Projects of project-targeted financing
Development of the academic publication “History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day” in 7 volumes
Development of the academic publication
“History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day” in 7 volumes
Project manager: Kabuldinov Z.E.
Individual Registration Number: OR11465469
By priority area: Research in the field of social and human sciences; specialized scientific direction (subpriority): Fundamental, applied interdisciplinary research in the field of the humanities. Spiritual Modernization and Seven Facets of the Great Steppe.
Strategically important state task, for the solution of which the program was developed: Article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokaev “Tauelsizdik barinen kymbat” in the newspaper “Egemen Kazakhstan” dated January 5, 2021.
Estimated start and end date of the program: 07/01/2021 – 12/31/2023.
Relevance. The relevance of the development of a new academic multi-volume publication on the history of Kazakhstan is due to the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K-Zh. K. Tokaev “Tauelsizdik barinen kymbat” (“Independence is above all”), in which historians were given specific tasks to update and update knowledge of national history in order to present the world with a true centuries-old history of the Kazakh people from antiquity to the present. The second half of the 20th century was marked by the collapse of the colonial system, which was Eurocentric in its format, and the entry into the arena of international relations as independent actors of new state formations. However, the system of international law that existed at that time did not allow them to become full participants in the world political and economic process and write their versions of history into the global historical canvas. After the collapse of the bipolar world, a period of strategic uncertainty set in, during which it becomes possible to reformat the concept of world history and fill its content with new interpretations of stories, including the stories of previously muted peoples. The people of Kazakhstan have become a full-fledged subject of the world historical process and must present their vision of the past to the world and determine their place in the present processes of the formation of a new world order.
As a result of the development of the project, representatives of foreign scientific, public and political circles should have a clear idea of the history of Kazakhstan, that the Kazakhs are an autochthonous population with deep historical roots from ancient times, a single community of historical fate, territory, language, culture with the ancient inhabitants of Kazakhstan, which undoubtedly should have a positive impact on their political views and principles in relation to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This publication will be a scientific foundation for the formation of a new state standard on the history of Kazakhstan, as well as for textbooks and teaching aids for the secondary general education program and universities, all school and university textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan.
The project is interdisciplinary, population geneticists, physical anthropologists and paleo genetics (representatives of biological sciences), archaeologists who use the methods of natural sciences in their work (radiocarbon dating – the method of physics, etc.), economists, writing about the development of the economy of Kazakhstan at the present stage, representatives of other social sciences, the society of Kazakhstan at different stages of its development, etc.
The purpose of the program is to develop an academic publication on national history in 7 volumes based on the latest achievements of historical science, reflecting the processes of the political, economic and ethno-demographic history of the people of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present in line with the formation of a new attitude to historical memory and worldview, since in Kazakhstan society is growing interest in the objective, academically sound history of our country.
Expected results:
an academic scientific publication on the history of Kazakhstan will be written and published (in 7 volumes);
the history of Kazakhstan is presented in the context of world history and the formation of regional subsystems of the world order;
identified the main directions and approaches in the study of the history of Kazakhstan in foreign historiography;
included in the panorama of the general history of Kazakhstan is the analysis of the reasons for the collapse of the Kazakh world and the formation of the Kazakh diaspora and irredentism, the features of the historical path of foreign Kazakhs, the appearance of other ethnic groups in the population and show the common destinies of the peoples of modern Kazakhstan;
traced the ethno genesis of the Kazakh people and the continuity of basic cultural practices in the organization of living space;
the role of personalities in fateful decisions in the history of the people and statehood is shown;
the basic educational standard was determined in the interpretation of the history of the people and the state for writing basic textbooks for universities and secondary educational institutions and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to eliminate the shortcomings of the previous state standard of education for the study of the history of Kazakhstan, formed on the basis of the academic edition of 1996– 2010s;
published popular science brochures and make publications in the media and social networks on the most interesting events, personalities in the history of Kazakhstan;
information about sources, ethno-social and cultural history was introduced into the content of the course “History of Kazakhstan”;
the events in the history of the country and the people (sociology, cultural studies, political science, economic disciplines, law, geopolitics, public administration, ethnology) are considered using interdisciplinary approaches;
a database of specialists (national and international) for various periods and directions in the study of the history of Kazakhstan and summary information on their work was formed;
3 articles and (or) reviews have been written and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a Cite Score percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);
written and published 5 (five) articles in peer-reviewed foreign publications (RSCI);
25 articles in scientific journals recommended by ССFES MES RK (Committee for control in the field of education and science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
informational support of the project was carried out: 3 scientific conferences, 3 round tables; 3 seminars, 15 media and TV interviews;
publication of articles in scientific journals – analytical, scientific and methodological materials and practical recommendations aimed at the formation of the intellectual potential of the country and human capital.
Results achieved: during the implementation of the project for 2021, online methodological seminars were held, a meeting was held to determine the structure of the volume, the Concept of 7 volumes was prepared, a list of performers was compiled (the base of scientists is 300 hours), 1 republican scientific-practical conference was held, a total of 23 articles were published , of which: SCOPUS – 3, in peer-reviewed foreign publications with a non-zero impact factor (RSCI) – 2, peer-reviewed in domestic publications (recommended by ССFES MES RK) – 12, at international conferences – 6 and in the media – 27.
List of publications on the topic of the project for 2021:
1. in peer-reviewed scientific publications based on Scopus:
1. Yensenov, K.A., Karassayev, G.M., Naimanbayev, B.R., Oskembay, A.A., Ermukhanova, H.K. HISTORY OF REGIONAL RELATIONS IN FOREIGN POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN (1991-2014) // Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2021 УДК 94:32. DOI: 10.37635/jnalsu.28(3).2021.119-128. (Scopus. Q3, 43 процентиль).
2. Karasayev, G.M., Ospanova, R.R., Naimanbayev, B.R., Yerimbetova, K.M., & Kairgaliyeva, G.K. HISTORY OF PARTNERSHIP RELATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN WITH FAR ABROAD COUNTRIES (1990-2000) //Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2021 109 УДК 9. 327 DOI: 10.37635/jnalsu.28(3).2021.109-118. (Scopus. . Q3, 43 процентиль.).
3. Kanat A. YENSENOV, Zhamilya M.-A. ASSYLBEKOVA2, Saule Z. MALIKOVA, Krykbai M. ALDABERGENOV, Bekmurat R. NAIMANBAYEV HISTORY OF POLE DIASPORA (ХІХ-ХХІ)// ASTRA Salvensis, no. 1/2021. 561-571. pp.(SCOPUS. Q 1, 94 процентиль).
2. In scientific journals recommended by ССFES MES RK:
1. Azhigali S.Ye., Orynbayeva G.U. O nauchnom nasledii vostokoveda, bibliografa i etnografa Nigmeta Sabitova i uvekovechenii yego pamyati: konferentsiya k 125-letiyu uchenogo // Otan tarikhy. 2021. № 1. S. 201 – 210.
2. Shashaev Ä.Q., Zikirbaeva V.S., Myrzakhodjaev Q.M., Mrzabaeva R. J. avtorlıgımen: «Qazaqstandağı alğashqy qoğamdyq uyımdardıñ ağartwshylyq qyzmeti» maqala // Otan tarixı. Ğylymi jurnal, 2021. №2 (94). 157-169. ISSN 1814-6961
3. Shashaev Ä.Q., A.T.Tileubaev Sh.B. avtorlığımen: «Qazaqstanda qurylğan qoğamdyq uiymdar»// Almaty universitetiniñ Habarshysy. №2(14) 2021. 154-159 bb.
4. Shotanova G.A., Zhanabayeva K., Turgenbayeva A.SH., «Formul’nyy stil’» i yazyk eposa v Kazakhstanskikh i zarubezhnykh istochnikakh» // Scentific E-jornal
5. Shashaev Ä.Q. Maksutova A.A. M.H. Du latidyñ «Ta rih-i -Rashidi » shyğarmasy – Moğolstan tarihynyñ derek közi (XIVğ. ekinşi jartysy –XVI ğ. birinşi jartysy ) // Otan tarihy Ğylymi jurnal, №3 (64) 2021. ISSN 1814 – 6961.
6. Shashaev Ä.Q., Selkebaeva A.T., «Talap» qoğamy qyzmetiniñ tarixy // Modern European science-2021 * Volume 4: ISSN 2312-2773
7. Shotanova Ğ.A., Jetpisbay N.I., Jaña Elek shebiniñ quryluy // Otan tarihy. – 2021. № 4 (baspada).
8. Eñsenov Q.A. Qazaqstan jäne Aziya memleketteri arasyndağy aimaqtyq köshi-qon (1991-2011 jj.) // Al-Farabi atyndağy QazUU Habarshysy. Tarih Seriyasy. №3(102). 2021. 111-119 bb.
9. Saktaganova Z.G. Politicheskiye repressii v Kazakhstane v 1920-1980-ye gg.: etapy, posledstviya i problemy reabilitatsii. Otan tarikhy, №3, 2021g.
10. Kökebaeva G.K. «Türkistan ulttyq birlestiginiñ europa elderindegi qyzmeti» Otan tarihy, №3, 2021g.
11. Qudaybergenova A.I., Baydalı R.J. Mañğıstaw öñirindegi ashtyq pen bosqynshylyq (1920 j. soñy – 1930 j. bası). Otan tarikhy, №3, 2021g.
12. Muhatova O.H. Qazaqstandağı 1920-1930-jıldardağı bilim berw jüyesi tarïxınıñ tarïxnaması. Otan tarïxı, №3, 2021g.
3. In the collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference:
1. Bazylkhan N. Ikh talyn nüüdelchdiin takhilyn ongon tsogtsolboruud bolon khün chuluun dursgaluud: türegiin üyeiin ugsaatan-soyolyn ontslog (Arkhyeologiin sudalgaany ekh survaljuud. 1-r kheseg)[ Memorial complexes and stone sculptures of the nomads of the Great steppes: ethnocultural features of the Ancient Turkic period (Archaeological sources of research. Part-1)] // Altaistika, türkologiya, moңġolistika. Khalykˌaralykˌ ġylymi jurnal.-Astana: «Ġylym baspasy», 2021. -№2. -7-61.
2. Kamalov A.K. Ustnaya istoriya kak metodologicheskaya osnova izucheniya migratsii 1950-1970 gg. iz Kitaya v Kazakhstan // Garmonizatsiya mezhnatsional’nykh i mezhreligioznykh otnosheniy v usloviyakh polikul’turnogo obshchestva. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Almaty: Universitet «Turan», 2021. S 22-29.
3. Kushkumbayev A.K. Dzhuchi: osnovatel’ dinastii khanov Zolotoy Ordy // GLOBAL-Turk. N 1-2/2021 S. 92-101.
4. Kushkumbayev A. K.«Zolotaya Orda», «Ak Orda», «Sinyaya Orda» v kazakhstanskoy i rossiyskoy istoriografii KHKH veka // Rossiya i Kazakhstan 30 let strategicheskogo partnerstva i vsestoronnego sotrudnichestva. Nur-Sultan – Moskva, 2021. S. 30-46.
5. Kushkumbayev A.K. Kul’tura epokhi Zolotoy Ordy (1226-1502) // Proceedings of the International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Academician Ubaydulla Karimov New Perspectives for the Study of Islamic Culture, History and Art in Uzbekistan. May 2021, Tashkent. Istanbul 2021. S. 243-252.
6. Abil Ye. Semiotic problems of studying the medieval history of Kazakhstan // Scientific Collection «InterConf», (76): with the Proceedings of the 1 st International Scientific and Practical Conference «Progressive Science and Achievements» (September 26-28, 2021). Doha, Qatar: Katara, 2021. 334 p. pp.185-190.
4. In a foreign peer-reviewed publication (RSCI):
1. Shotanova G.A. Zhanabayev K., A.SH. Turgenbayeva,. «FORMUL’NYY STIL’» I YAZYK EPOSA V KAZAKHSKIKH I ZARUBEZHNYKH ISTOCHNIKAKH. K. || Scientific E-journal «» № 2(26), 2021. MRNTI 17.71.07 DOI 10.51943/2710_3994_2021_2_1
2. Sabitov ZH.M. Interpretatsiya svedeniy «Zubdat al-fikra» v nauchnom trude A.A. Porsina // Zolotoordynskoye obozreniye. 2020. T. 8, № 3. S. 552–562
5. In the media:
1. Jetpisbay N.I. Jaña ulttyq tarixtyñ jazyluyna tyñ serpin // Almaty aqşamy. – 2021 j. 23 qyrküyek (№ 115).
2. Vystupleniye K.U. Torlanbayevoy na telekanale Khabar v proyekte «Tarikh aynasy», 12 oktyabrya 2021 g. ssylka na efir:
3. Vystupleniye A.M. Dosymbayevoy na telekanale Khabar v proyekte «Tarikh aynasy», 12 oktyabrya 2021 g. ssylka na efir:
4. Orynbayeva G.U. Iz istorii kataganov (doklad) // Respublikanskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Problemy etnicheskoy istorii Yuzhnogo Kazakhstana v kontekste izucheniya etnosotsial’noy struktury i traditsionnoy kul’tury kazakhov» (20 maya 2021 g., Gylym Ordasy)
5. Shashaev Ä.Q. Ablay xan jäne «Uly dalanyñ uly tulğalarynyñ» ulyqtaluy. // Abylai han atyndağy QazHQjÄTW Habarşısı («Xalyqaralıq Qatınastar jäne Aymaqtanu seriyasy). №2(44) 2021. ISSN 2411-8753(Print).
6. Orynbayeva G.U. Pro krasnyye karavany // Prikaspiyskaya kommuna. 2021. 27 aprelya. S. 7.
7. Orynbayeva G.U. Istoriya bolezni // Vecherniy Almaty. 2021. 20 maya. S. 19.
8. Shashaev Ä.Q. Türki dünïesi tutastığı qay deñgeyde?// Tälim TV. 11.09.2021
9. Orynbayeva G.U. Genotsid narodnoy kul’tury // Prikaspiyskaya kommuna. 2021. 1 iyunya. S. 2.
10. Shashaev Ä.Q. Ejelgi dünie jädigerleri men mädenieti // Habar TV. «Tarih ainasy» bağdarlamasy. 21.09. 2021.
11. Tilewbaev Sh.B. «Täuelsizdikti aludan göri saqtap qalu qiyin: tarihshyı ğalymnyñ pikiri» // «Jetisu» gazeti, 17.09.2021.
12. Tileubaev Sh.B. «Bügin – Sayasi quğyn-sürgin qurbandarın aqtau» // «Jetisu» telearnasy, 17.09.2021., 19:30.
13. «Kazakhi nikogda ne byli goluboglazymi blondinami» – istorik
14. Kogda voznikla Zolotaya Orda. 28 Oktyabrya 2021.
15. Tarihshy: Nağyz qazaq kök közdi europoid bolğan degen tüsinik qate.//:
16. Bor’ba po-kazakhski za nasledstvo Dzhuchi khana //
17. Istoriya + genetika = znaniye //
18. Vo vsekh stranakh bezumstvuyut mrakobesy, dorvavshiyesya do dolzhnostey — uchenyy o stranakh Tsentral’noy Azii.
19. Zolotaya Orda v kazakhstanskoy istoriografii KHKH veka. Aybolat Kushkumbayev. //
20. Proiskhozhdeniye Uruskhana pro&contra. Chast’ 1. Dokladchik Sabitov Zhaksylyk //
21. Istoriya Ulusa Dzhuchi //
22. Pochemu praviteli Ulusa Dzhuchi nikogda ne nazyvali svoye gosudarstvo Zolotoy Ordoy
23. Interv’yu Ye.Abilya na kanale «Khabar 24»: – BndQXHOGNxYh0B&index =24
24. Interv’yu Ye.Abilya na kanale «Kˌazakˌstan tarikhy»:
25. Shaukenova Z.K. Zakonomernyy shag na puti razvitiya institutov mestnogo samoupravleniya// -8zCEEUAPOJCUuCwys1dqcD-0FToru94ZhpfoA-dVkp4IqI 14 iyulya 2021
26. Qarasaev Ğ.M., Jaksygeldinov J.N. QR-nıñ XX ğasırdıñ 90 – jyldaryndağy EO elderimen baylanysy (maqsaty, barysy, mañyzy) 09 Naury z 2021. Ïstoçnïk:
27. Qarasaev Ğ.M., Eñsenov Q.A. Täwelsiz Qazaqstan jäne Ortalıq Azïya memleketteri (ıntımaqtastıq, ıqpaldastıq jäne tüsinistik tarïxınan) (1991-2000 jj) Ïstoçnïk:
28. Vystupleniye A.K. Zhumadilov na telekanale Khabar v proyekte «Tarikh aynasy», 12 oktyabrya 2021 g. ssylka na efir:
Study group members:
Ziyabek Kabuldinov – Director of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor – 54 years, work experience 29 years, project leader, holder of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The Best Teacher of the Year” (2017), author of 4 monographs, 7 study guides, 3 textbooks and anthologies recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, more than 500 scientific articles, co-author of 3 collective monographs. Participant and leader of more than 40 scientific projects (2000–2020). Under his leadership, 5 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended. Direction and nature of work – STS, management and coordination of the scientific program. Publication of high-ranking scientific articles and participation in the preparation of a multi-volume history of Kazakhstan, etc. As part of the program, he will collect archival documents on the topic of the project, analyze and systematize materials, as well as publish scientific articles, including in foreign publications, articles in the media.
In the executive group for the development of the academic publication “History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day” in 7 volumes, historians of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, the A. Margulan Institute of Archeology, the R.B. .Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, the Institute of State History of the KN MES RK, the Scientific Institute for the Study of the Juchi Ulus, the International Turkic Academy, Al-Farabi KazNU, L.N. Gumilyov ENU specializing in the study of certain periods of the History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day.
Information about the main publications of the program performers:
1. Kabuldinov Z. «Alien Elements» in the Social Structure and Everyday Life of City Population in Northern Kazakhstan in the 1920s (as exemplified by Akmolinsk) // Life Science Journal. – 2014. – Vol.11 – Iss. 9 – P. 348-351. ISSN 1097-8135SJR_2014: 0,161 (Scopus) – 0,7 (coauthor – Kozybayeva M.M.).
2. Kabuldinov Z. City Family of North Kazakhstan in 1920-1930s. // The Anthropologist. International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. – 2015. – Vol. 22 (3) – P. 560-567 (Thompson Reuters) – 0,7 (coauthor – Kozybayeva M.M.)
3. Kabuldinov Z. The customs of politeness among Russian Kazakhs // The Anthropologist. International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. – 2016. – Vol. 22 (3) – P. 560-567 (Thompson Reuters) (Absadykov A., Issenov, O., Aitmukhambetov, A., Berdyguzhin, L.)
4. Kabuldinov Z. Civil and legal activities of the lawyer Turlybayev in Siberia at the beginning of the 20th century // Bylye Gody. – 2017. – Vol. 44, Is. 2. – P. 597-607 (Baidaly R.Zh., Aitmuhambetov, A.A., Nauryzbaeva, E.K.) DOI:10.13187 / bg.2017.2.597 – the journal has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database – 87%.
5. KabuldinovZ. Sultanmamet Sultan and His Diplomacy in Relations with the Russian Regional Authorities in the Area of the Middle Irtysh Region (the 2nd Half of 18th Century) // Istoriya. – 2019. – Vol. 1(75) – P.79-99. DOI: 10.18254 / S0002571-7-1.
6. Kabuldinov Z. Muslim prisoners of World War I in the camps of the triple alliance countries // Bylye Gody. – 2020. – Vol. 55. Is.1 – P. 352-359 (Kokebayeva, G.K., Mukhazhanova, T.N., Akhmetova, Y.T.). DOI: 10.13187/bg.2020.1.352 – the journal has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database – 87%.
7. Kabuldinov Z. Kazakh migrants within West Siberia during famine in Kazakhstan in the beginning 30-ies of XX centure // Qazaqstan murağattarı – Astana, 2012 – №3 (23)–S.19-23.
8. Kabuldinov Z.E. Zhumabai Shayakhmetov – a prominent public and statesman of Kazakhstan // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. – Astana, 2011. – No. 3–4. – P. 84–88.
9. Kabuldinov Z.E. Repressions among the Omsk Kazakhs: some restored pages of history // IV Omsk historical readings materials of the regional scientific conference – Omsk, 2017. – P. 147-151
10. Kabuldinov Z.E. Mass migrations of the population from the republic and the role of Turar Ryskulov in rescuing the starving Kazakh population (in the early 30s of the 20th century) // Collection of materials of the International scientific conference on the theme “Unforgettable great personalities of the Kazakh nation”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the outstanding statesman Turar Ryskulov . – Shymkent, 2019. – S. 20-26
11. Kabuldinov Z.E. Features of the stay of Kazakh nomads in Siberia (in the early 30s of the 20th century) // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Regional Public Organization Siberian Center of Kazakh Culture “Moldir” “Kazakhs in the Yervazian space: history, culture and sociocultural processes (Omsk, May 14-15, 2014) – Omsk, 2014 – P. 199-203.
12. Abylkhozhin ZH.B. Stalinizm i nomadizm: K voprosu o silovoy politike sedentarizatsii v Kazakhstane v kontse 1920-kh – v nachale 1930-kh godov // Fenomen kochevnichestva v istorii Yevrazii. – Almaty, 2007.
13. AzhigaliS.Ye. Etapy razvitiya nashey nauki: etnologicheskiy departament za 20 let // Materialy mezhdunarodnoy naucho-metodicheskoy konferentsii «Voprosy etnoarkheologicheskikh issledovaniy i mezhetnicheskikh otnosheniy Velikoy stepi», posvyashchennoy 60-letiyu uchenogo-etnografa, d-ra istorich. nauk, prof. Kalshabayevoy B.K. 4 iyunya 2020 g. – Almaty, 2020. – S. 58–68.
14. Äjigali S.E., Äshim B.Ä. XIX ğ. ortasy – XX ğ. basyndağy Aqtöbe oblysy meshitteriniñ erekshelikteri: 2019 jylğy Batys Qazaqstan keshendi étnoarheologiyalyq ékspediciyasynyñ keybir nätijelerinen // «XII Orazbaev oqulary» halyqaralyq ğylymi konferenciya materialdary. – Almaty: «Qazaq universiteti», 2020. – 233–241 bb.
15. AzhigaliS.Ye. Kazakhskaya etnograficheskaya shkola // Mysl’. – 2020. – № 9. – S. 49–56.
16. Aldajumanov Q. 1916 jylğy ult-azattyq köterilis: sebebi men saldary // Qazaqstandağy 1916 jylğy ult-azattyq köterilistiñ tarihi mañyzy. – Almaty: Orhon, 2016. – 70-80 bb.
17. Aldajumanov Q.S. KSRO-nıñ ekinshi düniejüzilik soğys qarsañy men jyldaryndağy syrtqy sayasaty jüyesinde // Vneşnepolitïcheskaya deyatelnost suverennogo Kazahstana: istoriya i sovremennost. – Almaty: Kaz WMO i MYa, 2016. – S. 49-54.
18. Aldajumanov Q.S. Torğay köterilisi // Añyz adam. – 2016. – № 5. 0,4 b.t.
19. Aldajumanov Q.S. Qazaqstandıqtardıñ soğıstıñ soñğı şayqastarına qatıswı // Kazaxstan v godı voynı: vklad kazaxstancev v Velïkwyu Pobedw. – Almatı: TÉÏ, 2016. –5-18 bb.
20. Aldazhumanov K.S. Geroi Velikoy Pobedy – kazakhstantsy. V 2- tomakh. T.1, T.2. Almaty – Astana: Foliant, 2016 – nauchnyy konsul’tant i chlen redkollegii.
21. Aldazhumanov K.S. O zhizni i deyatel’nosti T. Zhankeldina // T. Zhankeldin: memleket kˌayratkerí, ġalym, maydanger zhazushy. – Almaty: Baspa, 2016. 0,5 p.l.
22. Aldazhumanov K.S., Asanova S.A., Dzhunisbayev A.A. K istorii formirovaniya natsional’nykh voyskovykh soyedineniy Kazakhstana v gody voyny (na primere 105-y kazakhskoy kavaleriyskoy divizii) // elektronnyy zhurnal «». – 2018. – 4(16).
23. Aldazhumanov K.S., Golod i massovyye politicheskiye repressii 30-kh godov v Kazakhstane // Obshchestvenno-politicheskiy zhurnal «Mysl’». – 2018. – № 6.
24. Aldajumanov Q.S. Azat etilgen awdandarğa kömek// Qazaqstan tarïxı. Éncïklopedïya / Jalpı redakcïyasın basqarğan Qabıldïnov Z.E. T. 1. – Almatı: «Lïtera-M» JŞS, 2019. – 59-60 bb.
25. Aldajumanov Q.S. Ekinshi dünie jüzilik soğys // Qazaqstan tarihy. Énciklopediya / Jalpy redakciyasyn basqarğan Qabyldinov Z.E. T. 1. – Almaty: «Litera-M» JShS, 2019. – 676-678 bb.
26. Aldajumanov Q.S. Qazaqstanda 1941 jyly jasaqtalğan äskeri quramalar turaly // Otan tarihy. – 2020. – №3(91). – 161-177 b.
27. Alimgazy D. Türkesh qağanaty. Monografiya (sayasi jäne mädeni-tarihy zertteu. 692-766 j). Birinshi kitap. – Almaty. Qaz aqparat, 2005. – 185 b.
28. Alimgazy D. Ejelgi jäne orta ğasyrdağy türkiler: tarihy zertteuler. Almaty. JK S.T. Janädilov baspahanasynda basylğan. – Almaty, 2011. – 302 b.
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