Conferences and presentations
- Republican Scientific and Practical Conference «Stalinism and the Tragedy of the Nation: Paths to Understanding in the Context of the Revival of Public Consciousness in Kazakhstan» (Almaty, April 29, 2018).
- Round Table «Spiritual Issues in the Development of the Kazakh People» within the framework of the President of Kazakhstan’s article «Looking to the Future: Spiritual Revival» (Almaty, August 2, 2018).
- International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems of Spiritual Revival and the History of the Turkic World,» dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Dauletkhan Alimgazy (Almaty, September 13, 2018).
- Round Table «Formation of Sub-Ethnic Groups on the Territory of Kazakhstan in Modern Times» (Almaty, September 18, 2018).
- «Spiritual Modernization: Youth Potential and Issues of Program Implementation.» Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (November 22, 2017).