About the department of historical demography and the assembly of people of Kazakhstan

Department history

Department of Historical Demography and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan is one of the leading and important departments at the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology.

On December 5, 1994, according to order No. 21 of the C.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, in the structure of the Institute, there have been changes.  As a result of the reorganization of the Department of Socio-political life of Kazakhstan and the Department of Problems of Socio-economic history, three new departments were created. They are: 1) History of Kazakhstan in Soviet period; 2) Socio-economic and political problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan; and 3) Department of historical demography.

In 1994-1995, the position of head of the department was occupied by the corresponding member of NAS RK, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M.Kh. Asylbekov. The Department included candidates of historical sciences Yu. I. Romanov, A.Sh. Altayev, N.G. Pan, T.S. Kultayev, L.T. Balakayev, fellows S.T. Kaziev, K.T. Togybayev.

Also, in 1995, structural changes took place in the Institute of History and Ethnology. The Departments of Historical Demography and Modern History were grouped together. Subsequently, the Department of New History and Historical Demography of Kazakhstan was opened.

In 1995-2001, Corresponding member of NAS RK, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M. Kh. Asylbekov led the Department of New History and Historical Demography of Kazakhstan. During these years, candidates of historical sciences Yu.I. Romanov, A.Sh. Altayev, N.G. Pan, T.S. Kultayev, L.T. Balakayev, fellows S.T. Kaziev, K.T. Togybaev and A.I. Kudaibergenova worked in the department.

On June 10, 2007, as a result of the separation of the Department of Modern History and Historical Demography, the Department of Historical Demography and Social Processes was created. The candidate of historical sciences S.K. Rustemov became a head of the department.

The founder of the department Asylbek Malik-Aydar Khantemirovich is a famous scientist in Kazakhstan, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an honored worker in the field of science and technology of Kazakhstan, a doctor of historical sciences, a professor, the chief researcher of the institute.

M.-A.Kh. Asylbek was a leading scientist among the historians-demographers of Kazakhstan. He established his own scientific school in this area, and trained highly qualified scientific staff. Under his leadership, 12 doctors and 50 candidates of sciences defended.

After going through all the difficulties from a capable student to a wise teacher, academician M.-A.Kh. Asylbek made a contribution to the development of historical personalism, which has been gaining popularity in recent years in domestic historical science. By his management and direct participation, articles and monographs have been published, theses dedicated to the scientific heritage and activities of prominent Kazakh figures such as A. Bukeikhan, M. Tynyshpayev, T. Ryskulov and other, of famous scientific mentors like A.M. Pankratova, P.G. Galuso, S.B. Baishev, A.N. Nusupbekov, B.S. Suleimenov, T. Tazhibaev, B.A. Tolepbayev, G.F. Dachshleiger, R.B. Suleimenov, M.K. Kozybaev and Zh.K. Kasymbayev have been defended. M.-A.Kh. Asylbek is the author of 351 scientific works, of them 15 monographs.

On March 1, 2012, the Department of Historical Demography and Social Processes was renamed as «Population problems and historical personalities». Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher A.I. Kudaibergenova has become a head of those department.

A.I. Kudaibergenova is the author of 4 monographs, and more than 200 scientific papers. Under her leadership, 2 candidates of sciences, 1 PhD, 1 Master of History defended their theses.

In 2016-2017, A.I. Kudaibergenova with the support of the Eurasian Research Institute worked as the adviser of the international scientific-fundamental project «Meskhetin Turks of Kazakhstan: historical and demographic analysis».

Over the years, candidates of historical sciences K.M. Yerimbetova, A.S. Ualtayeva, K. Yensenov, Sh.A. Salimgereyeva, PhD T.A. Apendiyev, and researchers A.Zh. Abuov, A. Almaganbetova, K.A. Sarkenova and others have been worked in this division.

On April 30, 2019, the Department of Population Problems and Historical Personalism was transformed into the Department of Historical Demography and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Kudaibergenova A.I., she headed the department until December 31, 2019. At that time, the department employed six people: the head of the department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, senior teacher, chief researcher Kudaibergenova A.I.; Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, leading researcher A. Ualtayev; doctoral student, researcher Murzakhodzhayev K.M.; doctoral student, researcher Zhunussova B.N., master, researcher Omarova G.A. and junior researcher Yeshim Y.

Since January 5, 2020, PhD, leading researcher T.A. Apendiyev have become the head of the department. He is one of the students of the department founder, the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of historical sciences, professor Asylbek Malik-Aidar Khantemirovich.

Apendiyev T.A. is the author of 3 collective monographs, more than 50 scientific articles in domestic and international peer-reviewed journals indexed by Thomson Reuters and Scopus. He took an active part in various international and national scientific conferences. In addition, he is the editor of eight scientific journals of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which have been published since 1946 and distributed in 73 countries of the world.

Apendiyev T.A. is a winner of a state scholarship for young scientists in the field of science in 2018 and various awards, letters of thanks. In 2019, his name was included in the Golden Book encyclopedic collection of the Altyn Globus international educational-methodical, scientific-innovative Academy of the Development of Education, Science and Culture, dedicated to the best education and culture workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the Uzdik maman breastplate for excellent work and outstanding achievements in the professional sphere. From 2012 to 2016, he underwent scientific internships abroad (Turkey, Germany, Russia, etc.).

In 2017, he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic: «The German Diaspora in Kazakhstan, the beginning of the 19th century, the end of the 21st century (socio-demographic aspect)», scientific adviser was A. Kudaibergenova.


Research in the field of population, demography, socio-economic research. The staff of the department conducted fundamental research on the following topics:

– «The people and territory of Kazakhstan in the second half of the XVII century and the beginning . XXI century. (historical and demographic analysis)»;

– «Socio-demographic development of Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX century and in the beginning. XXI century», «Repressed» census (Based on the results of the All-Union Population Census of 1937 and 1939: results and lessons);

– «Formation and development of the multiethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan (the second half of the XIX – early XXI centuries)»;

– In 2015-2016, a research work on the topic «Turkic peoples of Kazakhstan: historical and demographic analysis (late XIX century – early XXI century)” was carried out in the priority direction “People in the flow of history»;

– «ALJIR: the history of the fate of the wives of traitors to the motherland (1938-1953)» and on the topic of the «Program-targeted financing» «History and culture of the Great Steppe»;

– «Meskhetian Turks of Kazakhstan: Historical and demographic analysis (2016-2017)» under the supervision of the Eurasian Research Institute;

– «Cities of Kazakhstan in the 20-30s of the XX century as a socio-cultural phenomenon: ethno-demographic and socio-cultural development» (2023-2025).

Publishing activities

The department research team presented results to the scientific community in the form of monographs.

Monographs issued by the Department:

– The population of Kazakhstan under the All-Inclusive Transition of the population in 1939. In 5th tomakh / members: Asylbekov M. H., Yensenov K. A., Kudaibergenova A. I., Omarova G. A., Salimgereeva Sh.A., Ualtayeva A. S. and others. Volume 1. – Almaty: Arys, 2009. – 400 р.

– Asylbekov M. Kh., Kozina V. V. Narodonaseniya Kazakhstan under the conditions of sovereignty. – Almaty: historical studies, 2010. – 152 P.

– Kudaibergenova A. I. historical demographic aspect of migration processes in Kazakhstan (1917-1991). – Almaty: Eltanym, 2011. – 416 р.

– Ualtayeva A. S. population of small cities of Kazakhstan. – Alma-Ata: Veretelnikov publ., 2011. – 210 р.

– Asylbek M-A. H., Niyazhankyzy G. migration of the population of independent Kazakhstan: (1991-2010). – Ust-Kamenogorsk; EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev, 2013. – 156 р.

– Asylbek M. A., Asylbekova zh.m. socio-demographic development of the population of Kazakhstan in 1926-1939. – Almaty: Kazakh university, 2016. – 146 P.

– Asylbekov M. H., Kudaibergenova A. I. socio-demographic situation of the population of Kazakhstan (1939-1959). – Almaty: Civilization, 2005.

– Kudaibergenova A. I. historical demographic aspect of migration processes in Kazakhstan (1917-1991):-Almaty: Eltanym, 2011. – 416 р.

– Turkic peoples in Kazakhstan: ethnodemographic analysis (late XIX – early XXI centuries) // authors: Kudaibergenova A. I., Ualtayeva A. S., Sarkenova K. A., Murzakhodzhaev K. M. Almagambetova A. – Almaty: Institute of history and Ethnology named after sh. sh. Ualikhanov, 2016. – 171 р.

– Kudaibergenova A. I. Turks in Kazakhstan: a historical and demographic study. Almaty-Ankara, 2017. – 217 р. (co-authored with K. A. Sarkenova).

Scientific, organizational and methodological work

Our department’s stuff are engaged in the publication of the scientific journal «Otan Tarikhy», issued by the Institute. The founder and publisher of the journal is the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology KN MES RK. The magazine has been published since 1998. The journal was registered by the Ministry of Information and Public Consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 09.03.98. Registration certificate: No. 158-zh dated 09.03.98.The publication of articles in the journal includes scientific works of both fundamental and applied nature on topical issues of history, source studies, historiography, archeology, ethnology, anthropology, culture of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.