October 9, 2023 Deputy Director of Public Relations A.T. Abdulina held negotiations on concluding a memorandum of cooperation with the director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dmitry Anatolyevich Funk, Doctor of Historical Sciences. During the meeting, prospects for conducting internships for young scientists in the field of physical anthropology at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after. Sh.Sh.Ualikhanov at the IEA RAS, which is the leading research institute in Russia in the field of ethnology, sociocultural and physical anthropology. Back in the 1950s. At this Institute, the Laboratory of Anthropological Reconstruction was created under the leadership of M.M. Gerasimov, the author of a unique method of reconstructing a face from the skull. In our country, unfortunately, there are very few specialists in physical anthropology. In this series, one can only name the names of a scientist-anthropologist, Honored Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of the Bologna Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Prize named after. Ch. Valikhanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor O.I. Ismagulov and his daughter A.O. Ismagulova. D.A.Funk said that, at the request of our Institute, he will make efforts to find opportunities for a free or discounted internship for a Kazakh specialist at the Moscow Laboratory of Anthropological Reconstruction.

As a result of the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation was concluded, and scientific publications of both research institutes were exchanged. Thus, the Institute of History and Ethnology named after. C.H. Valikhanov director D.A. Funk transferred to the library fund new books on ethnology of the scientific institution he headed, which contain materials about the Kazakhs:
1) Anthology of the Shor epic / Compilation, translation into Russian, introductory articles and comments by D.A. Funka. M.: IEA RAS, 2022. – 296 p.
2) Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 90 years old / Ed. YES. Funka. M.: Buki-Vedi, 2023. 197 p.
3) Images of Russia and the world in the photo collection of D.N. Anuchina. Ethnographic album / Responsible editor. M.B. Leibov. M.: Buki Vedi Publishing House, 2020. 220 pp., 510 ill.3.
4) Images of Russia and the world in the photo collection of D.N. Anuchina. Ethnographic album. Volume 2 / Responsible editor. M.B. Leibov. M.: Buki Vedi Publishing House, 2023. 3 p., 318 ill.3.

October 10, 2023 Deputy Director of Public Relations A.T. Abdulina held a meeting with the deputy. Director for External and Public Relations of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Borisovich Pavlov, Doctor of Historical Sciences. In 2022, the Institute of History and Ethnology named after. C.H. Valikhanova concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the named research institute, therefore, at the meeting, proposals were made from both sides on the need to develop a mechanism for conducting joint scientific research on current topics affecting Kazakhstan’s stay as part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. The Russian side is ready to accept historians from Kazakhstan for advanced training, to hold international conferences, forums and other events. D.B. Pavlov, having accepted the books of our Institute, in turn, presented A.T. Abdulina’s book:
History of the peoples of Russia in research and documents. Vol. 10 / [rep. ed. J.Y. Rakhaev]; Institute grew. history of Russia acad. Sci. M. Institute of growth. history of Russia acad. Sci. 2023. 446 p.