Employees of the department of historical demography and the assembly of people of Kazakhstan

  • Apendiev Timur Akimkhanuly – Head of the department, leading researcher, PhD. Historian – demographer. Author of monographs – «Factory industry of Turkestan» (2018).

  • Kudaibergenova Aizhamal Ibragimovna – Chief researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Historian, historian-demographer, specialist in the historical demography of Kazakhstan and on topical issues of the national history of the Soviet period. Author of more than 200 scientific and popular scientific works, encyclopedic, documentary, bio-bibliographic collections and 4 monographs.

  • Ualtayeva Altyn Slyamkaidarovna – is a leading researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor. The main directions of scientific research are general issues of the history of Kazakhstan, ethno demographic processes and interdisciplinary problems of studying both the entire population of the Republic and small towns in particular. In addition, she is the head of the Center for the training of Undergraduates and doctoral students in the framework of a joint educational integration program between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and 10 research institutes “Gylym Ordasy”.

  • Murzakhodzhaev Kuanysh Madievich – researcher, PhD student. Historian -demographer. Research topic – «Cultural and educational activities of the Jadids of Kazakhstan in the beginning. XIX – XX centuries». Author of more than 20 publications. 

  • Zhunussova Bota Nadirovna – researcher, PhD student. Research interests: historical demography, social history, collective memory, Nationalism, Nation/ State building, identity issues, self-government. Research topic is – «Poles in Kazakhstan: historical – demographic aspect (second part XIX – early XX centuries)» . Author of more than 20 publications.  

  • Omarova Gulnar Alimbekovna – researcher, master’s degree holder. The topic of research activity of population development and historical demography of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The compiler of the scientific collections “Kazakhstan Tarikh gylymy” (Almaty, 2005), «The population of Kazakhstan according to the All-Union census of 1939. In 5 volumes. Volume 1» (Almaty, 2009).