On March 3, 2023, the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology (hereinafter
referred to as the Institute) The Committee of Science of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Kazakhstan organized the presentation of the books «Unknown pages of the life and
work of the prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov (1902-1966)» (Almaty: Litera-M
LLP, 2022. – 392 p.), «Zhumabai Shayakhmetov: documents, materials, photographs» (Almaty:
Litera-M LLP, 2022. – 672 p.), about a prominent statesman of Kazakhstan Zh. Shayakhmetov
(within the framework of the scientific project of the GF: «Unknown pages from the life and
work of a prominent statesman Zhumabai Shayakhmetov»). When preparing the books, rare
materials from the archives of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and the personal archive of
his grandson R.R. Shayakhmetov were used Zhumabai Shayakhmetov (1902-1966) was the same
age as the century. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Kazakhstan (1946-1954), Chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the
USSR (1950-1954). Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1952-1956), deputy of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1941-1958). He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of
Labor (1939), the Order of the Badge of Honor (1942), three Orders of Lenin (1945, 1947,
Shayakhmetov proved to be a talented organizer during the Second World War,
responsible for the mobilization of human and material resources, reception and accommodation
of civilians evacuated to the east, deported peoples, industrial and defense enterprises,
universities, scientific and cultural institutions. In the post-war years, Shayakhmetov made a
great contribution to the creation and strengthening of industrial, agricultural, scientific,
technical and spiritual potential, to the training of national personnel. He was one of the founders
of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, contributed to the opening of the State
Conservatory, the Women’s Pedagogical Institute, the Institute of Foreign Languages, the
Institute of Physical Education, the Karaganda Mining Institute, the Shymkent Chemical
Technology Institute, the Young Spectator Theater.
According to the archives of the party, thanks to the intercession of Shayakhmetov in
Kazakhstan in the late 1940s – early 1950s, large–scale repressions against the intelligentsia were
prevented. The dismissed President of the Academy of Sciences Satpayev, writer Auezov and
many others escaped arrest. However, in the conditions of strict centralization of power, he could
not radically change the situation. During the Khrushchev reforms, Shayakhmetov defended the
Kazakh lands, opposing the mass development of virgin lands and plowing of territories intended
for the development of animal husbandry.
The opening speech was made by Ziyabek Ermukhanovich Kabuldinov, Director of the
Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, corresponding member of the National
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Then he gave the podium to the chief scientific staff of the Institute – Academician of the
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Dosmukhamed Kshibekovich Kshibekov, a living witness of the era of Zh. Shayakhmetov, and
Kaidar Seisembaevich Aldazhumanov – one of the leading experts on the history of Soviet
Coordinator of the above-mentioned scientific project, head of the Department of World
History of the Institute, Candidate of Historical Sciences Didar Beisengalievna Kasymova shared
with the participants the main results of the study of the life and work of the first Kazakh leader
of the Kazakh SSR, and also highlighted the stages of work on the project to create a monograph
and a collection of documents. In the same vein, the speech of the chief researcher of the
Institute of State History of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Talgatbek Makhmetovich Aminov, who
made a great contribution to the translation of book materials into Kazakh, was made.
A well-known journalist, academician of the International Academy of Informatization
Ermekbay Zhumakhmetuly Zangirov highly appreciated the books presented, which will
contribute to the formation of historical consciousness and patriotism on the example of the life
of Zh. Shayakhmetov is among the younger generation of Kazakhstan.
Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Grivennaya, associate professor of the M. Kozybayev North
Kazakhstan University, Candidate of Historical Sciences from Petropavlovsk, highlighted her
part of the work on identifying archival documents about Zh. Shayakhmetov in the State Archive
of the North Kazakhstan region.
Deputy Director of the K.I. Satpayev Memorial Museum of Academician Bakhytzhamal
Akhmetgalievna Aimukhambetova thanked the Director of the Institute for the careful attitude to
the heritage of Zh. Shayakhmetov, with whom Academician Satpayev interacted. A microphone
for speeches was also provided to historians K.N. Baltabayeva, J. Baydildeev, who heads the
branch of the Institute at the Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University in Bishkek.
A journalist, public figure Rinat Ravilevich Shayakhmetov made a closing speech on
behalf of the Shayakhmetov family, who thanked Z.E. Kabuldinov and other employees of the
Institute for organizing work on the preparation of books on perpetuating the memory of his
grandfather, an outstanding statesman of Kazakhstan Zhumabai Shayakhmetov.
More than 40 people took part in the presentation: scientists, public figures, including
descendants of Zh. Shayakhmetov.