About the Department of World History and External Relations

To the history of the Department

The Department of World History of External Relations was established in March 2012 on the basis of the “Department of Modern History and Scientific Information” (2007) of the I.I.I. named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. The head of the newly created department was appointed a leading researcher, Ph.D. Rustemov S.K., and it included senior researchers Nurymbetova K.K., Tulenova Z.M., Orazbek E.Zh., researchers Abuov A.Zh. and Kubeev R.D., junior researchers Otarbaeva A.B. and Suleimenova K.Sh. In 2007-2009. the employees of the department implemented the applied research project “Kazakstandagy ulttyk ideyanin otken tarikhy men bolashagy”, and since 2009 they have begun work on the study of the fundamental topic “Kazirgi Kazakstannyn alemdik kauymdastykka enui: Kazakhstan Republics President N.A. Nazarbaevtyn initiatives zhane tarikhi shyndyk”. Also, the specialists of the department Nurymbetova K.K. and Tulenova Z.M. systematized the library fund and collections of manuscripts and archival materials of the Institute. During this period, the department worked in the following areas: organization of events on topical issues of the history of Kazakhstan; development and improvement of international relations of the Ch.Ch. Institute of History and Ethnology.Valikhanov’s Book of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; continuation of work on the publication of the scientific journal “Domestic History”; publication of interviews and articles on the history of Kazakhstan in the media.

In 2013-2014 GG. the meeting was attended by the head of the Department of Science and technology of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. I. N. Nogayeva Z. K., the head of the Department Shashaev A. K. under his leadership Nurymbetov K. K., K. I. N., associate professor tulenovoy Z. M., Kubeeva R. D., Uralovoy A. A., Abuova A. ZH., engineer-operator Utegulovoy G. L. and Senior Laboratory Assistant ukibayev L. K. took part in the following scientific research projects:

2011-2015 GG. – review of the mnogomnik “history of the country” on the target Scientific Program” Scientific Kazyna ” Mon RK;

2011-2014 GG. – scientific project ” formation and development of the multiethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan (second half of the XIX-early XXI centuries)”;

2011-2014 GG. – scientific project” repressed census ” (population of Kazakhstan according to the All-Union census of 1937 and 1939: results and lessons);

2012-2014. – grant project “famous historians of Kazakhstan: fate and scientific heritage”. 

Since February 2015, she headed the department of Ph.D. Tulenova Z.M. as part of: senior researchers, Candidate of I.N. Nurymbetova K.K., Nesipbaeva Zh., researchers Kubeeva R.D., Oralova A.A., Abuova A.Zh., operator engineer Utegulova G.L., senior laboratory assistant Zikirbaeva V.S., who took an active part in the research, public and publishing activities of the Institute. Since 2014, the main activity of the department has been the improvement of the publishing work of the scientific journal “Otan Tarikhy” and the publication of the first electronic scientific online journal in the domestic humanitarian and scientific information space “Edu.e-history.kz “. The journal covers issues related to the history of Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region from ancient times to the present.

 A in 2017-2018 GG. the meeting was held under the leadership of K. I. N., Associate Professor Tulenov Z. M., senior scientific adviser, K. I. N. Ualtayev A. S., scientific adviser Orazova R. E., Kubeeva R. zh.and Ryskulova T. A., mladseg scientific adviser Ikram N., operator engineer zikirbaevoy V. S. took part in the following grant projects: within the framework of the Ruhani Zhangyru program for 2017-2018. Work on the presentation, promotion and collection of new data of the project” interactive scientific historical map” people of Kazakhstan”,” sacred geography of Kazakhstan “in 2017 and” sacred geography of Kazakhstan ” in 2018-19. “the formation of subethnic groups in the region of Kazakhstan in the modern era” and “the study of the national liberation movement in Kazakhstan in the context of preserving and strengthening national identity”, carried out within the framework of the program-targeted funding scientific project “History and culture of the Great Steppe”.

 In 2019, as part of the implementation of the state task on the topic “Archeographic works in foreign archives and funds on the history and culture of the Great Steppe (identification, analysis, digitization)” of the R.B.Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, Head of the Department, Leading researcher, Ph.D. Tulenova Z. M., senior researcher Orazov R.E. participated in an archeographic expedition to the Orenburg State Archive of Socio-Political History, the Orenburg Regional State Archive and in the development, compilation, editing and publication of an encyclopedic publication within the framework of the scientific research project “Historical Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan”, which fully covers the history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present.

In October 2019, due to the retirement age of Z.M.Tulenova, Candidate of I.N. Kudaibergenuly B. was appointed head of the department, since 2020, Candidate of I.N. Kalybekova M.Ch. was appointed head of the department.

Over 160 memoranda were signed in 2020-2023. Negotiations are underway to establish cooperation with leading scientific institutes and universities of foreign countries and the republic, which are considered potentially promising for the implementation of joint projects according to the Institute’s development strategy, as well as to introduce the Erasmus program to promote the development of young scientists as highly qualified professionals with international experience.Along with this, the staff of the department continues to work on improving the organization and coordination of joint international projects and events. In this regard, from 2020 work has begun on organizing a monthly international theoretical and methodological seminar with the involvement of foreign scientists who are engaged in research on the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, as well as issues of anthropology and ethnology for a domestic audience of research communities and a circle of interested persons. Thus, joint research and other various forms of cooperation with leading foreign scientific centers are aimed at providing a comprehensive study of the history of Kazakhstan both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

Scientific projects

Employees of the department are managers, coordinators and executors of 10 fundamental scientific projects:

-GF “Political repressions among Kazakhs on the territory of the republics of Central Asia in the 20-50s of the XX century (in the light of new archival sources)” (Kalybekova M.Ch., Kochiev E.R., Kasymova D.B.);

-GF “Unknown pages of the life and work of prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov” (Kasymova D.B., Kalybekova M.Ch.);

-GF “Reconstruction of the Golden Horde settlement of Aktobe Laeti: source and historiographical aspects” (Moryakova M.T.);

-GF “The peasantry of Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: social transformation and everyday life” (Bolatkhan A., Bekenova A.A.);

-GF “Famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences (based on new archival materials and written sources)” (Bekenova A.A.);

-GF “Soviet Kazakhstan: historical lessons of social and ethnic conflicts (1920-1991)” (Kalybekova M.Ch.).

-GF “Seitkali Mendeshev: life, activity and historical heritage (1882-1938)” (Kalybekova M.Ch.)

-PCF “Development of the academic publication “History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day” in 7 volumes” (Bekenova A.)

-PCF “Development of a scientifically based concept of the formation of modern historical science of Kazakhstan” (Kalybekova M.Ch., Kochiev E.)

– International project “Repressions against Poles and Polish citizens on the territory of the Kazakh SSR in 1937-1941” (Kalybekova M.Ch.) (Poland).

Publishing activities

In recent years, the publishing activities of the department’s employees have significantly intensified. The results of research on scientific projects and individual research have been tested in the materials of international conferences, seminars, round tables, for example, researcher Bolatkhan A. made a report on the topic “Collective farmers live here: everyday life of the peasantry in photographs” at the International scientific and practical Conference “Actual problems of agrarian history of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period: power and society” May 25, 2021; Kalybekova M.Ch. – “Repressions against the Polish intelligentsia and Polish citizens in the Kazakh SSR in 1937-1941” at the International Scientific Conference “Death and Birth of the (new) Polish intelligentsia”, November 8-9, 2021, Piletsky Institute (Poland), M.T. Moryakova – “Historical and cultural heritage of ancient and traditional societies of Central Asia: new discoveries and interdisciplinary research” at the “XIII Orazbayev Readings” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and Museology of the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; R. Kubeev – “On some features of Islamic ritual practice in Kazakhstan in the late Soviet period (a brief historiographical review)” at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Historical science of Kazakhstan in the context of modern scientometric research”, Kochiev E.R. – “The works of domestic authors on the history of Kazakhstan – the basis for the formation of a new historical worldview” at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Historical science of Kazakhstan in the context of modern scientometric research”, he is also a participant in 2 round tables “Achievements of Independence. The role of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Continuity of generations” on February 18, 2021 and “Peace and harmony in our common home”, dedicated to the Day of Gratitude organized by the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 25, 2021.Also with the participation of A. Bekenova . A round table “Famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 in domestic and foreign scientific literature” was organized and held on September 21, 2021, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famine of the early 1920s.

Along with this, the results of scientific research of the department’s employees have been reflected in scientific publications of the far / near abroad, KKSON and other scientific publications. For example, scientific articles by Kalybekova M.Ch., Kasymova D.B. were published in the rating scientific journal of Hungary; Kochieva E.R. – in Russia; the results of research by Kasymova D.B., Kudaibergenuly B. “Some aspects of language policy issues in the post-war period and the position of the leadership of the Kazakh SSR” were published in Otan Tarikhy magazine; Kozybayeva M.M., Bekenova A.A. “Kazakh boskyndary XXg. 30-shy lj. Basynda Batys Sibirde: beimdelu zhane ornalasu maseleri”.Under the leadership of M.Kalybekova and D. Kasymova, two collections of materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference were published: “Political repression among Kazakhs in the republics of Central Asia in the 20-50s of the XX century (in the light of new archival sources)” and “Zhumabai Shayakhmetov – a prominent statesman” (2021).Also, as part of the implementation of the projects, a monograph was published by Tulenova Z.M. in collaboration with academician Asylbekov M.H. “Academician M.K. Kozybaev: gulama galym, iri kogam kayratkeri” (Almaty, 2014), individual monograph by M.Kalybekova “Naukandy zaman: kazak zherine halyktardy deportationalau tarikhy (1937-1956 lj.)” (Almaty, 2019) and monograph “From the Baltic Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan” by M.Kalybekova in collaboration with Lithuanian historian B.Shetkus And that’s it.Bolatkhan (Almaty, 2019).

Employees of the department also provide media coverage of the most important events of the scientific life of the Institute, speak in print and electronic media:Kochiev E.R. took part in the Program”Shanyrak. Turkish Ethnos” on the Abai TV channel, dedicated to the Nauryz holiday and the deportation of the Ahysk Turks to Kazakhstan, published an article “Objectively and realistically” dedicated to the publication of the first three-volume encyclopedia “History of Kazakhstan” in “Evening Almaty”. The article “Kazakhstan 34 myn polyakty bauyryna baskan” by Kalybekova M., Bolatkhan A. B. was also published in the newspaper “Aikyn” dated September 26, 2021. and in “Evening Almaty” from 05/27/2021 “Repressed, but not forgotten”, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of victims of political repression on May 31 and “Germans of Kazakhstan” on the website Optimism kz. “News, interviews, analytics” from 09/26/2021 by M.Kalybekova et al.                                                                                                                              

Thus, in 2021 alone, 52 publications were published by employees of the department, of which COXON – 5, in other scientific publications – 2, in foreign rating journals – 3 (RSCI), in conference proceedings – 20, collections of documents edited by employees -3, mass media -19. Presentations at scientific events – 33 of them in international conferences -11, republican conferences – 15, forums, round tables – 7, methodological seminars – 14, professional development – 5.

Scientific, organizational and methodological work

Since the beginning of 2021, over 40 memoranda have been signed, in particular with the University of Pittsburgh (USA); the Collegiumcivitas University (Poland); Astana International University; a private school named after Shokan Ualikhanov; SHON Foundation; Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini; Kazakh Diaspora in Dushanbe NGO “Baiterek”; Staffordshire University (UK); National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; KSU “State Archive of Zhambyl region”; KSU “Center for Research of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Atyrau region”; NAO “Kokshetau University named after Shokan Ualikhanov”; NAO “Toraigyrov University”; Research Institute “Kultegin” at the University of Foreign Languages and Business Career; Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities of the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; RSU “National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Local Muslim organization “Muslim Religious Association”Caravanserai” RF, Orenburg; KSU “Kyzylzhar District Department of Culture, Language Development, Sports and Physical Culture” of the North Kazakhstan Region; NGO “Ult tagdyry – Kyzylzhar” KR, Petropavlovsk;  KGKP “North Kazakhstan Regional Museum Association of the Department of Culture, Language Development and Archival Affairs of the Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region” RK, Petropavlovsk; Gorno-Altaisk State University of the Russian Federation, Gorno-Altaisk; Altai State University of the Russian Federation, Barnaul, Altai Krai; Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy Sciences” (SPBI RAS) of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg; KSU “Pavlodar city archive on personnel” RK, Pavlodar; KSU “State Archive of the city of Ekibastuz” of the Department of Culture, Language Development and Archival Affairs of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ekibastuz; Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences” of the Russian Federation, Moscow; Regional Museum of Local Lore of Semey RK, Semey; Educational Institution “Alikhan Bokeikhan University” RK, Semey; Pavlodar Pedagogical university. 

Negotiations are also underway to establish cooperation with leading scientific institutes and universities of foreign countries and the republic, which are considered potentially promising for the implementation of joint projects and programs according to the development strategy of the institute. Among them:

– Institute of History and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw);

– Herat University – Herat University (Herat, Afghanistan) (an online meeting was held);

– Cambrıdge Seminars College;

– University of Tartu, Estonia (University of Tartu);

– University of Tübingen, Germany (the University of Tübingen);

– Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia;

– Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences);

– School of Creative Arts and Engineering, UK (School of Creative Arts and Engineering).

Along with this, the staff of the department continues to work on improving the organization and coordination of joint international projects and events. In this connection, research and analytical work was carried out, which is a prerequisite for the possibility of obtaining international research projects. The platform was used for this purpose https://www.fundinginstitutional.com / (information platform on large-scale grants with more than 18,000 scientific and institutional funding sources, Elsevier and integrated).

The results of the selection were presented to the Institute’s staff and opportunities were discussed (56 history grant programs are additionally provided). Also in 2021, 9 international theoretical and methodological seminars were held, where the speakers were:

1) 08.02.2021 Jasmine Dall’Anola (Oxford Brookes University) on “The impact of globalisation on national identities in post-Soviet societies”;

2) 24.02.2021 Niccolo Pianciola (Nazarbayev University) on the topic “The Great Famine in Kazakhstan: contextualization, comparison, conceptualization”;

3) 29.03.2021 Ian Campbell (University of California-Davis, USA). Natemu “A colonial parting of ways: Knowledge production, Kazakh intellectuals, and the settlement of the step”;

4) 27.04.2021 Daniela Ross (Utah State University, USA). Natemu “The evolution of Amangeldi Imanov and the creation of a foundation myth for the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (1916-1939)”;

5) 31.05.2021 Beatrice Penati (University of Liverpool, UK). On the topic “Refugees from starving Kazakhstan (according to the UNHU of the Kyrgyz ASSR)”;

6) 29.06.2021 Charles David Shaw (Central European University, Vienna). On the topic “The problem of conscription and desertion in the Central Asian village: evidence from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan”;

7) On 28.09.2021, Kristina Burinskaite of Lithuania (The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania). On the topic: “The experience of the Republic of Lithuania in the rehabilitation of victims of the Soviet era”;

8) 29.10.2021 Jerzy Rogozinsky (Center for Totalitarianism Studies of the Piletsky Institute). On the topic “Pioneers in the steppe? Kazakh Poles as an element of the Soviet modernization project”;

9) On 11/30/2021, Xavier Hallez (French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC). On the topic “Making political rebellion “primitive”: the 1916 rebellion in the Kazakh step in long-term perspective (ca.1840-1930)”.Thus, the international scientific relations of the Institute have been developing for many years. To date, over 200 agreements (memorandums of cooperation) have been signed with research institutes of historical (humanitarian) direction, archives, museums, universities, public organizations, libraries of both republican significance and with the countries of the post-Soviet region and Europe. Joint research and other various forms of cooperation with leading foreign scientific centers are aimed at providing a fundamental objective study of the history of Kazakhstan as a whole.