Anacharsis (VII – VI centuries BC)–a scientist from the Sak steppe, who lived in the VII-VI centuries BC (605-545, 613-539, 620-555), glorified immortal glory during his travels in Greece. He was descendant from the Scythian dynasty of kings. In translation from Greek means “Voice of sky”, the son of the king of Gnur, brother of the kings of Savli and Kadiut. Anacharsis s (Scythian. “Αναχαρσις” not vulnerable ” ana (not) +hvar (wound)”; 605-545 BC) He arrived in Athens and established a close friendship with Solanum and Toksary (great doctor, scientist).
It is believed that “History is written by conquering Nations.” History is a valuable concept, consonant with the past, a lesson for today and passed on to future generations. The deep meaning of the history of our people is its reflection. In four corners of the globe, the history of the Turks of the past was written in stone, embedded in the ruling land, by powerful Turkic Khaganats (an old name of Khanate). It is a historical phenomenon that determines the course of all past eras and determines the direction of the future.
The story has three different logical functions. It is the study of the past, his training and connection at the root. Humanity is learning from its past, thus predicting tomorrow and weighing today. The younger generation’s recollection of the importance of knowing the relationship between historical reason and eternity is an unwavering guarantee of the nation’s future. The first boom of human civilization, the Asian steppe with its first breakthrough, including the Scythians, Saks, Huns of the Turkic name-the Kazakh steppe is bending into folds of mystery that have not yet been resolved. How many faithful children of the great Steppe were forgotten. History has shown that our ancestors United in different tribal alliances and laid the foundations for new States on the path of historical and evolutionary development of nomadic civilization. The history of the Agripean Saks, Massagets, Tigrahauda, Hauomovarga, Arimas Saks, Issedons and Sarmatians, which became part of the Union of Scythians, is a common history for the peoples of all Eurasia, spreading its free history of Saks-Scythians. And here is one of our ancestors-Anacharsis, which caused this story, namely historical necessity.
Anacharsis – who was he? He was a scientist from the Sak steppe, who lived in the VII-VI centuries BC (605-545, 613-539, 620-555), glorified by immortal glory during his travels to Greece. The surname is from the Scythian dynasty of kings. In translation from Greek means “Voice of sky”, the son of the king of Gnur, brother of the kings of Savli and Kadiut.
Anacharsis (Scythian. “Αναχαρσις” not vulnerable “ana (not)+hvar (wound)”, he lived 605-545 BC – Scythian, son of king Gnur, brother of kings Saul and Caduit. He arrived in Athens and established a close friendship with Solanum and Toksary (great doctor, scientist).
The great Greek writer Lucian and it left a friendship Toksary and Anacharsis. He recounted the history of that time in detail in his story “the person from Sak and the guest”. Besides, Toxarus was the national hero of Hellas. And the genius Solon was engaged in improving the structure of government. Anacharsis also took part in it. Along the way, he constantly helped Solon. Not all authentic images of the nomadic steppe have come down to us. Melanicus, from Mytilene, who lived during life of Herodotus and Fusidi, on Lesbos, wrote a book “The Scythians”, which has been lost to us. Anacharsis in history around the world was known under the name of “Scythian Anacharsis.” Anarchasis’ mother was Hellenic. The exact biographies of the legendary steppe genius who lived 620-555 years before our donation are not known. Only according to Diogenes, he arrived in Athens, around 594 BC, during the forty-seventh Olympiad under archon Euphrates, And it is clear that Anacharsis visited Athens. At that time he was born in 625-620 BC, even supposedly at the age of about twenty-five years. It is not known where he was born. Only presumably who the parents were. According to Herodotus, “Anacharsis – grand grandson of king of Sak Sparkadia, grandson of Lycus, the son of Gnur”.
He studied the language of Hellas. He was particularly interested in art, especially in the art of speech, and attended and listened to oratorical dances, and became a statesman. He received military training. He knew the customs of the Scythians well. Moving to a peaceful world, his cousin Sabil-Savli founded the khanate and tried to reveal the secrets of the world. independently studied and got acquainted with the works of philosophers, statesmen and the chroniclers of Hellas. And finally, Anarchasis, , was looking for “one of the seven greatest scientists of the world” – Solonus and in the p 594-568 years, he spent in Hellas. According to the writings of Herodotus, it is seen “that the king of Scythia sent him to Hellas to learn the art of the Helladines”. As often he recalled the long voyages on the ship to the Bosphorus, strait came on horseback and then traveled by ship to Athens. He didn’t take a guidebook or anything with him. He believed in himself. Because Anacharsis knew about the facets of military art. The famous philosopher Diogenes wrote: Anacharsis wrote about the Scythian and Hellenic traditions, ways to facilitate life and wrote eight hundred poems about the military craft. Distinguished for his eloquence, he was distinguished by a “Scythian style of speech.” His views on this trait in the art of war are confirmed.
Anarchasis’s respect for his relatives on his mother’s side was found in his childhood, and he had a desire to see the Greece. Relatives on my mother’s side had subjected him to criticism. The fact is that at that time, relations between Ella and the Scythians were not so rosy. That is why we cannot say that Anacharsis is not attached to relatives on the mother’s side. However, the man from the Sak welcomed him in Athens, who gladly gave him advice and recommendations. He was a famous healer in the country of Greece, the modern doctor, he name was Toksary. And if we call him “An-Arys”, the Russian people assume that there may be a variant adapted from the concepts of “witch doctor” or “Plowman” (Mat-Hars). However, history does not consider predictions. Kazybek Bek in his book “From Ancient till contemporary” wrote that he was called “Sabyr”, and in any case, Anacharsis a historical figure, not a hero of legends. About him during his visit to Greece mentioned “one of the seven great scholars”, that he was famous for his wisdom. About him was written little thinkers such as Herodotus, Lucian, Diogenes, Strabo, Plato. At the time, Anacharsis was even an example of high moral qualities of the Greeks.

Anacharsis was one of the most enigmatic and controversial figures in ancient Greek history. Despite the fact that many fragments of the life of the Great Scythian and his teachings have survived, researchers doubt his historical identity. Some researchers say that the image of Anachasis was used for allegorical propaganda, in general, to raise the urban category of Athens. Both the hermeneutical method and the dialectical method were used for this purpose. There is dominated by the logic of force. The philosophy of Anacharsis is quite different from that of modern Greek, and there are qualities in its character which have been assimilated from another civilization. Knowledge of Anacharsis was very common in Greek influence. His researchers, Stoics, sophists, as well as Plato and Aristotle criticized him. The teachings of Anacharsis were the foundations of Greek and Western philosophy.
The historical chronicle of the Scythian period was reflected in the work of Herodotus “history”. According to him, a descendant of the Scythian king Gnur Anarchasis went on a long trip and was on the road for a long time, including Greece. On his return from a trip across the Hellespont, Anarchasis went to Kyzik, where he was working on a mother’s day celebration. (IV, 78) [3, p. 206].
According to one of the following events, it is said that Anarchasissis did not travel only to see the country, the land, sent him to “study the Greek steppe” king Scythian (IV, 77) [3, p.206]. Some scholars say that this is nothing but the tendency of the Scythians to seek wisdom.[25, p. 205]. In General, “philosophical expeditions” at different times were Solon, Fales, Hecateus, Pythagoras, Democritus, Plato. Their interest in the Eastern ancient civilizations was predominant. Apart from the wise character directed “from the Scythians to the Greeks,” there were no other developments in science. According to Plutarch, there is a notion of water as the origin of Egypt, it was also known by Homer (Il. XIV, 246). Geronimo, this suggests that the author joined the Egyptian wisdom. (De ISIS 34). However, Herodotus himself says that this event was “invented by the Hellenes themselves” (IV, 77) [3, P.]. 206]. If Anacharsis, the leader of the Scythian king, his purpose may be quite different. The visit of Anacharsis may be economic in nature. Scythia established economic ties with Greek politics in the Northern black sea zone (Olbia), as well as in Asia Minor (Miletus) and the Balkan Peninsula (Athens). Another proof that, as the Western world said, the first tax system and customs duties appeared in the countries of the East. The modern economic system has since existed in practice. But this system was interrupted. Over time, economic relations in the Golden Horde and the Arab Caliphate became the practice of the Scythian era.
In Greece, Anacharsis somehow “showed his great wisdom” (IV, 76) [3, p. 206] and thus the whole of Scythia was awarded the title. The fame of Anacharsis as a philosopher is so well known that he became one of the” seven great”, thus received the status of one of the founders of philosophy. Anacharsis did not immediately appear in this group. Plato respected him as a great inventor, who became superior than Homer (X, 600A). The first Contemporary of Plato, Ephor Kimski, as the first of the seven sages, says that the Greeks treated him with such respect “for impeccable moral purity and decency.” (St. VII 3, 9) [27, p. 277]. Emphasizing the outstanding role of Anacharsis, Ephor does not exclude the fact that he invented the invention of the anchor, ring jugs and locksmith. (Art. VII 3, 9). The lawlessness and invincibility of the Scythians are different from the usual way of life and lack of property. The immediate source of this complimentary approach to the Scythians is Plato’s doctrine of an ideal society. [28, pp. 23-24]. The image of Anacharsis was formed as a “genius”, able to overcome the simple Hellenic discourse in simple words and serve the Greeks, spoiled civilization.
In the Apocrypha, the value system “in the letters of Anacharsis” (III century BC) was also used to promote cynical ideas. In these letters addressed to the rulers, its author reveals the violent nature of any power. The image of Anacharsis as a critic of civilization and a preacher of simple life was developed by subsequent authors Plutarch, Elian, Lucian. The most important thing in the story of the Anacharsis of Heradotus was not to accept Hellenic rites by the Scythians. Anacharsis, who acted as a living antithesis to all cases that were tragic in the cultural life of mankind, has missed this role until our time. The attitude of the Greeks to the erring thinker was proved by the “letters of Apolloni.” Anacharsis was wise because he was a Scythian. (Apollo. Epist. 61 Kaiser) [26, p. 126]. After this recognition, the Athenians began to revise the mythology to create a powerful image of the legendary king of Athens, Sesus. His image became the main motif of painting the vase, expressed as a symbol of the city. [11, p. 491].
In order to give an important role to Athena in the Trojan war, the Pacis Commission amended the text of the Iliad. As an ideological tool, an event may occur about the presence of Anacharsis in Athens. Visiting many lands, the famous Scythian could not pick up another city as an environment that he had long taught. His friendship with Salon would not allow him to be out of the picture. The city, which is of Central importance, was called ” the heart of Greek civilization.” The sculpture, built in this city by the philosopher Scythian, is designed to strengthen the ties between Athens and Anacharsis. The use of Anacharsis for worship, it is not a strange idea. Through this fame, Anacharsis in Ancient Greece became one of the most famous philosophical characters. In Hellas it is also known that about 70 ancient authors in their records used his name and image. [14, p. 113]. In particular, Pherecydes Leriski, Aristotle, Nicholas of Damascus, Josephus, Sexus Empirius, Alexandria Clement Athena raised his honor. Medieval writers and educators emphasized the tenacity and courage of Anacharsis. His image was particularly popular in the late XVIII and early XIX century.
The first archaeological novel of the Jesuit scholar Jean-Jacques Barthelemy (1716-1795)” the Journey of the young Anarchasis to Greece”, describing his journey through the Greek cities of the period with Plato and demos of the Scythian generation. The author is a French archaeologist and linguist, a researcher of affinities with the encrypted Phoenician language and other Semitic languages. Member of The French Academy of artistic language and writing. The book created a new phenomenon of Greece in Europe (this is not surprising, until the second half of the XVIII century, the topic of ancient Hella no one was interested, scientific interest in the ancient era is mainly limited to Rome). “Traveled on the way of registration of the knowledge” [10, P. 251-252]. This work has been translated into all the languages of Europe. The Russian Emperor Alexander I allocated Professor P. I. Strakhov 6000 rubles to print the translation of this book in Moscow. It was translated and published in Moscow in 1803-1819. There is a publication prepared by the Russian Academy. (Petersburg. In 1804-1809). This work is openly and sincerely described by the family and social life of the ancient Greeks, written in an easy, generally recognized form. The work was published a year after the French revolution. At the same time, as in other countries of the world, including in Europe, it was in the thoughts that gave people the desire for independence. This idea led to the shock of Russian society, striving for freedom, conceived such writers as F. N. Glinka, A. S. Griboyedov, N. M. Karamzin, A. S. Pushkin. In Pushkin’s poem “Grandige” is the image of Anacharsis.
Despite the glory of Anacharsis, Western researchers did not pay attention to it. Not even in history, and there were no followers of mythical images. In General, mythical stories are a masterpiece of human art, he was a novel. The researchers say that myth is a real thought caused by the source of different cultures in public life, which became an important part of the lives of the first people. In the myths of Greece, the existence of the eighteen thousand universe begins with one darkness. Therefore, myth has a source of development, a being. There are not many books and articles on knowledge and cognition published in the last hundred and fifty years. One of them is Charlotte Schubert’ work “Sage Anacharsis: Nomads, Scythian, Greek”. It has the character of a study [32]. The avoiding of teaching historical existence of Anacharsis at University courses in the history of philosophy that delays our knowledge. Nevertheless, much attention is paid to the wise image of the Scythians in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Ukrainian scientists consider Anarchasis as “the first Ukrainian philosopher” as long as he lived in the Scythian land. In Ukraine, the school of philosophy has developed for thousands of years. On Anacharsis investigated V. Krisachenko [13], S. Rusyaev [22], A. Cherny [29] and other researchers in Ukraine. Anacharsis is also known in Ossetia, they consider the Scythians to be the ancestors of the Ossetian people. The Central library of Tskhinvali is named after Anarchasis. The only book that was published in the USSR about the philosophy of the Scythian, is the book of Barthelemy where indicated above.
Creating a book of descendants is an ancient profession in the world. You can remember Enein Virgil, dedicated to the glory of Rome and Julius. After declaring Anea as their ancestors, the Romans found their place in Greek mythology retroactively and thus gained the legal right to consider themselves peoples with ancient rich cultural traditions. According to Laertius, the legacy of Anacarsus was written into 800 poems which includes novels about the Scythian and Hellenic customs of simple and military life.” (I, 8) [5, p. 86]. But those poems were long gone. But, nevertheless, many proofs and fragments of anarchy were circulated. The collection of his fragments was published by Heinz [31], V. Latyshev [15], and others. In the most complete and convenient 10 statements of J. V. letyshev. Kinderstrand, in which, contains 50 sayings twice as many passages of Anacharsis. In the collection of Kindstrand did not have a place only movies “Letters of Anacharsis”, as well as the novels of Lucius, literary and artistic fiction Samosatsa. Historian M. Rostovtsev argues that Luzian clearly relies on specific historical and ethnographic materials obtained from Hellenic sources of time [21, p. 108]. Most of these conclusions believe that subsequent thinkers refer to Anacharsis on the background of creating the image of a “smart tiger” [9; 25, etc.].
There are different opinions about the arrival of The Hellenic steppe Anarchasis, the name of which is known in the development of the world civilization. In General, the” History ” of Herodotus says that the native Scythians, not compatible with the Massagets, cross Turan, cross the river Arax and returned from the North of the Black sea. After the descent from the ship, we talked about how his first person to communicate was a Scythian named Toxarys with his compatriot, healing. In the book “Skif and guest” Lucian wrote that Toxaris taught folk traditions and language, and almost a year had taught him. The wisdom of Anacharsis will be known after his conversation with kings and thinkers, the common people. One of them was a visit to the great son of Athena Solon, who was considered one of the “seven great ones”. According to steppe traditions, Anacharsis, being outside the house, sent him a man: “Solon can be said, from the remote Scythian steppes comes a noble Prince of nomads. If we want to be friends, I’ll be a guest.
Anacharsis wrote eight hundred poems. These songs clearly reflect the worldview of our ancestors, their perception of the environment, their customs, their way of life. In the following verses we can see that since the time of the Saks, the national morality and ethics of the Turks have been kept pure for centuries without being destroyed or destroyed:
“What you believe in
Harmonica and money,
What do I believe in
Bows and arrows,
That’s why you’re a slave to the healthy world,
And I’m a free citizen.
You have a lot of enemies,
And I have no enemies,
If you throw your gems,
Only bow and scabbard are worn,
Only if you live in the Saxons
Then, like me, you would be free.”
Our ancestors put conscience above all else. He who has followed wealth, property, will at some time trample on his honor”All my clothes are Saki shapan,
My shoes are the skin of my feet,
My bed-steppe,
My Breakfast and dinner are milk, cheese and kuyrdak,
My drink is water.”

From the winged words of which my mother speaks, his personal qualities manifest the character of what nation? In! Slavic peoples, referring to the common origin (There is a hypothesis that can occur from the Greek word “skit”, i.e. from the word “skit”), using the concept of “skitalez” in Herodotus records, as “Scythian” (through the letter “theta”), make it free Slavic. In his thought system and poetic comprehension there is no smell of Slavic mentality. Here the concept of “love for freedom”, the concept of “believe in five guns”, “no one to see the enemy”, “Steppe is my home”, the names of dishes, everything that can feel only a Turkic son. It is a tradition that values were late, have come down to our days and have not been destroyed.
It is known that the eyes of the ancient Saks were blue, and themselves yellow. “He is yellow, and blue eyes, he is a Falcon man” who guarantees that Abay did not mean the Europeans, and the Skiff?!
However, we have several reasons for “diversity”. The geographical position between Europe and Asia, in our history, the great steppe tribes, freely tired steppe, moved and built with each other, left their mark on the face. We must not forget that our soldiers once to the North, to the South, after through campaigns take in the bride of those countries that fell under the bottom. Other bloody women later underwent assimilation, changed the figure of the people and led a significant trace in the genetic portrait. Studies conducted by American scientists say that Kazakhs are different on the maternal basis, 60 percent of them were Asian, and 30 percent-European. At genetic research of representatives of ancient Huns foreign scientists found out that present Kazakhs have many similarities with modern Huns. The mystery of the Kazakh Geneva lies here.
Consequently, the Saka-Scythians, Huns, Turks, indigenous great steppe. Greek lexicographer Stephen of Byzantium (V-VI centuries) wrote “the Scythians protect with shield (sak) in connection with weapons.” The word ” Sak “is also used by the Kazakhs. The Greeks called the Saks Scythians.. Our forecast confirms that the words “Sak” and “Skif” are close to the letters “S ” and “K”. In our opinion, the Greeks “SKIF” came from the Greek word “Skif”, which was heard from the Saks, – says cultural scientist Berdaly Ospan. (“The great steppe and Chinese poetry”, p. 89. “AQIQAT”, 5. 2018.)
The scientist S. I. Rudenko in the book “Culture of Huns” writes: in the last centuries BC on a political platform among the Central Asian tribes Huns came to the first place”. The scientist pointed out the words of the Hun leaders, written in Chinese Chronicles: “war on horseback is our priority: therefore, we will not forget other peoples. We are not in the hands of valiant warriors. Our descendants will be superior to other Nations. Be that as it may, China cannot completely take over our Land.” It is also very important that this Norwegian scientist Tur Haerd about our ancestors: “I am fully aware of the importance of the indigenous Turkic civilization, and recognize that their impact is the greatest among known civilizations had a strong influence on our country outside of Europe and Norway”. (He’s there too. (Page 89).
Secondly, Saks or Scythians genetically close to the Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians. The rapprochement of the Saks and Scythians with the Parsees, whose languages belong to the group of HinduEurope, does not correspond to reality. It preserves the Scythian, Saka, and Hunnic cultures in Eurasia. Consequently, the European ethnogenesis does not allow us to see other facts that show that the ethnic groups considered to be Scythians, Saks and Huns and other ancestors of today’s Turkic peoples are an integral branch of the historical ethnogenesis of our nation.
His invention is that his invented products are already in use today. Ancient material and spiritual values allowed us to learn the roots, deeply understand our national history and solve its Kuril knot. As you know, the material value that Anacharsis brought to Hellas, at that time spread throughout Europe, from it to Scandinavia.
According to legend, he invented a modern anchor with two horns and improved sailing construction.”
Now we are talking about the region where the Scythians stood. More than half of the fourth book “History” of Herodotus (b, d IV VD) devoted to the life of the Scythians living in Ukraine. During a trip to Olbia, where the Greek historian devoted most of his work to the Scythians, he met them and knew life well. In General, the word “Sarmatian” also indicates that it came from the Greek word.
Beyond the river Herodotus (IV, 21) on the river Tanais (don) begins the land of the Sarmatians from the source of the Scythian steppe. About this say and Hippocrates (d 460-377 until BC Dora) , and Strabo (VII, 22), for river Tanais, that begins cold and semi desert steppe.
Strabo (VII 7, 3, 7) does not hide the influence of civilizational culture of the Greeks and Romans on the nomadic Scythians. The author says that the Scythians, sitting freely over the horse, shoot a bow, and he was an example to other peoples. (Pp. 10-11) ” according to our understanding, the Scythians are very fair and tactful than other peoples on earth. They are also very satisfied, and like us, not expecting other hopes, not expecting, is very risky.” (Page 20 Tadeusz Sulimirsky “Sarmatians ancient people of the South of Russia”). And so it was with one Anacharsis.
Thus Son of the Steppe welcomed his son. According to ancient legend from Anarchasis here would be six boys: Ak, Jan, Bek, Pan, Bal, Bol. Today in these three boys around the world that there is a conversation. Their basis is Akarys, Zhanarys, Bekarys.
Do not count the Scythians of the Eastern Turks, who went down in history with the names of Hunnu according to the works of Rashid al-Din, and not from the West to the land. In the “history of Herodotus” the relatives of these Scythians are not compatible with the Massagets, moved from Turan, passing through the river Arax and on arrival in the North of the Black sea. “In their opinion, the first Queens since Targytai passed exactly a thousand years between the invasion of Darius in the Skiff land,” – sayd Herodotus. The campaign of the Persian king Darius on the Scythian land was in 514 BC. At the same time as last year, the Scythians in middle Asia North of the Black sea will have about 1500 BC. After 2800 years, among the family of Genghis Khan had a meeting name Targytai, which indicates the viability of the Turkic language in time. Many scholars have argued that the Huns (also Scythians) had a Turkish language. Yu. Klaproth, joining the opinions of scientists, considering the Huns “Turkic people”, through 20 words preserved in Chinese historiography. To the famous geographer Ritter wrote about the Huns: “many inhabitants of the clans in which they were, wrote: “Turkic tribe”. (St. Petersburg), 1850. 44 b.). In the book “Huns” L. Gumilev wrote:” Siratori known to us the words of the Huns are Turkic”, “Huns cannot doubt the Turkic language, as the Huns, that is, Uighur, cannot have two opinions about its belonging” (39 p.). In General, who are the Huns? The founder of the Greek didactic poem Dionysius writes the peoples who lived in the foothills of the Caspian sea as “undar”. And in different years, writers wrote that the “Huns” changed the previously unknown word “undar”. E. A. Thompson,” the Huns fearsome warriors of the steppes, ” p. 35. In this work the author Ptolemy (book III, part 5)”…among “basanov” and “roxolani” existed the Huns.

The science that awakens the Kazakhs ‘ mental consciousness and strengthens patriotism is a true story. Therefore, the study of history needs to focus on this. Textbooks on Kazakh history are filled with negativity. In its values of social significance prevail: crying, hunger and stress, defeat in war, in culture-underdevelopment, in politics-the will of subordination. That’s what we do.
Kazakh history does not consist of creations. There are also positive aspects. Any historical event is characterized by the mentality of the people participating in it. And the only subject of mental history is the historical mass. Astana will host the exhibition “inheriting the traditions of the past” Therefore, when writing history textbooks, it is necessary to study the positive events, progressive sides of famous people from the ancient times of the Kazakh steppe, whose name has not been named.
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