History of the institute
Institute directors
Serafim Vladimirovich Yushkov (1988-1952; director – 1946-1948) – Soviet historian of state and law, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1935), Professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (since 1939), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (since 1946), Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University.
Main scientific works: Essays on the history of parish life in the North of Russia in the XV–XVII centuries. St. Petersburg, 1913; Research on the history of Russian law. Novouzensk, [1926]; Essays on the history of feudalism in Kievan Rus. M.; L., 1939; On the problem of the formation of a feudal state. M., 1948; Russian Truth. Origin, sources, its meaning. M., 1950.
Sergey Nikolaevich Pokrovsky (1901-1951; director – 1948-1953) was a Soviet historian, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1951), Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR. Member of the main editorial board of the CIE. Author of over 60 studies on the history of the October Revolution and the Civil War in Kazakhstan, on historiography, etc. One of the editors and authors of the “History of the Kazakh SSR” (vol. 1-2, A.-A., 1952-67), editor of many collections of documents and articles.
Main scientific works: The victory of Soviet power in Semirechye. A.-A., 1961; V. V. Kuibyshev in Kazakhstan. A.-A., 1963; The defeat of foreign military interventionists and internal counterrevolution in Kazakhstan (1918-20). A.-A., 1966.
Ivan Stepanovich Gorokhvodatsky (1906-1978; director – 1953-1956) – historian, Candidate of Historical Sciences (1950). Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Kyzyl-Orda Pedagogical Institute (1941). Worked as a senior researcher, head. Department of Party History, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Kazakh branch of IMELS under the Central Committee of the CPSU (1945-1953), Director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1953-1956).
Main scientific works: member of the editorial board of the first volume of the “History of the Kazakh SSR”.
Nusupbekov Akai Nusupbekovich (1909-1983; director – 1956-1982) – historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1961), professor (1963), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1967), Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1971), laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1982), the prize named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov (1966). Graduated from KazPI (1947). He worked as a researcher at the Department of Crafts and Folk Life of the Ethnography sector of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov (1946-1953), Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1968-1976). Author of more than two hundred works.
Main scientific works: History of the Kazakh SSR (from ancient times to the present day) in 5 volumes (chap. ed.); Unification of Kazakh lands in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. Alma-Ata, 1953; Falsification of history and historical truth. Alma-Ata, 1964 (co-author); Formation and development of the Soviet working class in Kazakhstan (1917-1940). Alma-Ata, 1966.
Tolepbayev Baidibek Akhmetovich (1921-2011; Director – 1983-1984) – historian and party leader, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991); corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1981), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduated from Tashkent Pedagogical Institute (1949). He worked in the Central Committee of the CP of the Uzbek SSR, the Central Committee of the CPSU, 1976-1984 – Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1985-1994 – Director of the Institute of Party History, advisor to the Presidium of the NAS RK. Author of more than 190 scientific papers, including 6 monographs.
Main scientific works: The Communist Party of Uzbekistan in the struggle for the steep rise of agriculture. Tashkent, 1959; Implementation of the Leninist agrarian policy of the party in the Republics of Central Asia. M., 1967; The triumph of Lenin’s ideas of socialist transformation of agriculture in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. M., 1971; Agrarian transformations in the republics of the Soviet East. M., 1972 (in Arabic); Socialist agrarian transformations in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. M., 1984 (in Russian and English languages).
Suleimenov Ramazan Bimashevich (1931-1992; director – 1984-1988) – historian, orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1973), Professor (1981), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1989), laureate of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Prize. Graduated from the Faculty of History of S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University (1956). 1957-1983 – post-graduate student, researcher, head. Department of Cultural History of Kazakhstan; 1983-1984 – Deputy. Director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR; 1986-1992 – Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan; 1992 – first head of the Center for Oriental Studies at the Institute of Uighur Studies.
Main scientific works: The socialist way of cultural progress of backward peoples. Alma-Ata, 1967 (co-author); Chokan Valikhanov – orientalist. Alma-Ata, 1985 (co-author); From the history of Kazakhstan XVIII century. Alma-Ata, 1988 (co-author); Sanzhar Dzhafarovich Asfendiyarov. Alma-Ata, 1989.
Kozybayev Manash Kabashevich (1931-2002; Director – 1988-2002) – historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1969), Professor (1970), Laureate of the State Prize named after Ch. Valikhanov of the Kazakh SSR (1970), Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1986), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1989), Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995) and others . Graduated from the Historical Faculty of the Kazakh State University (1953). 1953-1957 – teacher of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute; 1958-1974 – worked at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the CP of the Kazakh SSR; 1974-1980 – worked at the Almaty Veterinary Institute and the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Social Sciences at the Kirov Kazakh State University; 1980-1986 – Chief editor of the Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia; 1986-1988 – Head.Department of Historiography of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Author of over 900 publications (including 30 monographs).
Main scientific works: The Communist Party of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Alma-Ata, 1964; Kazakhstan – arsenal of the front. Alma-Ata, 1970; History and modernity. Alma-Ata, 1991; I beat the enemy and tied the flag. Almaty, 1994; Labor in the name of Victory. Almaty, 1995; Tarikh zerdesi. Books 1-2. Almaty, 1999; Kazakhstan at the turn of the century: Reflections and searches. Vol. 1-2. Almaty, 2001; Civilization and nation. Almaty, 2001; My star. Almaty, 2001, etc.
Koigeldiev Mambet Kulzhabaevich (b. 1947; Director –2002–2006) – historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1994), Professor (1995), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (2013), President of the Association of Historians of Kazakhstan, Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna (2007), awarded the International Socrates Prize (2007), the Order “Parasat” (2013). Graduated from the Kyrgyz State University (1968). 1968-1971 – teacher of a rural school, researcher of the Dzhambul Regional Archive; 1971-1989 – Associate professor of the Kirov Kazakh State University; 1989-1991 – senior researcher at the Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the CP of the Kazakh SSR; 1994-2002 – Head of the Department of New and Modern History of Kazakhstan of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Director of the Institute of Advanced Training at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Dean of the Faculty of History of KazNU; since 2006, Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan named after Al-Farabi. Academician T. S. Sadykov, professor of KazNPU named after Abay.
Author of over 400 publications.
Main scientific works: Kadyrgali bi Kosymuly and his “Collection of Chronicles”. Almaty, 1991 (co-author); Alash movement. Almaty, 1995; National political elite. Almaty, 2004; Kazakh national liberation movement. Multi-volume / Ed. M. K. Koigeldiev. – Almaty, 2007–2008; Stalinism and repression in Kazakhstan in the 1920s and 1940s. Almaty, 2009 and others.
Kamal Nizamovich Burkhanov (1954-2020; Director – 2006–2007) – historian, political scientist, statesman, Candidate of Historical Sciences (1988), Doctor of Political Sciences (1997), Professor, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2004), Honorary Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009), Honored Worker of Kazakhstan (2015), awarded numerous medals. Graduated from Tashkent State University (1977). 1977-1978 – Researcher at the State Museum of Arts of the Kazakh SSR. Kasteeva; 1978-1979 – Senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR; 1979-1995 – senior laboratory assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, deputy. Dean, Head of the Department of Political History, Associate Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; 1995-2000 – Dean of the Faculty of History of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; 1997-2002 – Vice–Rector–Director of the Almaty Branch of Moscow State Social University; 1999-2001, 2002-2004 – Director of the Institute of Russia and China; 1999-2007 – Vice-President of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2000-2002 – Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Head of the Department of Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; 2002-2004 – Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law of ASU. Abaya; 2002-2006 – member of the political Council of the Otan Party; 2004-2006 – Chief Expert of the Secretariat of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2004-2006 – Professor of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU; 2007-2011, 2012-2016 – Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2016 – Deputy. Development Director of the Kazakhstan Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University; 2016-2020 – Director of the Institute of Political, Social and Historical Studies.
Main scientific works: Socialism in Kazakhstan: facts, problems, prospects. Almaty, 1994; History of the theory and practice of socialism. Almaty, 1996; A country in the heart of Eurasia. Almaty, 1998; Extremism in Central Asia. Almaty, 2000; North Caucasus: History and Modernity. Almaty, 2001; China between the past and the future. Almaty, 2001; Through the prism of time. Almaty, 2014; Political philosophy of N.A. Nazarbayev’s Eurasian concept. Astana, 2015.
Mazhitov Sattar Fazylovich (b. 1964; Director – 2008-2011) – historian, statesman and public figure, Doctor of Historical Sciences (2007), Professor (2009), Laureate of the A.H. Margulan Prize (1995), Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (2010) and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2011), Member of the Commission According to the ICH, National facilitator of UNESCO in Kazakhstan (since 2008), Member of the Association of Directors of Institutes of History of the CIS Countries (2005-2010), honorary and visiting professor of foreign, domestic universities, has numerous awards. Graduated from Karaganda State University (1986). 1986-1988 – Senior lecturer of the Department of General History of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute; 1989-1992 – postgraduate studies; 1993-2005 – Researcher, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology; 2006-2008 – Head. Department of Modern History and Scientific Information of the Institute; 2011-2014 – Head. Department of the History of Kazakhstan of modern Times, STS; 2014 – Director of the KazNII of Culture; 2016-2019 – adviser to the Akim of South Kazakhstan and Turkestan regions; 2019-2020 – Director of the RSU “Kogamdyk kelisim” under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2020-2021 – Director of the International Institute for the Integration of Socio–Humanitarian Research “Intellect Orda”; 2021 – Director of the Historical and Cultural Complex “Shym Kala”; 2021-2022 – Director of the Center for Socio-Economic Research “Intellect Expert”.
Author of over 500 publications. Scientific consultant of over 400 popular science films on history. Main scientific works: Historian Ermukhan Bekmakhanov. Astana, 2005; Problems of history, theory and Historiography of the People’s Liberation movement of the XVIII – early XX centuries in Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2007; History of Kazakhstan (from ancient times to the present day) in 5 volumes. TT. 4,5. Almaty, 2009-2010 (author, chief scientific editor, composition); The legacy and grave of Mirza Muhammad Haidar Duglat in India. Almaty, 2011; Historical science of Kazakhstan: current state and development trends. Almaty, 2013; Intangible cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2016; Sattar F. Mazhitov. Problems of Research of Islamic Literature of Kazakhstan // Scopus Journal “Islamic Quarterly”. Vol. 62. Number 3, 2018. (SJR 0.110), etc.
Abzhanov Hangeldy Makhmudovich (b. 1953; Director – 2011-2017) – historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1992), Professor (2009), corresponding member of the NAS RK (2013), academician of the NAS RK (2017), Chairman of the historical and Educational Society of Kazakhstan “Adilet”, awarded numerous medals. Graduated from KazGU named after S.M. Kirov (1976). 1977-1979 – lecturer at the Department of History of the USSR of KazGU; 1979-1993 – employee of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, where he worked from a senior laboratory assistant to head. Department; 1993-1999 – Head of the Department of Historiography and Source Studies of KazNPU. Abaya; 1999-2009 – Professor of L.N. Gumilyov ENU, Head of the Department, Deputy. Director of the Scientific Center for Humanitarian Studies “Eurasia” of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU; 2009-2011 – First Deputy. Director of the Institute of State History; 2019 – present – Head of the Rukhani Zhangyru Center of the Kazakh State Agrarian University, Kazakhstan.
Main scientific works: Science and Technology of the USSR. Chronicle. – Moscow, 1987, 1988; Textbook on the history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day. Almaty, 1992; Turki alemindegi Kazakhstan: irgeli tarikh zhane methodology.Petropavlovsk, 2011; Tauelsiz Kazakhstan: zhogary bilim, gylym, sayasat.Almaty: 2009 (co-author); Kazirgi Kazakhstan tarikhy: Zhogary oku oryndarynn tarikhshy emes mamandyktaryna (bachelor’s degree) arnalgan okulyk.– Almaty, 2010 (sovator); Modern history of Kazakhstan: Textbook for students of non-historical specialties (bachelor’s degree) of higher educational institutions. – Almaty, 2010. (co-author); Kazakh khandygy tarikhs: kuryluy, orleui, kuldyrauy. Almaty, 2011 (sovator); Kazakhstan ethnostars: fotokitap.Almaty, 2013 (sovator); Eski devirlerden gunümüze Kazakhstan ve kazaklar. Istanbul, 2007. (co-author) and others.