Conferences and presentations


  1. Republican Scientific and Practical Conference «Stalinism and the Tragedy of the Nation: Paths to Understanding in the Context of the Revival of Public Consciousness in Kazakhstan» (Almaty, April 29, 2018).
  2. Round Table «Spiritual Issues in the Development of the Kazakh People» within the framework of the President of Kazakhstan’s article «Looking to the Future: Spiritual Revival» (Almaty, August 2, 2018).
  3. International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems of Spiritual Revival and the History of the Turkic World,» dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Dauletkhan Alimgazy (Almaty, September 13, 2018).
  4. Round Table «Formation of Sub-Ethnic Groups on the Territory of Kazakhstan in Modern Times» (Almaty, September 18, 2018).
  5. «Spiritual Modernization: Youth Potential and Issues of Program Implementation.» Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (November 22, 2017).