Grant financing projects for 36 months. (2021-2023)
State, public and scientific-pedagogical activity of Smagul Saudakasuly” (based on new archival and written sources)
The name of the project topic: “State, public and scientific-pedagogical activity of Smagul Saudakasuly” (based on new archival and written sources)”.
Name of the priority direction of science development: 7. Research in the field of social sciences and humanities.
Name of the specialized scientific direction, type of research: 7.2 Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of humanities: 7.2.1 Great names and great epochs: the legacy of al-Farabi, Abai and the Golden Horde, the type of research – fundamental.
Estimated start and completion date of the project, its duration in months: 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023, 36 months.
Scientific novelty and significance of the project
Prerequisites for the development of the project. National values, which the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K.Tokayev has repeatedly spoken about, should become the cornerstone of the education of Kazakhstan’s youth. In this regard, the relevance of research on the formation of the Kazakh intelligentsia and the conditions for the implementation of those statesmen who influenced the consciousness of society at the dawn of the Kazakh autonomy increases. As it is known, Soviet historical science focused on the negative aspects of the Alash intelligentsia, motivating them with their social origin and studies in madras, etc. At the same time, the real merits of the Kazakh leaders of People’s commissariats and trade unions in promoting socio-economic tasks for the development of the region “fell out” from the chronicles. Unfortunately, the topic did not become the object and subject of a separate and special scientific and historical research, whereas Smagul Sadvakasov showed his exceptional inclinations in strengthening the foundations of national culture, theater and education, higher education, mass media and ergonomics, protection of state identity. Many archival funds both in Kazakhstan and in other countries of the near and far abroad have become available to domestic scientists, which will allow open and unbiased study of this topic. The introduction of new archival, written, narrative and epistolary sources into scientific circulation, the use of interdisciplinary approaches, the involvement of foreign researchers, including leading Russian specialists, in the study of the history of the Kazakh autonomy, will allow the project to be fully implemented.
Substantiation of the scientific novelty of the project with a mandatory review of previous scientific research. The main biographical milestones of the true statesman and great patriot of the country Smagul Sadvakasov are his heroic work for the benefit of the Great Steppe, his boundless love for the Kazakh people, one of the worthy examples for the younger generation.
The merits of Smagul Sadvakasov include defending the idea of Kazakh statehood and territorial integrity of the republic. In 1921, he actively participated in the process of ethnoterritorial delimitation of the Semipalatinsk region from subordination to Sibrevkom to the Kazakh Autonomous Republic. On the part of the Siberian Bolsheviks, fierce resistance was met when they wanted to preserve the former Kazakh lands beyond Western Siberia, which is subordinate to the Russian Federation. For excessive patriotism and a desire to return the native Kazakh lands, he received a strict party penalty. Nevertheless, Smagul enthusiastically took up the defense of the territory of the vast modern Kostanay region in favor of Kazakhstan. There are enough such examples.
In 1922-1925, he held such important state posts as: plenipotentiary representative of the KASSR at the Turkestan Central Election Commission, Deputy Land Commissioner of the Kazakh Autonomy, Chairman of the Planning Commission of the republic. In 1925-1927, he became People’s Commissar of Education of Kazakhstan, a member of the Kazakh Regional Bureau of the CPSU (b), then – editor of the newspaper “Enbekshi Kazak”. He wrote a lot on the topic of public education, worked closely with A. Baitursynov.
The People’s Tribune openly opposed forced collectivization, mass starvation, as well as the transformation of the region into a raw material appendage of the Center, for which he was persecuted and persecuted. Smagul himself and his inner circle, nicknamed by the Center “Sadvakasovshchina”, were a prominent and influential opposition to the central government in the region. A number of his associates were removed from leadership positions and later were physically destroyed. In 1927-1928, he became the rector of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in Tashkent. From the pen of Smagul Sadvakasov came such books as: “A new way of youth”, “On the problems of education in Kazakhstan” and other works. For the first Kazakh theater, he wrote several plays and critical reviews of the performances. In 1933, he died under very mysterious circumstances.
For a long time, the rich heritage of Smagul Sadvakasov was closed for research before the collapse of the USSR. His name has remained forever in the memory of the people – he devoted his whole life to serving his Kazakh people, the Republic of Kazakhstan, which next year celebrates the 30th anniversary of independence. At the same time, many episodes from the political, social, scientific and pedagogical activities of Smagul Sadvakasov turned out to be practically unexplored. Therefore, in this project, the research group will study the unlit pages from his life and work.
Scientific and technological needs that justify the importance of the project results. This project is aimed at the formation of a new historical consciousness, the growth of Kazakhstani patriotism, the triumph of historical justice and the strengthening of the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The theme of the project meets the core objectives of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru”, “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”, “Archives-2025” and also corresponds to the main content of the national idea “Mangilik el”, etc.
The study of the activities and views of Sadvakasov Smagul on making the state borders of the Kazakh Republic and neighboring republics of Central Asia stable, his public speeches and articles has scientific and educational significance on an international scale. The results obtained during the implementation of the project will allow creating a true picture of the political, socio-economic and cultural processes in the region within the designated historical period. The citizens of our country will noticeably increase their interest in national history, which will be objectively studied.
The aim of the project is a comprehensive and systematic study of the state, public, scientific and pedagogical activities of Smagul Sadvakasov on the basis of new archival and written sources using modern interdisciplinary approaches.
As a result of the research, the following publications will be published:
1) publication of articles in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals.As part of the project, it is planned to publish 1 (one) article in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five) and more than 10 articles in foreign (RSCI) and domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQAES).
2) publication of monographs, books and (or) chapters in books of foreign and (or) Kazakh publishers. As a result of the project, a collective monograph, a collection of archival documents will be published, and two collections of conference materials (republican and international) are also planned to be published.
An article in a peer-reviewed scientific publication that is included in the Web of Science database and (or) indexed in the Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index and (or) has at least 35 (thirty-five) percentiles according to CiteScore in the Scopus database
1. Dikhan Qamzabekuly etc. How was the army of the Alash state built? // Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2021 R. 85-96. SCOPUS
2. Dihan Qamzabekov. Buxoro Respublikasidagi qozoqlar va ishbilarmon Mirza Naurizboy o’g’li // Buhara Jumhuriyati 101 yaşinda buxoro jumhuriyati 101 yoshda. İstanbul: Kutlu Yayınevi (Taşkent: “Mumtoz” nashriyoti) 2021. P. 95-113. SCOPUS.
An article in a peer-reviewed scientific publication that is included in the RSCI
1. Býlgaýov Sh.T., Muqanova G.Q. Smaǵul Sadýaqasovtyń Qazaqstandy «keńestendіrý» týraly kózqarastary tóńiregindegi tarıhnamalyq dıskýrs Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «» № 3(27), 2021. Indeksırýetsıa v RF, RINTs
2. Mýkanova G.K. Etnokýltýrnoe pole transgranıchnyh regıonov kak faktor ıntegratsıı (vzglıady Smagýla Sadvokasova) // Sotsıalnaıa ıntegratsııa ı razvıtıe etnokýltýr v evrazııskom prostranstve: sbornık materıalov mejdýnarodnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı / otv. red. S. G. Maksımova. – Vyp. 10. Tom 2. – Barnaýl: Izd-vo Altaıskogo Ýnıversıteta, 2021. SS. 154-158. RINTs
3. Mýkanova G.K. Problema etnıchnostı / ıdentıchnostı v ınorodcheskoı perıodıcheskoı pechatı v Rossıı v gody Pervoı mırovoı voıny // Istorııa. Istorıkı. Istochnıkı. 2021. № 4. Moskva. El.jýrnal. S.67-77. RINTs
4. Mýkanova G.K. Retsenzııa na: Abýseıtova M.H. Kazahskoe hanstvo. – 2-e ızdanıe, pererabotannoe ı dopolnennoe. – Almaty: Shygys pen Batys, 2020. – 344 s. // Etnıcheskaıa kýltýra. – 2021. – T. 3, № 3. – S. 51-53. – ISSN 2713-1688. doi:10.31483/r-99456. Jýrnal «Etnıcheskaıa kýltýra» ızdaetsıa v RF BOÝ VO «Chývashskıı gosýdarstvennyı ınstıtýt kýltýry ı ıskýsstv» Mınısterstva kýltýry, po delam natsıonalnosteı ı arhıvnogo dela Chývashskoı Respýblıkı. ındeksırýetsıa v RINTs.
Articles published in domestic journals recommended by CQAES
1. Mýkanova G.K., Baıjýmanova Z. B. Ahmet Baıtýrsynov ı Smagýl Sadvokasov: konsensýs v poıskah natsıonalno-gosýdarstvennoı ıdentıchnostı // Otan tarıhy. 2021, № 3 (95) SS. 84-92. CQAES
2. Mýkanova G.K. Analız paradıgmy ekonomıcheskogo razvıtııa Kazahstana cherez prızmý vzglıadov S. Sadvokasova // The Journal of Economic Research & Business Administration. №3 (137). 2021. 25–36 s. Vestnık KazNÝ ım. al-Farabı. CQAES
3. Mukanova G.K. Non-confessional aspects of self-identification leaders in the context of the history of Kazakh autonomy // Vestnık KazNÝ ım. al-Farabı. Serııa ıstorıcheskaıa. №2 (101). 2021 g. P. 55-64. CQAES
4. Mýkanova G.K., Jýmataı S. Tema mejkýltýrnoı kommýnıkatsıı v pısmennom nasledıı elıty Alash // Vestnık KazNÝ. Serııa Jýrnalıstıka. 2021 № 4. (sdana v redaktsııý)
5. Mýkanova G.K., Jýmataı S. «Belye pıatna» v ızýchenıı zemelnoı praktıkı ı mejkýltýrnoı kommýnıkatsıı elıty Alash // Vestnık KazNÝ. Serııa ıstorıcheskaıa. 2021 № 4. (sdana v redaktsııý).
6. Kabýldınov Z.E. Nekotorye aspekty ız obestvenno-polıtıcheskoı jıznı S. Sadýakasova. // Otan tarıhy. 2021, № 4 (96). CQAES
Articles published in the scientific collection of the international conference
1. Mýkanova G.K. Agrarnyı vopros ı vzglıady rýkovodıteleı Kazahskoı avtonomıı. Smagýl Sadvokasov // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo». 25 maıa 2021 g. Almaty: IIE ım. Ch.Valıhanova, 2021. SS. 144-149.
2. Mýkanova G.K. Etnokýltýrnoe pole transgranıchnyh regıonov kak faktor ıntegratsıı (vzglıady Smagýla Sadvokasova) // Sotsıalnaıa ıntegratsııa ı razvıtıe etnokýltýr v evrazııskom prostranstve: sbornık materıalov mejdýnarodnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı / otv. red. S. G. Maksımova. – Vyp. 10. Tom 2. – Barnaýl: Izd-vo Alt. Ýn-ta, 2021. SS. 154-158.
3. Mýkanova G.K. Smagýl Sadvokasov o mıgratsıı kýltýrnyh proektov v predelah etnoprostranstva «Zapadnaıa Sıbır – Kazahstan» // Sbornık tezısov Mejd. Naýchn. Forýma «Etnoprostranstvo Zapadnoı Sıbırı: sovremennaıa ıazykovaıa sıtýatsııa». Pod red. G.Ch.Faızýllınoı. 22 oktıabrıa 2021. Tobolsk, Izd-vo MTsITO, 2021. SS. 34-38.
4. Kabýldınov Z.E. Aktýalnye napravlenııa razvıtııa ıstorıcheskoı naýkı Kazahstana na sovremennom etape // 30 let Nezavısımostı RK: ıstorıcheskıı kýrs, vehı razvıtııa ı perspektıvy». HVI Materıaly Mejd. Evraz. naýchn. forýma. Nýr-Sýltan, 2021. SS. 70-81
5. Baıjýmanova Z.B. 1920-30 jj. Qazaqstandaǵy bіlіm berý máselelerі (arhıv qujattary negіzіnde) «Akademık M.Q. Qozybaev jáne otandyq tarıhtyń zamanaýı tujyrymdalýy»: halyqaralyq ǵylymı-teorııalyq konferentsııa materıaladarynyń jınaǵy. – Almaty: Sh.Sh. Ýálıhanov atyndaǵy Tarıh jáne etnologııa ınstıtýty, 2021. – 254-258 bb.
1. Kozodoı V.I. Alıhan Býkeıhanov: chelovek-epoha. – Novosıbırsk: OOO «Dom mıra», 2021. – 312 s.
Publications in the media
1. Mýkanova G.K. Trıýmfalnye marshı Alash // Mysl. 2021. № 4. S 36-42.
2. Qamzabekuly D. Memleket teatrynyń týǵan kúnі // gazeta «Aqmeshіt aptalyǵy». № 26 3 sáýіr 2021 j. 3 bet.
3. Muqanova G.K. Ol qazaq jýrnalıstıkasynyń negіzіn qalady // «Aqqaıyn» gazetі, 27 mamyr 2021 j, 2 bet.
4. Mýkanova G.K. On sozdaval kazahstanskýıý jýrnalıstıký // Gazeta «Kolos». 27 maıa 2021 goda, s.3.
5. Mýkanova G.K. «Komıssııa schıtaet tselesoobraznym…» 31 maıa v Kazahstane otmechaıýt Den pamıatı jertv polıtıcheskıh repressıı // Vechernıı Almaty, 27 maıa 2021 goda № 63, s.20.
6. Mýkanova G.K. «Stennaıa gazeta Akmol-ROSTA» ob asharshylyk // gazeta «severnyı Kazahstan» ot 5 avgýsta 2021 goda. № 89, s.7.
7. Mýkanova G.K. Kazahı-stýdenty v Kıeve v nachale HH veka // jýrnal «Mysl». 2021. № 6. S.39-45.
8. Intervıý G.K. Mýkanovoı 25.06.2021 telekanalý «» Pravo na dobroe ımıa: v Almaty komıssııa ıet svedenııa o jertvah polıtıcheskıh repressıı.
9. Mýkanova G.K. Kommýnızm s kazahskoı spetsıfıkoı // j. Mysl, № 7. 2021. Ss.37-40.
10. Mýkanova G.K. Reabılıtatsııa doljna byt polnoı // Analıtıcheskıı, obestvenno-polıtıcheskıı ı ınformatsıonnyı jýrnal, 4 avgýsta 2021 goda.
11. Mýkanova G.K. Repressıı ı sýdby // Analıtıcheskıı, obestvenno-polıtıcheskıı ı ınformatsıonnyı jýrnal, 28 avgýsta 2021 goda
12. Mýkanova G.K. Ofıtsıalnaıa reabılıtatsııa tak ı ne sostoıalas // Akmolınskaıa pravda. 2021 avgýsta 27. № 97. S.?
13. Mýkanova G.K. Akademık A. E. Krymskıı o kazahskoı lıteratýre ı sbornıke «Molodoı Kazahstan» S. Sadvokasova // jýrnal CHYGYS. 2021. # 3. S. 87-91.
14. Baıjýmanova Z.B. Naýchnaıa komandırovka v g. Orenbýrg // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım Ch.Ch. Valıhanova
15. Mýkanova G.K. Naýchnaıa komandırovka v g. Nýr-Sýltan // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım Ch.Ch. Valıhanova
Reports read at the Republican round table” smagul Sadvakasov is a well-known public figure and educator”. June 11, 2021
1. Mukanova Gulnar Kairollinovna, Baizhumanova Zamzagul Bekezhanovna “experience of verification of autographs of Smagula Sadvokasova in archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation: comparative analysis”. (June 11, 2021)
2. Kabyldinov Ziyabek Ermukanovich “introductory speech”. (June 11, 2021)
3. Bulgauov Shotbek Tursynbekovich “the largest state and public figure of Kazakhstan Smagul Sadvakasov (historiographical aspect)” (June 11, 2021)
4. Dihan Kamzabekuly” merits of Smagul Sadvakasovich in the formation and development of the National Theater ” (June 11, 2021)
5. Zhumatay Samat “oral historical details about S. Sadvakasuly” (June 11, 2021)
Members of research groups:
1. Mukanova Gulnar Kayrollinovna – project manager, candidate of historical sciences, scientific researcher, researcher of the life and work of Smagul Sadvakasova, author of 3 monographs “Publicism of Smagul Sadvakasov” (2014), “Central Asia and the problems of decolonization, the twentieth century. Anthology of Intellectual History” and “Communicators and Communards: Analytical Journalism of Kazakhstan” (2018), which highlight the state and public activities of S. Sadvokasov, M. Auezov to strengthen the national-state identity of Kazakhstan, their struggle for the state language and “indigenization” and territorial integrity of the republic.
The direction and nature of the work – project management, publication of articles in high-ranking scientific journals, preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.
2. Kabulldinov Ziyabek Ermukhanovich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member NAS RK
Summary. Specialist of the period of the history of Kazakhstan in modern times. It is popular with Kazakh and foreign researchers on the problems of the 18th century. Author of 5 monographs, 7 textbooks and 1 textbook on the history of Kazakhstan, more than 450 scientific publications. The researcher’s works have been published in foreign peer-reviewed journals.
Direction and nature of the work Participation in the development of the concept and structure of the study, publication of articles in high-level scientific journals and writing sections of a collective monograph, and an introduction to the collection of archival documents.
3. Kozodoy Viktor Ivanovich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Summary. Engaged in the study of the life and work of famous figures of Alash (A. Bukeikhan and others). Interested in the history of the multi-party system in Siberia, social and political life in Siberia, the history of the revolution. Author of scientific and educational works, including 5 monographs.
The direction and nature of the work is the collection of archival materials on the issues under study in Russian archives, the preparation and publication of scientific articles. Within the framework of the project, he will take part in the development of a separate section of the collective monograph and the publication of a collection of materials, scientific and popular science articles in the media. Will take part in the work of international scientific conferences during the whole project.
4. Bulgauov Shotbek Tursynbekovich – candidate of historical sciences, Leading scientific researcher.
Summary. Alash historiography researcher in the first half of the 20th century, author of 1 monograph, a number of scientific articles on the research topic. He specializes in issues of Kazakh source studies, studies the works of S. Sadvokasov as sources on the history of Kazakhstan of the designated period.
The direction and nature of the work – VNS, collection and processing of archival materials on the history of the life and work of S. Sadvakasov, writing interim and final reports, participation in the preparation of a collective monograph and a collection of archival documents.
5 Baizhumanova Zamzagul Bekezhanovna – researcher.
Summary. Author of more than 15 scientific publications. Participated in the implementation of grant and program-targeted projects carried out at the institute: Documentary Chronicles in People’s Memory: Source Studies by Interdisciplinary Synthesis (Computerized Analysis and Database Creation)”, “Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan”, “Historical Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan”, “20- 30s 20th century the system of secular education and enlightenment in the policy of modernization of the traditional Kazakh society”, “state, public and scientific and pedagogical activity of Smagul Sadvakasuly (based on new archival and written data)”. Along with domestic archives, he conducted research work in the Orenburg and Astrakhan archives.
Direction and nature of work – participation in the collection of historical, ethnographic, folklore materials; publication of scientific articles; works in archives and libraries, analysis of literature on the topic of the project, study of cartographic, field materials on the designated topic, writing scientific papers.
6. Kurkeev Yerzhan Maraluly – Ph.D student of ENU. L. Gumilyov, Master of History.
Summary. Author of more than 10 scientific publications, project executor.
The direction and nature of the work is the collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, the analysis and systematization of materials, the publication of articles in high-ranking scientific journals and participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.
7. Zhumatai Samat – Ph.D student of ENU. L. Gumilyov, Master of History.
Tuyindeme. Author of more than 10 scientific publications, project executor.
The direction and nature of the work is the collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, the analysis and systematization of materials, the publication of articles in high-ranking scientific journals and participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.
8. Suleimen Saltanat – laboratory assistant
Direction and nature of work – Collection of materials in the collection of archival documents, collection of archival documents on the project topic, organization of round tables, conferences, participation in the preparation and implementation of the technical work of a collective monograph.
The main publications of the staff of the research group on the topic of the project:
1. Mukanova G.K. et al, Barriers to Effective Public Sector Financial Budgeting as compared between developed countries, Russian Federation and countries of Central Asia such as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic, // Social Science and Humanity #3 2016. the 5th The International Conference «Social Science and Humanity» by SCIEURO in London, 23-29 September 2016, p.94 -102. Thompson Reuters
2. Mukanova G.K. The Kazakh expatriate community of the XX century through the prism of diplomacy // Bylye Gody – 2014, Vol. 31. Is. 1, P. 82-85 // EID: 2-s2.0-84901669625Part of ISBN: 20739745 jýrnal ımeet protsentıl – 87
3. Mukanova G.K. Russian Consuls in Xinjiang: Legislative initiatives at the turn of XIX-XX centuries // Bylye Gody – 2015 Vol. 37. Is. 3, 586 – 594 rr. // journal-article EID: 2-s2.0-84944262620Part of ISBN: 20739745 jýrnal ımeet protsentıl – 87
4. Mukanova G.K. The Russian parliamentarism XX century: Socio-cultural mission and media resources of the state Duma, in Emigration // Bylye Gody – 2016 Vol. 39. Is. 6, 500-508 rr. | journal-article EID: 2-s2.0-4973499917 Part of ISBN: 20739745 – ımeet protsentıl v Scopus – 87
5. Mukanova G.K. Russia and China on the way to the alliance of civilizations, the end of the XIX – Early XX centuries (on the example of printed publications) // Bylye Gody – 2018 | journal-article DOI: 10.13187/bg.2018.2.776EID: 2-s2.0-85049048579Part of ISBN: 23100028 20739745, jýrnal ımeet protsentıl v Scopus – 87
6. Mukanova G.K. Investment activities of international financial organizations and their contribution to the sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Journal of Social Sciences Research – 2018 | journal-article DOI: 10.32861/jssr.spi3.126.129EID: 2-s2.0-5058985887Part of ISBN: 24119458 24136670 (Kaldiyarov, D.A., Kantureev, M.T., Sharipov, A.K., Abdykadyrova, A.M., Bedelbayeva, A.E.)
7. Mukanova G.K. The Eurasian Mission of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, the middle of the XIXth and early XXth centuries, Evrazııskaıa mıssııa Imperatorskogo rýsskogo geografıcheskogo obestva (seredına HIH – nachalo HH vv.) // Bylye Gody. – 2019. Vol. 52. Is. 2, pp. 757-765 DOI: 10.13187/bg.2019.2.757 EID: 2-s2.0-85069743827Part of ISBN: 23100028 20739745 / ımeet protsentıl v Scopus – 87
8. Mýkanova G.K. (v soavt.) Borba s terrorızmom ı elektronnye SMI: gosýdarstvennye ınteresy ı etıka Internet-jýrnalıstıkı // «Naýka ı jızn Kazahstana», 2016 № 1, ss. 107 – 113.
9. Mýkanova G.K. Dıskýrs «Dıplomatııa ı vneshnıaıa polıtıka v kontente medıa Kazahstana» // Vestnık KazNÝ ım. al-Farabı. Serııa Jýrnalıstıka. № 1 (37) 2015, cc. 192-198.
10. Mýkanova G.K. Metodologııa ı metody sıstemnogo monıtorınga medıa Tsentralnoı Azıı: Zarýbejnyı ı natsıonalnyı opyt // Vestnık KazNÝ serııa jýrnalıstıka. 2016 № 1 (36), ss. 37-45.
11. Mýkanova G.K. Obnost ıstorıı ı kýltýry Tsentralnoı Azıı: metodologııa ıssledovanııa margınalnyh oblasteı // «Otan tarıhy», 2015 № 4, c. 117 – 124.
12. Mýkanova G.K. Logıstıka kommýnıkatsıı Tsentralnoı Azıı: Kıtaı – Kazahstan – Iran. Istorııa ı sovremennost // “Naýka ı jızn Kazahstana”, 2016 №2 (36), s. 93 – 100.
13. Mýkanova G.K. Pýblıtsıstıka Smagýla Sadvokasova. Monografııa. – Almaty: «Qazaq ýıversıtetі», 2015. – 360 s.
14. Mýkanova G.K. Sotsıalnaıa jýrnalıstıka Kazahstana, pervaıa tret HH v. – Almaty: «Qazaq ýnıversıtetі», 2015 – 229 s. ISBN 7978-601-04-1274-3.
15. Mýkanova G.K. Natsııa v dvıjenıı: Kazahskaıa transgranıchnaıa mıgratsııa v kontekste mejdýnarodnyh otnoshenıı v Tsentralnoı Azıı (ser. HIH – HH vv.) 2-e ızd. – Almaty: «Qazaq ýnıversıtetі», 2018. – 20,2 p.l. (ISBN 978-601-04-0865-4)
16. Qabyldınov Z.E. Smaǵul Sádýaqasuly – belgіlі memleket jáne qoǵam qaıratkerі. // Kereı. kz aqparattyq tanymdyq portaly
17. Qabyldınov Z.E. Abyroı men Paryz. Chest ı dolg. – Almaty, 2015. – 592 s.
18. Kabýldınov Z.E. Astana: proshloe ı nastoıaee Knıga, Astana, IPTKA «Globýs» 2017. – 344 s.
19. Kabýldınov Z.E., Kaıypbaeva A.T.Istorııa Kazahstana (XVIII v.-1914 g.) Ýchebnık dlıa 8 klassa obeobrazovatelnoı shkoly. 2 ızdanıe, pererabotannoe. (Rekomendovan MON RK). Almaty: Atamura, 2016. – 316 b.
20. Qabyldınov Z.E. Qazaqstantarıhy. Hrestomatııa Jalpy bіlіm beretіn mekteptіń 8-synybyna arnalǵan hrestomatııa. (QR BǴM usynǵan). Almaty: Atamura, 2016. – 154 s.
21. Kabýldınov Z.E., Orazov R.E. Istorııa Kazahstana (nachalo XX v. -1945 g.)» Ýchebnoe posobıe dlıa 9(8) klassov obeobrazovatelnyh shkol. – Almaty: Atamura, 2019. – 112 s.
22. Qabyldınov Z.E., Shaımerdenova M.D., Kýrkeev E.M. Qazaqstan tarıhy (XX ǵasyrdyń basynan Ekіnshі dúnıejúzіlіk soǵys aıaqtalǵanǵa deıіn jalpy bіlіm beretіn mekteptіń 9 (8) – synybyna arnalǵan oqýlyq – Almaty: Atamura, 2019. – 192 b.
23. Býlgaýov Sh.T. Qazaqstandaǵy ult máselesіnіń zerttelýі // QazUÝ habarshysy. Tarıh serııasy. – 2014. №3(73). – Almaty 2014. №3(74)
24. Býlgaýov Sh.T. Keńestіk kezeńdegі Qazaqstandaǵy ult máselesі shetel zertteýshіlerіnіń eńbekterіnde // QazUPÝ. «Habarshysy». №1(44), 2015. 54-60 bb. 106-109 bb.
25. Býlgaýov Sh.T. Prisoners of war of the Triple Alliance within Kazakhstan (oryssha) // Bylye gody. – 2015. – Vol.35. Is.1. P.152-158.
26. Kozodoı V.I. Gýchkov Aleksandr Ivanovıch – ot rıadovogo dovoennogo mınıstra (0,5 p/l) // Gýmanıtarnye problemy voennogo dela. Voenno-naýchnyı jýrnal. Vypýsk № 1.- Novosıbırsk, 2014.
27. Kozodoı V.I. (v soavtorstve). Velıkaıa rýsskaıa revolıýtsııa: natsıonalnyı kontekst // Sbornık materıalov mejregıonalnoı naýchnoı konferentsıı «Mejnatsıonalnoe soglasıe kak faktor ınnovatsıonnogo razvıtııa regıona». -Novosıbırsk: SGGA, 2014.
28. Baıjýmanova Z.B. Aýyzsha tarıh: derektemelіk taldaý máselelerі. // «» elektrondyq ǵylymı jýrnaly, 2016. – № 3(07). (qosavtorlar – Júgenbaeva G.S., Qońqabaeva A.N., Burhanov B.B.)
29. Baıjýmanova Z.B. Kúreńbelge etno-tarıhı ekspedıtsııa // Elektrondyq jýrnal « /ru/publications/view/233
30. Baıjýmanova Z.B. Qazaqstandaǵy saıası ǵylymnyń qalyptasý tarıhy // II-shі A. Núsіpbekov oqýlary – Almaty: «Eltanym baspasy», 2014. 197-200 bb.
31. Baıjýmanova Z.B. Jarkent óńіrі tarıhynan // Otan tarıhy №2(66) 2014 j. 169-175 bb.