Grant financing projects for 27 months. (2020-2022)
Report on the project “The system of secular education and enlightenment in the policy of modernization of traditional Kazakh society in the 1920-1930s”
1. Work has been carried out in the funds of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CSA RK), the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. According to the calendar plan of this project, a scientific business trip was carried out in Astana (the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Archive of Astana) to work in archives and libraries, a source survey and reports of business trips were prepared. The results of the research trip to Astana are published on the website of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology: 1. Results of the research trip to Astana. // Website of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. – 2022. – July 4 // (accessed 29.10.2022.
Research trips to Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan) and Novosibirsk (Russian Federation) were carried out in the first half of this year.
3. Based on the results of the source analysis of the project data, a group of researchers prepared and published a collection of archival documents: The History of education in Kazakhstan in archival sources (1920s-1930s). Collection of documents / Comp.: Kaipbayeva A.T., Mukhatova O.Kh., S. Borbasov.M., Abikey A.M. K. Tulentayeva.A., Baizhumanova Z.B. – Almaty: “Madiyar” Print house, 2022. – 621 p.
4. A round table was organized and held on September 29, 2022 at 15.00 on the topic: “The system of secular education and enlightenment in Kazakhstan in the 1920s-1930s: history and experience”, as a result, publications of materials in the media and on websites on the work performed were prepared.
5. A collective monograph has been prepared and published:
The education system in Kazakhstan: History and lessons (1920-1930) Collective monograph. [Author: Kaipbayeva A. T., Mukhatova O. Kh., Abikey A. A. Nurmukhambetov, Altynbek Kh.]. / – Almaty: “Madiyar” Print house, 2022. – 352 p.
The collective monograph with a new methodology presents the history of the formation and development of the educational system of Kazakhstan in the 1920s-1930s. Historiography is analyzed, sources are systematized. The monograph reveals the activities of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Kazakh ASSR and the national figures who presided over it. The formation and development of research institutions in Kazakhstan is considered on the basis of new archival documents and materials. Also, the experience of educational institutions and educational work on the elimination of illiteracy in Kazakhstan has been studied. The contribution of the national intelligentsia to the development of the sphere of education is assessed.
6. The published works:
in a peer-reviewed academic editions (Web of Science, Scopus)
1 Orazgul Kh. Mukhatova, Ziyabek E. Kabuldinov, Ainagul T. Kaipbayeva, Makhabbat M. Kozybayeva. Pre-Revolutionary Historiography of the System of Public Education of Kazakh in the 19th – early 20th centuries. // Past Years (Bylye gody). 2022. 17(1): 145-156. (Scopus). DOI 10.13187/bg.2022.1.145. Q1. 90 percentile. (accessed 2022-11-06).
In domestic editions approved by the CQAES of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1. Mukhatova O. Kh., Kaipbayeva A. T. Historical sources of the education system of 1920-30. // Bulletin of Kaznu. History series. – 2022. – №3 (106). – Pp. 54-65.
2. Kaipbayeva A. T., Abikey A.M. The formation of the Soviet education system in Kazakhstan and the People’s Commissariat of Education. // History of the Fatherland. – 2022. – №3 (99). – Pp. 117-126.
3.Nurmukhambetov A. A., Konyrova A.M., Shaimerdenova M. D. Education in the early 20th century: the role of national figures in the preparation of school textbooks. // Bulletin of KazNPU. A series of stories. – 2022. – №3
A round table dedicated to the history of the educational system of Kazakhstan was held at the Ch.Ch. ValikhanovInstitute of History and Ethnology// website of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. – 2022. – October 11 / / (accessed 29.10.2022)