Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Science Committee
Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov
Dear Colleagues!
Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov invites you to take part in the Republican scientific and practical conference “Historical and cultural heritage of Jochi Ulus”, which will be held on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the Ulus Jochi on April 5, 2024.
Being a proto-Kazakh state, Ulus Jochi was located on the vast territory of Desht-i Kipchak and united the clans and tribes of the modern Kazakh people into one state. The descendants of Jochi Khan laid the foundations of an independent state. The Ulus of Jochi became an independent state, and the Kazakhs began to consolidate into a nation within this state structure.
This year marks the 800th anniversary of Jochi Khan’s accession to the throne. It is known that Jochi is the ancestor of not only Kerey and Zhanibek, but also of all Kazakh khans in general. Here why it is very important and significant to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the great Ulus of Jochi widely and with dignity.
The purpose of the conference is to study the history of the Ulus of Jochi, the problems of its historical continuity with the Kazakh statehood from the standpoint of new approaches and methodological positions. When studying the Ulus of Jochi, studying individual historical figures, historical events and new facts, we are looking for an answer to the question of how fully the spiritual-cultural and political-historical continuity with the Kazakh Khanate is revealed.
At the conference it is planned to discuss issues in the following areas:
• Study of new data related to the history of Ulus Jochi;
• New conceptual and methodological approaches to the content of the history of the Ulus of Jochi;
• Recent achievements of historiography as a data science in the study of the history of Kazakhstan;
• The place and activities of historical figures in the history of Ulus Jochi;
• Problems of succession of the Golden Horde and the Kazakh Khanate;
• Current problems in researching the history of the Kazakh Khanate.
The following people are invited to participate in the conference: historians, scientists from research institutes, representatives of higher educational institutions, teaching staff, government bodies, doctoral students, young scientists, and media representatives.
Address: 050100 st. Shevchenko, 28, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Start: 04/12/2024, 10.00 am.
Zoom ID: 818 9499 8293.
Code: 800845.
For nonresident authors, an absentee form of participation in the conference is provided. If necessary, the collection can be sent to an email address in PDF format.
The Organizing Committee plans to publish a Collection of Forum Materials. To be included in the conference program, you must submit a participant registration form to the organizing committee (see Appendix). Carefully proofread and edited texts will be accepted for publication.
Conditions of participation
To publish a report (article, abstract), materials must be prepared in strict accordance with the following requirements: text of the report (related to the theme of the conference and no less than 5 pages and no more than 16 pages) in Kazakh, Russian (or English) languages, registration form must be typed in the text editor MS Word; The file name and individual image files in jpeg format should be named after the author’s last name.
1. Tables, diagrams, and pictures must have a title and be typed in a Windows environment.
2. Page format: A4.
3. Top margins – 2 cm, bottom margins – 2 cm, right margins – 1 cm, left margins – 3 cm.
4. Font: Times New Roman, KZ Times New Roman, size – 12.
5. Line spacing is single.
6. Red line indent: 1.0 cm.
7. In the center in lowercase letters (bold) full name. author(s).
8. Below: academic degree, title (if any), full name of the institution where the author works and his position.
9. Under the author’s full name, the title of the report is indicated in the center in CAPITAL LETTERS (BOLD FONT)
10. One space after the paragraph indentation directly contains the material of the report (article).
11. A list of references (and sources) is placed at the end of the article and is compiled in accordance with the order in which the works are mentioned. References in the text are presented in square brackets in the form of the corresponding number according to the List of References, indicating (if necessary) the page of the source, for example: [1, p. 2], [1, 2-b.] or [1, p. 2]. All bibliographic data must be carefully verified.
12. Tables, diagrams, and pictures must have a title and be typed in a Windows environment. All drawings and photographs must have good contrast and a resolution of at least 300 dpi. All illustrations must have continuous numbering and a caption below the figure. The caption should be concise, but capacious in content. Tables must be clear, have a title and a serial number. A table or figure is not numbered if it is the only one in the text. All tables and figures must be referenced in the text. Figures and tables are inserted in the text in the right place.
13. Abbreviations of words are not allowed, except for generally accepted ones. Abbreviations are included in the text only after their first mention with a full explanation (for example, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – NAS RK).
14. Notes are written in superscript numbers and must be numbered sequentially. The texts of the notes are placed at the end of the article in the NOTES section and numbered with a number in the form of a superscript. Footnotes in the text are not allowed.
If the article contains both NOTES and REFERENCES (AND SOURCES), then the NOTES section comes first.
15. Unification of characters: quotation marks – “”; centuries in dates are indicated by Roman numerals, years by Arabic numerals. It is necessary to distinguish between the use of a hyphen (-) and a em dash (–). The latter is indicated when designating numerical, chronological limits, etc.: p. 89–92, 179–185-bb.; 1878–1879; XV–XVI centuries (without padding), or the end of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries. (with a beat); 7–8 km; M.–L. and so on.
16. DO NOT tabulate, highlight words, use automatic commands, use macros, or save text as a template.
17. The name of the files is the author’s last name (for text files – Omarov_application.doc, Omarov_article.doc; for illustrations – Omarov_fig1.jpeg).
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the formatting requirements (see sample below).
Sample Article Format
Zhenis Zh.Zh. candidate of historical sciences Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov, Leading Researcher at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology STATE LANGUAGE IN THE EMPIRE OF GENGIHS KHAN Text of the report, text of the report, text of the report List of used literature and sources: 1 Abuseitova M.Kh. History of Central Asia: concepts, methodology and new approaches // Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference “Towards new standards in the development of social sciences in Central Asia”. – Almaty: Dyke-Press, 2006. – P. 10–17. 2 ….. |
The registration form and report (article) materials will be accepted no later than April 15, 2024.
Travel expenses
Expenses related to travel and accommodation are borne by the sending party.
Please send reports to:
050010, 28, Shevchenko st., Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
IIE contact numbers: tel./fax +7 (727) 261-67-19.
Contact faces
(to solve scientific and organizational issues)
Alma Bekenova – researcher at the institute; E-mail:; tel.: +7 705 775 2393.
Registration form (in Kazakh or Russian)
male □ female □
1 | Surname | |
2 | Name | |
3 | Patronimic | |
4 | Academic degree, position | |
5 | Organization (name of scientific institution, university, etc., its location) | |
6 | ||
7 | Telephone/fax (with international code) | |
8 | Title of the report |
Best regards, organizing committee