From September 25 to October 06, 2023, a researcher at the Department of Historical Demography and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Murzakhodzhaev Kuanysh Madievich carried out a scientific trip on the grant project “Famine in 1921-1922 in Kazakhstan and its consequences (based on new archival and written sources)” and worked in the funds of the State Archive of the Tyumen Region (SATR).
In accordance with the tasks of the official assignment, during the scientific trip, work was carried out to identify documents on the topic of the scientific project from the funds of the above archive. In particular, during the scientific work, the documents of the following funds of the State Archive of the Tyumen Region were reviewed: fund P44 – Tyumen County Executive Committee; fund P2 – Tyumen Provincial Executive Committee of the Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies of Tyumen (Gubernia Executive Committee); fund P14 – health Department of the Tyumen Provincial Executive Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies; Fund P3 – Tyumen Provincial Economic Administration (Gubekoso); fund P251 – Tyumen Land Administration of the Provincial Executive Committee of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies; fund P378 – Tyumen Provincial Committee for Famine Relief, etc. Also were found documents, in which some issues of famine in the Tyumen region were described.
Currently, leading works to systematize the collected archival materials for use in writing a collective monograph and preparing collections of documents within the project.