Branch in Petropavlovsk

The branch of Ch. Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology in Petropavlovsk (hereinafter referred to as “the branch”) is a structural unit implementing research programs within the framework of program–targeted and grant funding of the CS Ministry of Science and Higher Education RK. The director of the branch is Abuov Nurbolat Askerovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Director of the branch – Abuov Nurbolat Askerovich, candidate of historical sciences.

The purpose of the Branch is to carry out scientific research in the field of historical science in Northern Kazakhstan, create joint research groups for the submission and implementation of research programs, scientific applications in priority areas of historical science, organize and conduct internships, provide access to the research infrastructure of the “Institute”, creation of a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between scientists-researchers of the region.

. The subject of scientific activity of the Branch is:

. conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of historical sciences, ethnology (ethnography) and anthropology on the instructions of the enterprise;

. participation in republican and international programs and performance of work on domestic and international grants, as well as on the basis of contracts with customers;

4) implementation of scientific expertise of completed research and competitive projects, as well as special conclusions on the profile of the Branch activities;

5) provision of consulting and scientific and analytical services in the field of activity of the Branch;

6) holding scientific conferences and other scientific events in the field of activity of the Branch ;

7) organizing internships and other forms of advanced training in the field of activity of the Branch;

8) scientific cooperation with other organizations in the field of activities of the Branch;4) 4) осу carrying out scientific examinations of completed research and competitive projects, as well as special conclusions on the profile of the Branch’s activities; 5) provision of consulting and scientific and analytical services on the profile of the Branch’st9) commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities related to their practical application.

10) scientific and analytical support of activities of the Republican commission for the full rehabilitation of victims of political repression in North Kazakhstan region for the period of its work.


The branch of the Institute in Petropavlovsk was established in order to carry out fundamental and applied research on the history of Northern Kazakhstan, cooperation of specialists-historians of the region and the branch within the framework of a joint research, methodical, scientific and educational activities.

Directions of work of the branch:

  • development and submission of scientific applications for research fundamental and applied research, taking into account the specifics of the history of Northern Kazakhstan;
  • work in funds of domestic and foreign archives, preparation of scientific and analytical materials on the instruction of the Institute;
  • preparation and editing of materials of the working groups of the Regional Commissions for publication on the Portal of the State Commission with unified republican database of victims of political repressions;
  • scientific and methodological support of Institute activities in Northern Kazakhstan collection and formation of analytical proposals, reviews on thematic areas;
  • provision of scientific, analytical and consulting services to institutions of education and culture of the region;

support of publication of collections of declassified documents, conferences, monographs on approval and instructions of the Institute;

  • organization and holding joint scientific events within priority areas of historical science;
  • publication of scientific research results on the Portal of the State Commission, in peer-reviewed scientific journals (CQAFES, etc.);
  • training, retraining and (or) advanced training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of NJSC MKU named after M. Kozybayev according to agreement on cooperation in the field of science and education.


Goals and objectives of the research stage. The goals and objectives of the branch of the Institute are aimed at the implementation of research work related to the study of topical problems of history of Kazakhstan within the framework of grant and target financing projects, as well as the implementation of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru”. Modern historical consciousness reveals not just an interest in the pages of the historical past, it presents a need of knowledge of the objective truth about the details and nuances of past history. In this situation, historians and historical science are called upon to become innovators in comprehension of the past.

In the framework of target financing Branch Director participates in the Program “Development of the academic publication “History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present days” in seven volumes”

Purpose of the program-development of an academic publication on Domestic History in 7 volumes based on the latest achievements of historical science, reflecting the processes of the political, economic and ethno-demographic history of people of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present in line with the formation of a new attitude to historical memory and worldview, since interest is growing in Kazakhstani society in academically substantiated history of our country.


1) Publicatios in domestic issuess recommended by CQAFES:

  1. Kartova Z. K., Abuov N. A. Application of discursive analysis to act sources of the Golden Horde and subsequent medieval states of the XIV-XVI centuries. Bulletin of the Karaganda University named after Ye.Buketov. Series History, Philosophy – Karaganda, 2020. – No. 4 (100) pp. 57-678
  2. Abuov N. A. Military mobilization measures in the territory of Northern Kazakhstan in the first months of the Great Patriotic War // BULLETIN OF THE MILITARY INSTITUTE OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN (scientific and educational journal recommended by CQAFES MES RK for publication of the main results on military affairs and security). 2021. No. 2 (40, June). pp. 33-40

2) Publications in foreign issues

1. Ibrayeva A., Temirkhanova A., Kartova Z., Sadykov T., Abuov N., Pleshakov A. «Interdisciplinary approach to studying written nomadic sources in the context of modern historiology» Heritage Science, Open access, Volume 9, Release 1, December 2021 Number articles 90, ISSN 2050-7445,DOI 10.1186/s40494-021-00564-7,, Scopus, CiteScore 3.1, Percentile – 94, Q1 Int. (far abroad) el. edition (Impact: Scopus, 08/01/2021

3) Ppublications in conference collections:

1. Bimakanova Z. Sh. Abuov N. A. Kartova Z. K. The history of the deportation of the Chechens and the Ingush on the materials of the archive of the North Kazakhstan region // Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Petropavlovsk, Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2020. p. 160. pp. 46-53.

2. Abuov N. A. Origin and functions of clerks of the Golden Horde // Collection of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Studying History or Golden Horde: Identification and interpretation of historical sources. Petropavlovsk. 2020. P.100-105.

3. Abuov N.A. Museum of Local Lore of North Kazakhstan region – as a monument of architecture, history and culture. New approaches and modern views on development of education and science”. – Petropavlovsk: NKU named after M. Kozybaev, 2021. V. 1. pp. 32-37

4. Abuov N.A. Historical memory of mass and political repressions in the consolidation of the people of Kazakhstan // Kazakhstandyk kogamnyn damu kondylyktary – Values ​​of development of Kazakh society: collection of articles. Collection of articles. – Petropavlovsk: branch of JSC “NCAT “Orleu” “IAT PE in NKO”, 2021. – 146 p.

5. Abuov N. A., Akhmetzhanova G. N. Historical memory of mass and political repression at the Uniting of the people of Kazakhstan // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth and Science – 2021”. 2021. – 289 p.

6. Abuov N. A. The ethnic composition of the city of Petropavlovsk at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. // Materials of the ISPC “YOUTH AND SCIENCE -2022”. 2022.April. T. 2. S. 354-358 (Zhuravlev E.K.)

7. Abuov N. A. The history of mass repressions in North Kazakhstan in 1940-1950. in the archival funds of the North-Kazakhstan State Archive // ​​Materials of the ISPC “YOUTH AND SCIENCE -2022”. April 2022 V. 2. P. 350-354 (Akhmetzhanuly Ye.)

4) Publications in the media:

1) Abuov N.A.Horizons of past, present and future// Northern Kazakhstan. – 2020. – April 30.

2) Abuov N.A.Qualitative education is the key to a successful career! // Aiyrtau dawns. – 2020. – May 21.

3) Abuov N.A.Manash Kozybaev: a historian from God // Parasat. – 2021. – October 15.