
Olzhas Bekenuly Kuanbay


Position: Consultant   

Contact details:    


Olzhas Bekenuly KUANBAY was born on November 3, 1989, in the East Kazakhstan region. He graduated with honors from the “Abay Kunanbaev Republican boarding school for gifted children” in 2007. Since 1997, he has been residing in Almaty.

Education: He has a higher education.

2007-2011 – Bachelor’s program of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Faculty: Oriental Studies. Specialty: Japanese studies, orientalist historian. (Diploma with honors).

2012-2014 – Master’s program of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Faculty: Oriental Studies. Specialty: Japanese studies, orientalist historian. (Diploma with honors).

2020-2024 – PhD doctoral studies at Ankara University. Faculty of History and Geography, Department of Oriental Languages and Literature. Specialty: Japanese studies, orientalist historian. (Diploma with honors).

Upgrade qualifications:

2005 – 2009 – Japanese language courses, Kazakh-Japanese Center for the Development of Human Resources (Certificates with honors, 9 degrees), Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2007 – 2010 – English language courses, Language center “Language shop”

2009 -2010 – Graduated with honors from the military department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Staff sergeant of anti-aircraft artillery for the technical part of air defense. Reserve sergeant. (Air defense, ZSU-23/4). Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2011 – Student Exchange Program “Healthy Lifestyle and Community for a Sustainable Future 2010” Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

2011 – Korean language courses. Certificate with honors from the director of the educational center of the Republic of Korea from Mr. Lee Kyung-ho. Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2013 – Scientific internship under the program “Contemporary Approaches to Social Studies and Humanities in Europe”, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Holland).

2019-2020 – Academic study of the Turkish Language at the University of Pamukkale “Dil Öğretimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi – PADAM” (Certificate with honors C1.) Denizli, Republic of Turkey. 

2020-2022 – Written Old Ottoman language. “Yunus Emre Enstitüsü ve Hayrat Vakfı”, Ankara, Republic of Turkey. 

Academic degree: In 2024, a complete defense of doctoral dissertations is anticipated on the topic “The Influence and Significance of Genro during the Period of Japanese Modernization: A Case Study of the Meiji Era (1889-1912).” The supervisor for this research is Prof.Dr. A.M. Dundar. 

Professional experience:

2023 – Appointment as a consultant to the director of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2020–2021 – The official representative of the Japanese University “Kyuschu” in Ankara.  Republic of Turkey.

2018–2019 – Research assistant at the Department of “Historiography, Source Studies and Modern Methodology” of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology.

2016 – 2018 – Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter in the field of human resource development. Tokyo, Japan. 

2010 – 2011 – Scientific Applicant Assistant of “Waseda University” Tokyo, Japan.

2009-2019 – Translation activities (Simultaneous and consecutive translation from Japanese to Kazakh Russian and English) for various organizations. Almaty, Astana, Kazakhstan. 


2007 – The first degree diploma of the state grant of “Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Scientific and practical center “Daryn”. Astana, Kazakhstan. 

2008 – POSKO Asia Fellowship Program Scholarship with the support of POSKO TJ Park Foundation. Diploma and cash reward. Seoul, Korea.

2010 – Medal and certificate from the “Security Service of the President of Kazakhstan”, JSC “The Center on Special Maintenance of the Protection Servis of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Astana, Kazakhstan. 

2014 – Medal and cash reward for successful performance at the international scientific conference “KF-HYU Global e-School. Hangyang University of Korea. Seoul, Korea. 

Scientific Interests: His research interests revolve around the examination of Japanese history during the Meiji Restoration period and the history of Kazakhstan from the 18th to the first half of the 19th centuries. He has actively participated in four scientific projects and translated entire academical scientific texts of monographs into English under the project “New Declassified Russian Archives: Unveiling Unknown Aspects in the Lives and Deeds of Kazakh Khans, Sultans, and Batyrs (XVIII – First Half of the XIX Centuries).”


2005 – 2009 – Japanese language courses, Kazakh-Japanese Center for the Development of Human Resources (Certificates with honors, 9 degrees), Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2007 – The first degree diploma of the state grant of “Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Scientific and practical center “Daryn”. Astana, Kazakhstan.

2010 – Diploma of successful completion of the military department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (with honors). Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2010 – Certificate of participation in the conference on the topic “Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the OSCE – world trust.” Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2011 Diploma of the 3rd degree. III International Conference of Young Scientists and Students. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2014 – Diploma of the 1st degree “International scientific conference “Farabi alemi” of young applicants and students” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2014 – Certificate for successful performance in the international conference “KF – HYU Global e – School”. Hangyang University of Korea. 

2017 – Certificate of Appreciation for introducing the art and literature of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Okinawa Prefecture at the “Utagoe Motobu” event. Publication in the state newspaper “The Ryukyu Shinbun” 「琉球新聞」 (2017, March 19 (29 pages). Okinawa, Japan. 

2018 – Letter of invitation from the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Japan for active participation in events in Tokyo. Performance “Ahiko from Aktas”, Tokyo, Japan

2020 – C1 certificate of knowledge of the Turkish language “Dil Öğretimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi – PADAM”. Denizli, Türkiye.

2021 – Certificate of Achievement for speaking at the “V – International Conference Turkic World” Symposium on Social Sciences. August 05-08, 2021 Baku, Azerbaijan.

2020-2021 – Certificate of Achievement. She successfully completed the 32-hour level 1 OTTOMAN TURKISH course held between 14 December 2020 and 07 February 2021 with the cooperation of “Yunus Emre Enstitüsü” and “Hayrat Foundation”, and was entitled to receive this certificate. President of the Yunus Emre Institute: Prof.Dr. Şeref Ateş. Ankara Turkey.

2021-2021 – Certificate of Achievement. After successfully completing the 32-hour level 2 OTTOMAN TURKISH course held between 08 March 2021 and 16 May 2021 in cooperation with “Yunus Emre Institute” and “Hayrat Foundation”, he was entitled to receive this certificate. President of the Yunus Emre Institute:  Prof.Dr. Şeref Ateş. Ankara Turkey.

2021-2022 – Certificate of Achievement. He successfully completed the 32-hour 3rd level OTTOMAN TURKISH course held between 11 November 2021 and 06 February 2022 with the cooperation of “Yunus Emre Enstitüsü” and “Hayrat Foundation”, and was entitled to receive this certificate. President of the Yunus Emre Institute: Prof.Dr. Şeref Ateş. Ankara Turkey. 

Publications: He is an author of more than 40 articles and reviews published in domestic and foreign publications. Publications were made in Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish. And also, there are translations of scientific works from English and from Japanese into Russian and Kazakh languages.  

Articles and reports:

1.  «Қазақ  тілі  мен  жапон  тілінің  септік  жалғауларының ұқсастықтары  мен    айырмашылықтары»  //  Білімді  жастар-Қазақстанның  келешегі  2050-Алматы-2013, б.322;

2. «Байраққа  біткен  құрағым…»  //  Ұлт  болмысы  №3-4 (29)/2014, б.45;

3.  «Голландия сапарынан» // Ұлт болмысы №3 (17)/2013, б.49;

4.  «Нарықтың нар түйесін ерттеп мінсек…» // Ұлт болмысы №8 (10) / 2012, б.47;

5.  «Адам және  әдеби  туынды»  //  Ұлт болмысы  №10(12)/2012, б.53.

6.  «Жапондық   ғалымдар  қазақ   тарихына  қызығушылық танытты» (Almaty  Aqshamy//№11 (5674), 24 қаңтар, 2019 )

7.  «Жапон ұлттық  болмысының тарихи-мәдени  тамырлары»  (Шетелдік  тәжірибені  Қазақстан  жағдайында  пайдалану мәселесіне орай) «Академик  Ақай  Нүсіпбеков  және  ) Қазақстанның ұлттық  тарихының  жаңғыруы»  VI-шы  Нүсіпбеков  оқулары  Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция  материалдарының  жинағы.,  ©  ҚР  БҒМ  ҒК  Ш.Ш. Уәлиханов  атындағы Тарих  және  этнология  институты,  Алматы 2019, 282 б.   

8. «Байболат  Шегірекұлы»,  ҚАЗАҚСТАННЫҢ  ТАРИХИ ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯСЫ 1ТОМ. Алматы, 2019,  (1694-1782) батыр. 360 б.

9. «Қазақ  –  жапон  тілдерінің  тарихи  тамырластығы»  ҒТАХР  03.20. Электронды  Ғылыми  Журнал  //  IRSTI  03.20  //  №2(18)  2019,  ©  ҚР  БҒМ  ҒК  Ш.Ш.  Уәлиханов атындағы Тарих және этнология институты, КҒҚ.  

10. «Отстаивание интересов казахских родов Султанмамет султаном от притязаний Российских военных  в  среднем  Прииртышье  (ІІ  половина  XVIII  века)  «Отан  Тарихы»  МРНТИ 03.20 (З. Е. Кабульдинов, О. Б. Куанбай, А. С. Тылахметова) ©  ҚР  БҒМ  ҒК Ш.Ш. Уәлиханов  атындағы  Тарих  және  этнология  институты,  Алматы  –  2019,  №1  (85).Стр.88-100.

11. «Қазақстан тарихы». (ХХ ғасырдың басынан Екінші Дүниежүзілік соғыс аяқталғанға дейін) Жалпы білім беретін мектептің 9 (8) сыныбына арналған оқулық. Алматы, Атамұра, 2019. (Редактор әдіскер.)

12. Collective compiler of scientific works Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. «SELECTED WORKS  OF  CHOKAN VALIKHANOV:  PIONEERING  ETHNOGRAPHER  AND  HISTORIAN  OF  THE  GREAT STEPPE»,  CH.CH.  VALIKHANOV INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY, GREATBRITAIN, LONDON  1 Dec, 2020.  (Headed the negotiation process with Nick Fielding)

13. «Некоторые аспекты развития торгово-промысловой деятельности у казахов Омского уезда Акмолинской области» (конец ХІХ  –  начало ХХ в.) УДК  93/94:  339.376.4,   (З.Е. Кабульдинов, О.Б. Куанбай, А.С. Тылахметова) Республика Казахстан, Институт истории и этнологии им.Ч.Ч. Валиханова, РФ. г.Омск, 2019 г. 78 с.

14. «Қазақ және жапон халқының ұлттық болмысындағы алғыс білдіру бірліктері» Жас тарихшы-ғалымдардың «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасын іс жүзінде іске асырудағы  міндеттері. Жас тарихшылардың VI Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының материалдары. © ҚР БҒМ ҒК Ш.Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы Тарих және этнология институты, Алматы – 2018, 59-64 б.  

15. «Жаһандану дәуіріндегі жапон ұлттық менталитетінің көрінісі // Жас ғалымдардың «Қазіргі Қазақстандағы  инновациялық  даму»   атты  XII  халықаралық конференциясы. Алматы, 22-23 қараша 2018 ж.

16. O.B. Kuanbay – Translated from Japanese. Iwagaki  Takakiro   “From  the  Scientific  Research  Expedition  in  the Republic of    Kazakhstan to the Aral Sea” //  //  The task  of  young  historians-scientists  in  the  practical   Implementation  of  the  program  “Spiritual Renovation” Materials of the VI    International scientific-practical conference of young historians. Almaty:  Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, 2018. 221-224 p. 

17. O.B. Kuanbay – Academic Editor of English Translation. Kabuldinov Z.E   «History of Astana». Almaty, 2018. –  342 p.  

18. О.Б. Куанбай – научный редактор книги З.Е. Кабулдинова «Султанмамет Султан: государственный деятель, дипломат и батыр», Алматы, 2018.

19. «Japon Askeri Emperyalizmi: Çin Ve Japonya’daki Sosyo-Politik Durumunа Karşilaştirmali Bilimsel Analiz (1875-1937)» Asya-Pasifik Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma  merkezinin  (APAM),  Ankara  Üniversitesi, Basımevi, Ankara, 2021. 118 s.

20. IRSTI: 03.20 «The Colonial Policy of the Russian Empire In Relation to The Kazakhs of The West Siberian Governorship in Archival Documents. (II HALF OF XIX C.) »  PhD doctoral student of the Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, «Отан Тарихы» ғылыми Журналы. 39 p. 2021. https://10.51943/1814-6961_2021_3_67 .

21. «Comparative  Scientific  Analysis  on  the  Political and  Social  Situation  of  the  Japan  –  Kazakh  People  in  XVIII-XIX Centuries»  IRSTI  03.20.00  DOI  №  3(27)2021.  «edu.e-history  .kz» https://10.51943/2710_3994_2021_3_1 

22. «Çin  Halk  Cumhuriyeti  ve  Japonya  İlişkileri  (1952-1972)»,  V – International  Worlds  of  Turks  Symposium  of  Social  Sciences,  05-08 August 2021, Baku, Azerbaijan.

23. SCOPUS. « Modern  Research  on  the Institution  of  Khan  Power  of  the  Kazakhs  in  the  Imperial  Period» Nurgul  N.  Kurmanalina, Timur A. Ryskulov,  Ziyabek E. Kabuldinov,  Olzhas B. Kuanbay, Published in the USA. Bylye Gody. 2022. 17(4) E-ISSN: 2310-0028,  2022.  17(4):  1585-1595,  https://10.13187/bg.2022.4.1585

24. РИНЦ. «Роль батыров в казахском обществе по Российским  архивным источникам XVIII в.» О.Б. Куанбай, Н.Н. Курманалина  Университет  Анкара  (Турция,Анкара),  Институт истории  и этнологии им. Ч.Ч. Валиханова (Казахстан, Алматы)  «Тенденции  развития  наукии  образования».  №90,  Октябрь  2022.  г.Самара. Россия. https://10.18411/trnio-10-2022-137.    

25. «Аrchival Materials about Kazakh Batyrs (XVIII – first half of XIX centuries)»  Ankara  University.  Turkey,  Ankara.  ISSN  2710-3994  «» электрондық ғылыми журналы № 2 (30) 2022

26. «Kenesary  Kassymov  in  Pre-Revolutionary  Historiography»  N. Kurmanalina,  O.  Muhatova.,  O.  Kuanbay.  Ch.  Valikhanov  Institute  of  History  and  Ethnology, Kazakhstan;  Ankara  University,  Ankara,  Turkey.  ISSN  2710-3994  «» электрондық ғылыми журналы № 2 (30) 2022 

27. «Политическая  деятельность  Саржана  Касымулы  в  национально-освободительных восстаниях казахского народа в 1825–1836 гг.»  ISSN 1814 –  6961 E-ISSN: 2788-9718.  Отан  тарихы  №1  (97)  2022.  Анкарский Университет. Турецкая Республика, г. Анкара.     

28. «Қазақ-жоңғар күресі кезеңіндегі тұлғалардың зерттелу мәселелерінен (қазіргі  Қазақстандық  еңбектерде)»  О.Б.  Қуанбай¹*,  Н.Н.  Құрманалина²  1Анкара Университеті,  Анкара,  Түркия.  ²Ш.Ш.  Уәлиханов  атындағы  Тарих  және  этнология институты,  Алматы,  Қазақстан.  ISSN  2710-3994  «»  электрондық  ғылыми журналы № 1 (29.) 2022 ҒТАМР 03.20.00 

29. «Features of Functioning of the Institution of Kazakh batyrs  (XVIII –  XIX С.)»  «»  электрондық ғылыми журналы № 1(29), 2022  Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey. IRSTI  03.20.00   

30. «Кулсары  батыр  –  дипломат,  государственный  и  общественный деятель  (1715  –  1776)»   Анкарский  Университет,  Турецкая  Республика,  г.  Анкара.  ISSN 2710-3994  «»  электрондық  ғылыми  журналы №3(31)2022

31.  «Consideration of the concept  of criticism as a social theme in  Jambyl Jabayev’s  poems»  Soner  Saglam¹*,  Yashar  Sozen¹  Pamukkale  University,  Republic  of  Turkey, Pamukkale.  The  text  of  this  study  was  prepared  in  Turkish  and  translated  into  English.  ISSN 2710-3994  «» электрондық ғылыми журналы № 1 (29.) 2022  IRSTI 17.01.09 

32. «Japan’s  Foreign  Policy  in  the  Post-Bipolar  System Era» ISSN 2710-3994. Vol. 10. Іs. 1, рр. 26–40, 2023 Е 2023. Vol. 10. No.1.P. 26–40.(in Eng. DOI: 

33. «Түркия республикасы халқының демографиялық дамуы және оның ерекшеліктері» ҚР ҰҒА-ның Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ «ХАБАРШЫСЫ», 1Yildirim Kürşat1, 2Т.Ә. Әпендиев, 3О. Қуанбай. 1Стамбул университеті; 2Ш.Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы Тарих және этнология институты; 3Анкара университеті. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of The Republic of Kazakhstan. ISSN 1991-3494, Volume 2. Number 402 (2023), 402-415. ҒТАХР:06.71.03.  

34. Co-author of the collective monograph in Russian language “Life and activities of Kazakh khans, sultans, batyrs (XVIII – first half of the XIX centuries)” (on the basis of Russian archive sources), Author’s collective: N.N. Kurmanalina, O.B. Kuanbay, T.A. Ryskulov, A.R. Beysembaeva, A.D. Kunekeev, A.S. Tylahmetova. MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, SCIENCE COMMITTEE, INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY. Ch. Ch. VALIKHANOVA. – Almaty: IP “Alma”, 2022. – 288 p.

35. Co-author of the collective monograph in the Kazakh language “XVIII century 19th century Life and work of Kazakh khans, sultans and heroes in the first half” (based on data from Russian archives), Collective monograph, – Authors: N.N. Kurmanalina, O.B. Kuanbay, T.A. Ryskulov, A.R. Beysembaeva, A.D. Kunekeev, A.S. Tylahmetova. MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, SCIENCE COMMITTEE, Sh.Sh. VALIKHANOV INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY. General editor-in-chief. N.N. Kurmanalina. – Almaty: IP “Alma”, 2022. – 312 p.

36. Co-author of the collective monograph in English and academic translator of the scientific monograph into English “The Life and Activity of The Kazakh Khans, Sultans, Batyrs (XVIII-first half of the XIX centuries)” (based on Russian archival sources) Authors of the monograph: N.N. Kurmanalina, O.B. Kuanbay, T.A. Ryskulov, A.R. Beisembaeva, A.D. Kunekeev, A.S. Tylakhmetova. MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, COMMITTEE OF SCIENCE, Ch.Ch. VALIKHANOV INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY. – Almaty: IP “Alma”, 2022. – 320 p.

37. Co-author of the collection of archival documents and materials “Life and activity of Kazakh khans, sultans, batyrs (XVIII – first half of XIX centuries)” (based on Russian archive sources) Composers: N.N. Kurmanalina, O.B. Kuanbay, T.A. Ryskulov, A.R. Beysembaeva, A.D. Kunekeev, A.S. Tylahmetova. MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, SCIENCE COMMITTEE, INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY. Ch. Ch. VALIKHANOVA.-Almaty: IP “Alma”, 2022. – 348 p.

38. Олжас Қуанбай, «Қазақ-қарғыз бауырластығы жаңа деңгейге көтерілді», “Almaty AQSHAMY” газеті №86 (6379) 20 шілде, 2023 жыл. 8 бет.  

39. Олжас Қуанбай, «Жаңа қоғамда мүмкіндік мол», “Almaty AQSHAMY” газеті, №92 (6385) 3 тамыз, 2023 жыл. 3 бет.