Conferences and presentations
2023 conferences, methodological seminars, round tables, presentations, meetings.
International conferences
- International scientific and practical conference “Kazakhstan and Kalmykia: history, culture and prospects for joint scientific research” with the Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (Almaty, February 17, 2023).
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, together with the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, the Central Scientific Library of the RSE “Gylym Ordasy”, held an international scientific and practical conference “Problems of ethnocultures and the study of nomads in Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the famous ethnologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Toktabai Akhmet Ualkhanovich. (Almaty, February 24, 2023)
- International scientific conference “The role of an interdisciplinary approach in researching and writing the history and culture of the Kazakh Khanate: results and prospects” organized by the Republican Information Center for the Study of Historical Materials at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after. R.B. Suleimenov with the support of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after. C.H. Valikhanova (Almaty, March 6, 2023).
- On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Hassan Oraltai, the international scientific and practical conference “Hassan Oraltai and the value of serving the independence of the country” was held at the Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. (Almaty, May 4, 2023)
- International scientific and practical conference on the topic: “On the specifics of the development of statehood in the Turkic period” together with the International Turkic Academy (May 15, 2023)
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an international scientific and practical conference “Abylai Khan and Kazakh statehood: historical processes and continuity” dedicated to the 310th anniversary of Abylai Khan within the framework of the I readings of the famous historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Zardykhan Kinayat (May 18, 2023).
- In honor of the 80th anniversary of Alimgaza Dauletkhan, a member of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, an international scientific and practical conference “New historical problems of Kazakhstan in antiquity and the Middle Ages” was held. (Almaty, September 15, 2023).
- International scientific and practical conference “Mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 20-50s. XX century and processes of rehabilitation in archival documents and memories.” (Almaty, September 20, 2023).
- Conducting an International Scientific Conference on the topic: “Poles and Polish citizens in Kazakhstan in the 19th – 20th centuries. History – people – modernity” (Almaty, September 30, 2023).
- International scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Problems of famine research in the early 20s. XX century in Kazakhstan and adjacent territories: causes, scale and historical consequences” (Almaty, October 12, 2023).
Republican conferences
- Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Soviet Kazakhstan: lessons from the history of social and ethnic conflicts (1920-1991)” (Almaty, February 28, 2023).
- At the Institute of State History together with the Institute of History and Ethnology. C.H. Valikhanov, a Republican scientific conference was held on the topic “Kazakhstan in the modern world: differentiation of the historical path” (Astana, April 14, 2023).
- Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist-historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Toltai Balakaevich Balakayev on the topic: “National history and historians of Kazakhstan of the twentieth century: problems, scientific heritage and modern approaches “(Almaty, May 26, 2023).
- A republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Kazakh society of the colonial period” was held at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the 220th anniversary of the birth of the great Kazakh poet Batyr Makhambet Utemisov (Almaty, June 20, 2023).
- Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the famous scientist-historian, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kh.M. Abzhanov, on the topic: “The movement of history and the Kazakhstani path: stages, lessons and the future” (Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai together with the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Ch. Valikhanov; Almaty, October 13, 2023).
- Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Enlighteners of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the 1st quarter of the twentieth century: activities and history” (Almaty, October 26, 2023).
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology hosted the republican scientific and practical conference “E. Dilmukhamedov and National History”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Eltok Dilimbetovich Dilmukhamedov (1903-1990). The conference was attended by well-known public figures of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, representatives of research institutes and universities (Almaty, November 16, 2023).
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, within the framework of the XI Nusupbek readings “Kazakhstan in the Soviet period: history, personalities, current problems (1917-1991). held a republican scientific and practical online conference. (Almaty, December 7, 2023).
- Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Current issues of national history: state and prospects” as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the prominent domestic scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Murat Zhetkergenovich Abdirov (Almaty, December 14, 2023).
Seminars and summer schools
- Seminars and summer schools At the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov (hereinafter – the Institute) On March 15, 2023, as part of the project to prepare a multi-volume academic publication “The History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day”, a seminar “XVIII-XX centuries. Methodological online seminar on the topic “Definition and unification of scientific terms and concepts in the history of Kazakhstan”. (Almaty, March 15, 2023).
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Kazakhstan, Doctor, Professor Selim Hezbievich held a scientific seminar “The History of the Tatars of Poland and Lithuania”, organized by the Department of History of Ancient and Medieval Kazakhstan and Neighboring countries of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Sh. Ualikhanov. (Almaty, March 24, 2023).
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology held a regular methodological seminar on the topic “The History of the Golden Horde: a personal vision of one scientist” (Almaty, March 30, 2023).
- The “Summer School” of Kazakh–Kyrgyz historians was organized by the Kyrgyz National University.Zhusup Balasagun and the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov. (Bishkek, June 27, 2023).
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Deputy Director for Public Relations Abdulina Aksunkar Tursinovna and researcher at this institution Malika Temirkhanovna Moryakova took part in the International Summer School of Young Historians of the CIS countries “Historical texts: the culture of their creation and interpretation” in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. (Uzbekistan, October 30-November 5, 2023).
- A methodological seminar on “Transformation as one of the stages of modernization of a nomadic society (on the example of the Kazakhs of the Buke Khanate)” was held at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov (Almaty, October 31, 2023).
- A methodological seminar on “New methods of studying the population census in Kazakhstan” was held at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov (Almaty, December 5, 2023).
Round tables, meetings, book presentations, etc.
- Meeting with the President of the International Turkic Academy Shahin Majid oglu Mustafayev (Almaty, January 31, 2023).
- Presentation of the books “Political repression among the Kazakhs on the territory of the republics of Central Asia in the 20-50s of the XX century” and “Kazakhs in Central Asia: History and destinies (1920-1950)”, at the University named after J. Balasagyn ( Kyrgyzstan) (Bishkek, February 10, 2023)
- Meeting of the Council of Young Scientists (CYS) with a young historian from America Abigail Bratcher (Almaty, February 10, 2023).
- Meeting with the scientific delegation (Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation) of the Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KSC RAS) // (Almaty, February 13, 2023).
- At the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Sh. Ualikhanov, a meeting was held with the director and Deputy director of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mustafina A. H. and Alimgazinov K. Sh. (Almaty, February 15, 2023).
- Meeting with Professor of the Institute of Turkic Studies of Istanbul University Mr. Omir Kul, seminar entitled: “The main directions of Turkish researchers in the study of the Turkic world: problems and future” (Almaty, February 17, 2023)
- On February 28, 2023, scientists of the Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology under the leadership of the Director, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Z. E. Kabyldinov held a meeting with the rector of Turan University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Rakhman Alshanovich Alshanov. (Almaty, February 28, 2023).
- On March 3, 2023, the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Institute) announced the outstanding statesman of Kazakhstan Zh. Shayakhmetov (within the framework of the scientific project “Unknown pages from the life and work of the outstanding statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov) “Unknown pages from the life and work of the outstanding statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov (in frames 1902-1966)” (Almaty: “Litera-M LLP”, 2022. -392 p.), “Zhumabai Shayakhmetov: documents, materials, photographs” (Almaty: Litera-M LLP, 2022. – 672 p.). (Almaty, March 3, 2023).
- Presentation of a collection of archival documents and materials “Polish special settlers in the North Kazakhstan region (1936-1955) (Almaty: Litera-M LLP, 2022. – 384 p.) within the framework of program-targeted funding “Mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 20-50s. XX century and rehabilitation processes: creation of a unified database” (Almaty, March 17, 2023).
- Republican round table on the topic “On the preparation of a collective monograph on the history of mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 20-50s. XX century” (in the light of the use of archival and field materials from all regions of Kazakhstan) as part of the execution of the state task and the implementation of the scientific program “Mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 20-50s. XX century and rehabilitation processes: creation of a unified database” (Astana, March 24, 2023).
- A round table “Topical issues of preparation and holding of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Academician K. I. Satpayev” was held in the conference hall of the Central Scientific Library “Gylym Ordasy”. The event was organized by the Memorial Museum of Academician K. I. Satpayev with the participation of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov (hereinafter – the Institute) (Almaty, April 12, 2023).
- On April 12, a solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of Science Workers was held at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov. (Almaty, April 12, 2023)
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan officially held the grand opening of the “scientific research center on the Kazakh monument”, established on September 17, 2022. (Almaty, April 27, 2023)
- International scientific debate in the form of a conference on the topic: “The role and significance of the Constitution of May 3, 1791 for the processes of systemic change in Poland and Kazakhstan” (Almaty, May 3, 2023).
- In order to conduct joint scientific research on the history of Kazakh-Polish relations, on June 6, 2022, the next 3rd meeting of the Kazakh-Polish historical commission was held, established in Bialystok, the Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk and the Museum of the Memory of Siberia in Bialystok (Bialystok, May 17-22, 2023).
- At a joint expanded meeting of the Department of World History and External Relations of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov and the Faculty of History of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies, a preliminary defense of the PhD thesis of Zakaria Rakhmetolla took place (Almaty, June 1, 2023).
- Meeting with the Director of the State Archive of the Ahal Velayat of the Republic of Turkmenistan (RT) A.K. Akmammedov and the head of the self-accounting department of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan Ya.Z. Ataev (Almaty, June 6, 2023).
- Meeting with the French delegation: Sabine Dullen – historian, Doctor of Science, professor at the Institute of Political Studies (Paris, France), specialist in international relations and history of the Soviet Union, Pauline Couto – deputy director for international relations of the same Institute (Almaty, 16 June 2023).
- Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi together with the Institute of History and Ethnology named after. C.H. Valikhanov KN MES RK held a presentation of the book “The Seventh Country – The New National-State Ideology of the Kazakh People” (Almaty, June 22, 2023).
- Meeting-seminar in the department of ethnology and anthropology with scientists and cultural figures of the Republic of Sakha (RF, Yakutia) (Almaty, September 19, 2023).
- 4th meeting of the Kazakh-Polish commission at the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, September 29, 2023).
- A round table was held at the Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. The theme of the round table is “Problems of preserving national identity in Kazakhstan: stages and historical experience” (Almaty, October 19, 2023).
- A round table on the topic “Ethno-demographic and socio-cultural development of cities of Kazakhstan in the 20-30s of the twentieth century” was held at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov (Almaty, October 26, 2023).
- The Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology hosted a round table “Abylai Khan and neighboring states and peoples”, dedicated to the image of the personality and foreign diplomacy of Abylai Khan in Kazakh history (Almaty, October 27, 2023).
- “Alash movement and XX century. Zhetysu region: history and current issues” round table (Almaty, October 27, 2023).
- The presentation of the book by member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Uzakovich Sakki “Baibars – Sultan Mamluks from Desht-i Kipchak” took place at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Sh. Ualikhanov (Almaty, November 1, 2023).
- Meeting in the department of ethnology and anthropology with scientists from the USA and architects of Kazgor (Almaty, November 9, 2023).