From July 23 to August 13, 2023, he was a leading researcher at the Ch.Ch. Institute of History and Ethnology.Valikhanov, Candidate of I.N. Kaipbaeva A.T. carried out a scientific trip to Ulytau district within the framework of the program-targeted financing project “Mass political repression in Kazakhstan in the 20-50s of the twentieth century and rehabilitation processes: creation of a unified database”.
Goal: conducting research work in institutions of science and culture within the framework of the project topic, as well as obtaining interviews from descendants of all established categories of victims of political repression affected by the totalitarian system of the Soviet period.
In this regard, the work performed (in accordance with the task): documents from the state archive of the Ulytau region; KSU “Ulytau Regional Universal Library” of the Department of Culture, Language Development and Archival Affairs of the Ulytau region; the historical and Archaeological Museum of the city of Zhezkazgan; the historical and production Museum named after K.I.Satpayev; the public association “Tagzym”; the State Archive of the Ulytau district; the State Archive of the city of Satbayev were considered. Photos and scanned copies of valuable documents were received.
In addition, in 1920-1950, the descendants of victims of political repression were interviewed, comprehensive research activities on the topic of the project based on memories from the memory of the people were taken into account and carried out.
Organizational work was also carried out in order to conclude a cooperation agreement with scientific institutions. In particular, a meeting was held with the director of the Historical and Archaeological museum of Zhezkazgan Z.Sh. Kalmenova, as well as their team; the head of the historical and production museum Balkenov Kenzhal Balkenovich; the director of the Ulytau regional Universal Library Nurmaganbetov Yerlan Ermakovich. As a result of these meetings, memorandums of cooperation were signed between these institutions and the Institute. Active joint work was also carried out with Darkhan Kabyldashevich, head of the Department of Public Development of the Ulytau region, Dana Muratovna, an employee of this department, members of the Ulytau region working group of the State Commission and Director of the State Archive of the Ulytau region Orynbasarova Dametken Karazhanovna and archivists.

Bukirov Nurmaganbet-victim of political repression (acquitted). Interview: generation Bukirov Tolegen Nurmaganbetuly

The State Archive of the Ulytau region in the reading room

The head of the historical and production museum Balkenov Kenzhal Balkenovich and members of the regional working group of the State Commission Dana Muratkyhy, Altynai Umirbaevna.

Department of Social Development
Ulytau region
Darkhan Kabylashevich