Employees of the Department of Historiography, Source Studies and Modern Methodology
- Kaipbayeva Ainagul Tolganbayevna is Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, and Head of the department.
- Abylkhozhin Zhulduzbek Bekmukhamedovich is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, chief researcher.
- Mukhatova Orazgul Khasenovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, chief researcher.
- Arman Muratovich Abikey is PhD degree holder, leading researcher.
- Gyulnar Mukanova is a leading researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor
- Burkhanov Bimurad Badritdinovich is master degree holder, researcher.
- Konkabayeva Arailym Nurbolatovna has master degree, junior researcher.
- Bayzhumanova Zamzagul Bekezhanovna is researcher. archives.
- Kopeeva Saniya Zhumataevna – laboratory assistant