Grant financing projects for 27 months. (2020-2022)
Unknown pages form the life and activities of the prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov
INFORMATION on the project / program IRN АР08857330-КС-21: «Unknown pages form the life and activities of the prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov»
The tile of the research program: «Unknown pages from the life and activities of the prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov». The title of the priority direction of the scientific direction the project: Researches in the social and humanities. The title of the specialized scientific direction, type of research: fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary researches in the humanities: Spiritual modernization and Seven angles of the Great Steppe.
Strategically significant state task for what the program is developed: Article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan К.К. Тоkayev «Independence above all» in the newspaper «Egemean Kazakhstan» as of 5 January 2021.
The program realization site: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Shevchenko, 28
The program start and its completion, duration in months: 01.10.2020. – 31.11.2022.
The organization-applicant – C. C. Valikhanov Institute of history and ethnology.
The program scientific supervisor – Kassymova Didar Beisengalievna, leading researcher of the – C. C. Valikhanov Institute of history and ethnology, candidate of historical sciences.
The program participants – leading scholars-historians – specialists on some periods in history of Kazakhstan since early times until present times:
1. Kabuldinov Ziabek Yermukhanovich – doctor of historical sciences, director of the C.C. Valikhanov institute of history and ethnology (Kazakhstan, Almaty).
2. Aminov Talgatbek Farkhatovich – candidate of historical sciences, professor of “Astana university”, Institute of history of state of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan, Almaty).
3. Shayakhmetov Rinat Ravilevich, independent researcher, grandson of Z. Shayakhmetov (Казахстан, Алматы).
4. Grivennaya Ludmila Alexandrovna (Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk).
5. Oralova Aknur- Master of Arts in history, researcher of C.C. Valikhanov institute of history and ethnology (Kazakhstan, Almaty).
For effective implementation of the project were attracted researchers of the C.C. Valikhanov institute of history and ethnology.
The program objective – on the basis of true sources analysis found in the domestic and foreign archives, mass media sources and memories of the contemporaries to reconstruct political portrait of Zhumabai Shayakhmetov at the background of the historical conditions during his actives times at the state posts.
The program tasks:
– to study and figure out main years of his studies and formation on the of Omsk uezd of Akmolinskaya oblast;
– to investigate close and distant ancestors, aul and surrounding of Zhumabai Shayakhmetov on the territory of Omsk oblast of the Russian Federation;
– to investigate his working years as a teacher, officer of militia in Cherlak uezd of Omskaya oblast, finding previously unknown materials from the Historical archive of the Omskaya oblast;
– to research life and activities of Z. Shayakhmetov in Petropavlovsk uezd of Akmolinskaya oblast (1925–1938);
– to reveal new materials connected with the coming of Shayakhmetov to the post of third secretary of the Communist party of Kazakh SSR (1938–1939);
– to investigate state and party activities of Shayakhmetov at the post of second secretary of the Communist party of Kazakh SSR (1939–1946), establish his contribution to the development of Kazakhstan during the World War II;
– to study the role and place of Shayakhmetov in organizing the deported peoples and settlement of social-economic problems of special settlers (Chechens, Ingushes and others):
– to analyze his work at the post of the first head of the union republic (1946-1956);
– to research the period of his activities on the championing the scholars and National Academy of sciences from the totalitarian pressure;
– to study his work t the post of the Chairman of the Nationalities Council of the Supreme Council of the USSR (1950-1954);
-to figure out the reasons and consequences of the confrontation between Z. Shayakhmetov and N. Khrushchev and reveal the process of his positions from the posts of the І secretary o the Communist party of Kazakhstan (February 1954);
– to study the Shymkent and Moscow periods of his life course;
Other objectives include: search, systematization, analysis and interpretation of archival documents and materials on the topic under research; systematization of the complex of documents obtained in the funds of the Kazakhstani and Russian archives; organization of trips to the cities Almaty, Nur-Sultan, Petropavlovsk, Shymkent, Moscow, Omsk, St Petersburg; computer typing of the archival documents and translation of texts; writing of monograph and compilation of the documents collection; preparation for publication; publication of the monograph in the publishing house of the Republic of Kazakhstan; hold 1 round table, 1 republican scientific practical conference, 1 international scientific-practical conference.
Publication of the book/chapters in the Kazakhstani publishing houses, of articles in the national academic editions («Otan tarihy», «al-Farabi university Herald», «Іzdenis-Poisk», «Ult tagylymy» («Heritage of the nation»), «Abay university herald», «Higher education school of Kazakhstan» of the Republic of Kazakhstan, «Qazaq tarihy», etc.)
Main results of the project realization in 2020:
Round table
On the 6 of November 2020 in the C. C. Valikhanov Institute of history and ethnology was held on-line Round table: «New documents on the life and activities of Zhumabai Shayakhmetov» within the framework of the project realization «Unknown pages from the life and activities of the prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov». The round was devoted to the discussion of the major aspects of the life course of statesman and party leader Zhumabai Shayakhmetov (1902–1966), who contributed to the economic and cultural development of Kazakh SSR.
The following issues were discussed at the round table:
Main stages of the life course of Zhumabai Shayakhmetov;
Contribution of Z. Shayakhmetov into the development of agriculture, industry and culture of the Kazakh SSR;
Z. Shayakhmetov in the Interior bodies and state security organs;
Z. Shayakhmetov during the World War II;
Z. Shayakhmetov at the state and party work;
Z. Shayakhmetov during the Virgin lands campaign.
Plans for 2022:
– conduct concluding part of the research on searching, analysis and incorporating into the academic circulation of materials;
– compiling the list of documents for the collection of documents on the project topic;
– writing and editing of the monograph chapters by the project topic 9 p.p.
– research trips to Moscow, St Petersburg, Petropavlovsk, Shymkent to work in the archives;
– preparation and publication of 2 (two) articles or reviews in the peer-reviewed academic magazines, indexed in Web of Science, entering 1 (first), 2 (second) or 3 (third) quartiles, and (or) entering the base of Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index, and (or) with percentile by CiteScore in the Scopus base not less than 35 (thirty five);
– preparatory work for the international conference by the project topic «Unknown pages from the life and activities of the prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov»;
– review of the monograph and documents collection considering the comments and recommendation of the reviewees, translation of the monograph into Kazakh and English languages. Monograph publication, publication of the documents collection – 300-350 pages, testing by anti-plagiarism.
– monograph presentation and documents collection on the project topic in the C.C.Valikhanov institute of history and ethnology with mass media highlighting;
– final report preparation in two languages (Russian and English).
Publications in 2020:
1. «Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 90-th jubilee of the outstanding anthropologist Orazak Ismagulov «Orazak Ismagulov – the founder of the anthropology in Kazakhstan».- Almaty, 2020.
II Publications in КОКСОН:
Publications in 2021:
1. Аминов Т., Талгатбеков А. Деятельность Ж. Шаяхметова в годы Второй мировой войны. Отан Тарихы, №1(92). С. 118-129. Апр. 2021.
ДИРЕКТИВНЫЙ СТИЛЬ. Электронный научный журнал «» № 1(25), 2021.
3. Касымова Д.Б., Кудайберген улы Б. Некоторые аспекты вопросов языковой политик в послевоенное время и позиция руководства Казахской ССР.//Отан тарихы. 2021. № 2 (94). С. 114-126.
Publications for 2022:
1. (со-author Капаева А.Т.) Формирование кадров в советском Казахстане: стиль Жумабая Шаяхметова. //Отан тарихы. 2022. № 1 (97). С. 120-130.
II Publications in mass media:
III Participation and speeches at the conferences and «round table» by the project theme:
Collection of articles by the conference:
Публикации статей участников проекта в сборнике материалов конферцении:
1. Кабульдинов З.Е. Становление Жумабая Шаяхметова: происхождение
3. Асанова С.А. Жумабай Шаяхметов и развитие культуры Казахстана в послевоенные годы
4. Гривенная Л.А. Жумабай Шаяхметов: Петропавловский период жизни (1925-1938)
6. Гривенная Л.А. Как жила семья Ж. Шаяхметовых в г. Петропавловске
7. Капаева А.Т. Кадровая политика Жумабая Шаяхметова
8. Касымова Д.Б. Опыт изучения автобиографии Жумабая Шаяхметова
9. Касымова Д.Б. «Дело Кустанайской области» годы войны и позиция руководства Казахстана
10. Касымова Д.Б., Морякова М. Дело школы абаеведения: Голгофа Каюма Мухамедханова
14. Касымова Д.Б. VII съезд компартии Казахстана: разночтения и создание мифа
15. Косанбаев С.К., Джунусбаев С.М. Тернистый путь Жумабая Шаяхметова