Department of External relations, information and academic cluster
Position: Junior Researcher
Academic degree, title: Bachelor of History
Anar Tylakhmetova was born on February 7 in 1986 in the village of Shengeldi, Kapshpagai city, Almaty region. In 2003 she graduated with honors from high school in the village №6 Shengeldy. She has been living in Almaty since 2003.
Higher education
2005-2009 – T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Faculty of Art History. Specialty: Theater expert (Diploma with honors)
2019-2021 – University of Foreign Languages and Business Career, Faculty of History and International Relations. Specialty: Bachelor of History.
Work experience
2018 – 2022 – Junior researcher at Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology.
2013-2014 – Editor of the Union of Theater Workers of Kazakhstan.
2011-2012 – Senior laboratory assistant of the Faculty of Art History of T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.
2010-2011 – Junior researcher at M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art.
Research interests: Life and activity of Kazakh khans, sultans and batyrs in the second half of the XVIII – early XIX centuries. History of Art.
Publications: Author of about 30 articles published in domestic and foreign publications.
Scientific achievements (publications, awards, participation in scientific projects):
Scientific publications:
1. Educational activity in Almaty // “Astana. The President. Independence “: materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference. – Turkestan, 2018. – pp. 77–83. [Almaty qalasyndaǵy aǵartýshylyq qyzmeti // «Astana. Prezıdent. Táýelsizdik»: halyqaralyq ǵylymı-teorııalyq konferentsııasy materıaldary. – Túrkistan, 2018. – 77–83-b.]
2. Problems of the nation in Kazakhstan: development priorities // Kazakhstan – the country of peace and harmony: materials of the republican scientific-practical conference. – Almaty, 2018. – pp. 12–18. (Co-authored with S.M. Borbasov)[Qazaqstandaǵy ult máselesi: damý basymdylyqtary // Qazaqstan – beıbitshilik pen kelisim eli: respýblıkalyq ǵylymı-praktıkalyq konferentsııa materıaldary. – Almaty, 2018. – 12–18-b. (S.M. Borbasovpen birlestikte)]
3. Defending the interests of the Kazakhs by Sultanmamet Sultan from the claims of the Russian military in the middle Irtysh region (II half of the 18th century) // Otan Tarihy. – 2019. – No. 1 (85). – P. 88 – 100. (Co-authored with Z.E. Kabyldinov., O.B. Kuanbay). [Otstaıvanıe ınteresov kazahov Sýltanmamet sýltanom ot prıtıazanıı Rosııskıh voennyh v srednem prıırtyshe (II polovına XVIII veka) // Otan tarıhy. – 2019. – № 1 (85). – S. 88 – 100. (soavtory Z.E. Kabýldınov, O. B. Kýanbaı)].
4. T. K. Zhurgenov’s contribution to the development of Kazakh culture // Presidential article “Seven Edges of the Great Steppe” and a practical conference of young historians “The role of young historians in the practical implementation of the program” Spiritual Revival “. – Almaty, 2019. – November 29. – pp. 72-78. [T. Q. Júrgenovtiń qazaq mádenıetin damytýdaǵy úlesi // Elbasynyń «Uly dalanyń jeti qyry» atty prezıdenttik maqalasy men «Rýhanı jańǵyrý» baǵdarlamasyn praktıkalyq turǵyda júzege asyrýdaǵy jas tarıhshy-ǵalymdardyń mindeti» atty jas tarıhshy ǵalymdardyń tájirıbelik konferentsııasy. – Almaty, 2019. – 29 qarasha. – 72-78 bb.]
5. Some aspects of the development of trade and fishing activities among the Kazakhs of the Omsk district of the Akmola region (late XIX – early XX centuries) // Kazakhs in the Eurasian space: history, culture and socio-cultural processes: a collection of scientific papers. – 2019. – P.65-70. (Co-authored with Z.E. Kabyldinov, O.B. Kuanbay). [Nekotorye aspekty razvıtııa torgovo-promyslovoı deıatelnostı ý kazahov Omskogo ýezda Akmolınskoı oblastı (konets XIX – nachalo XX vv.) // Kazahı v Evrazııskom prostranstve: ıstorııa, kýltýra ı sotsıokýltýrnye protsessy: sbornık naýchnyh trýdov. – 2019. – S.65-70. (soavtory Z.E. Kabýldınov, O. B. Kýanbaı).]
6. Tulenguts in the ethnic composition of the Kazakhs (XVIII – early XX century), “Otan Tarihy” No. 3, 2019 146-157 bb. (Co-authored with B.K. Smagulov). [Týlengýty v etnıcheskom sostave kazahov (XVIII – nachale XXv.), «Otan tarıhy» №3, 2019 j. 146-157 bb. ( Soavtor B.K. Smagýlov)].
7. Data on the history of Kazakhstan in the funds of the archive of history of Omsk region // N.А. Proceedings of the International scientific-theoretical conference “The role of personality in the history of the country in the implementation of Nazarbayev’s article” Seven Edges of the Great Steppe. ” Almaty, November 19, 2019 – pp. 277-281. [Omby oblysy tarıh muraǵatynyń qorlaryndaǵy Qazaqstan tarıhyna qatysty derekter // N.Á. Nazarbaevtyń «Uly dalanyń jeti qyry» maqalasyn júzege asyrý aıasyndaǵy otan tarıhyndaǵy tulǵanyń róli» atty Halyqaralyq ǵylymı-teorııalyq konferentsııa materıaldarynyń jınaǵy. Almaty q., 19 qarasha 2019 j. – 277-281 bb.]
8. An article was submitted to the international competition for historians and scientists “Tugurul Khan as a historical figure” (XII-XVII centuries).” (in print) [«Tuǵyryl han tarıhı tulǵa retinde» (HII-XVII ǵǵ.)» Statıa predstavlena na mejdýnarodnyı konkýrs ıstorıkov ı ýchenyh. (v pechatı)]
9. Grave constructions of genealogical groups of Kazakhs in Kazakhstan and Russia // Electronic scientific journal “” № 1 (21) january-march 2020 (Co-authored withAK Shashaev, B.K Smagulov). [Grave constructions of genealogical groups of Kazakhs in Kazakhstan and Russia // «» elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal № 1 (21) january-march 2020 (soavtory A.K. Shashaev, B.K. Smagýlov)].
10. Some aspects of Abylai Khan’s domestic and foreign policy in the Russian archives (1748–1772) This article was published in the scientific electronic journal “” № 3 (23) July-September, 2020.[Reseı arhıv derekterindegi Abylaı hannyń ishki jáne syrtqy saıasatynyń keıbir qyrlary (1748–1772 jj.) Dannaıa statıa opýblıkovana v naýchnom elektronnom jýrnale «» №3 (23) ııýl-sentıabr 2020 goda.]
11. “The role of Kazakh sultans in society in the second half of the XVIII century” (on the basis of new Russian archives) // History of the Fatherland. № 3 (95) 2021. pp. 50-58. (Co-authored with ZE Kabyldinov., Sh.B. Tleubaev., A.A. Absadyk) [ «XVIII ǵasyrdyń ekinshi jartysyndaǵy qazaq sultandarynyń qoǵamdaǵy qyzmeti» (jańa reseı muraǵat derekteri negizinde) // Otan tarıhy. № 3 (95) 2021. 50-58 bb. (Soavtory Z.E.Kabýldınov, Sh.B. Tıleýbaev., A.A. Absadyov)]
12. Diplomacy of Abylai Khan: domestic and foreign policy // Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference “The relevance of the development of a brief history of Kazakhstan for foreign audiences in the context of the practical implementation of President K-ZH.Tokayev’s article” Independence is the most precious “- Almaty: Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Alma IE, 2021.— pp. 125-142.[Abylaı hannyń dıplomatııasy: ishki jáne syrtqy saıasaty // «Q.-J.K. Toqaevtyń «Táýelsizdik bárinen qymbat» maqalasyn is júzinde júzege asyrý aıasynda sheteldik aýdıtorııa úshin Qazaqstannyń qysqasha tarıhyn ázirleýdiń ózektiligi» atty Respýblıkalyq ǵylymı-praktıkalyq konferentsııacy materıaldarynyń jınaǵy – Almaty: Sh.Sh. Ýálıhanov atyndaǵy Tarıh jáne etnologııa ınstıtýty, «Alma» JK, 2021.– 125-142 bb.]
13. Some aspects of S. Saduakasov’s socio-political life // Otan Tarikhy. № 4 (96) 2021. – pp. 107-116. (So-authored with A.A. Oralova). [S. Sádýaqasovtyń qoǵamdyq-saıası ómiriniń keıbir tustary // Otan tarıhy. № 4 (96) 2021. – 107-116 bb. (soavtor A.A. Oralova).]
Article in the collective monograph:
1. Incorporated and non-zhuz groups within the Kazakhs (XVIII – early XX centuries): collection. monograph / ed. Smagulova B.K. – Almaty: publishing house of IP “Bazarbaev”, 2020. – 416 p. (Tylakhmetova A.S. – pp. 157-171, 186-194). [Inkorporırovannye ı vnejýzovye grýppy v sostave kazahov (XVIII – nachalo HH vv.): kollekt. monografııa / pod red. Smagýlova B.K. – Almaty: ızd-vo IP “Bazarbaeva”, 2020. – 416 s. (Tylahmetova A.S. – str. 157-171, 186-194)]
Publications in the media:
1. “Adaptation to a creative life is a matter of time”, Almaty Akshamy 56 (5673), Tuesday, January 22, 2019.[«Kretıvti ómirge beıimdelý ýaqyt talaby», Almaty aqshamy № (5673), 22 qańtar, seısenbi, 2019 j].
2. “Youth tends to strengthen the new model of patriotism” №18 (5681), Saturday, February 9, 2019. [«Jastar jańa patrıotızm modelin nyǵaıtýǵa beıim» №18 (5681), 9 aqpan, senbi, 2019 j.]
3. “Development of dynamic industries – the law of life”, comment on the President’s message. // Almaty Akshamy № 111 (5774), September 17, Tuesday, 2019. [«Serpindi salalardy damytý – ómir zańy», Prezıdent joldaýyna pikir. // Almaty aqshamy № 111 (5774), 17 qyrkúıek, seısenbi, 2019 j.]
4. “Inauguration of the great names of the great steppe is our main task” // (published on 03.12.2019) [«Uly dalanyń uly esimderin ulyqtaý – basty mindetimiz» // (03.12.2019 g. jarııalandy)]
5. World unique person // Almaty Akshamy, №5 (5824) January 14, Tuesday, 2020. – Page 7. [Álemdik birtýar tulǵa // Almaty aqshamy, №5(5824) 14 qańtar, seısenbi, 2020. – 7-bet.]
6. Kazakh enlightened thinker – Abai // / 7441-qazaqtynh aghartushy-jyshyly-abay, January 14, 2020. [Qazaqtyń aǵartýshy oıshyly – Abaı // /7441-qazaqtynh aghartushy-jyshyly-abay, 14 qańtar 2020 jyl.]
7. It has a great educational value [comment on N.A. Nazarbayev’s article “Seven Edges of the Great Steppe”] // Almaty Aakshamy. – 2018. – №148 (5655). – December 20. – p. [Taǵylymdyq mańyzy zor [N. Á. Nazarbaevtyń «Uly dalanyń jeti qyry» maqalasyna pikir] // Almaty aqshamy. – 2018. – №148 (5655). – 20 jeltoqsan. – 4-b.]
8. Artifacts that awaken the national consciousness // №24 (5843) February 27, 2020. – p. [Ulttyq sanany oıatatyn jádigerler // №24 (5843) 27 aqpan, 2020 jyl. – 7-b.]
9. Our main task is to glorify the great names of the great steppe // [Uly dalanyń uly esimderin ulyqtaý – basty mindetimiz //]
10. A new history must be written. // №2 (5978) January 9, 2021. – p. [Jańa tarıh jazylýǵa tıis. // №2 (5978) 9 qańtar, 2021 jyl. – 2-b].
11. “The guarantee of a bright future” // Almaty akshamy, №2 (5978) October 5, 2021. – 4 p. [«Jarqyn bolashaq kepili»// Almaty aqshamy, №2 (5978) 5 qazan, 2021. – 4 –bet].
12. It is necessary to establish an open dialogue between the authorities and society // February, 2022 [Bılik pen qoǵam arasyndaǵy ashyq dıalogty ornatý qajet // aqpan, 2022 j.]
13. It is necessary to establish an open dialogue // Astana akshamy, №25 (4303) Thursday, March 3, 2022. – 5p. [Ashyq dıalog ornatý qajet // Astana aqshamy, №25 (4303) beısenbi, 3 naýryz 2022. – 5 bet.]
1. She was awarded the second place winner of the VII International scientific-practical conference of young historians E. Bekmakhanov in the framework of President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s article: “Seven Edges of the Great Steppe” GREAT NAMES OF THE GREAT STEPPE: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE ON THE SCIENTIFIC-THEORETICAL AND RESEARCHING TEXT OF PATRIOTIC YOUTH EDUCATION (Almaty, 2019) [Elbasy N.Á. Nazarbaevtyń «Uly dalanyń jeti qyry» maqalasy aıasynda ULY DALANYŃ ULY ESIMDERI: JASTARDY PATRIOTTTYQ TÁRBIELEÝDIŃ ǴYLYMI-TEORIALYQ JÁNE ZERTTEÝ MÁTININDEGI PRAKTIKALYQ QYRLARY atty jas tarıhshy ǵalymdardyń VII Halyqaralyq ǵylymı-tájirıbelik konferentsııasy aıasynda uıymdastyrylǵan E. Bekmahanov atyndaǵy respýblıkalyq baıqaýynyń II oryn jeńimpazy retinde marapattaldy. (Almaty, 2019 j.)]
2. She was awarded a diploma of II degree for the II place in the republican competition for the best scientific work in pedagogical sciences. (Nur-Sultan, 2021) [Pedagogıkalyq ǵylymdar boıynsha eń úzdik ǵylymı jumysyna arnalǵan respýblıkalyq baıqaýynda II oryn alǵany úshin, II dárejeli dıplommen marapattaldy. (Nur-Sultan, 2021 j.)]