Head of the Department of World History and External Relations
Position: Head of the Department of External Relations, Information and Scientific Cluster Ch.Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology CS MES RK
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Historical Sciences
Contact details: e-mail: k.manara@mail.ru
1969, born in Degeres village of Zhambyl district of Almaty region
1988-1993 – Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Faculty of History. Specialization: historywithadditionalspecialrights.
2005. – defense of the candidate’s dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences on the topic: “Kazakhstan as an object of resettlement of deported peoples/1937-1956 Historical aspect”.
From 2020 to the presentHead of the Department of External Relations, Information and Scientific Cluster Ch.Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology CS MES RK.
2019 – 2020 – Leading Researcherof theCh.Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology CS MES RK.
2011-2019 – assoc.Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan at Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
2009-2011 – assoc.Professor of the Department of Social Disciplines of UMB
2005-2009 – Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Social Disciplines of the Higher School of Economics-Academy “Adilet”,
2004-2005 – senior lecturerof the Higher School of Economics-Academy “Adilet”,
1999 -2004 – Chief Specialist of the Personnel and Control Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1993 -1999 – Leading ResearcherMemorial Museum of S. Mukanov,
2009 – Honorary Professor (Honorar-professor) of the Belgian European University,
2013-2014 – winner of the international grant “Bolashak” (had a research internship at the University of Buckingham and at the Bodleian Library of Oxford University (2013-2014),
2018- winner of the grant “Best University Teacher 2018”.
Scientific interests:scientific interests are connected with the study of the history of the forced migration of ethnic groups to Kazakhstan, mass and political repression, the camp economy, etc.
– The presence of the Hirsch index – 5 (Scholar Citations), i10-index – 2, 53 links.
– Doctoral dissertation guide (PhD) -3.
-Supervising the defense of master’s theses – about 40
– More than once acted as an official opponent of the applicant for the degree of candidate of sciences, including the foreign applicant for the degree of candidate of historical sciences Song Yong Hoon (South Korea).
– Author of over 10 elective doctoral and master’s courses.
-Executor of 12 fundamental projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 2 international projects
– Foreign lecturer at Civitas University (Warsaw, Poland), 03.04.17 -13.04.17.
– Certificates of state registration of rights to the object of copyright (patent) – 4
– Scientific internship at Istanbul University (July 16-30, 2019) (certificate);
– Moderator of section VII “Litrature, language and history of education stadies” III INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF EURASIAN STUDIES, July 17, 2019 (Istanbul, Turkey).
– Presentation of a joint international monograph with the Lithuanian professor BenediktasShetkus “From the Baltic Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan” at the Education Academy (Vilnius), Kaunas University, the State Museum with the assistance of the Parliament of Lithuania, the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education of Lithuania. Presentation. December 3-8, 2019.
– Invitation as a foreign lecturer at VytautasMaqnus University Education Academy (Vilnius) for students. December 3-8, 2019.
Publications:The results of scientific research are reflected in more than 150 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, 9 collective works (4 monographs, 1 study guide, 3 collections, 1 reader).
Information about the main publications of Kalybekova M.C.:
- Kalybekova M.C.Campaign period: the history of deportation of peoples to the Kazakh lands (1937-1956). –Almaty, 2019. -208p.
- Kalybekova M.C. Reader”The phenomenon of social labor.” Textbook. // – Almaty: Dastur Publishing House, 2016. -120 p. (Collective labor)
- Kalybekova M.C.”The phenomenon of labor in Soviet society.” // – Almaty: Dastur Publishing House, 2016. -2712p. (Collective monograph)
- Kalybekova M., Benediktas Sh., Bolatkhan A. From the Baltic Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan. -Almaty, 2019. -260 p.
- Kalybekova M.C.Historical documents on the number, composition, distribution of special forces in the Kazakh SSR in the years of the Great Patriotic War. // Institutes for the development of the demographic system of society: V Ural Demographic Forum: a collection of materials. -Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics URO RAN, 2014. –P.285-290.RSCI
- Kalybekova M.C. Special forces of Kazakhstan: labor armies, working columns, battalions of 1941-1945. // Russian scientific-practical magazine “Russian regions: a look into the future”, – №2 (3), 2015. –P.56-61. RINC. (in co-authorship)
- Kalybekova M.C. Deportation of peoples in Kazakhstan in the years of the Great Patriotic War // Humanities in Siberia. – №1, 2015. –P.98-101. RSCI, VAK RF.
- Kalybekova M. Labour mobilization of ‘special settlers’ during the Second World War (Research based on the example of Kazakhstan) The International Conference on Social Science and Humanity», London, 28-29 September 2014, –Р.67-71. (наплатформеThomson Reuters WEB OF KNOWLEDGE SCIENCE AND ORCID), RSCI
- Kalybekova M.C. Rehabilitation of victims of political repression in Kazakhstan (1954-1956) 1st International Scientific Conference Fundamental and Applied Research in the EU and CIS countries, Great Britain, Oxford, July 23, 2014 – pp.123-127. RSCI
- Kalybekova M. The Soviet government’s policy in relation to deported nationalities and problems of the destruction of national identity (30–60 years of XXth century). The first international scientific congress of young scientists of Europe and Asia Vienna, Austria, 2017 «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Wien, ÖsterreichЦентранаучногознания «Логос» 1–3th April 2017 as part of the I International Scientific Forum of Young Scientists “East-West”(Austria – Russia – Kazakhstan) -P.29-35.
- Kalybekova M. Everyday Live of Almaty region and City Dweller is in 1920-1930 of the XX century. Medwell Journals (Пакистан), 2017, p. 568-573.DOI.
- Kalybekova M.C., Kabuldinov Z.E. From the history of political repression of Kazakhs in the Republic of Uzbekistan: a historiographical review of the problem in a scientific journal // The Scientific heritage (Hungary). -2021. -VOL 5, No 72 (72). – p. 15-18. DOI: 10.24412/9215-0365-2021-72-5-15-18.
- Kalybekova M., Kassymova D. The role and place of Kazakhstan in the military-strategic plans of the USSR in the post-war //The scientific heritage. Volt. 3, No 74 (74) (2021). (RSCI, DOI)
UNCC (2016-2020)
1. Kalybekova M.C. The Labor army during the Second World War (1939-1945) /Bulletin of KazNPU. Abaya. -Issue No. 2 (49), Almaty, 2016. -pp.48-51.
2. Kalybekova M.C. Rehabilitation of deported ethnic groups in the USSR (on the example of the Kazakh SSR) //Higher School of Kazakhstan. – No. (1) 2016. – pp.55-59.
3. Kalybekova M.C. Forced resettlement of peoples to Kazakhstan as a form of repressive policy of the USSR In the 30-40s of the twentieth century. /Bulletin of KazNPUim. Abaya. -Issue No. 2(57), 2018, -pp.20-27
4. Kalybekova M.C.state policy of the USSR in relation to deportees: problems of national identity destruction in the 30-60 years of the XX century. Scientific journal of the history of the motherland.2019. No. 2 (86) pp. 152-167.
5. Kalybekova M.C. Sanitary and medical care and condition in Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. Bulletin of ZHENPU 2019. No.3 (79), pp.181-187
6. Kalybekova M.C. socio-political and educational activities of ZHUMAGALI TLEULIN. Zhenpu Bulletin No. 4 (76), 2018.op 105-109.
7. Kalybekova M.C. Forced resettlement of peoples to Kazakhstan as a form of repressive policy of the USSR (1937-1945). electronicscientific journalEdu-history. 2019. № 4 (соавторство)
8. Kalybekova M.C. “FORCED RESETTLEMENT OF POLES TO KAZAKHSTAN AND THEIR REPATRIATION TO THEIR homeland” // OtanTarikhy. No. 1 (89), 2020. pp.141-155
9. Kalybekova M.C. «HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN ACCORDING TO POLISH ARCHIVES»// ОтанТарихы. № 2 (90), 2020. С.28-3910. Kalybekova M.C. “punished peoples: from the history of deportation of peoples to the Kazakh land” / / “edu.e-history.kz” electronic scientific journal № 2 (22) April-June 2020.