Head of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology

Full name: Abdulina Aksunkar Tursunovna

Position, Department: Head of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Leading Researcher,

Academic degree, rank: Candidate of Historical Sciences

Contact information: e-mail: abd_aksunkar@mail.ru


Born on November 11, 1968 in the city of Taldy-Kurgan, Taldy-Kurgan region of the Kazakh SSR in a family of employees. In 1985 she graduated from the secondary school No. 70 of Alma-Ata. Abdulina A. T. in 1985-1990 studied at the Faculty of history of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Qualification Diploma (with honors) – historian, teacher of history and social studies. In 1996, she graduated from full-time postgraduate studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh State University..

In 1998, at the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences in the specialty 07.00.07 Ethnology and Archeology on the topic “Modern Ethnocultural Processes in the Rural Environment of Zhetysu (based on the materials of an ethnosociological survey)”.

In 1990-1993 for the distribution of the university she worked as an assistant at the Department of ethnography and archeology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Then she worked as a teacher of Cultural Studies at Abay Almaty State University (1996-1997), then as history teacher at high school No. 72 (1997-1998).

In 1998-2006, she worked in the state archival institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Then she switched to a permanent job in the system of higher education and science. In addition, in 2013-2015, she worked as a senior researcher at the Department of Ethnology and anthropology of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (hereinafter referred to as the Institute), participated in 3 scientific projects, and in 2013 took part in a scientific expedition to the Xinjiang Republic of China to examine the Kazakh diaspora.

In 2019, he again working as a leading researcher in the Department of Ethnology and anthropology of the Institute. He was appointed coordinator of the work on the implementation of the project “conducting analytical research on updating, scientific selection and information support for the project” great names of the Great Steppe”, which will be implemented in 2019, ” the Institute of history and Ethnology named after sh.sh. Valikhanov, executed as a state task in 2019 (on the basis of an agreement with the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Two thousand twenty one – Coordinator of the project “development of a short history of Kazakhstan for a foreign audience”; acting deputy director for public relations.

In 2019, she again started working as a leading researcher in the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Institute. She was appointed coordinator of the work on the implementation of the project “Analytical research on updating, developing scientifically-based selection criteria and information support for the project“ Great Names of the Great Steppe”, which is being executed by the Institute during 2019 under an agreement with the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a state task. 2021 – coordinator of the project “Development of a short history of Kazakhstan for a foreign audience”; acting deputy director for public relations.

She had incentives: in 2003 – Certificate of honor from the Committee for Archives and Documents Management of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2005 – a letter of thanks from the Committee for Archives and Documents Management of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Certificate of appreciation for the contribution to the spiritual and social development of Independent Kazakhstan signed by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Sagadiev dated December 15, 2017; 2019 – a letter of appreciation from the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, signed by Director Kabuldinov Z.E., Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. 2020 – certificate of honor for contribution to the development of domestic science, signed by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aimagambetov; 2021 – was awarded the medal “Halyk kalaulysy” (people’s choice) of the corporate fund “Tugyryl Khan – On Khan”, was awarded the state medal “30 years of independence of Kazakhstan”.

Scientific interests: ethnology and ethnosociology, historical demography, migration processes, interethnic relations, ethnocultural and ethnosocial processes, problems of family and marriage at the present stage.

Publications: More than 100 publications on topical issues of domestic and world history, ethnology, archiving, the life of prominent state and public figures of Kazakhstan, international relations and world politics.


1. Sarieva R.Kh. Abdulina A.T. Essays on the history of the organization of the state archival service in Kazakhstan (1918-1945). – Almaty: Arys, 2006. – 324 p.;

2. Abdulina A.T. On the history of archival construction in Kazakhstan (1918–1945). – Almaty: Evero, 2020. – 300 p. (19 p.l.).

3. Collection of materials “Great Names of the Great Steppe” (within the framework of the project “Analytical study on updating, development of evidence-based selection criteria and information support of the project” Great Names of the Great Steppe “) / Ed. coll.: Kabuldinov Z. E. (editor-in-chief), Abdulina A. T. (editor-in-chief) and others. – Almaty: Litera-M, 2019. – 640 p.

Teaching aids:

1. The history of Kazakhstan in questions and answers: an educational and methodological guide for students of higher educational institutions. – Almaty: NURPRESS, 2016. – 312 p. (18.4 p.s.).

2. The history of international relations in modern times: A collection of standard test questions for students of the specialty 5B020200 “International relations” / Author-compiler of the Candidate of Historical Sciences A.T. Abdulina. – Almaty, 2017. – 190 p. (12 p.s.).

3. A course of lectures on the history of international relations in modern times (1917 – early 2010s): a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / A.T. Abdulina. – Almaty: NurPress, 2014. – 345 p. (20 p.s.).

4. The history of international relations in modern times (1618-1917): a textbook for students of higher institutions / A.T. Abdulina. – Almaty: Lantar Trade LLP, 2019. – 397 p. (25 p.s.).

Articles and reports:

1. Abdulina A.T. Ethnosociology: history, subject, methodology and research methods // Collection of materials of the X Eurasian International Scientific Forum “Ethnoses and cultures of Eurasia: history and modernity” (Astana, October 11, 2013). – Astana, 2013. – pp. 255-260 – 0.44 p.s.

2. Abdulina A.T. The state of cultural and social infrastructure in the Tarbagatai aimag of the XUAR of the People’s Republic of China) // Collection of materials of the Republican scientific and Practical conference “Creative potential of the Kazakh Diaspora: history and modernity” (Almaty, “Gilymordasy”, October 31, 2013). – Almaty, 2013. – 0,38 p.s. (in print).

3. Abdulina A.T. The Republic of Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China: the problem of transboundary rivers and joint water use //Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference “The legacy of Abylai Khan: interrelation and continuity of ideas” (Almaty, December 10, 2013). – Almaty, 2013. – pp. 452-455 – 0,4 p.s.

4. Abdulina A.T. The history of the formation of ethnosociology in Kazakhstan // Otan tarikhy. – 2013. – No. 3. – pp. 129-136.

5. Abdulina A.T. The Caspian problem: a knot of contradictions for the Caspian states // Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. Shaltykova A.I., “Customs policy and national security” (Almaty, April 25-26, 2014). – Almaty, 2014. – pp. 52-55. – 0.3 p.s.

6. Abdulina A.T., Sarbasova A.B. The Iranian nuclear problem and events in Yemen in 2015 // XV Scientific readings of young scientists dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Kazakh orientalist V.P. Yudin “Domestic and foreign historiography of the Kazakh statehood” (Almaty, Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov KN MES RK, May 12 2014). – 0,6 p.s.

7. Abdulina A.T. To the historiography of the issue of ethnosociological research in Kazakhstan // Bulletin of KazNU. – pp. 213-217. – 0,5 p.s.

8. Abdulina A.T. Marat Khasanaev and the archival business of Kazakhstan: to the 70th anniversary of his birth // International Scientific and theoretical Conference “Priority directions of modernization of integration processes of the Eurasian Economic Community” (Almaty, April 22, 2016). – Almaty, 2016. – pp. 314-320. – 0,4 p.s.

9. Abdulina A.T. Popularization of sacred monuments of Kazakhstan is an important task of youth policy // Materials of the international scientific conference “Youth policy: the future begins today” (Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata, Kyzylorda, March 13, 2019). – Kyzylorda, 2019. – pp. 331-337 (0.4 p.s.).

10. Abdulina A.T. Documents of the Orenburg Archive of socio-political history on conducting work among women-Muslim women in the early 1920s // Bulletin of the Treasury. The series is historical. – 2020. – № 3(98). – pp. 132-138 (0.7 p.s.).

11. Abdulina A.T. To the practice of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Semirechye // Otan tarikhi. – 2021. – No. 2. – pp. 66-79.

12. Abdulina A.T. Eyewitness memories of the famine of the 1930s in Kazakhstan: issues of source studies and reflection of everyday life // Otan tarihi. – 2021. – No. 3. – pp. 92-100.