Dear colleagues!
On January 20, 2025, Institute of History and Ethnology after Sh.Sh. Valikhanov will hold a scientific seminar on the topic: “Muslim and orthodox missionaries in Kazakhstan: activities and results (XIX – early XX century)” to review the results of the grant financing project.
The relevance of the project is related to modern processes in the religious life of the population, namely the promotion of faiths that have nothing to do with world faiths, as well as the fascination of young people with non-traditional trends. One of the main objectives of the project is to highlight the activities of muslim and orthodox missionaries in the XIX and early XX centuries. A distinctive feature of preachers of the past and present is that the propaganda of orthodoxy was fully supported by the tsarist government and at the same time there was a policy of oppression of islam. Currently, the Republic of Kazakhstan is a secular state and it does not exert any influence or pressure on believers in the matter of choosing faith.
During the implementation of the project, a huge research effort was carried out, which consisted in collecting documentary materials used in writing scientific articles in highly rated scientific journals, in preparing a collection of documents and writing a collective monograph. During the business trips, the participants paid special attention to information reflecting the situation of islam in the Russian Empire in the XIX and early XX centuries, and the work of religious preachers among the multinational population, where the emphasis was on the promotion of orthodoxy. The project participants worked with materials from rare collections of scientific libraries, identified new sources on the project topic.
In order to test scientific research on the project, an international scientific and practical conference: “Missionary activity in Central Asia: history and modernity” was held, which was attended by scientists dealing with this problem, a collection of conference materials was published. A number of articles have been published in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed by the international databases Web of Science, Scopus, in a peer-reviewed foreign publication with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI) in a peer-reviewed domestic publication with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by SHEQAC).
A collective monograph: «Мусульманские и православные миссионеры в Казахстане: деятельность и результаты (ХІХ – начало ХХ веков) // Қазақстандағы мұсылман және православие миссионерлері: қызметі мен нәтижелері (ХІХ – ХХ ғғ. басы)» (Muslim and orthodox missionaries in Kazakhstan: activities and results (XIX – early XX century) has been prepared and published for specialists in the history of Kazakhstan of the XIX century, religious scholars, students and all interested persons, 462 pages in length.
We invite scientists, specialists, doctoral and undergraduates, and students to take part in a scientific seminar a more detailed study of the results of the research project “Muslim and Orthodox missionaries in Kazakhstan: activities and results (XIX – early XX century)”.
Time of the scientific seminar: 20.01.2025, 12.00.
Zoom ID: 868 3843 7721.
Zoom code: 144652.
Organizing committee