About the department of World history

The history of the department

The Department of World history is a new structural division of the Institute of history and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch.Ualikhanov which was created in 2019. The creation of the Department is due to the need to expand the horizon of research work of the Institute of history and Ethnology, including all countries of the world. In the Soviet period, the study of the history of foreign countries was part of the tasks of the all-Union research institutes. The institutes of the history of the Union republics were engaged only in national history. Today, in connection with the integration of sovereign Kazakhstan into the international scientific and educational space, it becomes relevant to conduct research on the history of foreign countries. In addition, the need to consider the history of Kazakhstan in the context of the world historical process also requires the study of the so-called “global” history. Historical science today provides knowledge about global trends and regional features of the processes of political, socio-economic and spiritual development of the Kazakh people in the context of world history, taking into account the characteristics of the Turkic civilization.

Until mid-February 2022, the head of the department was the chief researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gulzhauhar Kakenovna Kokebayeva, who was awarded a high state award – the Order of “Kurmet” for the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The scientific journal “Turkestan Newsletter

Employees of the department founded the journal “Turkestan Newsletter”, a Kazakhstani historical online magazine, which serves as one of the tools for organizing historical science and presenting its results to a wide scientific community. The purpose of the journal is to publish original, unpublished, articles and reviews on the history of Central Asia from the 18th to 20th centuries. The topics on which we focus – the history of Central Asia, conflicts and the migration process, have always been central to various branches of the humanities, therefore, the magazine publishes materials on history, ethnology, political science, religious studies and international relations.

The main topics that we are considering:

  • history of Central Asia in the XVIII-XX centuries .;
  • conflicts, world and local wars;
  • migration, deportation, repatriation;
  • repression, a network of camps and special settlements.

The journal welcomes academic scientific articles, as well as relevant reviews and thoughts on issues of practical interest. It is open to all methodological areas and schools if they are based on serious research and are processed in accordance with the basic principles of historical science.

The participation of department researcher in the implementation of research projects:

− Research project with targeted funding ” Mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 20-50s. 20th century and rehabilitation processes: creation of a single database”. 

− Research project “Turkestan National Union and its activities among prisoners of war of World War II” 

− Research project ” Soviet Kazakhstan: historical lessons of social and ethnic conflicts “.

− Research project “History of the fight against infectious diseases and epidemics in Kazakhstan (1920-1936)”.

–  Research project “History of Atyrau region: from ancient times to the present day”.

− Research project “Actual problems of the agrarian history of Soviet Kazakhstan: authorities and society”.


Kokebaeva G.K. Germany – Russia – USSR: politics, war and captivity. Monograph. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2009. – 345 p.

Kokebaeva G.K. and others. Humanitarian problems of modernity: man and society. Monograph / Collective of authors. – Novosibirsk, 2011.– 295 p.

Kokebaeva G.K., Smanova A.M. Poland – Kazakhstan: togysqan tagdyrlar. Monograph. – Almaty, 2012 .– 208 bp.

Kokebaeva G.K. and others. Russia in the world: the experience of the past – a look into the future. Monograph / Collective of authors. – Novosibirsk, 2012.– 227 p.

Thomsen M., Kokebayeva G. und s.b. Religionsgechischichtliche Studien zum östlichen Europa. ‒ Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017. ‒ 364 S.

Publication in journals indexed in Scopus and WOS.14 articles by the head of the department and employees have been published in journals included in the Scopus, 16 publications are indexed in the Web of Science.