Employees of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abdulina Aksunkar Tursunovna– Head of the Department, leading researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences. Ethnosociologist.
- Azhigali Serik Eskendiruly– Chief Researcher, «Honorary Head of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology», Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Architecture of the East.
- Ismagulov Orazak Ismagulovich – chief researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor.
- Toktabay Akhmet Ualkhanovich– Chief Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Ethnographer.
- Alimbay Nursan – Chief Researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1999-2022 – Director of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ethnographer.
- Orynbayeva Gulmira Ussenbayevna– Leading Researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences. Research area – various ethnocultural issues: the history of traditional economy, folk history, historical and ethnographic historiography, the evolution of traditional economy and culture of the Kazakhs in the late XIX – 1-st half of the XX century, etc.
- Ashim Baghlan Abdrakhmanuly – Researcher, PhD student (research topic – «Mosques of the Kazakhs of Mongolia: historical and ethnocultural research»). Ethnographer-monument specialist.
- Dossymbetov Nurlybek Aidarbekovish – junior researcher, PhD doctoral student. The scope of scientific research related to issues of the traditional economy of the Kazakhs: the traditional water using system of Kazakhs of Syrdarya 19th – beginning of 20th centuries, the culture of agriculture and camel farming of Kazakhs.
- Zikirbaуeva Venera Serikovna – Junior Researcher, Master’s degree, artist, designer
- Suleymenkyzy Saltanat – laboratory assistant, historian, translator from the Turkish language.