Grant financing projects for 36 months. (2021-2023)
Object of research: the study of unexplored fragments from the history of Atyrau region.
The purpose of the work: is a deep, comprehensive study and formation of a holistic view of the history of Atyrau region, the result of which will be the release of a three-volume historical monograph.
Research methods: The methodology of the project is based on the general principles of objectivity and historicism. The project also uses a number of methods typical for historiographical research: chronological, historical-genetic, problematic, systemic methods. The method of analysis. deductive and inductive methods.
The results of scientific research conducted within the framework of the project have been published as 6 articles in domestic and foreign peer-reviewed journals recommended by the CQASHE and 1 article in press in the journal included in the Scopus database list having a CiteScore percentile – 80. The results are also given in the form of brief information: for 2021 – 0321РК00951, for 2022 – 0322РК00689.
Recommendations for the implementation of research results: the data obtained can be used when writing historical monographs, scientific and journalistic articles, biographical essays and textbooks on national history.
The social and economic effect of the results obtained lies in the broad involvement of young scientists in the research field, doctoral students and undergraduates, in raising the prestige of domestic science by publishing articles in foreign indexed journals.
Forecast assumptions about the development of the research object: the results of the study will help enrich educational materials on the history of Kazakhstan and religious studies and other sciences as new scientific knowledge and draw previously unknown conclusions about historical events.
The novelty of the project is that the first comprehensive scientific study has been developed in Russian science, its result will be the release of a three-volume historical monograph of the Atyrau region. Prior to this, the history of Atyrau region has not yet received proper coverage., since there is not that very necessary labor, which, in turn, not only contained the entire history of the region, but also contributed to the development of the economy and tourism. In this sense, the results of research on the project do not have an existing analogy. According to the project, about 1000 different archival materials and 500 literature were reviewed.
Many works are limited only by a separate chronological frame or a specific event. In other words, these works are devoted only to the history of a narrow direction, such as the history of oil exploration or the history of fishing settlements, etc. Nevertheless, with all the variety of works on the history of the Atyrau region, there are practically no works in which the entire history of the Atyrau region was conceptually revealed from ancient times to the present day. In this sense, the results of research on the project do not have an existing analogy. A full-fledged study of the history of Atyrau region would not only contribute to the integration of Kazakh historical science into the world scientific space, but also shows Atyrau region as one of the most important regions of Kazakhstan. The obtained results also have a significant impact on the formation of a new direction in regional historical science.located at the junction of two branches of Kazakh historical science – the history of Kazakhstan and universal history. In turn, it is the basis for the development of interdisciplinary methods in research and solving nodal problems. The territory of Atyrau region, which was part of the Khazar. Nogai and Golden Horde. The Kazakh Khanate, which in turn became part of the Russian Empire and as one of the regions of the Kazakh SSR within the USSR played a huge historical, economic and cultural role in not only the history of Kazakhstan, but also the countries of the Caspian states. In addition, after gaining independence, the Republic of Kazakhstan concluded an agreement between foreign states on the supply of Atyrau oil. In this context, the results of this project have received a special status among similar projects, since it will reflect not only the local history of the Atyrau region, but also the history of the development of all domestic industrial entrepreneurship. In this context, the publication of the first and large-scale historical monograph has a certain significance on an international scale.
The executors of this project participated in various scientific projects, which consisted in conducting a series of archaeological expeditions to archival institutions of countries near and far abroad in order to search and collect relevant and valuable documents for the history and culture of Kazakhstan. The documents obtained during the archaeological expeditions became the basis for this study, since they created the opportunity for further study of the history of the Atyrau region. To date, there continues to be a significant amount of documents in the Kazakh and Russian archives that allow revealing new data for complex scientific research.analyzing the complete history of Atyrau region in all directions.
In 2021-2023, a 3-volume monograph “The History of Atyrau region” was prepared in three languages, a collection of archival documents and a collection of an international scientific and practical conference.During the preparation of the monograph, the latest archival materials that had not been used before were used.
According to the results of scientific research, the following were published:an article in a foreign scientific publication in the Scopus database – 1 in press, articles in domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQASHE) – 6.
In 2021-2023, a review of the funds and files of Russian archives (Astrakhan, Orenburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow) was conducted to identify documents that meet the criteria of this Project, collecting archival documents and materials in sufficient volume for the implementation of the Project (preparation of a monograph and a collection of documents).
Project publications (2021-2023)
2021 year
Publications in National and International conferences:
1 M. Abilseit. Article” the importance of medieval Saraishyk in the history of Uluk Ulus “international scientific and practical conference” Uluk Ulus – Golden Horde”, held on October 28, 2021 in Atyrau. (in Kazakh).
2 D. Salkynbek. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference” hunger in Kazakhstan:new facts and judgments”.Almaty: AEBU, May 26, 2021. (in Kazakh).
3 K. Sarkenova. “Study of the problem of famine in the Kazakh steppe in 1921-1922” / / materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “relevance of developing a brief history of Kazakhstan for a foreign audience in the framework of the implementation of the article by K.-ZH. K.Tokayev” independence is more expensive than anything” (September 28, 2021). (in Kazakh).
1 SARKENOVA K. 1921-1922 NAUBET-100 years! // Newspaper of the era of Kazakhstan. – 2021. – №4 (January). (in Kazakh).
2 Salkynbek C. Kanai boranbayev 125 years. Kazakh newspaper. August 31, 2021. (in Kazakh).
3 Salkynbek C. oraz Isaev, who headed the Kazakh government. Kazakh newspaper. May 11, 2021. (in Kazakh).
4 Salkynbek C. Inv. Isaev, who headed the Kazakh government. Kazakh newspaper. May 18, 2021. (in Kazakh).
5 Salkynbek C. sweat shed for the generation. Kazakh newspaper. – September 21, 2021 Zhumagulov B.-p. suicide fighter // ATYRAY. -2021. -№47. (in Kazakh).
6 Zhumagulov B.-p. history of Atyrau region: from ancient times to the present day // ATYRAY. -2021. -№45. (in Kazakh).
7 Zhumagulov B.-p. history should be written honestly, professionally // KULSARY. -2021. -№25(892)
8 Zhumagulov B.-p. history should be written in a realistic, professional manner // KYZYLKOGA. -2021. -№21(7225). (in Kazakh).
9 Abilseit M. Golden Horde Ulus Center / / ATYRAY. -2021. -№84 (20585). – October 22. -1, 4-p.
10 Abilseit M. medieval Sarayshyk is a part of the Great Ulus // EGEMEN QAZAQSTAN. -2021. -№203(30182). – October 26. – 9-p. (in Kazakh).
11 Abilseit M. Sarayshyk will become a tourist destination. // NarynTany. -2021.-№ –. November. (in Kazakh).
12 Abilseit M. The History of the Golden Horde is the history of the Kazakh people. // NarynTany. -2021.-№ –. October. (in Kazakh).
13 Khalidullin G. “sarayshyk culture and caravan route” / / ATYRAU. -2021. -№87 (20583). November 2. (in Kazakh).
2022 year
Articles in domestic publications (recommended by CQASHE):
- Berdyguzhin L. B., Sarsenov A.-p., Zhumagulov B.-p. Formation of kazakh Khanate: new look to history. Otan tarikhy. Scientific journal No. 2 (98), 2022. pp. 54-63. (in Russian).
- Sh. Nagimov, B.-p. Zhumagulov data on the history of Kazakhstan in ancient Turkic records. Abai Kaznpu. Bulletin “history and political-social sciences” Series No. 1 (72), 2022. pp. 183-192. (in Kazakh).
- Yermukhanov E. N., Salkynbek C. I. Idris Mustambayevich the struggle of the figure with the genders of the Soviet OGPU. Abai Kaznpu. Bulletin” history and political-social sciences ” Series No. 2 (73), 2022. pp. 240-250. (in Kazakh).
- Kasenov M.-Pp., Khalidullin G. H. monuments of the Bronze Age of the Atyrau – Caspian region. (in Kazakh).
Publications in National and international conferences:
1 Khalidullin G. H.-The reasons for the founding of the city of Atyrau. Materials of the round table” history of Atyrau: the beginning and present”. The city of Atyrau. June 2, 2022. (in Kazakh).
2 Zhumagulov B.-p. – Atyrau city from the early world to the present day. Materials of the round table” history of Atyrau: the beginning and present”. The city of Atyrau. June 2, 2022. (in Kazakh).
3 Mukhtar A. K.-the capital of the Kazakh Khanate” Sarayshyk”. Materials of the round table” history of Atyrau: the beginning and present”. The city of Atyrau. June 2, 2022. (in Kazakh).
4 Yermukhanov E.-II half of the XIX century some problems of the economic and cultural development of the city of Guryev at the beginning of the XX century. Materials of the round table” history of Atyrau: the beginning and present”. The city of Atyrau. June 2, 2022. (in Kazakh).
5 Sarkenova K. A.-Ethnographic history of Atyrau. Materials of the round table” history of Atyrau: the beginning and present”. The city of Atyrau. June 2, 2022. (in Kazakh).
6 Nagimov Sh. – Facts of the history of the Atyrau region in the works of Murat Munkeevich. Materials of the round table” history of Atyrau: the beginning and present”. The city of Atyrau. June 2, 2022. (in Kazakh).
7 Zhumagulov B.-P. –Development of the project”History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day”: implemented works and upcoming tasks. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of the history of Atyrau region”. Almaty, June 17, 2022. . (in Kazakh).
8 Mukhtar A. K. Sarayshyk is the capital of the Kazakh Khanate. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of the history of Atyrau region”. Almaty, June 17, 2022. . (in Kazakh).
9 Khalidullin G. H. Does the history of the city of Atyrau begin in 1640? Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of the history of Atyrau region”. Almaty, June 17, 2022. (in Kazakh).
10 nagimov Sh., Abdulov A. – Facts of the history of the Atyrau region in the works of Murat Munkeevich. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of the history of Atyrau region”. Almaty, June 17, 2022. (in Kazakh).
11 Sarkenova K. A. – Data on the tribes inhabiting the Solusky-Eastern Caspian region. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of the history of Atyrau region”. Almaty, June 17, 2022. (in Kazakh).
12 Yermukanov E. N. – Some problems of the history of Atyrau region in the modern era (XVIII-early XX centuries). Materials of the international scientific and practical conference” actual problems of the history of Atyrau region”. Almaty, June 17, 2022. (in Kazakh).
13 Sarkenova K. A. Alshyn Association in the North-Eastern Caspian region // materials of the international scientific and practical conference “actual problems of archeology and ethnological science of Kazakhstan: current practice and direction of development” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor U. H. Shalekenov on May 16, 2022 at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. – A.: Kazakh National University, 2022. (in Kazakh).
14 Zhumagulov B.-p.: 1. on Tuesday 31 May 2022, he took part in the conference “Kuniskerei Kozhakhmetov and the rehabilitation of victims of political repression: history and lessons” and made a report on the topic ” hunger in the Western region of Kazakhstan in 1921-1922: causes and consequences. (in Kazakh).
15 Zhumagulov B.-P.: on October 27-28, 2022 in Atyrau, he made a report on the topic “common features of popular protests and uprisings in the 20-30 years of the XX century” at the plenary session of the Republican scientific and Practical Conference “political repression in the Western region of Kazakhstan: new data and research positions”, organized by the akimat of Atyrau region, the NJSC “Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov”, the NGO “International Society of the Kazakh language”. (in Kazakh).
16 Khalidullin G. H.: On Tuesday 31 May 2022, he took part in the conference “Kuniskerei Kozhakhmetov and the rehabilitation of victims of political repression: history and lessons” and made a report on the topic ” review of data on Kozhakhmetuly Kuniskerei. (in Kazakh).
17 Salkynbek C. I.: The fate of prisoners of War. // Kazakh history. 2022, №2. pp. 16-19. (in Kazakh).
18 Salkynbek C. I.: From unknown pages of the public political life of Alash figures. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference” tagylym from history – tagylym to the past”. Arkalyk, May 2022; 3.Advanced-minded Russian humanist. // Kazakh history. 2022, №2. pp. 11-16. (in Kazakh).
19 Yermukhanov E. N.: Echoes of the dark years. What is the work of the Almaty city commission for the full rehabilitation of victims of political repression? Almaty aqshamy. No. 59 (6194), Saturday, May 28, 2022. Pages 8-9. (in Kazakh).
20 Yermukhanov E. N.: Archives of pain. As the city commission on the rehabilitation of political repression works. Evening Almaty. Vtornik, May 31, 2022 № 60 (14010). (in Russian).
1 B.-S. Zhumagulov The newspaper “EGEMEN QAZAQSTAN” No. 136 (30365) on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, on Page 11, published a one-page article: “born yessil ER for his country!». (in Kazakh).
2 B.-S. Zhumagulov On Tuesday 31 May 2022 took part in the conference “Kuniskerei Kozhakhmetov and the rehabilitation of victims of political repression: history and lessons” and made a report on the topic ” hunger in the Western region of Kazakhstan in 1921-1922: causes and consequences. (in Kazakh).
3 B.-S. Zhumagulov made a report on the topic “common features of popular protests and uprisings in the 20-30 years of the XX century” at the plenary session of the Republican scientific and Practical Conference “political repression in the Western region of Kazakhstan: new data and research positions” organized by the akimat of Atyrau region, NJSC “Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov”, NGO “International Society of the Kazakh language” on October 27-28, 2022 in Atyrau. (in Kazakh).
4 Zhumagulov B.-S. It is the duty of the generation to justify the victims of repression. 50-minute interview on the Eurasia latitude TV channel. 5. video clip from the conference: (in Kazakh).
5 G. H. Khalidullin: 1. on Tuesday 31 May 2022, he took part in the conference “Kuniskerei Kozhakhmetov and the rehabilitation of victims of political repression: history and lessons” and made a report on the topic ” review of data on Kozhakhmetuly Kuniskerei; (in Kazakh).
6 Salkynbek D. I.: The Fate of prisoners of War. // Kazakh history. 2022, №2. pp. 16-19. (in Kazakh).
7 Salkynbek D. I.: from unknown pages of the social and political life of Alash figures. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference” tagylym from history – tagylym to the past”. Arkalyk, May 2022. (in Kazakh).
8 Salkynbek D. I.: An advanced Russian humanist. // Kazakh history. 2022, №2. pp. 11-16. (in Kazakh).
9 Yermukhanov E. N.: on May 31, 2022, he gave an interview to participate in a special broadcast organized on Shalkar radio in honor of the day “in memory of the victims of political repression” and on May 29, the event “Evening Almaty, (in Kazakh).
10 Yermukhanov E. N. Salkynbek D. : in the newspapers” Almaty akshamy”, one of the project’s performers was widely reported on the mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 1930s. (in Kazakh).
2023 year
Archival collections:
1 Atyrau region in the 1920s and 1930s. Collection of documents and materials. – Almaty: Institute of history and Ethnology named after Valikhanov, Almaty: LLP “Litera-m”, 2023. – 250-p. (in Kazakh).
Collective monographs:
1 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 1. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 390-p. (in Kazakh).
2 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 1. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 390-p. (in Russian).
3 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 1. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 390-p. (in English).
4 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 2. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 436-p. (in Kazakh).
5 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 2. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 436-p. (in Russian).
6 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 2. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 436-p. (in English).
7 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 3. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 496-p. (in Kazakh).
8 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 3. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 496-p. (in Russian).
9 The History of Atyrau region from ancient times to the present day. Three volumes. Volume 3. Collective monograph. – Almaty:LLP «Litera-M », 2023. – 496-p. (in English).
Collection of the international conference:
1 Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference “ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF THE HISTORY OF ATYRAU REGION”. – Almaty: Litera-M LLP, Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov, 2023. – 328-p. (in Kazakh).
2 Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference “ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF THE HISTORY OF ATYRAU REGION”. – Almaty: Litera-M LLP, Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov, 2023. – 328-p. (in Russian).
Articles in domestic publications (recommended by CQASHE
1 Nazymbetova G. Sh., Khalidullin G. H. History of geological paleontological research conducted in the territory of Atyrau region in the XVIII-XX centuries. Vestnik kaznpu im. Abaya, series “Historical and socio-political science”, No. 3(78), 2023g p-231-239. (in Kazakh).
2 Berdygozhin L. B., Zhumagulov B.-p., Alipova C. Zh. Popular movement in the Guryev district in the 1920s. Bulletin of Kaznpu named after Abaya, series “historical and socio-political science”, No. 1(76), 2023 P. 48-59. (in Kazakh).
Republican and international conferences:
1 G. Khalidullin, A.D. Kunekeev North Caspian region in archaeological research and written sources. “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
2 Abilseit Mukhtar Sarayshyk is the capital of the Kazakh Khanate. “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
3 Nagymuly Sh., Berdygozhin L. B., Mirbolatov-p. M. famine in the Atyrau region in 1921-1923. “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
4 Salkynbek C. I. fish farming of the population of Atyrau region (XVIII-XIX centuries). “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
5 B. Zhumagulov, L. Berdigozhin, C. Alipova Atyrau region during the years of the new economic policy.). “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
6 Clara Sarkenova data on the tribes inhabiting the North-Eastern Caspian region.). “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
7 Atyrau region in the works of Sh. Nagimov, A. Abdulov Murat Munkeovich. History data. “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
8 Nagimov Shakhman Atyrau rich: neglected care.). “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
9 Clara Sarkenova a few words about the Mughal ethnic groups.). “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
10 Yermukanov Erkin Nuratdinovich, Bakhytzhanovna Tassyn Zh. Abdrakhmanov and Kazakh refugees in the Kyrgyz lands.). “Meeting of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference “”actual problems of the history of Atyrau region””.” 2023 year. (in Kazakh).
- Zhumagulov B.S., Salkynbek D.I., Ermukhanov E.N., Sarsenov F.S.,