Zhoshy Khan (1179-1225) is the eldest son of Genghis Khan, the ruler of Kipshak, the founder of the Golden Horde (Altyn Orda) state, ancestor of the Kazakh khans and sultans.
The image of Zhoshy Khan as a ruler of the Kipshak is preserved in the historical memory of our nation, as an ancestor of the Kazakh khans and sultans, with great respect and honor. Up to now, when the name of Zhoshy is mentioned philosophical thoughts come aboutthe hero of the Great Steppe, delicate and sophisticated paternitylove between father and child, complicated fate.
Why do the life and the image of this personstill remain in our memory, whose fate from the moment of his birth and death were full of mysterious secrets? Who was Zhoshy Khan who was honored and inhabited his eternal life in famous area Ulytau which was the homeland for Kazakh people?
There was not preserved information in historical dataabout how Zhoshy’s childhood and adolescencedescribed. However, in the “Mongolian secret ancient ancestry” was reported that in 1207 he was sent on his father’s assignment to conquer the “forest tribes”that settled from the Baikal Lake to the west. According to the secret ancestry, he had not only subjugated the “foresttribes” in peace, but he came back with valuable presents as white hawks and horses. This time, Zhoshy conquered Yenissei Kyrgyz, that lived in the highlandof the Yenissei River [1, p. 298].
The father of Khan ordered, who was satisfied with his work at this time: “My sons` brother, you have just left the house and hadbeen luckily, forest tribes were subordinated without damaging the horses and heroes. This country will be given to you” [1, p. 299]
Further, Zhoshywith his father participated in the conquest of the kingdom of Jin in 1213, there was kept data about setting out to crush rebellion of Kyrgyz joined to Tumat (one of the forest tribes settled on the west of Baikal) and returned with the defeat in 1217.
The tread of Zhoshy today’s Kazakh steppes is connected with the destruction of the survivors of Merkit. The medieval writer Dzhuveini gave information about the survivors of Merkit in bloody massacre went to the Kum-Kipshak area and survived [Bartold V.V., 1963, p. 435]. When Genghis Khan was informed, “the news thatthe head of Merkit hadescaped from the Mongols to Karakorum, wheresettled down Kanly, their final extermination was handed over to Zhoshy” [2, p. 435].
In this regard, there is a legitimate question, “Where is Karakum” or “Kum-Kipshak”? The well-known Kazakh historian-scientist S.M. Akhinzhanov analyzed the toponymy of “Karakum”, reminded that I.Markwart`s “sand” geographical term of Turkic language in the Persian language was synonymous with “desht” (steppe), and in Arabic, “sahri” (desert, steppe), and considered that Dzhuzdzani’s area where Kanlys and Kipshaks located was called Sahri. According to Dzhuveini these tribes lived in “Karakum” or “Kum-Kipshak” [3, p. 226].
Thus, the author came to conclusion as“the steppes inhabiting by Kipshak in XI-XIII centuries were four different names. In the Turkic language are“Kum-Kipshak” and “Karakum”, in the Persian language is “Deshti-Kipshak” and in Arabic is “Sahri”. This place was taken refuge by Merkit who escaped from the Mongols by 1216” [3, p. 226].
In this way, the Mongol army headed by the elder son of Genghis Khan, Zhoshydefeated Merkit in a radical collapse. The next day, when the Mongols suddenly attacked to Kipshakwere met by the army of Mukhammed Khorezmshakhin the Torgai steppes. However, as the main targets were not conflicted with the army of Mukhammed Khorezmshakh, the Mongolian army left the battlefield at night and retreated. The first meeting of the armiesof the Mongols led by Zhoshyand Khorezmshakh was ended like that in the Kazakh steppe.
The issue had to be mentioned when speech was made about Zhoshy: in 2019 before the Khorezm attack, there was discussionwho will be the heir of Mongolia country after Genghis Khan, but at this time the blame as “Merkit`sconfusion”said by second son of the khan Shagataiis always obstacle [1, p. 320]. The reader is also worried about “why Genghis Khan sent his elder son Zhoshy to destroy the Merkit who became the enemy.
This issue was discussed much more on scientific literature and other edition pages, so we aimed to draw the reader’s attention to the meaning of the name of Zhoshy. The birth of Zhoshy was doubtful, as his mother Borte was captured by Merkit. In order to rescue his wife from enemy, Temuzhin with his eternal friend Zhamuka and friend of Esugei`s father, KhanKereiTorgyl who had promised to become a father instead of his fathercapturedMerkit with a combined army and it is clear to exempt Borke from captivity of Merkit [1, p. 127].
As all the works have shown, Borke was born prematurely and the child was named Mongolian “Zochin”, thepoint of view formed that the meaning is “guest”. The famous researcher Zardykhan Kinayatuly, analyzes those opinions and announces that the name as Zhoshywas formerly known in the Genghis Khan dynasty, and asked if all of them had come to visit the Bodanchar dynasty. According to the author, giving the name to Zhoshy, Genghis Khannamed the famous Mongolian ancestor according to the traditions of Mongols, secondly, there was a tradition to add the name “Zhoshy” before the names of great people in Mongolia. For example, the brother of Genghis Khan, Khassar, sometimes called Zhoshy-Hasar, who had“eaten the whole meat of bull alone”. Z. Kinayatuly suggested that the breast metal of masters in Mongolian was“doshi”, also considered the second meaning of the name “Zhoshy” as “giant”, “apparent” [4, р. 46-47].
Nevertheless, it is unlikely that a mysterious secrets of Zhoshy’s coming to life and name would be put to a full end. This secret of the fate of Zhoshy will come from generation to generation with his name, as a question that leads to innumerable thoughts about the innumerable fossils of human destiny. Therefore, it is difficult to put an end to the question whether Zhoshy is the real son of Genghis Khan or his blood is Merkit. However, according to the data, Zhoshy has always been regarded as the first and beloved child of Genghis Khan.
There was also controversy about Zhoshy’s death and his relationship with his fatherGenghis Khan. According to medieval data, Genghis Khan, who succeeded in conquering the territory of the Central Asian region, in 1223 settled down in 20 kilometers from Samarkand and invited all his sons to the hunting ceremony. Although he managed to hunt down in Syr area for his father and organize a great hunt, Zhoshy did not come to his father’s home. Next year, when Genghis Khan ran his hood along the Irtysh River, Zhoshy did not come across his father was mentioned about his“bad health”. Persian historian Dzhuzdzani said that Zhoshy was displeased with “austerityof his paternal to people and lands”, according to Rashid ad-Din, the father and sonhad cooled in the last years of their life.
Many analysts who have come to this data believe that even though these incidents have been promoted by disagreements between Genghis Khan and Zhoshy, according to L. Gumilyov, “Genghis Khan wished his son Zhoshy death” [5, p. 109].
The year of his death as the year of birth was not concrete. In accordance withsome data, he died at the end of 1225 or at the beginning of 1226, according to some data in 1227. However, it is well-known that Zhoshy haddied before hisfather Genghis Khan. Under some data, Zhoshy died when he was hunting to wilddeer, but according to some information he was killed.
Zhoshy’sdestiny was related to the Kipshak steppes. His starting is related to the wars of Genghis Khan in 2018 in the conquest of Zhetysu, then Central Asia and the East Deshti Kipshak. Russian researcher V.V. Trepavlov divided into two stages of conquest of the Mongols, led by Genghis Khan. The first stage covers 1207-1218 years. During this period, the conquests of the Mongols outside of Mongolia were carried out within the framework of the idea of unity of the “kyiz tuyrlyktylar” [6, p. 71-72]. Thus, many Turkic tribes and people had voluntarily assumed the authority of the Mongols and established allied relations with them. Even Mongol army now were consisted of the Turks. For example, Kanlys, leader of Almalykthe governor Sunak-tegin son of Buzar (Ozar), complemented the army of Genghis Khan.
Let’s talk about the political situation in Zhetysu on the eve of Mongol invasion of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. At the beginning of the XIII century the fight took place between Сhinese and Khorezmshkah, which conquered Zhetysu. Mohammed Khorezmshakh, depite the fact that former Karakhanids came as a freedman from the disbelievers, his attack was aimed at stealing the region and destroying the local population.
It was during that period that the Mongols began to be powerful in the east. Soon Karluk`s Khan Arslan and the Uighur ruler Baurchik recognized the authority of Genghis Khan (7, p. 198]. Naimans located between Orhon and Irtysh after concedingfrom Genghis Khan, a part of the confrontation headed by Kushilik came and took refuge under the power of Zhetysu, the ruler of Chinese. Thereafter, Kushilik married to Gurkhan`s daughter and formed an alliance against to Khorezmshakh and his father-in-law.
Thus, when the power in Zhetysu was overthrown by Kushilik, the individual rulers of different regions pursued independent politics and did not obey. In the same situation, some localities are using the local people who use internal disunity and political instability. One of the owners of this property was the ownership of Kanly, the center was the city of Almalyk.
According to Abilgazy, 50-60 thousand Kanlys were become warriors by Khorezmshakh on the eve of the Mongol invasion of Chu and Talas [8, p. 31]. But there were only left about 10,000 households in this area. The Persian historian Dzhuveini wrote that Kanlys had come from this part and had been robbing for a long time.Ozar became so powerful that he soon acquired Almalyk and some cities.
According to medieval writer Zhamal Karshy, even Buzar Togryl Khan sent his son Sunak-tegin to serve freeGenghis Khan, but his daughterAyuk-Katun was given as a sign of friendship and relative, in order to ask for help against his enemies. Therefore, when the Mongols came to Almalyk in 12018, the right to rule the city was given to Suknak-tegin the son of Buzar. And Zhoshy’s daughter, Bulgan-bike got married to Suknak-tegin [2, p. 461]. The Mongol invasion routes started in 1219 on the bank of Irtysh River, and the Mongolian army followed the ways of former conquerors till the Syr Darya through the Zhetysu. When the Mongolian army moved in the autumn from the Irtysh, Arslan Khan, Uighur ruler Baurshik, and the governor of Almalyk, Kanly Ozar’s son Sunak-tegin joined to him with their army.
Genghis Khan sent his eldest son Zhoshy to conquer the lowlands along the Syr Darya after Otyrar. V.V. Bartold suggests that Genghis Khan’s assignment to Zhoshy was due to the fact that he wanted his eldest sonto be owned the north-western region of the Mongol Empire [2, p. 481].
In this attack, Zhoshy went to encircle the cities located by the lowlands of the Syr River. It is known that the next group was responsible for subjugating the cities by the highlands of the Syr Darya River.
According to the data, the enemy of the Syganak people, who had been strongly opposed by the Mongolian army under Zhoshy, was completely destroyed and killed. The people of Ashnas settled by the lowlands of the Syr Darya were also experienced this situation. Meanwhile, the cities of Zhent, Uzkent, and Barshynkent survived a mass extermination. The reason is that some of the information was a result of Zhoshy’s policy to be against the mass killings the people and to persuade the people subjugating by a peaceful way. The researcher V.V. Bartold also mentioned that Zhoshy had pursued a more mild policy than Shagatai [2, p. 525].
By the end of April 1220, the Mongolian troops, led by Zhoshy completed attacking this direction after invasion of Zhent city on the lowland of Syr. After that, the army headed by Zhoshy joined with Ugedey andShagatai at the bottom of Urgenish. There was a dispute to attack Urgenish between Shagatai and Zhoshy regarding the fate of the town. Shagatai was opposed to Zhoshy, who offered to take the city without bloodshed. With the request to decide whose should be the last word, the enemy of the descendants that sent to Genghis Khan brought the decree on accepting the “decision of the Ugedey”. After invading Urgenish with cruelty and ghastly blood, Zhoshy eventually went along to the Syr area.
According to the data provided by Rashid Ad Dyn in the “Chronicles Collection”, after returning Zhoshyfrom Khorezmin 1221, all the winter and summer settlements between the Irtysh and Altai mountains and territories were fully equally contributed to Zhoshy as his share. Zhoshy was commanded to carry out all the dominion of the whole land, from the area of Deshti Kipshak and beyond “land reached the Mongolian horse” [9, p. 91]. The main hometown of Zhoshy was located in the Irtysh area.
V.V. Bartold also wrote that origin of Zhoshy tribe was originally preceded before the attack of Genghis Khan to Kipshak and Central Asia. He wrote based on the work of the Beijing Mission, as following: “Genghis Khan had made a contribution, share (inzhu) to his three children. The nomadic army (number) entered the settlement was called “ulus” (tribe). The land allotted to them was renamed as nation (yurt). The nation`s borders are pointed approximately. The first elder son Zhoshy separated. In 1207 he received the land of “forest people” from thelowlands of the Selenga River to the Irtysh; according to confirm of Rashid-ad-Din, his main hometown was on the Irtysh River” [Bartold V.V., 1943, p. 42-43].Further, 1222-1224 after subjugating DeshtiKipshak and Central Asia, the share of Zhoshy was added “the land reached the Mongolian horses in the west” [9, p. 91). “In the year of Genghis Khan’s death, Zhoshy’s people was included the north of Zhetysu, the entire Kyrgyz (Kazakh) steppe, Khorezm and Mazendaran” [10, p. 43].
There was a data that proved about earlier division of the tribes 1224, V.V. Bartold’s note about the arrival of Chan-chun Chinese cuisine to Genghis Khan: “In 1223, on the way back, Chan-chun passed through the Ili River from Almalyk from 100 li (50 km). When he came to Almalik, he was called to the Shagatai horde in the south of the river” [10, p. 43]. Thus, the conquered lands in 1223 were divided among the four sons of Genghis Khan.
Later V.Bartold wrote that Zhoshy had a share first in 1207. [Bartold V.V., 1943, p. 42-43]. The share of Zhoshy that defined volume by Genghis Khanfor some time had been in public service in Syria, but Ennuveiri (1279-1333)who went in for research for a long time pointed outon the extent of his own 30-volume encyclopedic work: terms of lands and waters, he (Genghis Khan – auth.) assigned him (Juchi – auth.) summer and winter settlements from the borders of Kyyalyk and the lands of Khorezm to the outskirts of Saksins and Bulgar, the extreme reaches where the horses of their hordes reached during their raids” [9, p. 150].
According to Persian historian Wassaf, Genghis Khan gave his eldest son, Zhoshy, the land of Khaiyak and Khorezm, from the edge of the Saksin and Budgar to the edge of Baku’s Derbend. This statement was presented literally: “land in length from the edges of Kayalyk and Khorezm and the extreme limits of Saksin and Bulgar to the outskirts of Derbend Baku, he intended to the eldest son” [9, p. 80].
The Persian historian Khamdallakh Kazvini (XII century) considered that, Zhoshy’s sharebelonged to the Khorezm region, Dashti-Khazar, Bulgar, Salsin, alans, Russians, Mikhes, Bashkirs. [9, p. 91.]. So, in 1221, although Zhoshy was appointed as the leader of the Deshti Kipshak land, and there is a base that decision was approved laterin 1224. Zhoshy gathered the people of Deshti Kipshak and gained control of the tribe, became “a shelter for the wind, a healer of the soul” of Genghis Khan [11, p. 151].
Zhoshy Khan, the eldest son of Genghis Khan has a special place in the Kazakh history. The fact that the state Golden Horde (Altyn Orda), which had reached the level of empire of Eurasia, was formed on the basis of the great Zhoshy. And the Golden Horde became a political structure in the new stage of development of the Kipshak state in the Kazakh land. For example, Arab authors, who lived in the Golden Horde in the first half of the XIV century, called all the official khans that ruled the Zhoshy Khanate as the Kipshak khans. For example, Addzekhebi (1348/1349) wrote in his work “Islamic History”as Burke Khan was the “king of the Kipshak and Sudak steppes”, and Tokta khan was “King of the Kipshak” [12, p. 204]. Al-Omari wroteabout a leader of the Golden Horde as “the Khan of the Kipshak kingdom”, “the ruler of the Kipshak and Khorezm lands”, and about the Uzbek ruler was written “the current ruler of the Kipshak state” [12, p. 244]. There was note by Ibn al-Forat that “In 665 (October 2, 1266 – Sept. 21, 1267) (Togan) the son of king Mengutemir sat on the throne of the Kipshak kingdom” [12, p. 358].
In this datathe Golden Horde, the name of Zhoshy was not used entirely, but vice versa the only term was said – the Kipshak state and Kipshak khan. Moreover, almost all of the reporters did not only describe historical events of the XII century, but also describe what they saw when they came to the Golden Horde. The evidence for this fact is“the ruler of the Kipshak state atpresent time is Uzbek khan” [12, p. 279]. Historical events in data sources were corresponded to the period from XIII century to the first half of the XIV century. Thus, at the beginning of the XIV century Mongolian ethnic elements in Deshti Kipshak were completely and ultimately became Kipshak. This tendency can be seen in the following example of al-Omari: “In ancient times this country was the Kipshak country, but after the capture of the Tatars, the Kipshaks were subordinate to them. After that, they (Tatars) were intermingled with the Kipshaks, and became relatives and land dominated over their (tatars) natural and racial signs; since the Mongols (and Tatars) settled in the land of the Kipshaks, they were married to them and lived in their own land (Kipshaks), so they became Kipshak as if they were from the same a tribe” [12, p. 235]. In this way, we can see that the Golden Horde was indeed the Kipshak state which based on Zhoshy’s tribe, and Genghis descendants who were their rulers had become as Kipshaks in the 14th century.
As it is said in data,the fate of Zhoshy and his descendants, who loved the water and the air of Kipshak steppes, is inextricably linked with today’s Kazakh land. From the Kazakh khans, who are descendants of Zhoshy, the Alash leader of the past Alikhan is not only the pride of our nation, but also a symbol of our country. Therefore, the life of Zhoshy Khan witha mysterious fate, will remain in our nation`smemory as a manifestation of the spirit and personality of our past warriors.
The mausoleum of Zhoshy Khan is 50 km to the north-east of Zhezkazgan, an ancient architectural monument located on the bank of the Karakengir river. The question “wasZhoshy Khan buried” in the Zhoshy Khan Mausoleum was remained without answer, which is honored in the Ulytau region.
During the excavation of Alkey Margulan, who carried out an archeological study of the mausoleum of Zhoshy Khan, there was discovered two graves. In one of them, there was found a skull without a upper jaw bone in the riveted coffin. And it was buriedwithout hands. In ancient myths, it was said that Zhoshy Khan had been buried in the grave without one hand, the next legend tells us that there was buried only one hand of Zhoshy or the “little finger of Zhoshy Khan” in this mausoleum.

The mausoleum of Zhoshy Khan
The researcher Z. Kynayatuly said: “It is impossible to build a mazar toZhoshy khan when his father was alive,even it is still unknown where a ruler of small power Baty khan was buried in 19-20 years after his grandfather. Second, the bone was found by Margulan in the mazarin 1946, was characteristic for men aged 70-72 years. But Zhoshy passed away when he was 46 years old. Third, the underground and surface architectural design of the mazar, the usedbuilding material were belonged to the XV-XVI centuries. So V. Bartoldsaid that it is quite possible that the mausoleum was later built for khans (Zhoshy) without burial ground by religious descendant of the khans” [4, p. 180-181].
The image of Zhoshy Khan is reflected in folklore samples. There were a legend and the historical tune (kuy)as“Aksak Kulan, Zhoshy Khan” preserved in the memory of our people. In this census, Genghis Khan ordered the death if anyone inform him about death of his beloved son Zhoshy. Following by Abilgazy Bakhadur Khan’s “Turkic Chronicle”, the tragic death of his beloved son Zhoshy among all his sons and daughters was delivered by poems to Great khan byGreat poet.
“Tengiz bashtyn bulgandy kim todurur, a khanym?
Terek tubtyn dzhygyldy, kim turguzur, a khanym?”, – said the great poet, Genghis Khan:
“Tengiz bashtyn bulgansa tondurur olum Dzhoshy dur,
Terek tubtan dzhygylsa turguzur olum DZhoshy dur”,-was the reply of Khan.
When the great poet`s words were repeated, the tears ran from his eyes. At that time Genghis Khan:
“Kozung iashyn chokurtur konglung goldy balgaimy?”
“Dzhiring kongul bkurtur Dzhuchi oldi bolgaima?” was said Great poet:
“Soilemekke erkim iok sen soileging, a khanym”!
“Oz iarlygyng ozge dzhab aiu oileding, a khanym”! when was replied, the strong ruler of the whole world:
“Kulun algan kulandai kulunumdin airyldym”,
“Airylyshkan akaudai er olumdin aiyryldym”, said and hesitated. [9, p. 203]
In the first half of the XIII century, this poem spoken by the Kipshak (Turkish) languagewere mentioned that there are not much difference from the modern Kazakh version, it can be understood not only specialists of Kazakh language but also by people who knew Kazakh well. The current Kazakh version of these four lines is as follows:
“The sea became dirty,
Who cleans, great Khan?
The tree fell down from the root,
Who rebuild it,great Khan?
If the sea became dirty,
The cleaningtribe- is Zhoshy-dur!
If the tree fell down from root,
Rebuild my son Zhosi-dur!” [13, p. 236].
The legendary was kept by people, in the work of Abelgazy bakhadur Khan a person known as the Great poet was contacted with the commander of the Ketbygain the work of Rashid ad din. In the “Chronicles Collection”there was written in detail that Ketbuga was appointed a commander of the previous group of troops of Hulagu in Iran at the congress of 1253, his conquests in Iran, Iraq and Syria, and finally he was died on September 3, 1260 by the hands of Kipshak Mamluks. The legend about medieval data was written by A. Melkov that Ketbuga was a musician, the first person who informed about Zhoshy`s death to Genghis Khan by melody [14, p. 169-170]. But in the legend was not named as Ketbuga, but it was given as Ker-buga. That is why the musician who had spoken to Genghis Khan about the death of Zhoshy is “Naiman musician, ruler, the commander of the Mongolian army Ketbuka, or Kerbuga”? Or it come to mind that is Kerbuga – a kuyshi (musician), Ketbukais a commander of the Mongolian army”. However, the information in“National Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan” is as following. There was given about Ketbuka as: “Ketbuka (about 1150-1225) is a zhyrau (poet), kuyshi (musician), legend character. He came from Naiman branch that is included the Middle Zhuz. According to the data of the 14th-century book, “Shadzharat al-atrak” (“The Turkic Chronicles”), and legends from the country’s people, when Zhoshy was dead by hunting there was nobody to deliver Genghis Khan this bloody information. And Ketbuga hadtaken on a serious task.
In folk songs and legends, Ketbuga was depicted as a careful, wise elderly. There was defined that legends about him were also found in Kyrgyz folklore [15].
8. Әbіlғazy. Tүrіk shezhіresі [Turkic Chronicles]. – Almaty: Ana tіlі, 1991. – 208 b.
15. Қazaқstan Ұlttyқ jenciklopedijasy [National Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan]. – Almaty, 2003. – 719 b.Author: Nogaibayeva M.S., Candidate of Historical Sciences