Grant financing projects for 36 months. (2021-2023)

Famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences (based on new archival and written sources)

Project Manager: M.M. Kozybayeva, PhD

Title of the project topic: “Famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences (based on new archival and written sources)”.

IRN of the project: AP09259227

Name of the priority direction of science development: 7. Research in the field of social sciences and humanities

The name of the specialized scientific direction in which the application is submitted, the type of research: 7.2 Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of humanities: 7.2.6 Seven facets of the Great Steppe: the heritage and origins of the spiritual modernization of society, the type of research – fundamental.

Estimated start and completion date of the project, its duration in months: 01.04.2021 – 31.12.2023

The idea of the project is to conduct a comprehensive study of the famine in 1921-1922 and its consequences based on archival, written and folklore sources. In order to implement the project, we plan to work in the central and regional archives and libraries of Kazakhstan and neighboring Russia, where a significant number of the starving population of Kazakhstan migrated.

The aim of the project is a comprehensive and systematic study of the mass famine on the territory of Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences based on the involvement of archival, written and folklore sources.

Project objectives:

– a thorough analysis of the available domestic and foreign scientific literature and published sources on the problem of hunger in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922;

– collection and systematization of archival sources, written sources, folklore works on the problem of mass famine of 1921-1922;

– analysis of the causes and course of mass famine in the designated region in relation to 1921-1922;

– study of the process of counteraction of local and central authorities (Kazakh Soviet autonomy in Orenburg) to mass famine;

– identification of the number of starving and starving citizens of the republic;

– identification of the number of Kazakhstanis who have migrated outside the districts of residence, including to the territory of neighboring Russian provinces

– study of the areas most affected by the famine of 1921-1922;

– study of the features of migration of the starving population outside the republic;

– analysis of the social and legal situation of Kazakhs who found themselves on the territory of neighboring provinces of Russia during the years of mass famine of 1921-1922;

– to show the process of returning hunger-seekers from neighboring regions of Russia;

– to study the process of employment and solving social problems of hunger-seekers who returned to the northern and north-eastern regions of Kazakhstan;

– to identify the negative processes of mass famine on the territory of Kazakhstan in 1921-1922;

– to conduct a comparative analysis of the famine in Kazakhstan with a similar famine in the RSFSR and the Turkestan ASSR;

– to identify the most effective aspects of the fight against the famine of 1921-1922 on the example of Kazakhstan.

Expected results: based on the results of the implementation of the tasks set, it is planned to publish a collective monograph on the history of the famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and its consequences, release a collection of archival and written sources. The main results of the research will be reflected in a number of domestic and foreign scientific journals, as well as published in a number of textbooks and textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan, the authors of which will be members of the research group. The consumer of the scientific results of this project will be archives, museums, universities, research institutes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

Research group:

Project Manager – Kozybayeva Mahabbat Malikovna, PhD, leading researcher, Acting Director of the branch of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology in Nur-Sultan. Author of more than 70 scientific articles published in domestic and foreign journals, co-author of 3 monographs. The direction and nature of the work – leading scientific researcher, project management and coordination, collection of archival materials on the studied issues in neighboring countries, preparation and publication of scientific articles, participation in the writing of a monograph and a collection of materials.

Link to the profile in Scopus: . url?AuthorID=55933887400.

Link to Web of Science profile: AAQ-9912-2020

Link to the profile in ORCID:

The main performers of the project

1. Kapaeva Aizhan Tokanovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, chief scientific researcher of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. The direction and nature of the work – chief scientific researcher, publication of scientific articles and participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.

2. Kudaibergenova Aizhamal Ibragimovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, chief scientific researcher of the Department of Historical Demography and APK of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov. The direction and nature of the work – chief scientific researcher, publication of scientific articles and participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.

3. Asanova Saltanat Amirgalievna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, leading scientific researcher of the Department of History of Kazakhstan of the XX century of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Direction and nature of work – leading scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of articles in scientific journals, participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.

4. Grivennaya Lyudmila Aleksandrovna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev. The direction and nature of the work – leading scientific researcher, collection of archival materials on the studied issues in domestic archives, preparation and publication of scientific articles, participation in writing a section of a monograph and a collection of archival documents, articles in the media.

5. Rauan Baydaly Zhomartuly – PhD, Acting Associate Professor, Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan of  Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov. The direction and nature of the work – leading scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the project topic, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of articles in highly rated scientific journals and participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.

6. Murzakhodzhaev Kuanysh – Master of History, project executor. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of articles in scientific journals and participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.

7. Konkabayeva Arailym – Master of History, project executor. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection of archival documents on the topic of the project, analysis and systematization of materials, publication of articles in highly rated scientific journals and participation in the preparation of a collection of archival documents and a collective monograph.

8. Bekenova Amagul Araphanovna – junior scientific researcher, Master of History. The direction and nature of the work – scientific researcher, collection and processing of archival and written materials on the studied issues for the preparation of a scientific article.

Information about the main publications of the project manager and members:

1. Kozybayeva M. “Alien Elements” in the Social Structure and Everyday Life of City Population in Northern Kazakhstan in the 1920s (as exemplified by Akmolinsk) // Life Science Journal. – 2014. – Vol.11 – Iss. 9 – P. 348-351. ISSN 1097-8135 SJR_2014: 0,161 (Scopus) – 0,7. (Coauthor Kabuldinov Z.Y.)

2. Kozybayeva M. City Family of North Kazakhstan in 1920-1930s. // The Anthropologist. International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. Volume 22, Number 3, December 2015. (Thompson Reuters). – 0,7 (Coauthor Kabuldinov Z.Y.)

3. Kozybayeva, M. M. Study of some subethnic and genealogical groups of Kazakhs in pre-revolutionary Russian historiography (XVIII – early XX century) // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 15, 2019 (Web of Science)

4. Kozybaeva M.M. Istorııa etnokýltýrnogo vzaımodeıstvııa v Severnom ı Severo-Vostochnom Kazahstane v kontekste ızýchenııa kazahstanskoı modelı natsıonalnogo edınstva // Úlken Altaı álemі – Mır Bolshogo Altaıa – World of Great Altay 5(3) 2019 s.458-469 DOI: 10.31551/2410-2725-2019-5-3 (RINTs) 0,4 (Mamytova S.N.)

5. Kozybaeva M.M. «Sotsıalno chýjdye elementy» v povsednevnoı jıznı gorodskogo naselenııa Severnogo Kazahstana vo vtoroı polovıne 1920-h godov // Vestnık Evrazııskogo natsıonalnogo ýnıversıteta ım. L.N. Gýmıleva. Serııa Gýmanıtarnye naýkı. – Astana, 2014 – №3 (100). Ch.1 – S.261-266. ISSN 1028-9364. – 0,3 (CQAES)

6. Kozybaeva M.M. Povsednevnaıa ı kýltýrnaıa jızn gorodskogo naselenııa Severnogo Kazahstana v 1920-1930-e gody (na prımere goroda Kýstanaıa). // Vestnık Evrazııskogo natsıonalnogo ýnıversıteta ım. L.N. Gýmıleva. Serııa Gýmanıtarnye naýkı. – Astana, 2014. №3 (100). Ch.2 – S.448-454. ISSN 1028-9364 – 0,5 (soavtor Maslov H.B.) (CQAES)

7. Kozybaeva M.M. Vlııanıe goloda 1921-1922 godov na povsednevnýıý jızn gorodskogo naselenııa Severnogo Kazahstana. // Vestnık Karagandınskogo ýnıversıteta. Serııa Istorııa. Fılosofııa. – Karagandy, 2014 – № 3(75)  S. 162-167. ISSN 0142-0843 – 0,3 (CQAES)

8. Kozybaeva M.M. Gorodskaıa semıa ı problemy sovetskogo obestva v 1920-1930-e gg. v kontekste ızýchenııa ıstorıı povsednevnostı gorodov Severnogo Kazahstana // Vestnık Evrazııskogo natsıonalnogo ýnıversıteta ım. L.N. Gýmıleva. Serııa Gýmanıtarnye naýkı. – Astana, 2015 – №2 (100). – S.344–350.  ISSN 1028-9364 – 0,4 (CQAES)

9. Kozybaeva M.M. Razvıtıe torgovlı ı ee rol v povsednevnoı jıznı gorodskogo naselenııa Severnogo Kazahstana v 1920-1930-e gg. // Vestnık gosýdarstvennogo ýnıversıteta ımenı Shakarıma goroda Semeı. –  2015 – №3 (71) – S. 222–225. – 0,4 (CQAES)

10. Kozybaeva M.M. Goroda Severnogo Kazahstana v sısteme admınıstratıvno-terrıtorıalnogo ýstroıstva respýblıkı v 1920-1930-e gg. v ramkah ızýchenııa ıstorıı povsednevnostı // Vestnık Evrazııskogo gýmanıtarnogo ınstıtýta. – 2015 – №4 – C.32-40. (CQAES)

11. Kozybaeva M.M. Qazaq ulttyq etnografııalyq kelbetіnіń aınasy. «Qazaqtyń etnografııalyq kategorııalar, uǵymdar men ataýlarynyń dástúrlі júıesі». 5 tomdyq ents. (Ǵyl. red. jáne joba jetekshіsі N. Álіmbaı. – Almaty: «Álem Damý Integratsııa» JShS, 2018). Syn-pіkіr // «» elektrondyq ǵylymı jýrnaly – 2019 – №1 (17) (Z.E. Qabyldınov, S.M. Borbasov) (CQAES)

12. Kozybaeva M.M. Osobennostı sotsıalno-ekonomıcheskogo polojenııa krestıanstva Severo-Kazahstanskoı oblastı v poslevoennyı perıod // Otan tarıhy. – 2020. – № 3 (91). – S. 150-131. (Qudaıbergenuly B.) (CQAES)

13. Kozybaeva M.M. Kontseptýalnoe pereosmyslenıe natsıonalnoı ıstorıı: vklad A. Kýzembaıýly v razvıtıe ıstorıcheskoı naýkı Kazahstana // Otan tarıhy. – 2020. – № 1 (89). – S. 58–72. (Abıl E.A.) (CQAES)

14. Kozybaeva M.M. Uly Otan soǵysy jyldaryndaǵy Pavlodar qalasy // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «» № 2(22), sáýіr-maýsym 2020 (B. Qudaıbergenuly, B.J. Kabdýshev) (CQAES)

15. Kozybayeva M.M. Methodological problems in the study of interaction between state and society in North Kazakhstan in 1920-1930 // Istorııa ı etnografııa tıýrkoıazychnogo naselenııa Zapadnoı Sıbırı ı sopredelnyh terrıtorıı. Cbornık materıalov mejdýnarodnogo krýglogo stola – Astana, 2013. – S.52–58

16. Grıvennaıa L.A. Neızvestnyı «Golodomor» (o golode 1921-1922 godov v Kazahstane). // «G.N. Potanın – ýchenyı, pýteshestvennık, obestvennyı deıatel: Rossııskaıa ıntellıgentsııa HIH veka ı problemy ıstorıı ı etnografıı kazahov»: materıaly mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı, posvıaennoı 170-letııý G.N. Potanına. –  Pavlodar: PGÝ ım. S. Toraıgyrova, 2005. – S.305-311.

17. Grıvennaıa L.A. Prodovolstvennaıa polıtıka ı antıkrestıanskıe repressıı Sovetskoı vlastı v Kazahstane (1918-ı -1921 gg.) // Vestnık KarGÝ. –  Serııa «Istorııa. Fılosofııa. Pravo». – №4. – Karaganda: KarGÝ ım. E. Býketova, 2005. –  S.6-18

18. Grıvennaıa L.A. Golodomor v kazahskoı stepı // Severnyı Kazahstan: oblastnaıa obestvenno-polıtıcheskaıa gazeta. – 30 maıa 2013 g. – S.4.

19. Grıvennaıa L.A. Bolshoı golod // Materıaly mejdýnarodnogo forýma v ramkah proekta «Pamıat vo ımıa býdýego», posvıaennogo Dnıý pamıatı jertv polıtıcheskıh repressıı, 30-31 maıa 2016 g., g. Jezgazgan. – 30-31 maıa 2017 g., g. Kyzylorda. – Astana, 2017. –S.131-136.

20. Asanova S.A. Istorıcheskıı narratıv kak ıstochnık formırovanııa ıdentıchnostı v sovremennom Kazahstane. // Istorıcheskaıa pamıat kak ıstochnık konstrýırovanııa kazahstanskoı ıdentıchnostı. Mat. 4-ı g. naých. – prakt. konf. Naýchno-ekspertnoı grýppy ANK g. Almaty (26 noıabrıa 2015 g., Dom Drýjby). – Almaty: IFPR KN MON RK, 2016. – 140 s. S. 35-39

21. Asanova S.A. Tıýrkskıe narody v ýslovııah sovetskoı modernızatsıı // Materıaly mejdýnarodnogo sımpozıýma: «Rol Tıýrkskogo mıra v dıaloge tsıvılızatsıı. (28-29 aprelıa 2009.g. Almaty). Almaty: MSOI. 2009. S.274-278.

22. Baidaly R.Zh. Civil and legal activities of the lawyer Turlybayev in Siberia at the beginning of the 20th century // Bylye Gody. – 2017. – Vol. 44, Is. 2. – P. 597-607 (Kabuldinov, Z., Aitmuhambetov, A.A., Nauryzbaeva, E.K.) DOI:10.13187 / bg.2017.2.597, ISSN: 2073-9745 E-ISSN: 2310-0028 – jýrnal ımeet protsentıl po CiteScore v baze Scopus – 87%

23. Baıdaly R. Dástúrlі qazaq qoǵamy men tulǵalardy zertteýshі // Qazaq tarıhy № 10 (177), 2019. – 17-19 b.

24. Baıdaly R. «Sozaq kóterіlіsі»// III Respýblıkanskaıa stýdencheskaıa naýchno-praktıcheskaıa konferentsııa, posvıaennaıa realızatsıı Prezıdenskoı programmy «Rýhanı jańǵyrý». – Karaganda, 2018. ISBN 978-9965-39-692-2.

25. Baıdaly R.1921-1922 jyldardaǵy Qostanaı óńіrіndegі ashtyq jáne onyń saldary // Qazaqstan – menіń Otanym = Kazahstan – moe Otechestvo: «Rýhanı jańǵyrý»Baǵdarlamasy aıasynda «Altyn ordanyń 750-jyldyǵyna» arnalǵan V Resp. stýd.ǵyl.-təjіr. konf. materıaldary. –  Qaraǵandy: QarMÝ baspasy, 2019. – 403 b. – Qazaqsha-oryssha. ISBN 978-9965-39-784-4

26. Konkabaeva A.N. HH ǵasyrdaǵy Mańǵystaý ólkesіnіń tarıhy estelіkter negіzіnde // Otan tarıhy.– 2017. – №4. – 131-136 bb.

27. Konkabaeva A.N. Aýyzsha tarıh: derektemelіk taldaý máselelerі // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «». – 2017 – №3 (07) view/ 500 (v soavtorstve Júgenbaeva G.S., Burhanov B.B.)

Key results for 2021

1. Analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature and published sources. Collection and systematization of archival sources, written sources, folklore works on the topic of the project.

A detailed analysis of the available domestic and foreign scientific literature and published sources on the problem of famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 was carried out, the collection and systematization of archival sources, written sources, folklore works on the topic of the project was carried out. Based on the study of the collections of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Academic Library and the Russian State Library, a bibliography of domestic and foreign literature on the problem of famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 was compiled, which included the works of Soviet historians who explained the causes of the disaster mainly by the consequences of war and drought (Polyakov Y.L., Henkin E.M.). These works were devoted to the aspect of the policy of the RCP (b) and state bodies in the fight against hunger. Agricultural economists of the 20s, based on the analysis of statistical data and censuses, concluded about the crisis in agriculture, which was the main cause of famine (S.M. Dubrovsky, B.N. Knipovich, N.D. Kondratiev, A.I. Khryashcheva, S.G. Strumilin, etc.). In the 50s in some works note that the cause of the famine lies in the wrong policy of the Soviet state, as a result of the conducted prodrazverstki there was a reduction in crops. The process of counteraction of local and central authorities (Kazakh Soviet autonomy in the city of Orenburg) mass famine is the basis of archival documents. Archival materials were collected in domestic archives: the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan (F. 5, 30, 82, 224, 1215), Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, (F. 139, 141, 142, 293, 666, 811, 813), The State Archive of Nur-Sultan (F. 104, 111, 112, 244, 246, 250, 270, 275) The State Archive of Aktobe region (F. R-1, P-3, P-69, P-517), the State Archive of Kostanay region (F. 620, 670), as well as foreign archives: The State Archive of the Russian Federation (F. P1064, P1065), the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (F. 62, op. 3, D. 694, 768), the Russian State Archive of Modern History (F. 3, op. 40, d. 63; op. 51, d. 6, 7, 8) in Moscow (RF). In the designated archives, rare materials have been identified about the organization of local and central authorities to help the hungry and combat the consequences of hunger. As a result of the analysis of the available literature and archival documents, conclusions were drawn about the causes of hunger. According to the results of the work in domestic and foreign archives, articles have been published on the Institute’s website:

2. Holding events:

A round table “Famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 in domestic and foreign scientific literature” was organized and held on September 21, 2021, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famine of the early 1920s, which was attended by foreign and patronymic scientists. During the round table, conceptual and methodological approaches to the study of the famine of 1921-1922 were considered, new archival sources on the causes, scale and consequences of the famine of 1921-1922 in Kazakhstan were shown, oral history as a narrative source about the famine time, an assessment of peasant uprisings during the famine in the early 1920s in scientific literature was given, the role of official authorities and charitable organizations in the fight against the famine of 1921-1922 in Russian and foreign historiography, etc. An electronic collection of materials has been prepared. (download link)

3. Participation in conferences:

1) Kozybaeva M.M. Golod 1921-1922 gg. ı ego posledstvııa // Mejdýnarodnyı onlaın-forým «Nezavısımost Respýblıkı Kazahstan: ıstorııa ı pamıat» v ramkah mejdýnarodnogo proekta «Tarıhtan taǵylym – ótkenge taǵzym» – «Pamıat vo ımıa býdýego». – Pavlodar, 31 maıa 2021 g.

2) Kýdaıbergenova A.I. Asharshylyq máselesіnіń statıstıkalyq málіmetterdegі kórіnіsі // «HH ǵ. 30-jyldardyń basynda Qazaqstandaǵy asharshylyq: qaıǵyly tarıh sabaqtary» atty respýblıkalyq onlaın-konferentsııa  materıaldary. – Almaty-Pavlodar,  27.05.2021 j.

3) Qudaıbergenova A.I. Sandar sóıleıdі: Qazaqstandaǵy asharshylyq máselesіndegі aqtańdaqtar // Mejdýnarodnyı naýchnyı semınar «Polıtıkodemografıcheskıe posledstvııa goloda v Kazahstane 20-30-e gg. HH v.», ENÝ ım. L.N. Gýmıleva, 11 maıa 2021 g.

4) Kýdaıbergenova A.I. Asharshylyqty zertteýdegі ózektі máseleler // Respýblıkanskıı krýglyı stol na temý: «Bejentsy golodomora 30-h godov HH veka v Kazahstane: novye ıstochnıkı ı ıssledovanııa». – Kostanaı, IIE ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, Kostanaıskaıa oblastnaıa ýnıversalnaıa naýchnaıa bıblıoteka ım. L.N. Tolstogo, 28 maıa 2021 g.

5) Grıvennaıa L.A. Tragedııa vekovoı davnostı: jertvy ı palachı» // Respýblıkanskaıa naýchno-praktıcheskaıa konferentsııa «Zabvenııý ne podlejat». – Ýst-Kamenogorsk, 31 maıa 2021 g.

6) Grıvennaıa L.A. Ýchastnıkı krestıanskogo protestnogo dvıjenııa s 1917 do seredıny 1930 goda // Krýglyı stol «Organızatsııa ı provedenıe raboty regıonalnoı komıssıı po voprosam «Polnoı reabılıtatsıı jertv polıtıcheskıh repressıı». – Petropavlovsk, «Severo-Kazahstanskıı ýnıversıtet ımenı M. Kozybaeva 31 maıa 2021 g.

7) Grıvennaıa L.A. Polıtıka «voennogo kommýnızma» v Kazahstane kak predtecha goloda nachala 1920-h godov // Vserossııskaıa naýchnaıa konferentsıı «Aktýalnye voprosy ıstorıı Sıbırı. Trınadtsatye naýchnye chtenııa pamıatı professora A.P. Borodavkına», Barnaýl, 7-8 oktıabrıa 2021 g.

8) Grıvennaıa L.A. «Golod nachala 1920-h godov v Kazahstane kak grımasa «voennogo kommýnızma» // Respýblıkanskoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Istorııa Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: ıssledovanııa ı problemy», organızýemoı v ramkah realızatsıı proekta programmno-tselevogo fınansırovanııa «Razrabotka akademıcheskogo ızdanııa «Istorııa Kazahstana s drevneıshıh vremen do nashıh dneı» v 7 tomah» po 6-mý tomý «Istorııa Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod (1917-1991 gg.)». – Almaty, Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 20 oktıabrıa 2021 g.

9) Kapaeva A.T. Prıchıny goloda 1921-1922 gg. v Kazahstane // Krýglyı stol «Golod v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah v otechestvennoı ı zarýbejnoı naýchnoı lıteratýre», posvıaennyı 100-letııý goloda nachala 1920-h godov. – Almaty, Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 21 sentıabrıa 2021 g.

10) Grıvennaıa L.A. «Bandıtızm» ılı «protest»: k voprosý o tendentsııah v osveenıı krestıanskıh voorýjennyh vystýplenıı nachala 1920-h godov v naýchnoı lıteratýre» // Krýglyı stol «Golod v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah v otechestvennoı ı zarýbejnoı naýchnoı lıteratýre», posvıaennyı 100-letııý goloda nachala 1920-h godov. – Almaty, Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 21 sentıabrıa 2021 g.

11) Asanova S.A. Sovetskaıa sıstema sotsıalnogo raspredelenııa v ýslovııah goloda 1921-1922 gg. // Krýglyı stol «Golod v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah v otechestvennoı ı zarýbejnoı naýchnoı lıteratýre», posvıaennyı 100-letııý goloda nachala 1920-h godov. – Almaty, Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 21 sentıabrıa 2021 g.

12) Kozybaeva M.M. Golod 1921-1922 godov v Severnom Kazahstane (po materıalam perıodıcheskoı pechatı) // Krýglyı stol «Golod v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah v otechestvennoı ı zarýbejnoı naýchnoı lıteratýre», posvıaennyı 100-letııý goloda nachala 1920-h godov. – Almaty, Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 21 sentıabrıa 2021 g.

13) Baıdaly R.J. 1921-1922 jj. Qostanaı gýbernııasyndaǵy asharshylyq // Krýglyı stol «Golod v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah v otechestvennoı ı zarýbejnoı naýchnoı lıteratýre», posvıaennyı 100-letııý goloda nachala 1920-h godov. – Almaty, Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 21 sentıabrıa 2021 g.

14) Konkabaeva A. 1921-1922 jyldardaǵy ashtyq kezіndegі juqpaly aýrýlardyń taraýy // Krýglyı stol «Golod v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah v otechestvennoı ı zarýbejnoı naýchnoı lıteratýre», posvıaennyı 100-letııý goloda nachala 1920-h godov. – Almaty, Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 21 sentıabrıa 2021 g.

4. Publication of the main research results

1) Publications in domestic publications recommended by the CQAES:

1) Qapaeva A.T. Keńes ókіmetіnіń «áskerı kommýnızm» jaǵdaıyndaǵy Qazaqstandaǵy azyq-túlіk saıasaty» / Otan tarıhy. – 2021. – № 4 (96) (v pechatı);

2) Qozybaeva M.M., Qudaıbergenova A.I., Baıdaly R.J. Qazaqstandaǵy 1921-1922 jyldardaǵy asharshylyq jáne onyń zardaptary (Soltústіk Qazaqstan materıaldary negіzіnde) // Otan tarıhy. – 2021. – № 4 (96) (v pechatı);

3) Konkabaeva A.N., Mýrzahodjaev K.M. Nekotorye aspekty goloda v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah: arhıvnyh dokýmentah ı pısmennyh materıalah // Otan tarıhy. – 2021. – № 4 (96) (v pechatı).

2) Publications in foreign publications (RSCI)

1. Asanova S.A. Social policy of Soviet power in conditions of famine of 1921-1922 in Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn. – 2021. – № 2 (106). – Pp. 83-90. (RSCI)

2. Kozybayeva M.M., Grivennaya L.A. The unknown famine of the early 1920s in the Kazakh steppe. // Bulletin of the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn. – 2021. – № 2 (106). – Pp. 91-99. (RSCI)

3. Kapaeva A.T. Famine in Kazakhstan 1921-1922 and the fight against epidemics // Bulletin of the Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyn. – 2021. – № 3 (107). ( in print) (RSCI)

3) Publications in domestic publications (RSCI):

  1. Asanova S.A. Maloızýchennye aspekty goloda 1921-1922 gg. v Kazahstane // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal «». – 2021. – № 3 (27). // (data obraenııa – 11.11.2021 g.) (RINTs)
  2. Kapaeva A.T. Prodovolstvennaıa polıtıka sovetskoı vlastı v Kazahstane v ýslovııah “voennogo kommýnızma” // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal « ». – 2021 god. – № 3 (27). // / pýblıkatsıı/prosmotr/1702. (data obraenııa – 11.11.2021 g.) (RINTs)
  3. Kozybaeva M.M. OSOBENNOSTI GOLODA 1921-1922 GODOV V KAZAHSTANE I EGO POSLEDSTVIIa // Elektronnyı naýchnyı jýrnal « ». – 2021 god. – № 3 (27). // . (data obraenııa – 11.11.2021 g.). (soavtor – Malabaev S.K.) (RSCI)

4) Publications in conference collections:

1) Asanova S.A. Maloızýchennye aspekty ıstorıı goloda 1921-1922 gg. v Kazahstane. // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo», 25 maıa 2021 g. – Almaty: Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – S. 30-37.

2) Grıvennaıa L.A. Krestıanskoe protestnoe dvıjenıe nachala 1920-h godov v Kazahstane kak «grımasa» polıtıkı «voennogo kommýnızma». // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo», 25 maıa 2021 g. – Almaty: Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – S. 49-54.

3) Kapaeva A.T. Sotsıalno-ekonomıcheskoe ı polıtıcheskoe polojenıe Kazahstana nakanýne goloda 1921-1922 godov. // Sbornık materıalov Mejdýnarodnoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Aktýalnye problemy agrarnoı ıstorıı Kazahstana v sovetskıı perıod: vlast ı obestvo», 25 maıa 2021 g. – Almaty: Instıtýt ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova, 2021. – S. 89-92.

4) Qozybaeva M.M. 1920-1930 jyldardaǵy Batys Sіbіrdegі qazaq turǵyndary arasyndaǵy májbúrlі kóshі-qon jіne qýǵyn-súrgіn. // Materıaly Respýblıkanskoı naýchno-praktıcheskoı konferentsıı «Golod nachala 30-h gg. XX veka v Kazahstane ı vynýjdennye mıgratsıı kazahov na sopredelnye terrıtorıı: problemy ıssledovanııa». – Almaty: Lıtera-M, 2021. – S. 93-100.

5) Mýrzahodjaev Q.M. 1921-1922 jj. Qazaqstandaǵy asharshylyq máselesіn zertteýde nazar aýdarýdy talap etetіn keıbіr máseleler (Aqtóbe oblysynyń memlekettіk arhıvіnіń qujattary negіzіnde) / «Q.-J.K. Toqaevtyń «táýelsіzdіk bárіnen qymbat» maqalasyn іs júzіnde júzege asyrý aıasynda «Sheteldіk aýdıtorııa úshіn Qazaqstannyń qysqasha tarıhyn ázіrleýdіń ózektіlіgі» atty Respýblıkalyq ǵylymı-praktıkalyq konferentsııa materıaldarynyń jınaǵy. – Almaty, 2021 – 45-52 b.

6) Mýrzahodjaev K.M. Nekotorye voprosy, trebýıýıe vnımanııa prı ızýchenıı problemy goloda v kazahstane 1921-1922 gg. (na osnove dokýmentov Gosýdarstvennogo arhıva Aktıýbınskoı oblastı) / Obestvennye naýkı v sovremennom mıre: polıtologııa, sotsıologııa, fılosofııa, ıstorııa. sb. st. po materıalam LI mejdýnar. naých.-prakt. konf. – M., Izd. «Internaýka», 2021. – № 10 (43). – S. 6-11.

5) Publications in the media:

  1. 1) Asanova S.A., Kapaeva, A.T. Naýchnaıa komandırovka v g. Nýr-Sýltan v ramkah proekta «Golod v Kazahstane v 1921-1922 godah ı ego posledstvııa (na osnove arhıvnyh ı pısmennyh ıstochnıkov» // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021. – 16 avgýsta. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
  2. 2) Mýrzahodjaev K.M. «Otandyq jáne sheteldіk ǵylymı ádebıettegі 1921-1922 jyldardaǵy Qazaqstandaǵy asharshylyq» atty dóńgelek ústel. // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch.Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021. – 21 sentıabrıa. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.).
  3. 3) Otandyq jáne sheteldіk ǵylymı ádebıettegі 1921-1922 jyldardaǵy Qazaqstandaǵy ashtyq. // Portal «Istorııa Kazahstana». – 2021. – 23 sentıabrıa. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.).
  4. 4) Kozybaeva M.M. Vyıavlenıe materıalov po golodý 1921-1922 godov v Kazahstane v fondah arhıvov g. Moskvy (RF) // Saıt Instıtýta ıstorıı ı etnologıı ım. Ch. Valıhanova. – 2021. – 24 oktıabrıa. // (data obraenııa – 10.11.2021 g.)
  5. 5) 1920 jyly Qazaqstanda halyq sany 5 mıllıonnan kem bolmaǵan // Egemen Qazaqstan. – 2021. – 25 qazan. // (data obraenııa – 11.11.2021 g.).