Conferences and presentations


  1. Round Table on «The Problems of Studying Sacred Sites of the Kazakh Diaspora in Uzbekistan» within the framework of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program and the grant project «Sacred Sites of Kazakhs in Uzbekistan (Tombs of Zhalantos Batyr, Biys Tole and Aiteke, etc.): Genesis, History of Study, Current State» (Almaty, February 26, 2019).
  2. International Scientific Conference (In-person/Online) on «Dialogue of Western and Eastern Cultures Through the Prism of Unity and Diversity in the Continuity and Modernization of Public Consciousness: Ancient World, Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary Times» / Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Ch. Valikhanov, Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies named after R. B. Suleimenov, Center for Antiquity Studies at St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, Ural State Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky (Almaty, March 28, 2019).
  3. International Scientific-Theoretical Conference on «Issues of Personalities in Kazakh History: Malik-Aidar Khantemirovich Asylbekov» (National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Ch. Valikhanov, and «Gylym Ordasy,» Almaty, May 16, 2019).
  4. International Scientific-Theoretical Conference on «The Role of Personality in the History of the Fatherland within the Framework of the Practical Implementation of N. A. Nazarbayev’s Article ‘Seven Facets of the Great Steppe,’ Presentation of the Multimedia Platform (Map) ‘Great Names of the Great Steppe’» (Almaty, November 19, 2019).
  5. International Scientific Conference: «Kazakh Ethnographic School. Cycle ‘Pioneers.’ Conference 1: Marat Mukanov» (Almaty, December 12, 2019).