Young scientists projects (2020-2023)

“New declassified Russian archives about unknown pages of the life and activities of Kazakh khans, sultans, batyrs (18th – first half of the 19th centuries” 2020-2022years

IRN AP08052271 “New declassified Russian archives about unknown pages of the life and activities of Kazakh khans, sultans, batyrs (18th – first half of the 19th centuries” 2020-2022years.

Members of the research group

Kurmanalina Nurgul Nursultanovna – Project Manager, Doctor of Philosophy, Researcher ID K-2214-2013, ORCID 0000-0001-7165-9935

Apendiev Timur Akimkhanovich – Doctor of Philosophy, ORCID 0000-0002-4279-3921

Ryskulov Timur Azizbekovich – Candidate of historical science

Beisembayeva Akmaral – PhD doctoral student, ORCID 0000-0002-3599-9091 , Researcher ID /akmaral-beisembayeva/

Kuanbai Bekenuly Olzhas – doctor PhD doctoral student

Kunikeev Aman Dauletovich – master

Tylakhmetova Anar Sovetkhanovna – historian

Relevance.To date, there is a need to study unknown aspects of the history of Kazakhstan in the 18th-19th centuries, based on the collection and analysis of new historical documents obtained from declassified funds of Russian archives in recent years. In particular, those documents that contain the official correspondence of a number of prominent political and statesmen of the Kazakh steppe with the Russian authorities. The obtained scientific results on the topic of the Project will shed light on previously unknown pages of the life and work of a number of outstanding Kazakh statesmen: Ablai, Nuraly, Abulfeiz, Uali, Sultanmamet, Kudaimendy, Kulsary, Aryngazy, Kenesary, etc. To consider from the perspective of the new documents received those historical processes that took place in the Kazakh steppes at the beginning of Russian colonization and at its subsequent stages.

Purpose: to cover unknown episodes of the life and activities of prominent Kazakh statesmen and military figures in the era of modern history on the basis of documents from Russian archives.

Expected results for 2020

– The structure will be compiled and the volume of the monograph will be determined (number of chapters, sections; titles of chapters and sections).

– Tasks will be distributed among the members of the working group.

– A review of archival materials from the pre-revolutionary period previously identified in Russian archives under the Archive-2025 program will be conducted to identify documents that meet the criteria of this Project.

– The collection of archival documents and materials will be carried out in an amount sufficient for the implementation of the Project (preparation of a monograph and a collection of documents).

– Publication of 1 (one) article in a peer-reviewed domestic publication with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by the CQAES).

– Work will be carried out on the analysis and generalization of the received archival documents and materials, a thematic catalog will be compiled for the distribution of the received documents.

– Articles will be published in publications of Kazakhstan, the CIS, and foreign countries: 3 articles in peer-reviewed domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES, 1 article in peer-reviewed foreign publications (RSCI).

The results obtained for 2020

– The structure was compiled and the volume of the monograph was determined (number of chapters, sections; titles of chapters and sections).

– Tasks were distributed among the participants of the working group.

– A review of archival materials of the pre-revolutionary period previously identified in Russian archives under the Archive-2025 program was conducted in order to identify documents that meet the criteria of this Project.

– The collection of archival documents and materials was carried out in an amount sufficient for the implementation of the Project (preparation of a monograph and a collection of documents).

– 1 (one) article was published in a peer-reviewed domestic publication with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by the CQAES).

– Work was carried out on the analysis and generalization of the received archival documents and materials, a thematic catalog was compiled for the distribution of the received documents.

– Articles have been published in publications of Kazakhstan, the CIS, and foreign countries: 3 articles in peer-reviewed domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES), 1 article in peer-reviewed foreign publications (RSCI)

Project publications (2020)

Articles in foreign scientific publications in Scopus databases:

1 Apendıev T.T. Rol rossııskıh ıssledovateleı v naýchnom ızýchenıı Kazahstana vo vtoroı polovıne XVIII-XIX vv. (na osnove ıstorıografıcheskogo obzora ı arhıvnyh ıstochnıkov) // Elektronnyı naýchno-obrazovatelnyı jýrnal «Istorııa» – 2020. – Vypýsk 5 (91). –  Tom 11. – URL: (soavt. Kabýldınov Z.E., Kozybaeva M.M.)

Articles in foreign scientific publications in Web of Science databases:

1 Ápendıev T.Á. Kenesary Qasymuly bastaǵan ult-azattyq qozǵalys // News of the National of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of social and human sciences – 2020. – Vol. 3. – № 331 (5). – P. 5-15.

Articles in peer-reviewed foreign publications with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI):

1 Ryskýlov T.A. Obýchenıe deteı kazahskoı stepnoı znatı v Omskom ı Orenbýrgskom voennyh ýchılıah v XIX veke // Vestnık Kyrgyzskogo Natsıonalnogo ýnıversıteta ım J. Balasagyna. – 2020. –  № 3.  – S. 54-58.

Articles in domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES):

1 Abdýkadyrov M. Qazaq qoǵamynda batyrlar ınstıtýty jáne Osman ımperııasynda ıanycharlar áskerı júıesіnіń qyzmetі (15-18 ǵǵ.) // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «». – 2020. – № 4 (24). – URL: (saovt. Aqynova A.)

2 Satov E.J., Apendıev T.A. Kenesary hannyń ult táýelsіzdіgі jolyndaǵy áreketіne qatysty bіrqatar materıaldar (1820-1840 jj.) // Vestnık NAN RK. – 2020. – Vol. 3. – № 388. – B. 348-354.

3 Tylahmetova A.S. Reseı arhıv derekterіndegі Abylaı hannyń іshkі jəne syrtqy saıasatynyń keıbіr qyrlary (1748–1772 jj.) // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «». – 2020. – № 3 (23).  – URL:

Publications in conference collections

1 Shotanova G.A. Voenno-polıtıcheskıe aspekty ıstorıı kazahskogo naroda: spetsıfıka na prımere natsıonalno–osvobodıtelnyh vosstanıı kazahov // Aktýalnye problemy ıstorıcheskıh ıssledovanıı. Vzglıad ýchenyh. – 2020: Materıaly Pervoı mejdýnarodnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı. – Býhara, BýhGMI, 2020. – S. 30-52. (soavtor – Ýjkenov E.M).

Publications in foreign scientific journals

1 Beisembayeva A.R. About the Specific Features of the Kazakh-Russian Trade and Economic Relations in the XIX century // Evrazııskıı soıýz ýchenyh.  – 2020. – № 8-4 (77). – S. 7-11. (DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.4.77)

Expected results for 2021

– A review of the funds and files of the pre-revolutionary period of the Russian archives (Orenburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow) will be conducted to identify documents that meet the criteria of this Project, the collection of archival documents and materials in sufficient volume for the implementation of the Project (preparation of a monograph and a collection of documents).

– Work will be carried out on the analysis and generalization of the received archival documents and materials, the collection of archival documents and materials in sufficient volume for the implementation of the Project (preparation of a monograph and a collection of documents).

– Articles will be published in publications of Kazakhstan, CIS, and foreign countries: 2 (two) articles in peer-reviewed foreign publications with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI), 2 (two) articles in domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES).

The results obtained for 2021

– A review of the funds and files of the pre-revolutionary period of the Russian archives (Orenburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow) was conducted to identify documents that meet the criteria of this Project, the collection of archival documents and materials in sufficient volume for the implementation of the Project (preparation of a monograph and a collection of documents).

– Work was carried out on the analysis and generalization of the received archival documents and materials, the collection of archival documents and materials in sufficient volume for the implementation of the Project (preparation of a monograph and a collection of documents).

– Articles have been published in publications of Kazakhstan, CIS, and foreign countries: 2 (two) articles in peer-reviewed foreign publications with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI), 2 (two) articles in domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES)

Publications on the project (2021)

Articles in peer-reviewed foreign publications with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI):

1 Qurmanalına N.N. K. Qasymov tóńkerіske deıіngі orys tarıhnamasynda // Aktýalnye naýchnye ıssledovanııa v sovremennom mıre. – 2021. – №9(77). – Ch. 2. – B. 13-18. ISSN 2524-0986

2 Beısembaeva A.R. Rannıe ýpomınanııa v ıstochnıkah Ýalı bahadýr sýltana – kazahskogo pravıtelıa XVIII veka // Tendentsıı razvıtııa naýkı ı obrazovanııa. – 2021. – №76. – Ch. 3. – S.130-133. DOI: 10.18411/lj-08-2021-109

3 Ryskýlov T.A. Evolıýtsııa ınstıtýta sýltanov v ıstorıı Kazahstana novogo vremenı // Vestnık Kyrgyzskogo Natsıonalnogo ýnıversıteta ım. J. Balasagyna. – 2021. – № 2. – S. 100-107. ISSN onlaınovoı versıı 1694-8025

Articles in domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES):

Beisembayeva A.R. The reasons for the weakening of the institution of the Khan’s power in the Kazakh Steppe in the context of the regional policy of the Russian Empire at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century // Vestnık KarGÝ. Serııa «Istorııa. Fılosofııa». – 2021. – №1 (101). – R. 48-57. ISSN: 2518-7236eISSN: 2663-5100

Tylahmetova A.S. XVIII ǵasyrdyń ekіnshі jartysyndaǵy qazaq sultandarynyń qoǵamdaǵy qyzmetі (reseılіk jańa muraǵat derekterі negіzіnde) // Otan tarıhy. – 2021. – №3(95). – B. 50-58. DOI 10.51943/1814-6961_2021_3_50(soavt. Qabyldınov Z.E., Tіleýbaev Sh.B., Ábsadyq A.A.)

Kuanbay O. The Colonial Policy of the Russian Empire in relation to the Kazakhs of the West Siberian Governorship in archival documents (II half of XIX c.) // Otan tarıhy. – 2021. – №3(95). – R. 67-74. DOI 10.51943/1814-6961_2021_3_67

Beısembaeva A.R. (v soavt. Kabýldınov Z.E.) Predposylkı, prıchıny ı hod vybora v hanskoe dostoınstvo Sýltana Ýalı // Vestnık KazNÝ (serııa ıstorıcheskaıa). – 2021. – №1 (100). – S. 48-57. ISSN 1563-0269, eISSN 2617-8893

Articles in scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science:

Ápendıev T.Á. Kenesary Qasymulynyń ult-azattyq kóterіlіsі boıynsha jańa derekter // News of the National of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2021. – № 6. (v pechatı)

Articles in Russian scientific journals:

Kúnıkeev A.D. HIH ǵasyrdaǵy Syr óńіrіndegі Janqoja Nurmuhameduly jáne Ecet Kótibaruly bastaǵan kóterilicter // Túrkіstan habarshysy. – №2 (4). – 2021. – B. 3-22.

Reviews in the media:

Qurmanalına N.N. Orynbor qalasyna ǵylymı іssapar // Ofıtsıalnyı saıt IIE ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. 10.08.2021. URL:

Kúnıkeev A.D. Sankt-Peterbýrg qalasyndaǵy ǵylymı іssapar // Ofıtsıalnyı saıt IIE ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. 10.09.2021. URL:

Qurmanalına N.N. Máskeý qalasyna ǵylymı іssapar // Ofıtsıalnyı saıt IIE ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. 19.09.2021. URL: