17, 2024, work was carried out on the topic of the study in the State Archive of the Almaty region to identify archival documents and collect materials, the guidebook of funds and cases were studied. The State Archive of the Almaty region presented the institute with a collection of archival materials “Tragediya kazahskogo naroda” (The Tragedy of the Kazakh people) (Sbornik dokumentov i materialov: golod v Kazahstane v 20-h, 30-h godah HH veka. / Otv. sostovitel’: Tahaeva M.K. – Almaty, 2010. – 414 p.). The collection consists of 3 parts, part 1 is called “Memoirs and articles”, part 2 is “Publication of archival documents”, part 3 is “Materials of the scientific and practical conference “Causes of famine of the 1920s: scale, consequences”. The collection contains 76 documents related to famine in Kazakhstan in the 20s, 30s of the XXth century.
3. In the Karasai district of the Almaty region, work was carried out on signing a memorandum of mutual cooperation with 2 museums: the “Local History Museum of Karasai District” and the “Anaga Kurmet” museum.
In conclusion, the business trip fulfilled its purpose and was successfully completed. The collection of archival materials of the State Archive of the Almaty region “Tragediya kazahskogo naroda” (The Tragedy of the Kazakh people) and 6 books donated by the questionnaires were transferred to the library of the Institute. In Karasai district, work has been carried out to conclude a memorandum of mutual cooperation with 2 museums. Voice recordings of the memories of eyewitnesses and descendants of the mass famine in Kazakhstan in 1931-1933, questionnaires, receipts with permits to publish information, photographs of descendants and their parents were handed over to the project manager.
We express our gratitude to the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Karasai district of the Almaty region Sagat Ultarakovich, the chairmen of all the councils of veterans of the Karasai district and the chairwomen of the councils of grandmothers for their assistance in collecting memories. We thank the eyewitness of the mass famine in Kazakhstan in 1931-1933, Buralkieva Kulyash apa and the following descendants of the eyewitnesses of the famine for sharing their memories and contributing to the history of our country:
№ | Name of villages and towns | Name |
Almaty city | Burkіtbaeva Umіtken Sujіnshіkyzy | |
t. Konaev | Джумагулова Жолдықыз Копбаевна | |
t. Kaskelen | Raihanov Anzhan Kapanuly | |
Koshmambet | Buralkieva Kulush (dev. Sholpankulova) | |
Bekbolat | Abіlda nemeresі Bekbolat Kurmanalіuly | |
Koksai | Ismailova Nurila Zhunіskyzy | |
Kokozek | Nurgaliev Nurgisa | |
Ushterek | Abdisatarova Meirambubі Kaharovna | |
Batan | Tolynbekov Amangeldі Kosakbaiuly | |
Raiymbek | Bahramova Kanzada Abdullaevna | |
Nespbaev Aldabosyn | ||
Bereke | Kosshygulov Kalida | |
Toiymbetova Saliha Sarykyzy | ||
Shamalgan | Dіldabekov Bakbergen Azhіbekuly | |
Gel’metdinova Gul’kai | ||
Zharmuhanbet | Mambetov Meirambai | |
Salamatov Sapar Kaliuly | ||
Salamatova Nurzhamal Abdraimovna | ||
Almalybak | Yskakov Ayup Rashiduly | |
Kozhahmetov Kenebai | ||
Orazaliev Rahym | ||
Mejіrmanov Ғaliolla Tөlendіuly | ||
Zhibek zholy | Shuasheva Tursynbala Nursejіtovna | |
Anisov Bazargeldі Kenzhebekuly | ||
Zhumaniyazov Abai Kydyraly-ahunuly | ||
Botabaeva Nurzhan Zhumabekovna | ||
O. Zhandosov | Dadan Elena Shynzhyrbaikyzy | |
Kuzembaeva Nurlyhan Taubaldykyzy | ||
Zhunusova Ultuar Tutkabaevna | ||
Rakisheva Ryskul Shalimbetovna | ||
Beisbaev Moldagali | ||
Aliaskarov Kartai | ||
Ryspekova Kul’dariya Zholdasbaevna | ||
Estaeva Aliya Kadirbekovna |

Duisenbayeva G.S. and a witness to the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan, a resident of the village of Koshmambet in the Karasai district of the Almaty region, 103-year-old Buralkieva Kulush,

Meeting of the Council of Veterans of the Zhibek Zholy rural district
from left to right: A.K. Zhumaniyazov, B.K. Anisov

Meeting of the Council of Veterans of the Zhibek Zholy rural district
from left to right: A.K. Zhumaniyazov, B.K. Anisov

A descendant of eyewitnesses of the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan, a resident of Almaty, local historian, author of several books Burkitbaeva Umitken Suyunshikyzy

A descendant of eyewitnesses of the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan, a resident of Batan village of Karasai district, author of the book “Men zhane menin auylym” Tolynbekov Amangeldy Kosakbayuly

A descendant of eyewitnesses of the mass famine of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan, a resident of the village of Shamalgan in Karasai district, author of the book “Shezhire”
Dildabekov Bakbergen Azhibekuly