Branch in Astana
The Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch.Valikhanov’s branch in Astana (here in after referred to as the branch) is a structural unit implementing research programs within the framework of the program–targeted and grant funding of the KS MES RK.
The director of the branch is Mahabbat Malikovna Kozybayeva, Ph.D.
The purpose of the branch is to provide scientific and analytical support for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.11.2020 and the tasks assigned to the State Commission for the Complete Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression before its completion, conducting research in the relevant areas of the Institute within the framework of scientific projects
Subjects of scientific activity of the branchare:
1) scientific and analytical support of the activities of the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression as part of the Project Office for the period of its work;
2) conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of historical sciences, ethnology (ethnography), and anthropology on the instructions of the Enterprise;
3) participation in national and international programs and performance of work on domestic and international grants, as well as on the basis of contracts with customers;
4) carrying out scientific examinations of completed research and competitive projects, as well as special conclusions on the profile of the branch’s activities;
5) provision of consulting and scientific and analytical services on the profile of the branch’s activities;
6) conducting scientific conferences and other scientific events on the profile of the branch’s activities;
7) organization of internships and other forms of advanced training in the profile of the branch’s activities;
8) scientific cooperation with other organizations on the profile of the branch’s activities;
9) commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities related to their practical application.
The branch of the Institute in Nur-Sultan was established in order to provide scientific and analytical support for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20 November 2020 on the establishment of the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression (hereinafter – the State Commission) and its employees are involved in the work of the Project Office to support the State Commission. The project office regularly provides scientific and methodological support for meetings of the State Commission, and briefings hold meetings with heads of working groups of the State Commission, lawyers of working groups, meetings of the subcommittee on methodology, and thematic seminars.
Directions of the branch’s work within the framework of the Project Office:
– work on the opening of a specialized scientific journal on political repression in Kazakhstan “Ulttyk Zhady” for the placement of scientific and analytical materials and expert opinions of domestic and foreign scientists;
– work in closed funds of domestic and foreign archives and preparation of scientific and analytical materials on political repression and full rehabilitation of victims of repression in accordance with new categories and subcategories;
– preparation and editing of materials of working groups of the State Commission and regional commissions for publication on the Portal of the State Commission with a unified republican database of victims of political repression;
– participation in international conferences on political repression in Kazakhstan;
– development of proposals for the establishment of the Institute of National Memory on the basis of the RSU “National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books” of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Project Office;
– development of proposals for the opening of the State Memorial Museum of Victims of Political Repression and regional museums of victims of political repression, including on the basis of former administrative buildings of the OGPU, NKVD, GULAG camps, in the places of residence of repressed figures, etc.;
– development of proposals for the compilation of historical maps of the main areas of dislocation of popular uprisings, places of mass executions, and graves of victims of political repression in Kazakhstan;
– scientific and methodological support for the preparation of reports and expert opinions of the working groups of the State Commission on the preliminary results of the research, new conceptual and theoretical conclusions on the full rehabilitation of victims of political repression, proposals, and justifications proposed for the development of draft laws in thematic areas;
– work to support the publication of collections of declassified documents, monographs of working groups of the State Commission and regional commissions in coordination with the Project Office and using the logo of the State Commission;
– publication of research results on the Portal of the State Commission, in peer-reviewed scientific journals (domestic publication recommended by CQAES, etc.)
– publication of materials about victims of political repression in news agencies, participation in various TV shows on republican TV channels.
Goals and objectives of the research stage. The goals and objectives of the branch of the Institute are aimed at the implementation of research related to the study of topical problems of the history of Kazakhstan within the framework of grant and targeted financing projects, as well as the implementation of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru”. Modern historical consciousness reveals not just an interest in the pages of the historical past, it demands the knowledge of the objective truth about the details and nuances of past history. In this situation, historians and historical science are called upon to become innovators in understanding the past.
As part of the program-targeted financing, the branch‘s employees carry out research in several areas:
1) “Development of the academic publication “History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day” in seven volumes” (performers – Ph.D. Kozybayeva M.M., doctoral student Beisembayeva A.R.);
The purpose of the program is to develop an academic publication on national history in 7 volumes based on the latest achievements of historical science, reflecting the processes of political, economic, and ethno – demographic history of the people of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present in line with the formation of a new attitude to historical memory and worldview, as interest in the objective, academically grounded history of our countries.
2) “Mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 2the 0-50s of the XX century and rehabilitation processes: the creation of a single database” (performer – Kozybayeva M.M.).
The purpose of the program is scientific and expert support of the work of the State Commission for the Complete Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, its subcommittee on methodology, and working groups on the identification, collection, and analysis of new archival materials from domestic and foreign archives, on the preparation of recommendations on declassification of closed funds, their introduction into scientific circulation, the creation of a unified database of victims of political repression in Kazakhstan, the development of recommendations for the completion of the processes of full rehabilitation.
As part of the grant financing of scientific research, the branch’s employees carry out the implementation of scientific research in the following areas: with an implementation period of 2020-2022 (27 months);
1) “Kazakh nomads in the republics of Central Asia and Russia during the mass famine of the early 30s of the XX century: stay and adaptation” (performer – PPh.D.Kozybayeva M.M.);
The purpose of the project is a comprehensive study of the socio-economic and legal situation, the specifics of adaptation of Kazakh nomads in the republics of Central Asia and adjacent territories in Russia during the period of mass famine in the early 30s of the XX century on the basis of identification and study of archival and written materials, oral recollections of witnesses of events and their descendants.
Project objectives:
– a comprehensive analysis of published scientific literature and published sources on the history of forced resettlement of compatriots outside the Kazakh Republic to neighboring regions during the famine period of the early 30s of the XX century;
-collection and analysis of new archival and written sources on this issue;
– conducting a survey of informants – descendants of witnesses of the mass famine of the early 30s of the XX century;
– the study of the main stages and directions of forced migration of Kazakhs outside the republic during the designated periodthe;
– study of the policy of local and central authorities in relation to Kazakh nomads in the republics of Central Asia and Russia;
– drawing up a map of the movement of the starving Kazakh population on the territory of Kazakhstan and beyond in the early 30s of the XX century;
– determination of the places of stay of forced nomads outside the Kazakh republic;
– the study of the relationship between Kazakh immigrants and local authorities and the population of the Soviet republics;
– characteristics of economic activities and life of Kazakh nomads in other places in a new place, identification of the features of their adaptation;
– identification of features in the spiritual and material culture of Kazakh immigrants;
– to determine the impact of migrations during the famine on the processes of formation of the Kazakh diaspora and irredentism, to identify the relationship with the modern processes of the return of descendants of migrants to their historical homeland.
As the final stage of the project, it is planned to publish a collective monograph, a collection of archival documents, and a collection of eyewitness memoirs on the history of forced migrations of the Kazakh population to neighboring territories during the mass famine of the early 30s of the XX century.
– withana implementation period of 2021-2023 (36 months)
1) “Famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences (based on new archival and written sources) (head – Ph.D. M.M. Kozybayeva);
The aim of the project is a comprehensive and systematic study of the mass famine on the territory of Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences based on the involvement of archival, written, and folklore sources.
Project objectives:
– a thorough analysis of the available domestic and foreign scientific literature and published sources on the problem of hunger in Kazakhstan from 1921-to 1922;
– collection and systematization of archival sources, written sources, folklore works on the problem of mass famine of 1921-1922;
– analysis of the causes and course of mass famine in the designated region in relation to 1921-1922;
– the study of the process of counteraction of local and central authorities (Kazakh Soviet autonomy in Orenburg) to mass famine;
– identification of the number of starving and starving citizens of the republic;
– identification of the number of Kazakhstanis who have migrated outside the districts of residence, including to the territory of neighboring Russian provinces
– the study of the areas most affected by the famine of 1921-1922;
– the study of the features of migration of the starving population outside the republic;
– analysis of the social and legal situation of Kazakhs who found themselves on the territory of neighboring provinces of Russia during the years of mass famine of 1921-1922;
– to show the process of returning hunger strikers from neighboring regions of Russia ;
– to study the process of employment and solving social and domestic problems of hunger strikers who returned to the northern and north-eastern regions of Kazakhstan;
– to identify the negative processes of mass famine on the territory of Kazakhstan in 1921-1922;
– to conduct a comparative analysis of the famine in Kazakhstan with a similar famine in the RSFSR and the Turkestan ASSR;
– to identify the most effective aspects of the fight against hunger in 1921-1922 on the example of Kazakhstan.
Expected results: based on the results of the implementation of the tasks set, it is planned to publish a collective monograph on the history of the famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences, release a collection of archival and written sources. The main results of the research will be reflected in a number of domestic and foreign scientific journals, also published in a number of textbooks and textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan, the authors of which will be members of the research group. The consumer of the scientific results of this project will be archives, museums, universities, research institutes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and foreign countries.
Within the framework of grant financing of scientific projects of young scientists for 2020-2022, the branch staff implements the project:
1) “The peasantry of Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: social transformation and everyday life” (supervisor – Ph.D M.M. Kozybayeva);
The aim of the project is a systematic study of the daily life of the post–war collective-farm peasantry in the context of the history of Kazakhstan of the late Stalinism era within the framework of agrarian history, the definition of scientific approaches to the study of socio-economic transformation of the traditional structure of Kazakh society.
Project objectives:
1. Definition of theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of the social history of Kazakhstan on the example of the peasantry;
2. Identification of the role of agriculture in supplying the country and cities with food and goods for export in the post-war period;
3. Analysis of the everyday history of the peasantry through the prism of socio-economic models of behavior and social roles in the context of the transformation of the traditional structure of society due to power modernization;
4. Study of the main stages of the socio-economic and political history of Kazakhstan in the post-war period on the example of crisis phenomena in agriculture of the republic;
5. Comprehensive study of the impact of famine in 1946-1947 in the central regions of the USSR, the residual principle of financing, agrarian reforms of the 1950s on the economic crisis in agriculture in Kazakhstan;
6. Study of the peculiarities of everyday life and working reality, the processes of social transformation and marginalization of the peasantry in the era of late Stalinism.
7. Determination of the participation of the peasantry in the economic structure and system of social relations;
8. Replenishment of the historiographical and source base of the national historical science with new archival and statistical materials, periodical press sources, museum artifacts, oral sources of the studied period;
9. carrying out scientific and practical activities with the publication of a collection of materials for the purpose of testing and popularization of research results;
10. preparation of scientific publications (monographs and articles in rating foreign publications), speeches in the media.
Expected results:
1. Noticeable replenishment of the source and historiographical base with new archival materials and oral sources, their introduction into scientific circulation
2. Publication of articles in domestic and foreign scientific publications, collections, newspapers and magazines.
3. Publication of a monographic study, a collection of conference materials.
4. Conducting a series of scientific and practical events in order to attract public attention to the problems of national history with the participation of domestic and foreign scholars.
1) Publications in domestic publications recommended by CQAES;
1. Kozybayeva M.M., Kazak boskyndary XX g. 30-shy lj. basynda Batys Sibirde: beyimdelu zhane ornalasu maseleri //Otan tarikhy. – No. 3(95). – pp. 110-117. (Bekenova A.A.)
2. Kozybayeva M.M., Kazakstandagi 1921-1922 zhyldardagi asharshylyk zhane onyn zardaptary (Soltustik Kazakhstan materialdary negizinde) //Otan tarikhy. – 2021. – № 4 (96)№ – 149-157 bb. (Kudaibergenova A.I., Baidaly R.Zh.)
3. Kozybayeva M.M. Sogystan keyingi kezenegi Saltustik Kazakhstan oblys sharualaryn aleumettik-ekonomikalyk zhagdayy men kundelikti omirinin erekshelikteri // Kagandy universitetinin khabarshysy. Tarikh. The philosophy of seriyasa. 2021. – No.4 – 44-53 bb. DOI 10731489/2021HPh4 (CQAES)
4. Beisembayeva A.R. The reasons for the weakening of the institution of the Khan’s power in the Kazakh Steppe in the context of the regional policy of the Russian Empire at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century // Bulletin of Karaganda University. The series “History. Philosophy”. № 1(101)/2021 – Pp. 6-14
5. Beisembayeva A.R. Prerequisites, reasons and course of the choice in khan dignity of Sultan Uali // Bulletin of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. Herald. The series is historical. No. 1 (100). 2021. – pp. 47-57
2) Publications in foreign publications (RSCI)
1. Kozybayeva M.M. The unknown famine of the early 1920s in the Kazakh steppe. //Bulletin of the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn. – 2021. – № 2 (106). – Pp. 91-99. (RSCI) (Grivennaya L.A.)
2. Kozybayeva M.M. THE FEATURES OF FAMINE OF 1921-1922 IN KAZAKHSTAN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES //Electronic scientific journal “”. – 2021. – № 3 (27). // / publications/view/1709. (accessed 11.11.2021). (RSCI) (Malabayev S.K.)eign experts and specialists on this topic.
3. Asanova S.A. Social policy of the Soviet government in the conditions of famine of 1921-1922 in Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn. – 2021. – № 2 (106). – Pp. 83-90. (RSCI)
4. Kozybayeva M.M. SAYASI KUGYN – SURGING USHYRAGAN AYELDER (AKMOLA OBLYSY BOYYNSHA) // Electronic scientific journal “ ” No. 3(27), 2021 (K.K. Sarsembina, H.B. Maslov)
5. Kozybayeva M.M. URBAN FAMILY IN THE CONTEXT OF STUDYING THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF NORTH KAZAKHSTAN CITIES IN 1920-1930s // Electronic scientific journal “”. – 2021. – №4(28).
6. Beisembayeva A.R. Early mentions in the sources of Uali bahadur sultan – the Kazakh ruler of the XVIII century // The peer-reviewed scientific journal “Trends in the development of science and education”. August 2021 No. 76, Part 3 Ed. SIC “L-Journal”, 2021. – 168 p.130-133.
3) Articles in scientific journals
1 Kozybayeva M.M. Peculiarities of adaptation of Kazakh nomads during the famine of the early 30s of the XX century among the population of Western Siberia // ALMANACS MUSEUM. Museum Almanac, July 2021. – Pavlodar: House of Printing LLP, 2021. – 87 p. (30-34).
4) publications in conferences:
1) Kozybayeva M. M. forced migration and repression among the Kazakh population in western Siberia in the 1920s and 1930s. // Material of the Republican scientific and practical conference ” hunger at the beginning of the 30th GG. XX century in Kazakhstan and released migrations of Kazakhs on common territories: research problems”. – Almaty: Litera-M, 2021. – Pp. 93-100.
2) Kozybayeva M. M. socio-economic development of Agriculture in the North Kazakhstan region in the later period // collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of agricultural history of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period: power and society”. – Almaty; Institute of history and Ethnology. Ch. Ch. Valikhanova, 2021. – Pp. 100-108.
3) Kozybayeva M. M. forced migration and repression among the Kazakh population in western Siberia in the 1920s and 1930s. famine at the beginning and forced migration of Kazakhs to neighboring territories: research problems” = “famine at the beginning of the 30th century. XX century in Kazakhstan and released migrations of Kazakhs on common territories: research problems”: /Comp. Kudaibergenova A. I., Kozybayeva M. M., Baidaly R. – Almaty: Litera-M., 2021. – 296 P. (93 – 101). “The goose., Russian. (in typography).
5) publication in mass media:
1) Kozybayeva M. M. A single database of all categories of victims of repression is intended to be created in Kazakhstan. // Sovereign Kazakhstan. – 2021. – May 28. // (date of registration – 10.11.2021);
2) Kozybayeva M. M. tragedy of otkochevki // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. – 2021;
3) Kozybayeva M. M. collection of materials for the years 1921-1922 in Kazakhstan in the archives of Moscow (Russia) /website of the Institute of history and Ethnology. “No,” She Said. – 2021. – October 24. // (date of registration – 10.11.2021);
4) Asanova S. A., Kapaeva A. T. scientific command in Nur-Sultan within the framework of the project “hunger in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences (on the basis of archival and written sources” //website of the Institute of history and Ethnology. “No,” She Said. – 2021. – 16 August. // (date of registration – 10.11.2021);
5) Famine in Kazakhstan of 1921-1922 in domestic and foreign scientific literature. // Portal “History Of Kazakhstan”. – 2021. – on September 23. // (date of application – 10.11.2021);
6) In 1920, the population of Kazakhstan was not less than 5 million people // sovereign Kazakhstan. – 2021. – October 25. // (date of registration – 11.11.2021);
7) Holding of the international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of the agricultural history of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period: power and society”. // Website of the Institute of history and Ethnology. “I Don’t Know,” He Said. – 2021. – 25 May. // (date of registration – 10.11.2021)
8) International Scientific and practical conference “Actualctual problems of agrarian history of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period: power and society” //Website of the Institute of history and Ethnology. “I Don’t Know,” He Said. – 2021, May 25 // &lang=en (date of registration – 10.11.2021).
6) collecting materials for the conference:
1. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of the agricultural history of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period: power and society”. “No,” I said. Kozybayev M. M.-Almaty; Institute of history and Ethnology. Ch. ch. Valikhanova, 2021. – 192 P. ISBN 978-601-7342-52-4
2. “The 30s of the XX century in Kazakhstan. famine at the beginning and forced migration of Kazakhs to neighboring territories: research problems” = “famine at the beginning of the 30th century. XX century in Kazakhstan and released migrations of Kazakhs on common territories: research problems”: conf. mat. / Comp. Kudaibergenova A. I., Kozybayeva M. M., Baidaly R.-Almaty: Litera-Moscow, 2021. – 296 P. – Kaz., Russian.