Young scientists projects (2020-2023)

Report on the project “Peasantry of Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: social transformation and everyday life”

1. The collection of archival materials for the project in domestic archives and libraries was carried out, the collection of oral materials, the source base was replenished with new information. In particular, work was carried out in Almaty: in the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; in Astana – in the State Archives of Astana, the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in Petropavlovsk – in the State Archives of the North Kazakhstan Region. Oral materials were collected during expeditions in the rural districts of the Almaty region (Talgar region), North Kazakhstan region, where the respondents were collective farmers and descendants of collective farmers who lived in the post-war years on the development of agriculture and trade, public education and health, work among the peasants in the collective farms, the natural movement of the population of the regions.

2. On September 22, 2022, the Republican round table “Problems of the socio-economic and cultural transformation of the Soviet peasantry in domestic and foreign historiography” was held to test the results of the study. Leading scientists – historians, political scientists, sociologists and others, who considered the problem from various positions, made presentations at the round table meeting. 17 reports were heard at the round table. The participants of the round table came to the conclusion that rethinking the problems of the socio-economic and cultural transformation of the Soviet peasantry remains a topical issue in domestic and foreign historiography. The results of the round table were covered in media publications.

3. A collective monograph was published on the research topic:

1. Krest’yanstvo Kazakhstana v poslevoyennoye desyatiletiye: sotsial’naya transformatsiya i povsednevnost’: kollektivnaya monografiya [The peasantry of Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: social transformation and everyday life: a collective monograph] / Kozybayeva M.M. Abdrakhmanova K.K., Apendiev T.A., Zhalmagambetov E.A., Zakarya R., Bekenova A.A., Kali A.N. / under the general editorship. Kozybayeva M.M. – Almaty: IP “Madyar”, 2022. – 297 p., ISBN 978-601-269-122-1. The final report was prepared and submitted.

4. Publications:

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed foreign scientific publications indexed by international databases Web of Science, Scopus:

1 Zakarya R. Evacuation and Repression: The Spaniards’ Life in Kazakhstan // Historia Contemporanea. – 2022. – № 70. – P. 919-950 (coauthor – Kokebayeva G.) https://www. 364138710_Evacuation_and_ Repression_ The_Spaniards’_Life_in_Kazakhstan (the journal has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of 71%). // sourceid/5700160314

2 Apendiyev T., Kozybayeva M. Problems of workers social security of Soviet Kazakhstan in 1950-60: historical view // Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. – 2022. – Vol. 11 – № 6 (in press) (the journal has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of 45%) //

3 Abdrakhmanova K.K. Problemy sovetskogo krest’yanstva v poslevoyennoye desyatiletiye v zarubezhnoy istoriografii [Problems of the Soviet peasantry in the post-war decade in foreign historiography] // Istoriya. – 2022. – V. 13. – Issue 11 (in press) (the journal has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database – 40%) //

Articles in peer-reviewed domestic publications (recommended by CQASHE):

1 Abdrakhmanova K.K. Sel’skaya povsednevnost’ Tsentral’nogo Kazakhstana v poslevoyennoye desyatiletiye: demograficheskiye aspekty naseleniya [Rural everyday life of Central Kazakhstan in the post-war decade: demographic aspects of the population] // Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series History, Philosophy. – 2022. – No. 2 (106). – S. 16-25. DOI 10.31489/2022HPh2/16-25.

2 Abdrakhmanova K.K. Istoriya kolkhoznogo krest’yanstva v 1945–1953 gg.: realii i problemy [The history of the collective farm peasantry in 1945–1953: realities and problems] // Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series History, Philosophy. – 2022. – № 3 (107). – P. 7-15. DOI 10.31489/2022HPh3/7-15.

3 Bekenova A.A. Sogystan keyingі onzhyldyktagy Kazakhstan sharualarynyn kүndeliktі turmystagy merekeleu madenieti (1945–1955) [Celebration culture in daily life of Kazakh peasants in the post-war decade (1945–1955)] //” electronic journals. 2022. – № 3 (31) – P. 159-172. DOI 10.51943/2710-3994_2022_31_3_159-172.

4 Zakarya R. Prerequisites for migration of European Migrants to the USSR, as well as their main categories // Electronic scientific journal “”. – 2022. – No. 3 (31) – 363-378 bb. DOI 10.51943/2710-3994_2022_31_3_375-391

5 Zakarya R. XX ғ. ekіnshі zhartysy – XXI ғ. basyndagy nemis tarikhnamasyndagy kenestik kezendegi Kazakhstan madenieti [20th century second half – 21st century. The culture of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period in the German historiography at the beginning] // Otan tarihy. – 2022. – № 1 (97). – 41-49 (coauthor – Meirambekov A.K.) // DOI 10.51943/1814-6961_2022_1_41

6 Kozybayeva M.M. Socio-economic development of the collective farms of Kazakhstan in the post-war period (1946–1953) // Electronic scientific journal “”. – 2022. – № 3 (31) – P. 237-245. // DOI 10.51943/2710-3994_2022_31_3_237-245

Articles in collections of international and republican conferences:

1 Abdrakhmanova K.K. Collective-farm peasantry of Kazakhstan and state policy in the post-war years // “Famine in Kazakhstan in 1921–1922 and its consequences: new sources, problems and prospects for research”: collection of materials of the Republican scientific and theoretical conference. – Almaty: Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and ethnology, 2022. – P. 7-13.

2 Zhalmagambetov E.A. Post-war years: the peasantry and income // Materials for the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Dynamics of Modern Science – 2022, July 17-25, 2022. – Sofia: “Byal GRAD-BG”, 2022.

Publications in the media:

1 Kozybayeva M.M. Filial NII otkryli v stolitse [A branch of the research institute was opened in the capital] // Portal “Qazaqstan tarihy”. – 2022. – March 18. // (accessed 25.10.2022)

2 Kozybayeva M.M. On the way to a new Kazakhstan // Evening Astana. – 2022. – March 19 // ysclid=l9vdean5vl469368193 (accessed 25.10.2022)

3 Kozybayeva M.M. Symbols of the Great Steppe // Evening Astana. – 2022. – June 4. // 338013259 (accessed 25.10.2022)

4 Bolatkhan A. Language is on a par with food // 2022. – June 10. // =E2HhTz KyFAg. (date of treatment – 25.10.2022)

5 Bekenova A.A. Round table “Problems of socio-economic and cultural transformation of the Soviet peasantry in domestic and foreign historiography” // Site of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after. Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. – 2022. – September 17. // l9vdaa9mrm 585537245&lang=ru (accessed 25.10.2022)

6 Bekenova A.A. “Kenestik sharualardyn otandyk zhane sheteldik tarikhnamadagy әleumettik-economicalyk zhane madeni transformationalanu maseleleri” takyrybynda dөңgelek үstel // Website of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. – 2022. – September 17. // (accessed 25.10.2022)7 Kozybaeva M.M., Abdrakhmanova K.K. Socio-economic and cultural transformation of the Soviet peasantry // Portal “Qazaqstan tarihy”. – 2022. – October 28. // (accessed 28.10.2022).