Employees of the department of history of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries in ancient and medieval times
- Zhenis Zhomart Zhenisuly, Doctor of Historical Sciences, VNS. – head of Department
- Kshibekov Dosmukhamed, Doctor of Historical Sciences, State Tax Service, professor, acc. NAS RK.
- Kumekov Bolat Eshmukhambetovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, STS, professor, acc.
- Dauletkhan Alimgazy, Doctor of Historical Sciences, VNS.
- Zhumadil Arman Kabdeshuli, Ph.D., VNS.
- Arepova Anar Duisenbaevna, SNS.
- Sauyrkan Yeldos – junior researcher, Master of Humanities
- Bekenova Almagul Arapkhanovna – master, MNS
- Nurmanova Aknur Kasymbekovna, laboratory assistant.