On July 17, 2023, researchers of the Chokan Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Advisor to the Director Olzhas Bekenuly Kuanbay and junior researcher of the “Department of History of Ancient and Medieval Kazakhstan and Neighboring Countries” Eldos Saurkan in order to expand cooperation with the media officially met with the director of the Media Holding LLP “Alatau Aqparat” by Yerzhan Kalymbaevich.

Advisor to the Director of the Institute Kuanbai O.B. handed the director of the Media holding LLP “Alatau Aqparat” Kalymbayuly E. an official letter of cooperation from the Director of the Institute, corresponding member of the NAS RK, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kabyldinov Z. E. and presented commemorative books.
Both sides noted that our national value must be restored, and on the path to the revival of historical memory, we must work together as a science of media and history. Also, the delegates of the institute noted the special importance of historical science for maintaining the independence and territorial integrity of the Kazakh people. At the same time, it was not without attention that the media, which are the fourth power, occupy a special place in promoting the history of our revered Motherland.
The media holding, which has an extensive information circle, has agreed to revive the deeply rooted history of our people in the memory of the country, to present to a wide audience new scientific articles written on the basis of valuable archival data of the Institute’s team of scientists.
In the future, the media holding of “Alatau Aqparat” LLP will present the publications “Almaty Aqshamy”, “Evening Almaty” and www.almaty-akshamy .kz and www.vecher .kz the Institute’s staff can send articles in Kazakh-Russian to the websites.
Advisor to the Director of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan O.B. Kuanbai