October 27, 2023 at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov, a round table was held dedicated to the personality of Abylay Khan in the history of Kazakhstan and its foreign diplomacy on the topic “Abylay Khan and neighboring states and peoples.”
The moderators of the round table were PhD, leading scientific specialist at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov Zh. Oshan and PhD O. Kuanbay. The first to speak was the director of the institute, doctor of historical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ziyabek Kabyldinov, who spoke about the importance of the organized round table, and also greeted the participants. At the same time, Deputy Director for Science, candidate of historical sciences Sh. Tleubaev, Advisor to the Director of the Institute, candidate of historical sciences A. Shashaev, Deputy Director for Public Relations, candidate of historical sciences A. Abdulina and Scientific Secretary, PhD N. Kurmanalina said congratulatory words and noted the significance of the round table dedicated to the historical figure of Abylay Khan.

The next part of the event was dedicated to the program speakers. Within the framework of the mentioned topic, the speakers discussed Abylai Khan and the history of Kazakhstan during the period of Kazakh-Dzungar relations. Scientists, with a special emphasis on historical events and problems, mentioned the features of Abylai’s diplomatic relations with Russia and the Qing Empire, the Central Asian khanates, the Afghan Emirate and Kashgaria. In particular, the director of the institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z. Kabyldinov gave a speech on the topic “The Policy of the Russian Empire in relation to Abylai” and, based on archival data, described the relationship between Abylai Khan and the Russian Empire.

At the same time, Professor of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, Doctor of Historical Sciences A. Absadyk, who studied the personality of Abylai Khan in Kazakh oral literature, or rather, the image of Abylai in folklore. In his report “Abylay’s foreign policy and its expression in folklore” he made an important analysis of the historical and personal image of Abylay in Kazakh folklore works. In addition, PhD, O. Zhanymkhan, leading scientific specialist of the Institute, who studied Chinese archival data about Abylay Khan and the period of Kazakh-Dzungar relations in his report on the topic “Abylay Khan in Chinese sources in the second half of the 18th century” based on archival data from China and Chinese researchers, he analyzed some of the problems of Abylai’s diplomatic relations with various countries of the near and far abroad, as well as his image of a rational politician.

As part of this round table, reports were made clarifying the various economic and social relations between Abylai Khan and the Central Asian khanates and their inhabitants. Among them, it should be noted the speech of the advisor to the director of the institute, PhD O. Kuanbai. The young scientist in his report “Kazakh-Bashkir relations in the 18th century and Ablai Khan based on archival data” focused on the issue of Bashkir studies, Kazakh-Bashkir relations in the 18th century, the role and the importance of the Bashkirs in Abylai’s diplomatic policy. And also, based on archival data, he emphasized the relevance and historical significance of issues related to Kazakh-Bashkir relations.

In addition, junior researcher, bachelor of history A. Tylahmetova, in a report on the topic “Features of Abylai Khan’s policy towards the Kyrgyz country,” gave a comprehensive analysis of Abylai Khan’s relations with the neighboring Kyrgyz during the Kazakh-Dzungarian period. Junior Scientist of Institute, A. Beisembayeva, who analyzed the personality of Abylay Khan on the basis of Kazakh-Dzungar relations, paid maximum attention to the historical image and political abilities of Khan Abylay in a report on the topic “Relationships of Abylay Khan with the Dzungar Khanate.”

In addition, the round table program was dedicated to the historians who took part in the event. Chief Researcher of the Institute, Head of the “Ethnology and Anthropology” Department, Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Architecture of the Countries of the East, Ethnologist and Ethnoarchaeologist Serik Azhigali, leading scientist of the Institute, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor G. Mukanova, Chief researcher of the Institute , Professor Z. Sadvokasova and Deputy Director for Public Relations, candidate of the historical sciences A. Abdulina, among other qualified historians, spoke about the personal appearance and characteristics of Ablai Khan and his period, shared their thoughts on some issues of Kazakh history, and also asked questions to the presenters.