External methodological seminars
Methodological seminars with foreign speakers
Since the beginning of 2022, work has been carried out on the organization of a series of scientific seminars (held online on the zoom platform, preferred language of presentation: Russian). The purpose of the series of seminars is to get acquainted with the works and activities of foreign scientists who are engaged in research on the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, as well as issues of anthropology and ethnology for the domestic audience of research communities and the circle of interested persons. The following performances took place in 2022:
1. February 22, 2022 – Seminar on “Soviet Orientalism in Kazakhstan” by Associate Professor of the Department of European Studies at the University of Amsterdam Alfrid K. Bustanov. The research interests of the scientist include the history of Islam in the post-Soviet space, in particular, the study of the subjectivity of Muslims through the prism of documents from the personal archive. Alfrid Bustanov also promotes Islamic studies, organizes annual archaeographic expeditions around the Russian Federation to collect, preserve and analyze the written heritage of Russian Muslims, and is the author of the regular summer school “Islam in Russia” for young researchers. The report was devoted to the topic of the history of Soviet oriental studies in Kazakhstan, its connection with nation-building.
2. May 17, 2022 – scientific seminar by Oxford Brookes University, PhD in Politics and IR Jasmine DallAgnola on the topic “Dos and Don’ts when Working with Western Publishers” (Almaty, ).
3. Round table and presentation of the translation of the book “QAZAQLÏQ AND EDUCATION OF KAZAKH. State and Identity in Post-Mongolian Central Eurasia” by the well-known scientist, specialist in Turkic-Persian studies, Joo Yup Lee. This event was held in collaboration with the Shon Foundation and with representatives of the national scientific historical community and with the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. (Almaty, June 21, 2022).
4. July 1, 2022 – photo exhibition “Biz”, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions of the 1920-1950s. in the Almaty Gallery, which was organized by the Shon Foundation together with the City Commission for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions and the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov.