Young scientists projects (2020-2023)
The peasantry of Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: social transformation and everyday life
«The peasantry of Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: social transformation and everyday life»
Project Manager: M.M. Kozybayeva, PhD
Title of the project topic: “The peasantry of Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: social transformation and everyday life”
IRN of the project: AP08052897
Name of the priority direction of science development: 6. Scientific foundations of “Mangilik el” (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities)
Name of the specialized scientific direction in which the application is submitted, type of research: 6.1. Fundamental and applied research in the field of socio-economic and humanities, 6.1.3. Current problems of social and socio-humanitarian sciences and interdisciplinary research
The date and duration of the project is May 2020 – December 2022.
The idea of the project is to restore a holistic picture of the daily life of the post–war collective farm peasantry, which is in the process of socio-economic, demographic, cultural transformation, a comprehensive study of the policy of late Stalinism in relation to the Kazakh peasantry, the development of practical recommendations for state bodies in the field of agrarian policy in the context of social modernization in the country.
The aim of the project is a systematic study of the daily life of the post–war collective farm peasantry in the context of the history of Kazakhstan of the late Stalinism era within the framework of agrarian history, the definition of scientific approaches to the study of socio-economic transformation of the traditional structure of Kazakh society.
Project objectives:
1. Definition of theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of the social history of Kazakhstan on the example of the peasantry;
2. Identification of the role of agriculture in supplying the country and cities with food and goods for export in the post-war period;
3. Analysis of the everyday history of the peasantry through the prism of socio-economic models of behavior and social roles in the context of the transformation of the traditional structure of society due to power modernization;
4. Study of the main stages of the socio-economic and political history of Kazakhstan in the post-war period on the example of crisis phenomena in agriculture of the republic;
5. Comprehensive study of the impact of famine in 1946-1947 in the central regions of the USSR, the residual principle of financing, agrarian reforms of the 1950s on the economic crisis in agriculture in Kazakhstan;
6. Study of the peculiarities of everyday life and working reality, the processes of social transformation and marginalization of the peasantry in the era of late Stalinism.
7. Determination of the participation of the peasantry in the economic structure and system of social relations;
8. Replenishment of the historiographical and source base of the national historical science with new archival and statistical materials, periodical press sources, museum artifacts, oral sources of the studied period;
9. Carrying out scientific and practical activities with the publication of a collection of materials for the purpose of testing and popularization of research results;
10. Preparation of scientific publications (monographs and articles in rating foreign publications), speeches in the media.
Expected results:
1. Noticeable replenishment of the source and historiographical base with new archival materials and oral sources, their introduction into scientific circulation
2. Publication of articles in domestic and foreign scientific publications, collections, newspapers and magazines.
3. Publication of a monographic study, a collection of conference materials.
4. Conducting a series of scientific and practical events in order to attract public attention to the problems of national history with the participation of domestic and foreign experts and specialists on this topic.
Research Group:
The project manager is Makhabbat Malikovna Kozybayeva, PhD, leading scientific researcher, Acting Director of the branch of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology in Nur-Sultan. Author of more than 70 scientific articles published in domestic and foreign journals, co-author of 3 monographs. The direction and nature of the work – leading scientific researcher, project management, collection of archival materials on the studied issues in neighboring countries, publication of scientific articles, writing a section of the monograph. Link to the profile in Scopus: .
Link to Web of Science profile: AAQ-9912-2020
Link to the profile in ORCID:
The main performers of the project
1. Apendiev Timur Akimkhanovich – PhD, scientific researcher, head. Department of Historical Demography and APK of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, publication of scientific articles, writing a section of the monograph. Link to the profile: ? AuthorID=57192888675
2. Abdrakhmanova Kymbat Kazalievna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the E.A. Buketov KarSU. The direction and nature of the work – leading scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of scientific articles, writing a section of the monograph. Link to the profile: =57192107730
3. Zhalmagambetov Yerlanbek Adilbekovich – Master of History, senior lecturer of KazNPU named after Abaya. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of articles in scientific journals, writing a section of the monograph. Link to the profile: ? AuthorID=55816266800
4. Bolatkhan Aliya – Master of History, researcher of the Department of External Relations, Information and Scientific Cluster of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection of archival materials, publication of scientific articles, writing a section of a monograph.
5. Konkabayeva Arailym – Master of History, project executor. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of articles in scientific journals, writing a section of the monograph.
6. Bekenova Amagul Araphanovna – Master of History. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection and processing of archival and written materials, publication of scientific articles, writing a section of a monograph, documentation support of the project.
7. Zakaria Rakhmetolla – doctoral student, researcher at the Department of World History of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. The direction and nature of the work – junior scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of articles in scientific journals, writing a section of the monograph.
8. Kali Ainur – Master of History, researcher of the Department of History of Kazakhstan of the XX century of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. The direction and nature of the work – junior scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of scientific articles, writing a section of the monograph.
9. Zikirbaeva Venera Serikovna – Master of History, artist-designer of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Institute of History and Ethnology. The direction and nature of the work – junior scientific researcher, preparation of illustrations for the publication of the monograph, a set of text materials, participation in the organization of events on the project
Information about the main publications of the project manager and members:
1. Kozybayeva M.M. “Alien Elements” in the Social Structure and Everyday Life of City Population in Northern Kazakhstan in the 1920s (as exemplified by Akmolinsk). // Life Science Journal. – 2014. – Vol.11 – IsP.9 – P. 348-351. ISSN 1097-8135 SJR_2014: 0,161 (Scopus) (coauthor – Kabuldinov Z.Y.)
2. Kozybayeva M.M. City Family of North Kazakhstan in 1920-1930P.// The Anthropologist. International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. – 2015. –Vol.22 – Iss.3. – P.560-567 (Thompson Reuters) (Kabuldinov Z.Y.)
3. Kozybaeva M.M. Vlııanıe goloda 1921-1922 godov na povsednevnýıý jızn gorodskogo naselenııa Severnogo Kazahstana // Vestnık Karagandınskogo ýnıversıteta. Serııa Istorııa. Fılosofııa. – Karagandy, 2014 – № 3(75) – S.162-167. ISSN 0142-0843
4. Kozybaeva M.M. Razvıtıe torgovlı ı ee rol v povsednevnoı jıznı gorodskogo naselenııa Severnogo Kazahstana v 1920-1930-e gg. // Vestnık gosýdarstvennogo ýnıversıteta ımenı Shakarıma goroda Semeı. – 2015 – №3 (71) – P.222–225.
5. Kozybaeva M.M. Gorodskaıa semıa ı problemy sovetskogo obestva v 1920-1930-e gg. v kontekste ızýchenııa ıstorıı povsednevnostı gorodov Severnogo Kazahstana // Vestnık Evrazııskogo natsıonalnogo ýnıversıteta ım. L.N. Gýmıleva. Serııa Gýmanıtarnye naýkı. – Astana, 2015 – №2 (100). – S.344–350. ISSN 1028-9364 – 0,4
6. Kozybayeva M.M. Restrictions on access to the education system in the context of the study of everyday life in the cities of Northern Kazakhstan 1920-1930-ies // Materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference “Science without borders” – Sheffield. Science and education LTD, 2015. – Vol. 9. History. Philosophy. – 96 p.–P.37–39.
7. Kozybaeva M.M. Mıgratsıonnye protsessy ı sotsıalno-ekonomıcheskoe polojenıe kazahskogo naselenııa Zapadnoı Sıbırı v 1930-h gg. // Vestnık KGPI. – 2017. – №3 (47) – S.45-51
8. Kozybaeva M.M. Vremıa pomnıt: k voprosý o tragıcheskıh stranıtsah otechestvennoı ıstorıı 20-50-e gg. XX veka // Materıaly Mejdýnarodnogo forýma v ramkah proekta «Pamıat vo ımıa býdýego», posvıaennogo Dnıý pamıatı jertv polıtıcheskıh repressıı. – Aktobe, 2018. – S.95-98.
9. Kozybaeva M.M. Harakterıstıka sıstemy zanıatostı ı ýrovnıa jıznı gorodskogo naselenııa Severnogo Kazahstana v 1920–1930-e gody // «Akademık Aqaı Núsіpbekov jáne Qazaqstannyń ulttyq tarıhynyń jańǵyrýy» atty «VI-shy Núsіpbekov oqýlary» Respýblıkalyq ǵylymı-tájіrıbelіk konferentsııasy materıaldarynyń jınaǵy. – Almaty: 2019. – 304 b. – P.131-144.
10. Kozybayeva M.M. Ethnic processes in the cities of Northern Kazakhstan in 1920-1930s // Materıaly mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Voprosy personalıstıkı kazahstanskoı ıstorıı: Malık-Aıdar Hantemırovıch Asylbekov», posvıaennoı k 90-letııý akademıka NAN RK, doktora ıstorıcheskıh naýk, professora M.-A.H. Asylbekova. – Almaty, 2019 – S.425-432.
11. Apendiev T. Formation and development of the bodies of the passport system in Soviet Kazakhstan in 1920P.– Man In India. – № 96 (10). – 2016. – 3673-3684 bb. (Omarbaev Y., Smaǵulova S.Á., Ýaltaeva A.S., Horek Slavomır)
12. Apendiev T. Historical picture of the German people migration to Kazakhstan (end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries). – Man In India. – № 96 (10). – 2016. – 4015-4026 bb. (Qudaıbergenova A.I., Ýaltaeva A.S., Abdýkadyrov N.M., Satov E.J.)
13. Apendiev T. An Historical Picture of German Resettlement to Kazakhstan (End of the 19th Century-Beginning of the 20th Century). – Vestnık RAN. – №6. – 2016. – P.1154–1156 (Asylbekova J.M., Abdýkadyrov N.M., Satov E.J.)
14. Apendiev T. Influence of migration processes on changing in the ethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan (End of the XIX – end of the XX centuries). – Man In India. – № 97 (2). – 2017. – 47-64 bb. (Qudaıbergenova A.I., Júgenbaeva G.S., Shatybekova K., Bısembaeva L., Jumádіl A.Q., Qaıypbaeva A., Súleımenova Q.)
15. 5. Apendiev T. Resettlement of the Germans to the territory of modern Kazakhstan in the Pre-Revolution period. – Bylye gody. – №44 (2). – 2017. – P.568-575. (T.A. Apendıev, T.A. Týlebaev, K.E. Abıkenova, S.Jandybaeva).
16. Apendıev T. Qazaqstandyq nemіster: áleýmettіk – demografııalyq quramyndaǵy ózgerіster (1989-2009 jj.) // Otan tarıhy. – №1 (69). – 2015. – 136-142 bb.
17. Apendıev T. Qazaqstanǵa nemіsterdіń qonys aýdarýy (HIH ǵ. sońy men HH ǵ. basy) // KazNPÝ habarshysy, tarıh jáne saıası-áleýmettіk ǵylymdar serııasy. – №1 (44). – 2015. – 226-230 bb.
18. Apendıev T. Qazaqstan aýmaǵynda nemіs dıasporasynyń mıgratsııalyq tolqynynyń paıda bolý máselelerі // QR UǴA Habarlary. – Qoǵamdyq jáne gýmanıtarlyq ǵylymdar bólіmshesі. – №2. – 2015. – 240-247 bb.
19. Apendıev T. 1926-1939 jyldardaǵy Ońtústіk Qazaqstannyń áleýmettіk-demografııalyq jaǵdaıy // – QR UǴA Habarshysy. – №6. – 2015. – 121-135 bb. (Asylbekov M.H., Satov E.J. bіrge).
20. Apendıev T. Lezgınderdіń genezısі men qazaqstanǵa qonystaný tarıhy // Otan tarıhy. – №1. – 2019. – 189-205 bb.
21. Konkabaeva A. Sh. Ýálıhanov eńbekterіnіń tarıhı mańyzdylyǵy // «Shoqan Ýálıhanov jáne qazaq folklory» atty Halyqaralyq ǵylymı-teorııalyq konferentsııa materıaldary. – Almaty, 2015. – 104-109 b.
22. Konkabaeva A. HH ǵasyrdaǵy Mańǵystaý ólkesіnіń tarıhy estelіkter negіzіnde // Otan tarıhy.– 2017. – №4. – 131-136 bb.
23. Konkabaeva A. Aýyzsha tarıh: derektemelіk taldaý máselelerі // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «». – 2017 – №3 (07) 500 (v soavtorstve Júgenbaeva G.S., Burhanov B.B.)
24. Zıkırbaeva V. Fotomaterıaldardyń etnografııalyq derekkóz retіndegі mańyzy // Otan tarıhy – 2019. – №1(85) – 47-58 bb. (soavtor Shashaev Á.Q.)
Main results of work for 2020
- Collection of archival materials on the project in domestic archives and libraries, collection of oral materials, processing of the received data.
Work was carried out in the central archives and libraries (Almaty), a number of archaeological expeditions were carried out to domestic archives and libraries (Nur-Sultan, Shymkent, Ust-Kamenogorsk), requests were sent to regional archives to identify documents online (Kostanay, Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk). On the basis of the identified materials, a source base of the study was formed, the basis of which was the documents identified in the national archives: the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CSA RK), the Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents and Sound Recordings (CSAFPDSR), the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (PA RK), the State Archive of the Akmola region (SAAR), the State Archive of the city of Nur-Sultan (SAN), Turkestan State Regional Archive and Shymkent City Archive, State Archive of East Kazakhstan region (SAEKR), The State Archive of Kostanay region (SAKR), the North Kazakhstan State Archive (NKSA), the State Archive of Pavlodar region (SAPR), the State Archive of Karaganda region (SAKR). Questionnaires were prepared for informants – representatives of the rural population over 80 years old (Appendix D). An extensive and source base of research was formed, including on the basis of oral testimonies and memoirs.
Scientific literature was studied in the collections of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Karaganda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Gogol, East Kazakhstan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A.Pushkin, Pavlodar Regional United Universal Scientific Library named after P.Toraighyrov, Scientific library of Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov, as well as foreign libraries: the Russian State Library, the Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after A.P.Pushkin. The electronic resources of online libraries, where foreign scientific literature and periodicals in English, German, Russian, etc. are presented, have been studied. languages on Soviet post-war everyday life. On the basis of the revealed materials, a historiographic research base has been created, including foreign (English-American) and Soviet historiography on the problem of the Soviet peasantry (more than 120 books, 15 collections of documents, 90 scientific articles in the periodical press). Work was carried out on the analysis of Russian and modern Kazakh historiography during the preparation of scientific articles and when writing a monograph.
2. Organization and holding of the Republican Round table “Methodological approaches to the study of everyday Stalinism: Stalinist peasants”.
On September 17, 2020, as part of the project, the Council of Young Scientists of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology held a Republican round table on the topic “Methodological approaches to the study of everyday Stalinism: Stalinist peasants” (Appendix D). The purpose of the round table: to determine scientific approaches to the study of the daily life of the peasantry in Kazakhstan in the 1920s-1950s in the context of socio-economic transformation of the traditional structure of Kazakh society. The round table discussed new theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the peasantry in Kazakhstan; types of sources and problems of source studies on the history of everyday life and everyday life of the Soviet peasantry; issues of domestic and foreign historiography on the history of the peasantry during Stalinism. The speakers noted the need for a critical analysis of foreign historiography in the formation of historical representations and the selection of methodological tools. Taking into account the significance of this problem in modern Russian historiography, following the results of the event, it was proposed to publish a collection of materials of the round table, as well as to continue the study and generalization of domestic and foreign experience aimed at studying the Soviet everyday life of the peasantry.
3. Systematization of scientific research materials, and preparation of the manuscript of the 1st section of the monograph.
Work was carried out to systematize the materials of scientific research, a plan for a future collective monograph was drawn up and the manuscript of the 1st section devoted to the theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of peasant everyday life was prepared (domestic and foreign historiography about the daily life of the post-war peasantry, the source base of the study, theoretical approaches and methodological principles of the study of the history of peasant everyday life).
4. Publications on the project for 2020
Within the framework of this task, work was carried out to prepare for the publication of scientific articles. According to the results of research in 2020, a total of 28 articles were published, of which: in peer–reviewed foreign publications with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI) – 2, in peer–reviewed domestic publications (recommended by CQAES) – 11, in other scientific publications – 2, publications in the media – 13, 10 reports were prepared and speeches at national and international conferences and round tables on the topic of research.
- Articles in peer-reviewed foreign publications with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI):
1 Azerbaev A.D. Pravoslavıe v povsednevnoı jıznı Pavlodarskogo Prıırtyshıa perıoda stalınızma // Materıaly Mejdýnarodnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı «Býdýee nashego proshlogo-6: ıstorııa povsednevnostı ı povsednevnost ıstorıka». – Moskva, 27 noıabrıa 2020 g. (v pechatı).
2 Apendıev T.A. Arhıvy govorıat: Reabılıtatsııa ı pamıat [Arhıvy govorıat: Reabılıtatsııa ı pamıat] // Materıaly Mejdýnarodnoı praktıcheskoı ınternet-konferentsıı “Vyzovy naýkı“. – 2020. – Vyp. III, s.150-153. // (Kalybekova M.Ch.).
2) Articles in peer-reviewed domestic publications (recommended by CQAES):.
1 Abdrahmanova K.K. Istorııa povsednevnoı jıznı krestıanstva Kazahstana v poslevoennoe desıatıletıe: ıstorıografıcheskıı aspekt // Vestnık Karagandınskogo ýnıversıteta. Serııa Istorııa. Fılosofııa. – 2020 – №3 (99) – P.7-20.
2 Azerbaev A.D. Islam v povsednevnoı selskoı jıznı Pavlodarskoı oblastı v poslevoennye gody // Otan tarıhy. – 2020. – № 3 (91). – P.139-150.
3 Ápendıev T.Á. Qazaqstandaǵy aýyl turǵyndarynyń sandyq kórsetkіshі boıynsha demografııalyq protsester» // «» elektrondyq ǵylymı jýrnaly. – 2020. – № 4(24) qazan-jeltoqsan.
4 Bolathan Á. 1917-1980 jj. keńestіk Qazaqstan mektepterіndegі
tarıhty oqytý ádіstemesіnіń qalyptasýy jáne damý tájіrıbesіnen // Abaı atyndaǵy QazUPÝ-nіń Habarshysy, «Tarıh jáne saıası-áleýmettіk ǵylymdar» serııasy. – 2020 – №2 (65) – 522-526 bb. (Asymova D.)
5 Jalmagambetov E.A. Qazaqstan bіlіm júıesіnіń qalyptasýyndaǵy
Qyzylordalyq kezeńnіń orny // Abaı atyndaǵy QazUPÝ-nіń HABARShYSY, «Tarıh jáne saıası-áleýmettіk ǵylymdar» serııasy. – 2020 – №2 (65) – 41-47 bb. (Ázіretbergenova E.J.).
6 Jalmagambetov E.A. Uly Otan soǵysy jyldarynan keıіngі sharýalardyń áleýmettіk stratıfıkatsııasy // Vestnık KazNPÝ ım. Abaıa. Serııa sotsıologıcheskıe ı polıtıcheskıe naýkı. – 2020. – №4 ( v pechatı)
7 Kozybaeva M.M. Kontseptýalnoe pereosmyslenıe natsıonalnoı ıstorıı: vklad A. Kýzembaıýly v razvıtıe ıstorıcheskoı naýkı Kazahstana // Otan tarıhy. – 2020. – № 1 (89). – P.58–72. (Abıl E.A.)
8 Kozybaeva M.M. Osobennostı sotsıalno-ekonomıcheskogo polojenııa krestıanstva Severo-Kazahstanskoı oblastı v poslevoennyı perıod // Otan tarıhy. – 2020. – № 3 (91). – P.150-131. (Qudaıbergenuly B.)
9 Qozybaeva M.M. Uly Otan soǵysy jyldaryndaǵy Pavlodar qalasy // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «». – 2020. – №2 (22), sáýіr-maýsym (Qudaıbergenuly B., Kabdýshev B.J.)
10 Zakarya R. Survival strategies and mechanisms of virgin land peasants adaptation to changing conditions // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «». – 2020 – № 3(23), ııýl-sentıabr (Kudaybergenova A.I.)
11 Qalı A.N. Qazaqstandaǵy soǵystan keıіngі jyldardaǵy saýattylyq pen bіlіm deńgeıі (1945-1955) // Elektronnyı jýrnal «». – 2020. – № 4 (24) (v pechatı).
In other domestic and foreign scientific publications:
1 Bolathan Á. Qapal ýezі kúndelіktі ómіrіnde poshta baılanysynyń alatyn orny // SDU Bulletin: Social ScienceP.– 2020 – Vol. 52 (1) // (Qulyntaı D.) (data obraenııa – 1.11.2020 g.)
2. Zakarya R. Survival strategies and mechanisms of adaptation of workers of virgin lands to changing conditionP.// Culture, education, literature. Elektronnyı jýrnal – Chehııa, 2020. – P.35-37
3) Publications and media appearances:
1 Kozybaeva M.M. Nado znat svetlye ı temnye stranıtsy ıstorıı // Portal «Istorııa Kazahstana». – 2020, 30 maıa. // (data obraenııa – 1.11.2020 g.)
2 Kozybaeva M.M. Novaıa veha v stanovlenıı kazahskoı ıdentıchnostı // Vechernıaıa Astana. – 2020, 2 ııýnıa. // identichnosti/ (data obraenııa – 1.11.2020 g.)
3 Kozybaeva M.M. Sımvoly strany // Vechernıaıa Astana. – 2020, 4 ııýnıa. // (data obraenııa – 1.11.2020 g.)
4 Kozybaeva M.M. Glavnyı gorod strany // Vechernıaıa Astana. – 2020, 4 ııýlıa. // (data obraenııa – 1.11.2020 g.) (Kabýldınov Z.E.)
5 Respýblıkanskıı krýglyı stol «Metodologıcheskıe podhody k ızýchenııý povsednevnogo stalınızma: stalınskıe krestıane» // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2020, 17 sentıabrıa //
6 «Kúndelіktі stalınızmdі zertteýdіń ádіsnamalyq tásіlderі: stalındіk sharýalar» atty Respýblıkalyq dóńgelek ústel // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2020, 17 sentıabrıa. // (data obraenııa – 1.11.2020 g.)
7 Stalınskıe krestıane // «Qazaqstan tarihy» portaly. – 2020, 21 sentıabrıa // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2020 g.)
8 Kozybaeva M.M. Na pýtı Abaıa // Vechernıaıa Astana. – 2020, 8 oktıabrıa. // (data obraenııa – 10.10.2020 g.)
9 Bolathan Á. Maqsatymyz – soǵystan keıіngі tarıhty keshendі zertteý // Ońtústіk Qazaqstan» atty Túrkіstan oblystyq qoǵamdyq-saıası gazetі. – 2020, 19 qazan // (data obraenııa – 20.10.2020 g.)
10 Bolathan Á. Naýchnyı ınteres // «Iýjnyı Kazahstan». Oblastnaıa obestvenno-polıtıcheskaıa gazeta. – 2020, 19 qazan // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2020 g.).
11 Naýchnaıa komandırovka v gorod Shymkent // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2020, 20 oktıabrıa // (data obraenııa – 21.10.2020 g.)
12 Shymkent qalasyna ǵylymı іssapar // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2020, 20 oktıabrıa // (data obraenııa – 21.10.2020 g.)
13 Oblastnoı arhıv posetılı sotrýdnıkı Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı // Saıt KGÝ «Gosýdarstvennyı arhıv Akmolınskoı oblastı» Ýpravlenııa kýltýry, arhıvov ı dokýmentatsıı Akmolınskoı oblastı // Instituta_istorii_i_etnologii_20201027052112.html (data obraenııa – 21.10.2020 g.)
4) Reports at national and international conferences and round tables:
1 Qozybaeva M.M. Nekotorye problemy metodologıı ı vıdy ıstochnıkov po ızýchenııý krestıanskoı povsednevnostı epohı stalınızma // Programma Respýblıkanskogo krýglogo stola «Metodologıcheskıe podhody k ızýchenııý povsednevnogo stalınızma: stalınskıe krestıane». – Almaty, 17 sentıabrıa 2020 g.
2 Abdrahmanova K.K. Problemy ızýchenııa sovetskogo krestıanstva v anglo-amerıkanskoı ıstorıografıı // Programma Respýblıkanskogo krýglogo stola «Metodologıcheskıe podhody k ızýchenııý povsednevnogo stalınızma: stalınskıe krestıane». – Almaty, 17 sentıabrıa 2020 g.
3 Azerbaev A.D. Relıgııa v selskoı povsednevnostı poslevoennogo perıoda (na prımere Pavlodarskoı oblastı) // Programma Respýblıkanskogo krýglogo stola «Metodologıcheskıe podhody k ızýchenııý povsednevnogo stalınızma: stalınskıe krestıane». – Almaty, 17 sentıabrıa 2020 g.
4 Ápendıev T.Á. 1945-1955 jj. Qazaqstandaǵy aýyl turǵyndary sandyq kórsetkіshterіndegі demografııalyq protsester // «Stalınızmnіń kúndelіktі tarıhyn zertteýdіń metodologııalyq tásіlderі: stalındіk sharýalar» atty Respýblıkalyq dóńgelek ústeldіń baǵdarlamasy. – Almaty, 2020 jylǵy 17 qyrkúıek.
5 Jalmaǵambetov E.Á. Rol lıchnogo podsobnogo hozıaıstva v jıznı sovetskogo krestıanstva v pozdnıı stalınskıı perıod // Programma Respýblıkanskogo krýglogo stola «Metodologıcheskıe podhody k ızýchenııý povsednevnogo stalınızma: stalınskıe krestıane». – Almaty, 17 sentıabrıa 2020 g.
6 Bolathan Á. Kúndelіktі ómіr tarıhyn zertteý ádіsterі jáne olardy Otandyq tájіrıbede qoldaný máselelerі // «Stalınızmnіń kúndelіktі tarıhyn zertteýdіń metodologııalyq tásіlderі: stalındіk sharýalar» atty Respýblıkalyq dóńgelek ústeldіń baǵdarlamasy – Almaty, 2020 jylǵy 17 qyrkúıek.
7 Kúrkeev E.M. Keńestіk Qazaqstandaǵy sharýalardyń kúndelіktі ómіr tarıhynyń keıbіr máselelerі // «Stalınızmnіń kúndelіktі tarıhyn zertteýdіń metodologııalyq tásіlderі: stalındіk sharýalar» atty Respýblıkalyq dóńgelek ústeldіń baǵdarlamasy – Almaty, 2020 jylǵy 17 qyrkúıek.
8 Qalı A.N. Keńestіk kezeńdegі aýyl eńbekkerlerіnіń bos ýaqytyn tıіmdі paıdalanýdyń kúndelіktі tarıhy (1945-1955 jj) // «Stalınızmnіń kúndelіktі tarıhyn zertteýdіń metodologııalyq tásіlderі: stalındіk sharýalar» atty Respýblıkalyq dóńgelek ústeldіń baǵdarlamasy – Almaty, 2020 jylǵy 17 qyrkúıek.
9 Bolathan Á. Dastarhan: zamanaýı Qazaqstandaǵy tamaqtaný dástúrі jáne bіregeılіk // Mejdýnarodnyı onlaın-forým molodyh ýchenyh «Model Nazarbaeva» — strategıcheskıı otvet Kazahstana na vyzovy XXI veka». – Almaty, 26-30 oktıabrıa 2020 g.
10 Kozybaeva M.M. Sotsıalno-ekonomıcheskoe polojenıe krestıanstva v Kazahstane v poslevoennyı perıod // Mejdýnarodnaıa ekspertnaıa ploadka v formate vıdeokonferentsıı «Istorııa kak obaıa pamıat: rossıısko-kazahstanskıı dıalog». – Novosıbırsk-Almaty, 28 oktıabrıa 2020 g.
Main results of work for 2021
1. Collection of archival materials on the project in foreign (Moscow, Russia) and domestic archives and libraries, collection of oral materials, their analysis
The collection of archival materials on the project was carried out in foreign (Moscow, Russia) and domestic archives and libraries, the collection of oral materials, their analysis, the source database was replenished with new information. A business trip was carried out to Moscow (Russia) to identify archival documents from the collections of the State Archive of the Russian Federation (SA RF), the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RSASPH). Materials from F. R9425, P8131, P8009, P9548 on censorship, prosecutor’s office, health care in collective farms of Kazakhstan were identified in the SA RF. Materials from F.17 of the Central Committee of the CPSU on party leadership and material and technical support of agriculture of the Kazakh SSR were studied in the RSASPH. Archival materials were collected in domestic archives: the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan (F. 99, 288, 698, 929, 1142, 1373), Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (F. 15, 18, 27, 29, 660), The State Archive of Nur-Sultan (F. 17, 362, 367, 368, 369, 372, 407), the State Archive of the Karaganda region (F. 468, 530, 555, 596, 664), The State Archive of Kostanay region (F. 234, 1116), the State Archive of the Aktobe region (F. 13, 281, 682) on the development of agriculture and trade, public education and health care, work among peasants in collective farms, the natural movement of the population of the regions. Materials were collected in foreign and domestic libraries: the Russian State Library (Moscow, Russia), the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where literature on the research topic was identified. The collection of oral materials (memoirs) in the regions of Kazakhstan, processing and analysis of the data obtained, preparation of the manuscript of the 2nd and 3rd sections of the monograph.
2. Holding events.
The International scientific and Practical conference “Actual problems of agrarian history of Kazakhstan since the Soviet period: power and society” was held on May 25, 2021 at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov with the publication of a collection of conference materials, practical recommendations on the project topic were developed. The purpose of the conference is to identify the actual problems of studying the agrarian history of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period in the context of the interaction of government and society in the process of socio-economic transformation of the traditional structure of Kazakh society. The conference was attended by leading scientists, teachers of domestic universities, representatives of scientific institutions of the CIS countries, as well as doctoral and undergraduateP.25 reports were heard at the conference. The following issues were discussed: features of theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of the Soviet agrarian history of Kazakhstan, current problems of domestic and foreign historiography on the agrarian history of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period, types of sources and problems of source studies on the history of the Soviet peasantry in Kazakhstan, the specifics of the study of the post-war peasantry and features of peasant everyday life, etc.
3. Project publications for 2021
1) Publications in a peer-reviewed domestic publication with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES):
1. Abdrahmanova K.K. Problemy sovetskogo krestıanstva v poslevoennoe desıatıletıe v sovremennoı rossııskoı ıstorıografıı. // Vestnık Karagandınskogo ýnıversıteta. Serııa Istorııa, Fılosofııa. – 2021. – № 2 (102). – P.6-14. DOI 10.31489/2021HPh/6-19 (CQAES)
2. Qozybaeva M.M. Soǵystan keıіngі kezeńdegі Soltústіk Qazaqstan oblysy sharýalarynyń áleýmettіk-ekonomıkalyq jaǵdaıy men kúndelіktі ómіrіnіń erekshelіkterі // Qaraǵandy ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy. Tarıh. Fılosofııa serııasy. 2021. – №4 – 44-53 bb. DOI 10731489/2021HPh4 (CQAES)
3. Ápendıev T.A. 1945-1955 jj. Qazaqstandaǵy aýyl halqynyń demografııalyq jaǵdaıy // QR UǴA Habarshysy. – 2021. – №6 (394) – 215-226 bb. (CQAES).
4. Qalı A.N. Soǵystan keıіngі jyldardaǵy aýyl ómіrіnіń kúndelіktі tarıhynan (1945-1960) // «» elektrondyq ǵylymı jýrnaly. – 2021. – № 4 (28).
2) Publications in a peer-reviewed foreign publication with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI):
1. Abdrahmanova K.K. Problemy ızýchenııa povsednevnostı sovetskogo krestıanstva v sovremennoı anglo-amerıkanskoı ıstorıografıı // Býdýee nashego proshlogo – 6: Istorııa povsednevnostı ı povsednevnost ıstorıka: Materıaly mejdýnarodnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı. – 27 noıabrıa 2020 g. – M.: RGGÝ, 2021. – P.237-245.
3) Collections of conference materials:
1. Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty; Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – 192 P.ISBN 978-601-7342-52-4
4) Popular science articles in the media:
1.Kozybaeva M.M. Edınýıý bazý vseh kategorıı jertv repressıı namereny sozdat v Kazahstane. // Egemen Qazaqstan. – 2021. – 28 mamyr. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
2.Bolathan Á. Ulttyq sana-sezіmіmіz іshіp otyrǵan asymyzǵa baılanysty: Otandyq ǵalym qazaq taǵamdaryn dastarhanymyzǵa qaıtarýdy kózdeıdі // – 2021. – 4 sáýіr. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
3.Ápendıev A.A., Bolathan Á. «Qazaqstannyń soǵystan keıіngі onjyldyqtaǵy sharýalary: áleýmettіk transformatsııa jáne kúndelіktі ómіr» joba aıasyndaǵy ǵylymı іssaparlar. // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021. – 27 avgýsta. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
4.Ápendıev A.A., Bolathan Á. Naýchnye komandırovkı v ramkah proekta «Krestıanstvo Kazahstana v poslevoennoe desıatıletıe: sotsıalnaıa transformatsııa ı povsednevnost». // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021. – 27 avgýsta. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
5.Bolathan Á. Naýchnaıa komandırovka v g. Moskva v ramkah proekta «Krestıanstvo Kazahstana v poslevoennoe desıatıletıe: sotsıalnaıa transformatsııa ı povsednevnost». // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021. – 25 oktıabrıa. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
5) Articles in conference collections:
1.Abdrahmanova K.K. Problemy ızýchenııa sovetskogo krestıanstva v anglo-amerıkanskoı ıstorıografıı // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty; Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – P.5-9.
2.Abdrahmanova K.K. Otrajenıe aspektov ıstorıı krestıanskoı povsednevnostı v kazahstanskoı sovetskoı ıstorıografıı // Materıaly Respýblıkanskoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı s ýchastıem zarýbejnyh ýchenyh «Jýasovskıe chtenııa – 25», posvıaennoı 30-letııý gosýdarstvennoı Nezavısımostı Respýblıkı Kazahstan. – Karaganda, Izd-vo KarÝ, 2021. – S.296-300.
3.Ápendıev T.Á. 1945-1955 jj. Qazaqstandaǵy aýyl turǵyndarynyń sandyq kórsetkіshі boıynsha demografııalyq protsester. // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty; Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – S.38-45.
4.Jalmagambetov E.A. Kúndelіktі ómіr tarıhynyń zerttelýі men sheteldіk tarıhnamadaǵy kórіnіsі // Sbornık Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Naýchnaıa ındýstrııa evropeıskogo kontınenta», Moskva, 2021 g. (v pechatı)
5.Jalmagambetov E.A. Kúndelіktі ómіr tarıhynyń metodologııasy // Sbornık Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Dostıjenııa v vyssheı shkole», Moskva, 2021 g. (v pechatı)
6.Zakarya R. Survival strategies and mechanisms of adaptation of peasants of virgin lands to changing conditionP.// Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty; Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – P.70-72.
7.Qalı A.N. Kúndelіktі tarıh jáne erekshelіgі: soǵystan keıіngі jyldardaǵy bіlіm berý salasynda. // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty; Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – P.93-99.
8.Kozybaeva M.M. Sotsıalno-ekonomıcheskoe polojenıe krestıanstva Severo-Kazahstanskoı oblastı v poslevoennyı perıod // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty; Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – P.100-108.
9.Provedenıe Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021. – 25 maıa. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
10.«Keńes kezeńіndegі Qazaqstannyń agrarlyq tarıhynyń ózektі máselelerі: bılіk jáne qoǵam» atty Halyqaralyq ǵylymı-praktıkalyq konferentsııasy ótkіzіldі. // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021, 25 maıa // &lang=kk (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
6) Speeches and reports at conferences:
1. Bolathan Á. Zdes jıvýt kolhoznıkı: povsednevnost krestıanstva v fotografııah // Materıaly Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty, 2021
2. Kýrkeev E.M. Soǵystan keıіngі kezeńdegі Ońtústіk Qazaqstan óńіrі sharýalarynyń turmystyq jaǵdaılary // Materıaly Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». – Almaty, 2021