Kazakh monument studies research center
Head of the center

Azhigali Serik Eskendiruly is an ethnologist, archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the International Academy of Architecture of the East, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Honorary Head of the Department of Ethnology of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov”. Currently, he works as the chief researcher of the Institute. Specialist in history and culture, monuments of steppe Eurasia, folk architecture and ethnography of Kazakhs. Purposefully deals with other problems of historical nomadism, oriental studies, diasporology.
He was born on December 17, 1952 in Almaty in a family of philologists. In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of History of S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University. From 1975 to 1981 he worked in the Scientific and Restoration Production Association “Kazrestavratsiya” of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR (head of the sector); from 1982 to 1985 – in the Republican Museum of Books (head of the department), SKB “Kazhudozhprom” of the Ministry of Local Industry of the Kazakh SSR (head of the art department).
Since 1985, he has been working at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (now: Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) – in the position of junior researcher, senior researcher; from 1999 to 2019, he was the head of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology. In 1989 he defended his candidate thesis at the Leningrad Department of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the topic “Traditional burial and religious buildings of Western Kazakhstan as a historical and ethnographic source”. In 1997 he defended his doctoral dissertation “The genesis of memorial and cult architecture of the nomads of the Aral-Caspian Sea II thousand AD. (area, typology, historical and cultural interpretation)” in the Institute of History and Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – in two specialties: ethnology and archeology. He was an expert of the Higher Attestation Commission in these disciplines (1999-2004).
A major specialist in the history and culture of the Aral-Caspian region. In 1978-1998, for the first time, he carried out a comprehensive survey of architectural and historical and cultural monuments of Western Kazakhstan and adjacent territories, introduced a large number of architectural complexes of Mangystau, Ustyurt, Northern Aral and Caspian into scientific and public circulation. The long–term research, which continues to the present time, is summarized in the fundamental works “Architecture of nomads – a phenomenon of the history and culture of Eurasia” (2002), “Monuments of Mankystau and Ustyurt” (2014), etc. In 2011 under his leadership, the grave of Abulkhair Khan was discovered at the “Khan Molasi” necropolis, where a large memorial and tourist complex was created. The scientist’s discoveries find practical application in the course of modern development of the historical and cultural heritage of the region: protection, restoration, use of architectural monuments, tourism development, etc.
A significant place in scientific activity is occupied by the problems of ethnology: the ethnic history of the Kazakhs, the cult of the horse, the settlement system and the material culture of nomadic pastoralists, folk art, traditional and modern rituals, the history of national ethnography, etc. Along with Western Kazakhstan, he conducted field ethnographic surveys in Saryarka, Southern Kazakhstan, Zhetysu and outside the republic. Participated in a multifaceted ethnosociological study of a Kazakh village in the mid-1980s, led a Frontal ethnocultural survey of the republic in 1998. Having headed the Academic Department of Ethnology for 20 years, he made a significant contribution to the development of specialized science: training, preservation of scientific continuity, organization of complex field surveys, etc. A particularly important direction and achievement of recent years (2001-2018) has been the deployment of ethnographic and ethnoarchaeological research in the region of settlement of a large Kazakh diaspora in Central Asia (Mongolia, China, Russia). He was the head of the section “Ethnology and Anthropology” of the Public Council of the State Program “Cultural Heritage”. In 2009 he was elected President of the Association of Ethnologists and Anthropologists of Kazakhstan.
S. Azhigali made an important contribution to the development of ethnoarchaeology in Kazakhstan – a special scientific discipline at the junction of ethnography, archeology and ethnoarchitecture. He developed a methodology for field ethnoarchitectural research, prepared a large group of specialists. Currently, the relevant scientific and practical direction of “Kazakh monument studies” has been developed, on which three symposiums have been held in Aktobe (2011), Atyrau (2012) and Almaty (2020). The scientist pays great attention to the organization of collective historical and cultural research on the problems of steppe civilization (the “Heritage of Turan” series), coordination of scientific research in general. Organizer and leader of 50 complex ethnoarchaeological and ethnographic expeditions (including: 29 in the Aral-Caspian region, 16 in Central Asia). Participant of many International congresses, conferences and other events held both in Kazakhstan and abroad (Ashgabat, Tashkent, Dushanbe, Ulan Bator, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Budapest, Omsk, Kazan, Sochi, Orenburg, Yakutsk). In 2008, a chronicle-documentary film “The Keeper of Antiquities” from the cycle “The Line of Fate” was filmed about the scientist.
Organizer of a number of international scientific forums and conferences: “Integration of archaeological and ethnographic research (Almaty, 2004)”, “The Aral-Caspian region in the history and culture of Eurasia” (Aktobe, 2006, 2011), “Kazakh Diaspora of Central Asia: History – culture – monuments” (Almaty, 2014), “Kazakh Ethnographic school” (Almaty, 2019). He has prepared 8 candidates and 3 doctors of sciences in the specialty’s “ethnology” and “architecture”. He is the author of more than 550 scientific and popular scientific works, including 23 separate publications: monographs, books, collections of articles, materials of conferences organized by him, brochures, etc.
Main scientific works:
Eskertkіsh – el tarıhy. [Pýtevodıtel po pamıatnıkam]. (Podgot. tekstovogo ı fotoıllıýstr. mat-la po 50-tı pam-kam). – Aqtóbe, 1992. – 142 s.
Genezıs tradıtsıonnoı pogrebalno-kýltovoı arhıtektýry Zapadnogo Kazahstana (na osnove ıssledovanııah malyh form). – Almaty: Ǵylym, 1994. – 260 s., 10 vkl.
U beregov Prıkaspııskoı ıstorıı – Tarıh taǵylymy [2-ıa kn. ız serıı «Kaspıı qaırańy»]. Poznavat. ızdanıe. – Almaty: Djýldas ı kompanııa, 2000. – 328 s. (Soavt.: J. Adaev).
Qazaqtyń ádet-ǵuryptary men salt-dástýrlerі. Maqalalar jınaǵy / Obychaı ı obrıady kazahov v proshlom ı nastoıaem. Sb. stateı. – Almaty: NITs «Ǵylym», 2001. – 428 s. (Otv. red.-sost., avt. predısl., otd. st.).
Relıgıoznost ı obrıadnost selchan Kazahstana v blıjaısheı retrospektıve: Jetysý, seredına 80-h // Tam je. – S. 35–96, s ıll.
Istorııa ı kýltýra Aralo-Kaspııa. Sb. stateı. Vyp. 1. Almaty: Qus joly, 2001. – 228 s. (Otv. red.-sost., avt. predısl., otd. st.);
Ocherk etnıcheskoı ıstorıı arıdnoı zony Aralo-Kaspııa (v svete problem etnogeneza) // Tam je. – S. 7–37.
Pamıatnıkı Severnogo Prıaralıa // Tam je. – S. 150–183.
Arhıtektýra kochevnıkov – fenomen ıstorıı ı kýltýry Evrazıı (pamıatnıkı Aralo-Kaspııskogo regıona). – Almaty: NITs «Ǵylym», 2002. – 654 s.
Tradıtsıonnaıa sıstema skotovodcheskogo poselenııa kazahov (v ıstorıcheskom razvıtıı) // Etnografo-arheologıcheskıe kompleksy. Problemy kýltýry ı sotsıýma. T. 5. – Novosıbırsk, 2002. – S. 143–190.
Mońǵolııa qazaqtary etnıkalyq tobyn zertteýdіń Baǵdarlama-suraqnamasy [Programma-voprosnık]. – Almaty: IIE MON RK, 2004. [Ser. «Otan tarıhy»]. – 48 s. (Soavt.: O.J. Oshanov, A.Ý. Toqtabaı, E.J. Orazbek).
Abat-Baıtaq – Qazaq dalasynyń іnjý-marjany / Abat-Baıtak – jemchýjına Kazahskoı stepı. Na 3-h ıaz. – Almaty: TaimasPrinthouse, 2004. – 32 s. (Soavt.: L.R. Týrganbaeva).
Qazaqtyń kıіz úıі / Kazahskaıa ıýrta / Kazakh Yurta (knıga-albom). – Atyraý–London: Anglo-Caspian Publishing Ltd., 2005. (Naýchn. red. ızd., avt. otd. razd.). – 300 s.
Qazaq halqynyń dástúrlerі men ádet-ǵuryptary. 1-tom: bіrtutastyǵy jáne erekshelegі. – Almaty: Arys, 2005. – 328 s. (Otv. red.-sost., avt. predısl., otd. st., chastı ıll.).
Qazaqtardyń dіnge sengіshtіgі // Qazaq halqynyń dástúrlerі men ádet-ǵuryptary. 1-tom: bіrtutastyǵy jáne erekshelegі. – Almaty, 2005. (Soavt.: E. Orazbek). – 37–70-bb.
Qazaq halqynyń dástúrlerі men ádet-ǵúryptary. 2-tom: dúnıege kelgennen ózǵanǵa deıіn (otbasylyq ádet-ǵuryptar erterektegі avtorlardyń eńbekterі boıynsha). – Almaty: Arys, 2006. – 416 s. (Otv. red.-sost., avt. predısl., komm.).
Drevnostı «Strany–kratera»: ob ıstorıı ı kýltýre kochevogo Aralo-Kaspııa. Na 3-h ıaz. – Almaty: TaimasPrinthouse, 2006. – 64 s.
Kazahı: tradıtsıonnaıa etnıcheskaıa kýltýra. Otchet o NIR za 2006–2008 gg. (Rýk. temy, sost.). – Almaty: Tarıh taǵylymy, 2009. – 99 s. (Soavt.: S.F. Majıtov).
«Aralo-Kaspııskıı regıon v ıstorıı ı kýltýre Evrazıı». Materıaly mejdýnarodnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı. Ch. 1–2. – Aktobe: «PrıntA», 2006. – 238 + 242 s. (Avt. ıdeı, chlen redkoll., moder. konf.).
Kóneden jetken jіger: batysqa kózqaras. Aral-Kaspıı jerіne saıahat / Energııa drevnostı: vzglıad na zapad. Pýteshestvıe po zemle Aralo-Kaspııa [albom–knıga]. – Astana: «KazMunaıGaz» BÓ AQ, 2007. – 80 b. (Avt. tekstov, naýchn. konsýlt.).
Kazahskaıa tradıtsıonnaıa kýltýra v sobranııah Kýnstkamery. – Almaty: IKPI, 2008. – 224 s. (Naýchn. red.).
«Aralo-Kaspııskıı regıon v ıstorıı ı kýltýre Evrazıı»: Materıaly II Mejdýnarodnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı, posvıaennoı 20-letııý nezavısımostı Respýblıkı Kazahstan. – Almaty–Aktobe: Arys, 2011. – 404 s. (Otv. red.-sost., moder. konf.).
Materıaly 1-go ı 2-go Sımpozıýmov po «kazahskomý pamıatnıkovedenııý». – Almaty–Atyraý, 2012. – 226 s. (Otv. red.-sost., moder. konf., avt. otd. st.).
Ocherk kýltýrnogo nasledııa Aralo-Kaspııskogo regıona [Elektronnyı resýrs] / S.E. Ajıgalı // Elektronnoe naýchnoe ızdanıe «Almanah Prostranstvo ı Vremıa». 2014. T. 5. Vyp. 1. Chast 2: Prostranstvo ı vremıa Kaspııskogo Dıaloga. (Statsıonarnyı setevoı adres: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast4-2-2.2013.11). – 22 s.
Kazahskaıa dıaspora Tsentralnoı Azıı; ıstorııa – kýltýra – pamıatnıkı: materıaly Mejdýn. naýchn. konf. (Almaty, 5 dek. 2014 g.). – Almaty: «Eltanym baspasy», 2014. 428 s.+12 l. tsv. ıll. (Otv. red.-sost., tsv. ıll.).
Obıe ıtogı kompleksnogo etnokýltýrnogo ıssledovanııa kazahskoı dıaspory Tsentralnoı Azıı (Mongolııa, Rossııa, Kıtaı) // Tam je. – S. 14–28, tsv. ıl. na vkl. (15 rıs.).
Pamıatnıkı Mankystaý ı Ýstıýrta: knıga-albom, na 3-h ıazykah (kaz., rýs., angl.). (S prıloj. karty pamıatnıkov, s ýkazat.) – Almaty: Óner, 2014. – 504 s.+2 l., 34 s.
Vydaıýıesıa pamıatnıkı arhıtektýry Aktıýbınskoı oblastı: fotovystavka. Naýchno-ınformatsıonnoe ızdanıe. – Almaty–Aktobe, 2015. Na kaz., rýs. ıaz. 52 s.
Iz ıstorıı ızýchenııa pamıatnıkov narodnogo zodchestva, «drevnosteı ı razvalın» Aralo-Kaspııskogo regıona v dosovetskıı perıod (v svıazı s podgotovkoı bıblıografıcheskogo ýkazatelıa po etnografıı kazahov) // Otan tarıhy (j.). – 2016. – № 2. – S. 121–160.
Qazaq meshіtterіnіń jáne dіnı qaıratkerlerіnіń tarıhy (HIH ǵ. aıaǵy – HH ǵ. basyndaǵy Aqtóbe oblysy materıaldarynyń negіzіnde). – Aqtóbe: Q. Jubanov at. AÓMÝ Baspa ortalyǵy, 2016. – 100 b. (Chlen red. koll., avtor otd. tekstov).
Altaı Halıfa Ǵaqypuly: Bıobıblıografııalyq kórsetkіsh / Qurast.: G.N. Baltabaeva, S.E. Ájіǵalı, S.S. Qorabaı t.b. – Almaty [Ǵylym ordasy RMK baspahanasy], 2017. – 249 b.: portr. (Chlen red. koll.; sost.; red. teksta; avt. statı – v soavt.).
Ocherk ıstorıı ızýchenııa pamıatnıkov narodnogo zodchestva, «drevnosteı ı razvalın» Aralo-Kaspııskogo regıona v dosovetskıı perıod (do seredıny XIX v.). Chast 1. Ot rannıh svedenıı o pamıatnıkah kochevogo Aralo-Kaspııa do ekspedıtsıı Ia.P. Gaverdovskogo 1803–1804 gg. // Prostranstvo ı Vremıa. – 2017. – № 2–3–4. – S. 108–127.
Ocherk ıstorıı ızýchenııa pamıatnıkov narodnogo zodchestva, «drevnosteı ı razvalın» Aralo-Kaspııskogo regıona v dosovetskıı perıod (do seredıny XIX v.). Chast 2. Ot dıplomatıcheskoı mıssıı A.F. Negrı 1820–1821 gg. do obrazovanııa Rýsskogo Geografıcheskogo obestva // Prostranstvo ı Vremıa. – 2018. – № 1–2. – S. 88–106.
Sıstema poselenııa // Kazahı [Ser. «Narody ı kýltýry» IEA RAN]. – M.: Naýka, 2019. 2,5 p. l.